... Strategy for Simplification of Land Administration in Bangladesh, Chương trình Phát triển Mơi trường Đầu tư Bangladesh - IFC, tháng 3/2009 10 Seven Steps to a Citizens’’ Charter With Service Standards: ... a Citizens’’ Charter With Service Standards: Implementation Plan for Governmental Organizations, Bộ Nội vụ Quan hệ Hoàng gia Hà Lan, tháng 9/2008 11 Simplification of Business Regulations at ... tỉnh An Giang việc ban hành Quy chế phối hợp thực cửa liên thông giải hồ sơ, thủ tục đầu tư địa bàn tỉnh An Giang 21 Quyết định số 02/2010/QĐ-UBND ngày 20/1/2010 UBND tỉnh Hải Dương việc ban hành
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2018, 14:05
... I(α) and S(α) are two sets of candidate items for i− and s − extensions of α 10 TRUONG CHI TIN, TRAN NGOC ANH, DUONG VAN HAI, LE HOAI BAC Note that the P probability is also anti-monotonic and ... HUPSMT: AN EFFICIENT ALGORITHM FOR MINING Obviously, for any LB lb on mu, M(lb) ⇒ MBi(lb) ⇒ MF(lb), i.e the three monotone-like properties M, MBi and MF are gradually weaker Proof For any super-sequence ... mu(α) and lbM (β) ≥ lbM (α), i.e AM(mu) and M(lbM ) The assertions b and c.(i) are proven Now we will prove two assertions a and c.(ii)-(iii) For any forward extension β of α, def def β = α δ α and
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 17:52
An efficient algorithm for mining high utility association rules from lattice
... of an itemset in a transaction) The utility of an itemset X in a transaction Tc , denoted as u(X, Tc ), and is defined as u(X, Tc ) = u(i, Tc ), X ⊆ Tc For i∈X 107 AN EFFICIENT ALGORITHM FOR MINING ... (Utility of an item in a transaction) The utility of an item i in a transaction Td is denoted as u(i, Td ) and is defined as p(i) × q(i, Td ) For example, the utility of item D in transaction T2 ... named TWU-Mining [6] and DTWU-Mining [7] The proposed algorithms aim to reduce the candidates generated when mining for HUI using TWU measure by using the data structures, the IT-Tree [17] and the
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2020, 23:53
An efficient method for mining associati
... problem is of importance and practical significance For instance, we want to detect fairly accurate rules from new, abnormal yet significant phenomena despite their low frequency Extant algorithms ... frequent itemsets may generate too many candidates and/or scan the database many times; (ii) the association rule extracting phase often produces many candidates and takes time a lot to calculate ... disadvantages, such as the generation of many redundant candidates, time-consuming constraint check and the repeated reading of the database when the constraints are changed The paper proposes an
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2022, 16:02
An Audit Environment for Outsourcing of Frequent Itemset Mining potx
... sources and performing the global mining in a distributed manner can be saved. Finally, with out- sourcing, the data owner does not need to maintain an IT team for the data mining task. For outsourcing ... issues in outsourcing association rule mining. An item mapping and transaction transformation approach was proposed to encrypt a transac- tional database and to decrypt the mined association rules returned ... while for the latter, one or only a few mining exercises are performed for each instance of the database. A larger amount of resources, such as stor- age and preparation cost can be invested for
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE " ppt
... platform suitable for real-world deployments in terms of both maintenance costs and expected performances Moreover, no cross compilation is required and standard development tools and OSes can ... measured data 2.2 Software Platforms A wide range of OSes is available for the aforementioned hardware platform, ranging from open-source systems like all Linux variants and ∗ BSD to commercial real-time ... methodologies and algorithms can be tested and evaluated in an isolated environment In this work, an “open” approach is used to design and deploy a wireless mesh networking toolkit where offthe-shelf and
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
DSpace at VNU: EIFDD: An efficient approach for erasable itemset mining of very dense datasets
... items for each product, and many co-occurring itemsets Therefore, this paper proposes an improved algorithm that uses the subsume concept and the dPidset structure to enhance the process of mining ... better than those of the above algorithms, MEI’s performance for mining erasable itemsets for very dense datasets can be improved EIFDD algorithm 4.1 dPidset structure Definition (pidset of an itemset) ... that the mining time of EIFDD is much smaller than that of MEI However, MEI cannot run for some thresholds (3.2 % for Mushroom and 4.3 % for Connect) due to memory limitations Conclusion and future
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 17:55
GRcalculator: An online tool for calculating and mining dose–response data
... (shinyLi and GRmetrics) specifically developed for this purpose The GRmetrics R package is also available via Bioconductor and can be used for offline data analysis and visualization Source code for ... compounds for further analysis, investigate factors that determine drug sensitivity and resistance, and guide mechanism-of-action studies In the case of cell-based studies using anti-cancer drugs, ... Sorger PK Quantification of sensitivity and resistance of breast cancer cell lines to anti-cancer drugs using GR metrics Sci Data In press 12 Haverty PM, Lin E, Tan J, Yu Y, Lam B, Lianoglou S,
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2020, 04:25
A study on how to make an effective presentation for the fourth year english major at haiphong private university
... teachers in Foreign Language Department of Hai Phong Private University, providing materials for this study and having taught me through four years at university. Finally, I want to thank my parents ... parents who always stand by and support me both materially and mentally. This study would not have been completed without their whole-hearted helps. For my young experience and knowledge, I would ... 2010 HAIPHONG PRIVATE UNIVESITY FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT ----------------------------------- GRADUATION PAPER A STUDY ON HOW TO MAKE AN EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION FOR THE FOURTH-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
Báo cáo " An integrated approach for an academic advising system in adaptive credit-based learning environment " ppt
... Sciences and Technology 24 (2008) 110-121 An integrated approach for an academic advising system in adaptive credit-based learning environment Nguyen Thanh Binh*, Hoang Thi Anh Duong, Tran Hieu, ... tool and counseling itself [11] The personal study plan helps learner to schedule studies for his forthcoming year and it also stands as a tool for monitoring the progress of studies both for ... affiliated colleges and variety of center such as Learning Resource Center, Center for Distance Training, and Center for Information Technology, located in various areas of the city and incorporated
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 11:21
... regulations and compliance: air quality; surface and ground water quality; management of hazardous and solid waste; environmental auditing, compliance, and management planning; legislative and regulatory ... particularly thank Dr Tamara L Dickinson for keeping the committee focused on our charge and for advice and guidance throughout the process We also thank Judy Estep for able assistance with logistics, ... Raja V Ramani holds the Anne B and George H Deike, Jr., Chair in Mining Engineering at Pennsylvania State University A graduate of the Indian School of Mines, he holds an M.S and Ph.D in mining
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20
... Financial and Accounting Systems Financial Management and Ratio Analysis Advanced Accounting for MFIs Management Information Systems for MFIs Delinquency Management for Group-based MFIs Human ... Services for the Poor: An Old Need and a New Opportunity for Microfinance Institutions S in India – Sanjeev Kapoor This note discusses savings as an important and effective strategy for poor ... Be? Anup Singh and Krishna Thacker MicroSave – Market-led solutions for financial services | 59 Optimising Performance and Efficiency Series | Savings for the Poor Background and Significance
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
An Outline of Strategies for Building an Innovation System for Knowledge City pptx
... Chinese and global economies change and as Knowledge City develops Acknowledgments Debra Knopman provided overall intellectual guidance, and Mu Dan Ping, a consultant for RAND, played an ... required from RAND to reproduce, or reuse in another form, any of our research documents for commercial use. For information on reprint and linking permissions, please see RAND Permissions. Skip ... executives in high technology and other sectors in GDD and Guangzhou to understand the landscape for innovation and the... practitioners, and scholars of innovation and regional development
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:21
Anti-corruption guidelines (“Toolkit”) for MBA curriculum change 2012 pdf
... accounting and finance. (9) Truth and Disclosure, Whistleblowing and Loyalty: These topics raise issues of timing and context as to what point and under what circumstances is it permissible for an ... corporate values and formal standards of conduct as absolutes; design and implement conditions of engagement for suppliers and customers; allow foreign business units to formulate ethical standards... ... understand gifts, side deals, and conflicts of interest and the lying and obfuscation that is often used to conceal them. (6) International Standards and Supply Chain Issues: Frameworks and analytic
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 01:20
Collaboration and Action to Improve Child Health Systems: A Toolkit for State Leaders docx
... and informing of families • Transportation and scheduling assistance • Linkages to Title V and other agencies • Data collection and reporting SSA § 1902 (a) (43) Collaboration and ... Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Collaboration and Action to Improve Child Health Systems: A Toolkit for State Leaders. ... Leaders. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011. is document was produced for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20
Đề tài " An isoperimetric inequality for logarithmic capacity of polygons " potx
... “triangle” and “infinite triangle” instead of “trilateral”. Thus, everywhere below, “triangle” means a usual Euclidean triangle. For α>0, β 1 > 0, β 2 > 0 such that β 1 + β 2 =1+2α, and ... (4.4) for all k = 1, , n Now Lemma 1 and (4.2) show that for every k = 1, , n, Tk is an isosceles triangle having area A/n and the angle 2π/n at the base vertex ak Therefore, 0 for every ... there are polygons, for instance, triangles and regular n-gons, that have a unique proportional system satisfy- ing (1.3). For triangles, Theorem 2 provides a good exercise for the course of elementary
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20
... staff, organization structure, and information and communication networks in peace and war The second motivation for standing organizations is to provide uniform roles and responsibilities for a ... causes for system performance degradation and with the ICPs, OSC, and JFACC/AFFOR to design and implement get-well plans With a single node for managing resources and capability, planners will have ... Air Force, Command and Control, Air Force Doctrine Document 2-8 (Draft), Washington D.C., 16 February 2001 U.S Air Force, Operation Plan and Concept Plan Development and Implementation, Air Force
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 18:20
A toolkit for employers connecting youth & business pptx
... learn and grow. Employees in my company can see clear career pathways for themselves. There is an effort to provide transparency around skill attainment, growth, and advancement. Total score for ... companies in mind when we created the toolkit, though we believe aspects of this toolkit can be leveraged by a company of any size. We also believe that this toolkit has elements that can be ... company have to offer? • Assess your company’s resources, culture, and readiness for engagement with disconnected youth. • Select one of the three lanes of engagement in which companies can
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20
Designing an esp syllabus for the second-year students of library study at the national teachers training college
... resources, and language influence their use in language teaching. (Longman, 1997; 373) Function Function is ‘ the purpose for which an utterance or unit of language is used. In language teaching ... apply no matter which language is being learned and taught. French for specific purposes. Russian for specific purposes. Chinese for specific purposes - all of these exist and are constructed on ... skills and exercises. 100 copies of the two questionnaires were sent to the participants in May 2007 and were returned with 100 useful answers in June, 2007. The data is manually analyzed. For...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36
The phenomenon of evaporative cooling from a humid surface as an alternative method for air-conditioning
... lower tank. The advantages of this new system are: its easy manufacture; simple maintenance, limited to the periodic cleaning of the textile material; and its low consumption. On the other hand, ... reserved. 85 4.4.2 Advantages and disadvantages The main advantages of evaporative coolers are their low cost and high effectiveness, permitting a wide range of applications and versatility in ... many applications, it is combined with another system such as a direct expansion coil (DX), resulting into a more economic solution than installing an only system. In 1986, Anderson tested an...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10