analyzing sociotechnical networks a spectrum perspective

Optical networks a practical perspective 3rd edition

Optical networks a practical perspective 3rd edition

... and Vendors Monique Morrow and Kateel Vijayananda Telecommunications Law in the Internet Age Sharon K Black Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective, 3e Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N Sivarajan, and ... spanning at most a few kilometers are called local-area networks (LANs); those that span a campus or metropolitan area, typically tens to a few hundred kilometers, are called metropolitan-area networks ... Networks: An Information Processing Approach Feng Zhao and Leonidas Guibas Communication Networking: An Analytical Approach Anurag Kumar, D Manjunath, and Joy Kuri The Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2014, 12:45

928 899 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 86 pdf

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 86 pdf

... 161 variable optical attenuator (VOA), 213 Vernier effect, 231 vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), 173-174 advantages, 173 drawbacks, 173 tunable, 180-181 two-dimensional array, ... 324-325 scrambling, 241 advantage of, 241 SONET standard, 274 SDH networks, 12, 278, 364 basic signal rate, 367 channel layer, 543 extra traffic support, 546 high-reliability services, 366 management ... Spanke architecture, 205-206 illustrated, 206 nonblocking, 205 826 INDEX Spanke-Bene~ architecture, 207 spatial dilation, 305 drawbacks, 305 illustrated, 306 spatial reuse, 551,555 spatial walk-off...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

13 396 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 1 ppsx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 1 ppsx

... see that Ramaswami and Sivarajan have reorganized and updated their outstanding 1998 traversal of this fascinating and important field and have done so in a way that accurately portrays what is ... Wittmann and Martina Zitterbart MPLS: Technology and Applications Bruce Davie and Yakov Rekhter High-Performance Communication Networks, 2e Jean Walrand and Pravin Varaiya Computer Networks: A Systems ... trademarks In all instances in which Morgan Kaufmann Publishers is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or all capital letters Readers, however, should contact the appropriate...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 378 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 2 doc

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 2 doc

... fascinating in itself based on a medium with thousands of gigabits of capacity yet so small as to be almost invisible, transmitters no larger than a grain of salt, amplifiers that amplify vast ... authors have captured what is going on and what is going to be going on in this field in a completely up-to-date treatment unavailable elsewhere I learned a lot from reading it and expect that ... optical networking would be a roaring success or disappear into the annals of "whatever happened to " stories of technology that had once sounded great on paper, but that had somehow never panned...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 274 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 3 pptx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 3 pptx

... a large amount of new material, and removed some material that is not as relevant to practical optical networks We have also updated the references and added some new problems The major changes ... also computing the detailed mesh network design example, Tapan Kumar Nayak for computing the lightpath topology design example, Parthasarathi Palai for simulating the EDFA gain curves, and Rajeev ... Johnstone, Alan Repech, George Stewart, Suresh Subramaniam, Eric Verillow, and Martin Zirngibl In addition, we would like to acknowledge Bijan Raahemi, Jim Refi, Krishna Thyagarajan, and Mark R Wilson...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 315 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 5 potx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 5 potx

... provides a "pipe" with a certain amount of bandwidth to the layer above it The physical layer may be optical, wireless, or coaxial or twisted-pair cable The next layer above is the data link layer, ... (virtual circuits) and is capable of providing a variety of quality-of-service guarantees Packets in ATM are called cells and are of fixed length (53 bytes) ATM is being used by many carriers as a ... take in N data streams, each of B b/s, and multiplex them into a single fiber with a total aggregate rate of NB b/s high-speed streams are transmitted over a fiber As we will see in Chapters and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 401 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 6 pdf

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 6 pdf

... specified, and the service may accept data at any bit rate and any protocol format within these limits It may also be able to carry analog data Transparency in the network provides several advantages An ... frequency spacing A f and the wavelength spacing A) ~ as r Af ) ~A) ~ This relationship is accurate as long as the wavelength (or frequency) spacing is small compared to the actual channel wavelength ... physical layer is a complex task with a variety of parameters to be taken into consideration For this reason, it is very difficult to build and operate a network that can support analog as well as...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 422 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 7 pdf

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 7 pdf

... transmission has been all about how to transmit data at the highest capacity over the longest possible distance and is remarkable for its rapid progress What is equally remarkable is the fact that researchers ... commercially viable EDFAs spurred the deployment of a completely new generation of systems A major advantage of EDFAs is that they are capable of amplifying signals at many wavelengths simultaneously ... distributed-feedback (DFB) laser A DFB laser is an example of a single-longitudinal mode (SLM) laser An SLM laser emits a narrow single-wavelength signal in a single spectral line, in contrast to MLM lasers...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 302 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 8 potx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 8 potx

... frontiers has focused on (1) transmitting terabits-per-second aggregate traffic across transoceanic distances with individual channel data rates at 10 or 20 Gb/s [Cai01, Bak01, VPM01], or 40 Gb/s channel ... [HSS98] A. M Hill, A A M Saleh, and K Sato, editors IEEE JSAC" Special Issue on High-Capacity Optical Transport Networks, volume 16, Sept 1998 [Ish83] H Ishio Japanese field trials and applications ... optical networks in this chapter: first-generation networks and second-generation networks First-generation networks use optical fiber as a replacement for copper cable to get higher capacities...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 357 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 9 ppt

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 9 ppt

... different propagation speeds for different modes has an analog in the geometrical optics approach We can think of a "mode" as one possible path that a guided ray can take Since the path lengths are different, ... wave theory approach The wave theory is more general and is applicable for all values of the fiber radius The ray theory is an approximation that holds when the optical wavelength is much smaller ... the wave number, the propagation constant is kn Thus for a wave propagating purely in the core, the propagation constant is knl, and for a wave propagating only in the cladding, the propagation...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 379 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 10 doc

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 10 doc

... main loss mechanisms in an optical fiber are material absorption and Rayleigh scattering Material absorption includes absorption by silica as well as the impurities in the fiber The material absorption ... orthogonally polarized Since the wave equations are linear, any linear combination of these two linearly polarized fields is also a solution and thus a fundamental mode The state of polarization (SOP) ... optical fiber is its core, which has a circular cross section The propagation of light in waveguides can be analyzed in a fashion similar to that of propagation in optical fiber In the ray theory...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 263 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 11 ppsx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 11 ppsx

... have a chromatic dispersion of at most 3.3 ps/nm-km in the 1.55 #m wavelength range and typically zero dispersion at 1550 nm A large fraction of the installed base in Japan is DSE Recall that ... shows the same pulse after it has propagated a distance of only 0.4T2/j,821 along the fiber The amount of broadening can be seen to be about the same as that of the unchirped Gaussian pulse, but ... convenient to use an effective cross-sectional a r e a A e (see Figure 2.15), related to the actual area A and the cross-sectional distribution of the fundamental mode F(r, 0), as [fr fo Ae - IF(r,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 302 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 12 pdf

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 12 pdf

... numerical examples we compute Pulses used in optical communication systems have finite temporal widths, and hence are not monochromatic They are also not plane waves~that is, they have a transverse ... ~ | , , -0"5 r a d / ~ , (c) Figure 2.19 The phase (a) , instantaneous frequency (b), and chirp (c) of an initially unchirped Gaussian pulse after it has propagated a distance L = L NL 2L o)(r) ... polarization at 3co0 has a propagation constant 3fi0, where/30 = fl(oo0) is the propagation constant at the angular frequency coo In an ideal, dispersionless fiber, I3 = tonic, where the refractive...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 306 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 13 pptx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 13 pptx

... numerical example We assume that each of the optical signals at coi, coj, and co~ has a power of mW and the effective cross-sectional area of the fiber is Ae = 50 # m We also assume coi ~ coj so that ... Chapter 5, in addition to having a small value, it is important to have a small slope (versus wavelength) for the chromatic dispersion Having a small slope reduces the spread in the accumulated ... fiber Another trade-off is that a large effective area also reduces the efficiency of distributed Raman amplification (see Sections 2.4.3 and 5.8.3) A typical refractive index profile of LEAF is...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 304 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 14 pps

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 14 pps

... with initial width To after it has propagated a distance z 2.9 Show that an unchirped Gaussian pulse launched at z - remains Gaussian for all z but acquires a distance-dependent chirp factor K(z) ... to play off dispersion and nonlinearities against each other to achieve high-bit-rate, ultra-long-haul transmission 102 PROPAGATION OF SIGNALS IN OPTICAL FIBER Further Reading The propagation ... S.D Miller and I P Kaminow, editors Optical Fiber Telecommunications II Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1988 [Nak00] M Nakazawa et al Ultrahigh-speed long-distance TDM and WDM soliton transmission...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 382 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 15 potx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 15 potx

... signals propagating from right to left Therefore, the combination of the Faraday rotator and the half-wave plate converts the horizontal polarization into a vertical polarization and vice versa, ... for a particular state of polarization of the input signal which have the property of selectively absorbing light with one SOP The polarizer is followed by a Faraday rotator A Faraday rotator ... filters are cascaded in a WDM system, the passband becomes progressively narrower To ensure reasonably broad passbands at the end of the cascade, the individual filters should have very flat passbands,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 284 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 16 pptx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 16 pptx

... assumed to be far away from the grating plane compared to the grating pitch We also assume that the slits are small compared to the wavelength so that the phase change across a slit is negligible ... operation of a transmission grating The reflection grating works in an analogous manner The path length difference between rays diffracted at angle Oa from adjacent slits is A B - C D = a[ sin(Oi) ... 27r A' where A is the period of the grating In a Bragg grating, energy from the forward propagating mode of a wave at the right wavelength is coupled into a backward propagating mode Consider a...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 296 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 17 potx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 17 potx

... features that make it attractive for system applications It is possible to have a very flat top on the passband and very sharp skirts The device is extremely stable with regard to temperature variations, ... COMPONENTS tag0 Stage Stage Stage All stages cascaded _ _ _ _ ~ ~0/~ Figure 3.22 ~ Transfer functions of each stage of a multistage MZI Assume that the difference between these path lengths is AL and ... ~m bands Narrow band MZI filters are fabricated by cascading a number of stages, as we will see, and this leads to larger losses In principle, very good crosstalk performance can be achieved using...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 327 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 19 ppsx

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 19 ppsx

... these amplifiers are usually realized as separate devices, rather than as a single device In a practical system application, the C- and L-band wavelengths on a fiber are first separated by a demultiplexer, ... optical signal to an electrical signal, cleans it up, and converts it back into an optical signal for onward transmission Optical amplifiers offer several advantages over regenerators Regenerators ... that affect signals propagating through optical fiber The same nonlinearity can be exploited to provide amplification as well As we saw in Figure 2.17, the Raman gain spectrum is fairly broad and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 236 0
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 20 pot

Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 20 pot

... 3.4 Optical Amplifiers 161 gain variations average out, and by the time the signal exits the fiber, it has seen a constant gain Another major concern with Raman amplifiers is crosstalk between ... optical amplifiers (SOAs) actually preceded EDFAs, although we will see that they are not as good as EDFAs for use as amplifiers However, they are finding other applications in switches and wavelength ... ends of the cavity are plane and parallel to each other Thus the gain medium is placed in a Fabry-Perot cavity (see Section 3.3.5) Such an optical amplifier is called a Fabry-Perot amplifier The...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:21

10 197 0