an outright gift model for tissue donation



... on Tissue Banking 23 BAC - An outright gift model for tissue donation 24 Recommendation on Governance and regulations 26 Where are we now in terms of Biobank governance? ... regulation and supervision of research tissue banking, and that institutions must have transparent and appropriate systems, and standards for the ethical, legal and operational governance of research tissue ... regulate and supervise all human tissue research in Singapore, and institutions and companies carrying out human tissue research and banking, are not transparent with their safeguards and there...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:33

294 426 0
National Framework and recommendations for better local governance in Vietnam

National Framework and recommendations for better local governance in Vietnam

... liên quan tới người dân, doanh nghiệp; Cải cách tổ chức máy hành nhà nước a) Tiến hành tổng rà soát vị trí, chức năng, nhiệm vụ, quyền hạn, cấu tổ chức biên chế có Bộ, quan ngang Bộ, quan thuộc ... biên chế có Bộ, quan ngang Bộ, quan thuộc Chính phủ, Ủy ban nhân dân cấp, quan chuyên môn thuộc Ủy ban nhân dân cấp tỉnh, cấp huyện, quan, tổ chức khác thuộc máy hành nhà nước trung ương địa phương ... tin hoạt động quan hành nhà nước b) Ứng dụng công nghệ thống tin xử lý quy trình công việc nội quan hành c) Công bố danh mục dịch vụ hành công môi trường mạng thông tin điện tử quan hành nhà nước...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:05

17 587 1
International consensus recommendations on the aesthetic usage of botulinum toxin type A (Speywood Unit) – part II: wrinkles on the middle and lower face, neck and chest pdf

International consensus recommendations on the aesthetic usage of botulinum toxin type A (Speywood Unit) – part II: wrinkles on the middle and lower face, neck and chest pdf

... performed non-invasive cosmetic procedures BoNT-A blocks the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is essential for neuromuscular transmission.1 Therefore, injection of BoNT-A can ... Azzalure and Dysport are quantified in Speywood Units (s.U) and are therefore collectively referred to as BoNT-A (Speywood Unit) Dysport is available in two different quantities (500 s.U and 300 ... 10–20 10–20 60 for Caucasians and 120 for Asians 4–12 10 10–20 Total dose (s.U) Perpendicular injections of at least mm deep Very superficially intramuscular injections on the bands with horizontal...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

11 773 1
báo cáo khoa học: " Translating global recommendations on HIV and infant feeding to the local context: the development of culturally sensitive counselling tools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Translating global recommendations on HIV and infant feeding to the local context: the development of culturally sensitive counselling tools in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania" doc

... breastfeeding and giving colostrum Information transfer, presenting personally relevant information, content and images of breastfeeding brochure Information transfer, personally relevant information, ... HIV and infant feeding and related generic counselling tools to the local social and cultural context of infant feeding and HIV in the Kilimanjaro Region of northern Tanzania Because infant feeding ... health reasons for not breastfeeding (all FGDs) Commercial infant formula FGDs indicated that infant formula was not considered the best way to feed an infant and was too expensive for most people...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:22

14 545 1
policy and recommendations on administrative management of foreign labor bases for capability building of domestic labor

policy and recommendations on administrative management of foreign labor bases for capability building of domestic labor

... motivation in management methods and management tools; the basics of organization and management systems, information and management decisions and labor management, staff management In this book, the ... migrants and alternatives to migrants in the context of Thai labor force and labor market trends + An analysis of efforts to regularize the status of unauthorized migrants + Suggestions for linking ... employer b Subscribe and statistics, providing information on supply and demand and the volatility of supply and demand of foreign workers This activity provides information on foreign labor have...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2014, 18:13

139 189 0


... accessories, and style that form our appearance Fourthly, “touch is an important vehicle for conveying warmth, comfort, and reassurance.” (Bovée, Thill, and Schatzman 32) It can also be an expression ... More and more foreign companies and organizations have been sprung up like mushroom Therefore, communication skills with foreign counterparts play an important role in enhancing the efficiency and ... work with foreigners For the convenience of time use and data analysis, the eligible participants for the study are Vietnamese and working in a foreign company or organization in Hanoi Additionally,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2016, 17:36

90 681 0
The Turning World Globalisation and Governance at the Start of the 21st Century docx

The Turning World Globalisation and Governance at the Start of the 21st Century docx

... users and the people so that they recognise and accept them as an entity concerned for and working for the general interest, the common good and therefore as useful and necessary for each and every ... human, material and financial resources Conclusion A rapid overview of the challenges and changes in Africa public administrations reveals one constant: the permanent quest for a "formula" for ... static concept, it grows and is enriched as the State itself is transformed and the government and administration process its transformation Thus, for analytical purposes, we can identify the different...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

126 462 0
Administrative Law and Governance in Asia pptx

Administrative Law and Governance in Asia pptx

... twelve Asian countries, France and the U.S Edited by Randall Peerenboom Human Rights in Asia A comparative legal study of twelve Asian jurisdictions, France, and the USA Edited by Randall Peerenboom, ... or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage and retrieval system, ... interaction, a channel for determining how and if participation can occur and rights can be protected Judicial review Tom Ginsburg of administrative action and enforcement of constitutional guarantees...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

400 363 0
the mit press toward a science of consciousness iii the third tucson discussions and debates oct 1999

the mit press toward a science of consciousness iii the third tucson discussions and debates oct 1999

... deep and fundamental place in the natural order Many more papers on these issues can be found in Block, Flanagan, and Güzeldere (1997) and Shear (1997) References Block, N., Flanagan, O., and ... grateful to Bradford Books and the MIT Press for their continued support In particular we thank Betty Stanton for her stewardship, vision and courage in continuing in her late husband's role Page ... lives Given any physical account, one can ask why that process should yield consciousness; and many have suggested that a physical theory alone cannot answer this question One can argue, for example,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:53

455 288 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 1 ppsx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 1 ppsx

... conceptual analysis of privacy and an ethical analysis of issues of protection of personal genetic and medical information; (ii) consent – a conceptual analysis of consent and an ethical analysis ... ethics/efg.php 3 American principles, European values and the mezzanine rules of ethical genetic databanking Matti Hayry and Tuija Takala ¨ Human genetic databanks are, ... distinction between the American and European approaches to the ethics of human genetic The expressions ‘human genetic databanking’ and ‘genetic databanking’ are used interchangeably in this chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 299 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 2 pptx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 2 pptx

... limits to using personal information, for instance in genetic research, and for any use of genetic information In Iceland, for instance, the Data Protection Authority enforces the law It is interesting ... compensated for by the solidity of the community, tied together with links formed by the mutual gift of tissue samples and genetic information.37 How our mezzanine rules protect and promote the ‘European’ ... senses both more and less privacy than before On the one hand, people can enjoy more privacy and are more aware of privacy issues than before With growing wealth, bigger houses and apartments people...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 311 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 3 pptx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 3 pptx

... discussions lasted for an hour and a half and was tape recorded and transcribed The aim was to get a more grounded feeling for any particular perceptions arising in the UK context For instance, what ... issues, financial matters are of the most importance People regard financial information to be more important than information stored in medical and hospital records or genotype information stored ... respect for the common man, and who only represents the interest of the sponsors of his research A woman of seventy-one years, a former interpreter, said: ‘Mankind is constantly moving forward, and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 290 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 4 docx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 4 docx

... biosamples and genetic data in human genetic databases, e.g the Swedish Biobank Act3 and Ethical Review Act (ERA),4 the UK’s Human Tissue Act,5 Iceland’s Act on Biobanks,6 and the relevant data ... purposes and uses; procedures regarding management and access; and how these may vary in the public, not -for- profit and commercial sectors Without this information it is not possible to design and ... sample, the information that derives from it, and the personal information and the family history that accompanies it In contrast, the specialist statutes developed in Iceland and Estonia for their...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 272 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 5 potx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 5 potx

... interests of the biobank The Board therefore criticized the representatives of the biobank for being more compliant with the police and prosecutor than was necessary and for not seeing that the ... Estonian genebank, whereas the Swedish Act on Biobanks does not set forth such a right and the participants can rely only on general principles of medical law In Iceland the right not to know can ... participants are asked whether or not they want to know their data For instance, the informed consent form used within the framework of the Estonian Genome Project informs the participants about...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 259 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 6 ppsx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 6 ppsx

... fear of inducement But, for example, in the Estonian case the public will indirectly also benefit financially because of shareholding and an arrangement that provides for an annual payment by the ... Human Genome and Human Rights has recognized the fundamental unity of humankind manifested in our sharing of the genome and suggested the linkage of this unity to the concept of human dignity and ... about human genetic databases: How can we ensure that information about participants in database research will be securely stored? Would it be justifiable to grant insurance companies and employers...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 289 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 7 pps

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 7 pps

... proceeds from an empirical fact and a conceptual dissatisfaction ‘Genetic discrimination’ is now an ethical and legal issue In countries like France, Denmark and Norway insurance companies and employers ... the European Union a general ban on sex-differentiated prices and terms for goods and services has been proposed It includes private insurance and would outlaw sexdifferentiated insurance premiums ... characteristics can be ground for discrimination even when the characteristics are context-relevant, like genetic information in the insurance sector This opens the way for a ban of the use of genetic information...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 310 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 8 ppt

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 8 ppt

... protocols can irritate them and it would take major effort and manpower to explain to each participant each time the parameters of the research and facilitate the dialogue which is necessary for informed ... researchers’ need for flexibility and the ethical demand for protection of participants’ interests.35 Rather than 33 34 35 This transfer has not taken place for reasons that cannot be discussed ... Stalemate’; Caulfield, Upshur and Daar, ‘DNA Databanks ´ and Consent’; and Arnason, ‘Coding and Consent’ Informed consent and human genetic database research 215 asking for consent to each particular...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 280 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 9 potx

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 9 potx

... limits to what can be hoped for and sought’.3 The potential of transgenic enzymes and plants to transform traditional industries (such as production of paper, textiles and chemicals) and agriculture ... Wolfgang Drechsler, ‘Good Governance’ and ‘New Public Management’, in Hanno Drechsler, Wolfgang Hilligen and Franz Neumann (eds.), Gesellschaft und Staat Lexikon der Politik, 10th edn (Munich: Franz ... cost-effective and transparent public sector Privatizing public sector services (competition in service creation) and performance management for motivating and remunerating public servants (competition...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

30 331 0
The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 10 pdf

The Ethics and Governance of Human Genetic Databases European Perspectives Part 10 pdf

... Using Anonymized Data and Tissue for Research ˜ ´ ´ Purposes?’, in Arnason, Nordal and Arnason, Blood and Data, 121–126 Nomper, A., and K Kruuv, ‘The Estonian Gene Project’, in Sandor, Society and ... Regulatory Framework for Unforeseen Research Uses of Human Tissue Samples and Health Information’, Wake Forest Law Review 34 (1999), 737–766 ‘Human Genomics Research: New Challenges for Research Ethics’, ... Estonian Human Genome Project’, Trames (2004), 192–216 Tavani, H T., ‘Genomic Research and Data-Mining Technology: Implications for Personal Privacy and Informed Consent’, Ethics and Information...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

26 512 0
Law and governance in golf courses a cross national comparison of environmental frameworks, industry norms and sustainability practices in the philippines, thailand, viet nam and singapore 2

Law and governance in golf courses a cross national comparison of environmental frameworks, industry norms and sustainability practices in the philippines, thailand, viet nam and singapore 2

... Serangoon grass for greens Hybrid: Zoysia Matrella for tee boxes and cow grass for fairways, Bermuda for greens Hybrid: Zoysia for tee mounds, cow grass for fairways and Local: Serangoon for ... Agricultural Land Reform Act (1975), s.4 defines land reform as the “redistribution of land for farming and residential uses by allocating state land or, land purchased or expropriated from landowners ... market demand, incentives and disincentives (“carrots and sticks”) from regulators and reliable verification and enforcement mechanisms Civil society and NGO participation is likewise important, in...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:33

377 593 0