... application of integrated testing strategies by phasing out in vivo testing in line with 3R strategy (replace, reduce, refine), promoting omic and integrating chemical, in vitro and in silico methods, and ... activities of LECOTOX in ongoing and future research projects Knowledge, new methods and know-how gained via trainings in partner institutions were transferred to LECOTOX and incorporated into individual ... progressed as planned during project implementation Mobility and trainings During the project implementation, eleven trainings for young researchers were organised in three partnering institutions...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
... the information flows concurrently transmitting in the network according to some dynamic bandwidth sharing rule, which ensures the stability of the total number of information flows ongoing in ... distribution of the number of the ongoing transmitting flows in the network (the analogy to the number of queueing customers in a queueing network) At time t > 0, let nr (t) denote the number of flows ... link and are seamlessly linked; rather than being transmitted by only one of the link and at a time, like a customer being served by two bank tells one by one Thus the bandwidth for route is in...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 14:16
Project Gutenberg''''s An Example of Communal Currency, by J. Theodore Harris doc
... Dutch Prime Minister and Minister of Finance "There was manifest need of just such a book A mine of valuable information. "—Review of Reviews "This is an excellent book in every way, and thoroughly ... valuable and responsible prerogative being abandoned to individual bankers or joint stock companies, to the great financial loss of the community as a whole; and (b) of the whole business of banking—which ... themselves, and notably upon the poor, by increasing the currency, instead of borrowing the capital from elsewhere Instead of paying interest on a loan (to be levied, perhaps, as an income tax on incomes...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20
Structuring an advertising business in Vietnam (an example of FPT media - the corporation for financing and promoting technology)
... university, HANOI hanoi school of business Pham Vu Duc Structuring an advertising business in Vietnam (an example of fpt media – the corporation for financing and promoting technology) Major: Business ... structure has advantages and disadvantages, and managers have to be ready and willing to redesign the organization in order to obtain the advantages and anticipate and minimize the problems of whichever ... which offers its clients a full range of marketing, communications, and promotions services, including planning, creating, and producing the advertising; performing research; and selecting media...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:55
An investigation into the use of information technology in learning writing for the third-year students of English at Vinh University = Nghiên cứu ứng dụng công
... during and after writing The activities include finding information, outlining, looking up words, checking spelling and grammar, giving and taking feedback, revising and editing The following ... activities in daily writing Often Sometimes Rarely Never Discovering relevant online information 44 40 14 Outlining/planning 30 20 35 15 Finding words and phrases for writing 65 30 Checking spelling and ... words and phrases for writing much Not Outlining/planning Little Discovering relevant online information Quite Receiving and giving comments (feedback) from friends and teachers Revising and editing...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:39
The Volatility of Capital Flows in South Africa: Some Empirical Observations
... buying inflows to reduce the NOFP Nonetheless, in certain cases involving large one-off inflows of FDI, the SARB may have sufficient prior information to make an assessment as to whether the inflow ... much, and what type of capital inflow to buy Specifically, how can the central bank make use of prior knowledge relating to the volatility and persistence of capital flows? And how would the interaction ... improved rates of return This could be done either by forcing a step exchange rate depreciation (and thereby generating the expectation of a strengthening of the rand) or by raising interest rates...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:11
An analysis of cohessive devices in writing application letters
... receiving understandable input and listening ability is the critical component in achieving understandable language input Given the importance of listening in language learning and teaching, it is ... and vocabulary, and comprehension of meaning An able listener is capable of doing these four things simultaneously Besides, Thomlison‟s (1984) definition of listening includes “active listening” ... welfare and interests In the view of Ronald and Roskelly(1985), listening as an active process requiring the same skills of prediction, hypothesizing, checking, revising, and generalizing that writing...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:57
Tài liệu An Example of Using the Get* Methods phần 1 pdf
... Explorer For example, Figure 9.1 shows the details of the ProductID column of the Products table As you can see, ProductID is an int Figure 9.1: Obtaining the type of a column using Visual Studio ... productsSqlDataReader.GetInt16(unitsInStockColPos); Console.WriteLine("unitsInStock = " + unitsInStock); bool discontinued = productsSqlDataReader.GetBoolean(discontinuedColPos); Console.WriteLine("discontinued ... productsSqlDataReader.GetOrdinal("UnitPrice"); int unitsInStockColPos = productsSqlDataReader.GetOrdinal("UnitsInStock"); int discontinuedColPos = productsSqlDataReader.GetOrdinal("Discontinued"); // use...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
Tài liệu An Example of Using the Get* Methods phần 2 docx
... nchar SqlString GetSqlString() nvarchar SqlString GetSqlString() ntext SqlString GetSqlString() binary SqlBinary GetSqlBinary() varbinary SqlBinary GetSqlBinary() image SqlBinary GetSqlBinary() sql_varient ... Sql* TYPE GetSql* METHOD bigint SqlInt64 GetSqlInt64() int SqlInt32 GetSqlInt32() smallint SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16() tinyint SqlByte GetSqlByte() bit SqlBoolean GetSqlBoolean() decimal SqlDecimal GetSqlDecimal() ... ProductID int GetInt32() SqlInt32 ProductName nvarchar GetSqlString() SqlString UnitPrice money GetSqlMoney() SqlMoney UnitsInStock smallint GetSqlInt16() SqlInt16 Discontinued bit GetSqlBoolean()...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
... vices and dignity of the other Living the wild, free life of the Indian, and retaining the language of Spain; the finest horseman of the world, and perhaps the worst assassin; the most open- handed ... monarchs of Spain and Portugal Thus by right of conquest and gift South America with its seven and a half million miles of territory and its millions of Indian inhabitants was divided between Spain and ... old order of things is quickly passing away, and docks and railroads are being built Bolivia is spending more than fifty million dollars in new work Argentina and Chile are pushing lines in all...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu An Example of Communal Currency pdf
... valuable and responsible prerogative being abandoned to individual bankers or joint stock companies, to the great financial loss of the community as a whole; and (b) of the whole business of banking ... shall remain out of the produce of the tax in any year after defraying the expenses of roads and embankments and unforeseen contingencies And that the States of the said Island not exceed in any case ... each year in paying off and cancelling as many Notes "Thus, at the end of ten years, all the Notes would be cancelled and the States would be in possession of an income of £150 per annum, which...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Research " The Dissertation Committee for Fang Yin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy " doc
... included in the sample For example, a search for public U.S companies in “Accounting, Bookkeeping, Collection & Credit Reporting results in a list of 11 companies By analyzing the capsules of ... provides insights into the current allocation of resources and provides guidance for investing additional resources 1.7.1 Investing the marginal dollar The marginal output obtained by increasing input ... distinctions between these two categories For instance, a digital products company can grow by creating more content alliances and by expanding and enhancing its Web presence By contrast, an e-tailer...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
... BN nanotubes CNT based sensors DNA transport Transport in nanopores Nanowires: transport, thermoelectric effect Transport: molecular electronics Protein nanotube chemistry * Quantum Computing ... Opportunities and rewards are great and hence, tremendous worldwide interest • Integration of this emerging field into engineering and science curriculum is important to prepare the future generation of ... shock protein (HSP 60) in organisms living at high temperatures (“extremophiles”) is of interest in astrobiology • HSP 60 can be purified from cells as a double-ring structure consisting of 16-18...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo " The name of Red River: an evidence of cultural diversity in Vietnam" pptx
... Pao” meaning “the chief river” (In the conference on Flower Tai language and culture held by Yunnan Institute of Social Sciences in Xinpingautonomouscounty, Yuxi city, Yunnan province in 2000, ... Lương and Lô Giang are possible outcomes of the Sinicization and then Sino-Vietnamization process of Austroasiatic-originating words In other words, Phú Lương and Lô Giang are formally Sino or SinoVietnamese, ... Lương and Lô Giang are likely to be more ancient than such toponyms naming after the river’s features as Thao and Cái Phonetic transformation and semantic change reinforce each other in indicating...
Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 03:20
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20
An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems docx
... use of an extended insert command For the first inserted BR tuple of our example bracket of Figure this ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 19, No 1, March 1987 An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database ... development of several different versions of this object or its subobjects during the stages of the design process, and therefore in an engineering database system mechanisms for managing versions of ... model of the robot and its surrounding workspace in order to simulate the assembly operation Figure is a schematic rendering of an off-line integrated robotics programming system according to...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Role of Information Retrieval in Answering Complex Questions" ppt
... evaluating answers to definition questions In HLT/EMNLP 2005 J Lin and D Demner-Fushman 2006a The role of knowledge in conceptual retrieval: A study in the domain of clinical medicine In SIGIR ... Question Answering Ph.D thesis, Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam S Narayanan and S Harabagiu 2004 Question answering based on semantic structures In COLING 2004 ... AQUAINT program, which resulted in an understanding of a “relationship” as the ability for one object to in uence another Objects in these questions can 524 two types (“vital” and “okay”), and...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21