... Appendix A: ABAP List Viewer (ALV) ABAP List Viewer: Cost Versus Benefit Analysis ABAP List Viewer: Cost Versus Benefit Analysis Before taking advantage of the features of ALV, developers may want ... bar is blank In addition, the data in the list is “dead” which means that data listed cannot be used for any further data retrieval It is essentially a “data-dump.” Among other things, there are ... EVENTCAT_LN-NAME = 'TOP_OF_PAGE' A 12 Reporting Made Easy Appendix A: ABAP List Viewer (ALV) Sample Code Using ALV (Release 4.0B) EVENTCAT_LN-FORM = 'PAGE_HEADER' APPEND EVENTCAT_LN TO EVENTCAT ENDFORM...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Appendix A
... TẬP ORACLE Các đặc trưng Data Access Object? Các đặc trưng DAO: • Bạn phải mua Data Access Objects, version 3.51, version hành code 32-bit Tuy nhiên, dạng 16-bit để chạy Visual Basic hay version ... trưng ADO? Các đặc trưng ADO • ADO có sẵn dạng 32-bit • Version hành ADO 2.0 phát hành với Visual Basic • ADO khiến code client nhẹ nhàng thích hợp để phát triển Web, tiêu chuẩn Active Server Page ... Page • ADO có đối tượng Connection cho phép bạn tạo kết nối qua Recordset hay đối tượng Command • ADO truy xuất nhanh Oracle, đặc biệt với provider khiết OLE-DB Một cursor forward-only, read-only...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:50
Unit 5: ILLITERACY. A- Reading
... 4-b 5 -a TASK 2: Which of choice A, B, C, or D most adequately sum up the whole passage? - Ask Ss to read carefully the main idea in task - Ask Ss to read the passage again and choices A, B, C, ... read the passage - answer the questions - work in pairs and check the answers - AFTER YOU READ (10) read the main carefully read the passage work in pairs and check the answers give answers listen ... in pairs and check the answers - asks Ss to give the answers - corrects the mistakes TASK 3: Answer the question - Have Ss read the questions carefully - Asks Ss to read the passage again - Have...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27
unit 12: Films and Cinema. A-reading
... A Introduction Can you name some films you have seen recently? Giai Cuu Than Chet 3.Titanic sing 2.Kungfu Panda Owl and Sparrow Lord of the B Have a look at the two films, ... Films and Cinema A - reading Unit 13: Films and Cinema Part A: Reading A New words Sequence / 'si;kwJns / noun: a set of events, actions, numbers, etc Set in 'motion: to start sth moving ... word in the passage that can match the definition on right column cinema sequence series of related events or actions decade a period of ten years rapidly quickly and in a short time...
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2013, 01:25
... Class 10 UNIT 1: A DAY IN A LIFE OF… Class 10 UNIT 1: A DAY IN A LIFE OF… READING SPEAKING LISTENING WRITING LANGUAGE FOCUS Class 10 UNIT 1: A DAY IN A LIFE OF… LESSON A: READING D A I L ... work A talk in friendly way B learn C to prepare C discuss We are contented with what we A satisfied with B disappointed with C interested in Scan the passage and make a brief note about Mr Vy and ... option A, B, C, or D that best suits the italicized word(s) The alarm goes off at 4:30 A goes wrong B goes away A rings It takes me 45 minutes to get ready A to go B to wake up We chat about our...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 02:10
... SCHOOL TALK Lesson A: Reading Look at the picture and answer the following questions Can you guess What what they are are they talking about? doing? • Sports and • Holidays games • Films • Entertainmen ... as Maths, Physics, Chemistry… score Why does he want to learn English? Because it is an international language score What does Miss Phuong say about her teaching profession? She says that teaching ... entertainment hobbies health problems fashion films SCHOOL TALKS Unit READING SUBJECTS Chemistry Geography English (an international language) … STUDENTS TEACHERS English teacher Maths teacher...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 12:10
... opposed to C satisfied with D worried about It can be inferred from the second paragraph of the reading passage that has been…………… A a change in the parents’ attitude towards the class B a lot of ... only has children T F T F F TASK 1: Matching The words in A appear in the reading passage Match them with their definitions in B A Mentally retarded Disabled Time-consuming Demonstration Gradually ... Finger Arm Deaf Which schools in Viet Nam are used for disabled students? Nguyen Dinh Chieu school, Xa Dan school… a teacher in a special class Vocabulary Dumb (adj): Proper schooling (n): Make...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:10
... opposed to C satisfied with D worried about It can be inferred from the second paragraph of the reading passage that has been…………… A a change in the parents’ attitude towards the class B a lot of ... only has children T F T F F TASK 1: Matching The words in A appear in the reading passage Match them with their definitions in B A Mentally retarded Disabled Time-consuming Demonstration Gradually ... Finger Arm Deaf Which schools in Viet Nam are used for disabled students? Nguyen Dinh Chieu school, Xa Dan school… a teacher in a special class Vocabulary Dumb (adj): Proper schooling (n): Make...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:10
... it is capable of doing almost everything we want A: Has it got any disadvantages ? B : Yes Such as it can harm our eyes C A computer can help us visit anywhere we want It’s also capable of ... doing almost everything we want but it can harm our eyes It is capable of doing anything you ask It can speed up calculations It can manage large / collection of data It can type and print any ... is a miraculous device because it is capable of doing almost anything you ask it to • -It is a calculating machine which speeds up calculations • - It is an electronic storage device which manages...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 01:10
... interesting At first, we wanted to travel to Thay Pagoda because it is only over 20 kilometres away, and we could go on a day excursion However, only today have we learnt that the caves near Thay Pagoda ... WHAT AND WHERE IS THIS? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN THERE? UNIT 6: Lesson 1: Reading WARM UP Game - WHO IS the quickest ? Look at the famous places and match each place with its name NHA TRANG BEACH HA ... classmates will at Huong Pagoda The students decided to go on an excursion because they wanted to…… A understand their geography B relax after work C have a campfire D A and B D The students have...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2013, 00:10
... WHAT AND WHERE IS THIS? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN THERE? UNIT 6: Lesson 1: Reading WARM UP Game - WHO IS the quickest ? Look at the famous places and match each place with its name NHA TRANG BEACH HA ... LONG BAY DA LAT CITY HOI AN ANCIENT TOWN HUONG PAGODA PHONG NHA CAVE A B C D E F BEFORE YOU READ Pair work Match the photos with the information, and then tell each other which of the places you ... One-Pillar Pagoda a It was built in 1049, in the shape of a lotus Ha Long Bay b It’s a picturesque site, a wonder of the world, 165 kilometres from Hanoi Da Lat City c It’s a mountain resort (altitude:...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2013, 00:10
... ca -portrait (n) : chân dung -guest (n) : khách mời A 1.Cartoon B a A film or a TV programme giving facts about something b A play for the theatre, TV 2.Drama or radio c A film or a play that ... listen watch read The most popular 1.When you often watch TV ? 2.How many channels are there on our national TV 3.How many hours per week you watch TV ? How many programmes are there ... funny, usually with a happy ending 4.Documentary d A film made by photographing a series of changing drawings 1.There are news programmes on T the channels 2.There is a comedy programme on between...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 08:10
unit 2- A.reading
... love • money • parents’ approval • a nice house/flat • a good job Have you ever attended a wedding ? • good health Which of the following factors is the most important for a happy life? Why?...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2013, 01:10
... SCHOOL TALK Lesson A: Reading Look at the picture and answer the following questions Can you guess What what they are are they talking about? doing? • Sports and • Holidays games • Films • Entertainmen ... as Maths, Physics, Chemistry… score Why does he want to learn English? Because it is an international language score What does Miss Phuong say about her teaching profession? She says that teaching ... entertainment hobbies health problems fashion films SCHOOL TALKS Unit READING SUBJECTS Chemistry Geography English (an international language) … STUDENTS TEACHERS English teacher Maths teacher...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 07:10
... last Saturday? - The representative of three classes of the (speaker’s) school took part in the annual final English Competition last Saturday What was the aim of the competition? - Its aim was ... awarded a set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s TASK 3: Read the passage again and complete the sentences 1.In activity 5, Hung was unable to recite/ complete the poem Having ... 4.c 5.b 6 .a 1.Represen- a Without problems or difficulties tatives b.Enthusiasm and energy 2.Annual c Altogether or as a total 3.Stimulate d .A person chosen or appointed on behalf of another person...
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 16:10
Appendix A Quick Reference
... but not all Table A- 5 summarizes the features available in each compilation mode Table A- 5 Features Available in Various Compilation Modes Feature Native Mixed Pure Safe Define and use native types ... of V Assume i, j, and k are integer fields or local variables, s is a handle to String, and is a one-dimensional managed array of integers Assume Base and Derived are reference classes in an inheritance ... // Declare array of value types but don't create it array^ valueArray; // Declare and create 1D array of integers with size // determined by given initial values array^ = gcnew array...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:20
Insert Node to a Linked List
... linked lists may prove advantageous 64 Linked List In Array There are two linked lists in array: • One (head) manages used entries • Another (available) manages empty entries (have been used or not ... (val DataIn ) // For ordered list Inserts a new node in a singly linked list Pre DataIn contains data to be inserted Post If list is not full, DataIn has been inserted; otherwise, list ... field 44 Search Algorithm for Auxiliary Function in Class • Public method Search of List ADT: Search (ref DataOut ) Can not return a pointer to a node if found • Auxiliary function...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:20
bài 5 a.reading
... What will happen if more people take part in the struggle against illiteracy? Task 3: What was the rate of literacy in Vietnam in 2000? → 94% of the population Task 3: What campaign was started by ... rates in Vietnam C Ethnic minority students’ education programme D The fight against illiteracy Task 3: Answer the questions: What was the rate of literacy in Vietnam in 2000? What campaign was ... techniques family planning Task 2: Task 2: Which of the choices A, B, C, D most adequately sums up the whole passage? A The programme of “ Universalisation of Primary Education” in Viet Nam B Illiteracy...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:11
GCSE reading list
... traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino holidays as well as holidays from the United States Hawaii is known as the Aloha State “Aloha” means “hello”, “goodbye”, and “I love you” in Hawaiian Câu ... asks the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test Classes at an American college are usually organized through lectures For example, a student may ... NOT true? A Captain Cook came to Hawaii in 1778 B All Hawaiian people have come from Asia C Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean, 3,700 kilometres from Los Angeles D Hawaii is the fiftieth state of the...
Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 12:11