... teacher supply and demand through an analysis and assessment of the relationship between research, policy and practice on the subject and how they impact on the supply and demand of teachers in ... 146 of 1993) was passed, the ELRC played an important role in midwifing many of the policy proposals dealing with the supply and demand of teachers These discourses were at the heart of the framing ... manner since at least 1994 Underlying the language of ‘supply and demand’ is the concept of the market The market analogy is implicit in and assumed in discussions of teacher supply and demand,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 19:20
... Supervision, and Surveillance 3.3 Since the beginning of 2009, the governance and regulation of financial institutions and markets have been in the spotlights Within the current financial system ... Board of Directors, or the countries they represent The Policy Briefs on the Financial Crisis are available online at http://www.afdb.org/ AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP An Update on the Impact of ... towards the conclusion of the Doha Development Round and an advancement of the Aid for Trade agenda 3.2 As far as Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) are concerned; they can support African governments...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20
The Defense Acquisition Workforce: An Analysis of Personnel Trends Relevant to Policy, 1993-2006 pdf
... the DAU and Susan Pinciaro and Carolyn Willis of the Navy helped us understand characteristics of the data files used in our analyses Portia Sullivan, Samantha Walker, and Terry McMillan of the Defense ... service The large 2001 spike into the AW was predominantly from the Army (15,287 of 20,513) The 2002 spike into the AW was predominantly from the Department of the Navy (DoN)—i.e, the Navy and the ... into and out of the AW, are administrative, not substantive A lack of clarity as to the definition of the workforce and how it varies across organizations is a barrier to effective management of the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 21:20
báo cáo hóa học: " State of the science on postacute rehabilitation: setting a research agenda and developing an evidence base for practice and public policy: an introduction" ppt
... organization of rehabilitation services, and outcomes attained for patients, taxpayers, and Medicare and other insurers The content developed for and derived from the symposium can be found in the ... Hospital Association, and the Federation for American Hospitals The same organizations provided financial support Major financial and staff support was provided by the American Medical Rehabilitation ... payment, and effectiveness of rehabilitation services that are of the highest priority for investigation The activities of the symposium were designed to help formulate a research and policy agenda and...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
an investigation into the positive and normative aspects of monetary policy
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 14:21
An examination of the long run market reaction to the announcement of dividend omissions and reductions
... attention to dividends?” The answer to the puzzle varies: 1.2.1 Irrelevance of dividend policy In their seminar paper Miller and Modigliani (1961) first present the argument that dividend policy is ... permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission An Examination of the Long-run Market Reaction to the Announcement of Dividend Omissions and Reductions A Thesis ... 1980 and 2000, the dividend yield on the S&P 500 companies dropped from 5.4% to 1.1% They suggest the changing characteristics o f publicly traded firms offers partial explanation to the fade dividends—the...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 15:34
The effect of foreign ownership on dividend policy the case of listed companies on hose
... understand the relationship between the foreign ownership and dividend payout policy, the thesis will review the literature on dividend payout policy, the foreign ownership and its effects to the dividend ... earnings is the determinant of dividend payment Free Cash Flow: The level of the free cash flow of a firm is an important determinant of dividend payments A poor liquidity position means fewer dividends ... participate in the final thesis defense Approved by The Effect of Foreign Ownership on Dividend Policy The case of listed companies on HOSE In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTER...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 13:43
An uncertain future interview with professor robert reich from the goldman school of public policy
... many other areas of the economy, people who have the most to offer in terms of their education, talents and connections will well Others, less so And what will the impact be for businesses? The ... society, and for individuals? The structure of the economy is shifting radically Companies have no choice but to be flexible and fast Professor Robert Reich Goldman School of Public Policy, UC ... definition of a company will be up for grabs because it will be composed of so many moveable and temporary parts Essentially, a company will consist of a key capital asset, such as a valuable piece of...
Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2015, 14:14
Risk governance deficits an analysis and illustration of the most common
... unique to the UK They happened as well in the US and other regions of the world The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change - The difficulty of weighing the near-term costs and long-term ... than to the protection of public health in the handling of the BSE crisis For example, the specified bovine offal (SBO) ban of 1989 was one of the major controls put in place to try to stop the ... governance in many types the chances of another, linked deficit occurring during of private and public organisations, and for different the management phase) and a single risk issue may types of risks...
Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2016, 13:53
An Inquiry Into The Causes And Costs Of Economic Growth: What Policy Makers Of Today Can Learn From The Muqaddimah Of Ibn Khaldun
... rapid development and growth and now the side effects of growth THE KHALDUNIAN MIND What Shapes it His View of the World Theory of Man and Society WHAT SHAPES THE KHALDUNIAN MIND His dual ... Muqaddimah •To set the record straight on the contribution of Ibn Khaldun to the theory of economic growth and costs of economic growth •To contribute to the existing literature on the theory of economic ... created by any mind in any time or place (Arnold Toynbee, British Historian) WHY DID HE WRITE THE MUQADDMAH? THE RAISON D‘ETRE • Changing circumstances (changing composition of the population, pandemic)...
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 21:28
an empirical analysis of reaction to dividend policy changes for NASDAQ firms
Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2017, 09:19
... identical with it, then, it seems, by analogy with the statue and the lump of bronze, every part of the body must be a part of the person but not every part of the person can be part of the body: that ... conception of the whole of reality, we cannot hope to render compatible the theories and observations of the various different sciences: and providing that conception is not the task of any one of those ... to say that every part of the statue is a part of the lump of bronze Thus, for instance, if the statue is a statue of a man, then the statue’s arm will be one of its parts and yet it doesn’t seem...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39
Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments
... developing area of research However, to many it is unclear what agents are and what they can (and maybe cannot) In the first part, this thesis will provide an overview of these, and many other agent-related ... location An attempt to change this is the Internet Softbot (developed by the University of Washington) The aim is to create an agent that attempts to determine what the user wants and understands the ... problem The number of types of agents the Interface Agent has to deal with, depends on the aims of the system As a result of the distributed and agentbased architecture of the system the whole...
Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 15:22
Ensuring Financial Stability: Financial Structure and the Impact of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices
... Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the US The sample starts in 1986 in order to avoid the more ... movements To raise the precision of the estimates, we thus follow Goodhart and Bean (2004) and Kohn (2006) discuss the implications of lags for the use of monetary policy in the face of asset price ... modern economies The data set ends in 2006 Goodhart and Hofmann (2007b) in their panel VAR analysis also study, as a part of their robustness analysis, a subsample spanning these years and find that...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:40
An Enemy of the People
... study In the left-hand wall, opposite the door leading to the hall, is a door leading to the other rooms occupied by the family In the middle of the same wall stands the stove, and, further forward, ... Doctor's elder brother), Mayor of the town and chief constable, Chairman of the Baths' Committee, etc MORTEN KIIL, a tanner (Mrs Stockmann's adoptive father) HOVSTAD, editor of the "People's Messenger." ... work for and fight for; and that is the main thing (Calls.) Katherine, hasn't the postman been here? Mrs Stockmann (from the dining-room) No Dr Stockmann And then to be comfortably off, Peter!...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:12
An investigation into the reality of teaching and learning speaking skills to the 2nd year non-major english students at pre-intermediate level of proficiency at hanoi university of industry
... level of Proficiency at Hanoi University of Industry” is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts is the result of my own work, except where otherwise ... deals with the research methodology which covers participants, the settings of the study, the data collection methods, the data analysis, and the findings and discussions Chapter offers some ... the conclusion The introduction - gives rationale for the study and sets up the aims, scopes and methods of the study The develoment - which is considered as the main part of the study, includes...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50
An evaluation of the material “basic english iii” for the second year non- english major students at bac giang teachers’ training college
... plays an important part in the process of language teaching and learning It makes the teaching materials more relevant to the needs of students and to the objectives of the course, and therefore, ... Data Analysis and Discussion 3.1 Document Analysis 3.1.1 The Suitability of the Material to the Aims of the Course To determine the appropriateness of the material to the aims of the course, the ... for the author to set out both subjective analysis (i.e analysis of BGTTC curriculum) and objective analysis (i.e 13 analysis of the materials being evaluated) Then the findings of the two analyses...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50
An investigation into the style of the english language used in advertising slogans issued by some world - famous airlines
... interpretations, and on the other hand, a supporter of the intended interpretation He states as follows: The use of linguistic form identifies a range of meanings A context can support a range of meanings ... slogan is, the more it is remembered by the customers The impression can come from the sounds of the slogans when customers read them aloud If the combination of the words can make rhythms as they ... Netherlands Pay-offs or payoffs and Italy Some others Rip-offs or rip-offs Slogos (the slogan by the logo) Requirements of a good advertising slogan A slogan should: Be memorable Recall the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54
An Overview into the Semantic of Questions in English and Vietnamese
... teachers to show the students the approach to analyze the semantic meanings of the sentence basing on its situations, presuppositions, and implicature In terms of translation, translators often have ... refers to the close and intense relationship between the form and the meaning of a sentence (Thiêm, 2004) Comparing and contrasting questions in terms of their semantics enable us to point out the ... confirmation, we can reverse the position of the tag to the beginning of the question (Thiêm, 2004) The tags can be put at the beginning or function as a new sentence to indicate the speaker’s emphasis...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2013, 09:28