an analysis of business environment in phalami jsc

An Analysis of Business Administration Students Interest in the area of production and Operations pot

An Analysis of Business Administration Students Interest in the area of production and Operations pot

... of Business Administration courses Nicolini (2001), in his analysis of the Brazilian model of undergraduate Business Administration courses, indicated that scientific production in the form of ... Lima, Dorelland P and Andrade, Raphael J C.: An Analysis os Business Administration Students Interest in the Area of Production and Operations Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management ... model in which theoretical contents can be interplayed with a link Costa, Francisco J., Lima, Dorelland P and Andrade, Raphael J C.: An Analysis os Business Administration Students Interest in the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:22

13 470 0
An analysis of cohessive devices in writing application letters

An analysis of cohessive devices in writing application letters

... receiving understandable input and listening ability is the critical component in achieving understandable language input Given the importance of listening in language learning and teaching, it is ... and vocabulary, and comprehension of meaning An able listener is capable of doing these four things simultaneously Besides, Thomlison‟s (1984) definition of listening includes “active listening” ... welfare and interests In the view of Ronald and Roskelly(1985), listening as an active process requiring the same skills of prediction, hypothesizing, checking, revising, and generalizing that writing...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:57

75 923 1
An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems docx

An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems docx

... use of an extended insert command For the first inserted BR tuple of our example bracket of Figure this ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 19, No 1, March 1987 An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database ... its subobjects during the stages of the design process, and therefore in an engineering database system mechanisms for managing versions of objects must be available Dittrich and Lorie [1985] ... Programming in terms of functions is very similar to programming with a programming language instead of a database language This may increase the acceptance of potential system users The limitations of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 23:20

45 380 0
Báo cáo " An analysis of drought conditions in Central Vietnam during 1961-2007 " ppt

Báo cáo " An analysis of drought conditions in Central Vietnam during 1961-2007 " ppt

... clearly shown in Figure It can be seen that dry conditions slightly increase in North Central while decrease in South Central and Highland Central in which the rate of change in Highland Central ... driest years in North Central Vietnam during the period are 1969, 1977, and 1988 with P index in the range of 0.7 and 0.8 In V.T Hang, N.T Trang / VNU Journal of Science, Earth Sciences 26 (2010) ... slightly increase in North Central while decrease in South Central and Highland Central Vietnam during 1961-2007 The increasing trend of drought conditions happens in the first period 1961-1970 in...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20

7 380 0
An Analysis of Power Consumption in a Smartphone doc

An Analysis of Power Consumption in a Smartphone doc

... deduction using modelling and off-line piece-wise analysis They show that the CPU and display are the main consumers of energy for their class of system, and that other components contribute substantially ... L., AND J OHN , L K Complete system power estimation: A trickle-down approach based on performance events In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and ... the command line For interactive applications, such as web browsing, we took a trace-based approach A trace consisted of a sequence of input events, including a time-stamp, the name of the device...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

14 719 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Prevalence and Correlates of HIV Testing: An Analysis of University Students in Jamaica" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Prevalence and Correlates of HIV Testing: An Analysis of University Students in Jamaica" pdf

... HIV-1 Counseling and Testing Efficacy Study Group: Efficacy of voluntary HIV-1 counselling and testing in individuals and couples in Kenya, Tanzania, and Trinidad: a randomized trial Lancet 2000, ... to take an HIV test and encourage voluntary HIV testing What may be more interesting and informative for developing and implementing programs promoting voluntary HIV testing is the finding that ... hierarchical analysis of adults from Kenya, Tanzania and Trinidad Int J STD AIDS 2003, 14:584-590 Abstract Worthington C, Myers T: Factors underlying anxiety in HIV testing: risk perceptions, stigma, and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

10 449 0
báo cáo hóa học: " An analysis of remanufacturing practices in Japan" potx

báo cáo hóa học: " An analysis of remanufacturing practices in Japan" potx

... fell, sellouts and leasing became commonplace Fuji Xerox started remanufacturing in 1990s, and Ricoh and Canon began selling remanufactured machines in the 2000s Ricoh’s and Canon’s remanufactured ... the obstacles of remanufacturing businesses Efforts to overcome the obstacles of remanufacturing businesses Products Main business segment Motives for remanufacturing Collection of used products ... prevalent target of remanufacturing in the world Up to two-thirds of remanufacturing businesses globally is estimated to involve auto parts [3] In Japan, however, remanufacturing of auto parts is...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

11 606 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " An analysis of drought conditions in Central Vietnam during 1961-2007 " potx

Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " An analysis of drought conditions in Central Vietnam during 1961-2007 " potx

... clearly shown in Figure It can be seen that dry conditions slightly increase in North Central while decrease in South Central and Highland Central in which the rate of change in Highland Central ... driest years in North Central Vietnam during the period are 1969, 1977, and 1988 with P index in the range of 0.7 and 0.8 In V.T Hang, N.T Trang / VNU Journal of Science, Earth Sciences 26 (2010) ... slightly increase in North Central while decrease in South Central and Highland Central Vietnam during 1961-2007 The increasing trend of drought conditions happens in the first period 1961-1970 in...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 17:23

7 257 0
an analysis of clause expansion in two thanksgiving day gentlemen based on systemic functional grammar and suggestions for teaching writing = phân tích về cú mở rộng trong tác phẩm  hai quý ông trong ngày lễ tạ ơn

an analysis of clause expansion in two thanksgiving day gentlemen based on systemic functional grammar and suggestions for teaching writing = phân tích về cú mở rộng trong tác phẩm hai quý ông trong ngày lễ tạ ơn

... be analyzed in order to see what kind of expansion and what devices to connect clauses the author used in his writing Finally, the results of the analysis and difficulties in studying writing of ... draftsman, bank teller and journalist He also began writing as a sideline Porter led an active social life in Austin, including membership in singing and drama groups Porter was a good singer and ... NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THUỲ LINH AN ANALYSIS OF CLAUSE EXPANSION IN ‘TWO THANKSGIVING DAY GENTLEMEN’...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

61 820 0
an analysis of lexical cohesion in document of the textbook of english for geology = phân tích liên kết từ vựng sử dụng trong những tài liệu của giáo trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành địa chất

an analysis of lexical cohesion in document of the textbook of english for geology = phân tích liên kết từ vựng sử dụng trong những tài liệu của giáo trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành địa chất

... uncommon and common, dispensable and indispensable, ect Super-ordinate According to linguistics, Super-ordinate is a word the meaning of which includes the meaning of another word or words In ... of Mineral Resources, Faculty of Geology, University of Mining & Geology Chapter indicates some major findings of studying EG and suggests some meaningful implications to reform teaching and ... any instance which involves a pair of lexical items that are associated with each other in the language in some ways Halliday and Hassan offer the following types of association: - Various kinds...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

55 846 0
an analysis of lexical cohesion in document of the textbook of english for geology = phân tích liên kết từ vựng sử dụng trong những tài liệu của giáo trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành địa chất tt

an analysis of lexical cohesion in document of the textbook of english for geology = phân tích liên kết từ vựng sử dụng trong những tài liệu của giáo trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành địa chất tt

... difficulties of the students analyzed in the findings, basing on the opinions about the solutions of the English teachers at DMR, FG of UMG and on the author’s study on theory of teaching and learning, ... interested in studying both English and EG In short, the findings indicate that not only textbook but also teaching and learning activities could be enhanced better and better when they make use of Lexical ... textbook in department of mineral resources” 3 Statistics of questionnaires to work out the findings Problems in teaching and studying EG based on the findings Implications for teaching EG effectively...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

10 723 0
An Analysis of Cultural Factors in the Textbook English 12 from the Perspective of English as an International Language = Phân tích các yếu tố văn hóa trong sác

An Analysis of Cultural Factors in the Textbook English 12 from the Perspective of English as an International Language = Phân tích các yếu tố văn hóa trong sác

... describe and analyze data: an analysis card The criteria to fit into four domains of the analysis card were designed in the light of the criteria for analysis The criteria for analysis were made in ... Purpose of the analysis 24 2.6.2 Sample of the analysis 24 2.6.3 Elements of the analysis 26 2.6.4 Units of analysis 26 2.6.5 Instrument of the analysis ... content analysis process 2.4 Content analysis In research, content analysis refers to "a method used for analyzing and tabulating the frequency of occurrence of topics, ideas, opinions and other...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:22

66 1,1K 8


... corporate governance is an important factor in determining firm performance Many business failures are due to the board’s inability to address the overall company performance in an effective and consistent ... accountability, enhancing the reliability and quality of financial information, and therefore enhancing the integrity and efficiency of capital markets, which in turn will improve investor confidence ... Furthermore, a company’s board of directors can play an important role in determining the kind of funding a public offering receives If going public is your goal, the selection of board members...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2015, 20:09

56 435 0
An analysis of lexical cohesion in document of the textbook of English for geology

An analysis of lexical cohesion in document of the textbook of English for geology

... Department of Mineral Resources, Faculty of Geology, University of Mining & Geology Chapter indicates some major findings of studying EG and suggests some meaningful implications to reform teaching and ... in department of mineral resources” Statistics of questionnaires to work out the findings Problems in teaching and studying EG based on the findings Implications for teaching EG effectively and ... occurence and analysis Chapter 3: Major findings and implications for teaching eg effectively Basing on several difficulties of the students analyzed in the findings, basing on the opinions about...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50

6 401 0
Effectiveness of local government in china an analysis of two districts in baoji city, shaanxi province

Effectiveness of local government in china an analysis of two districts in baoji city, shaanxi province

... capital of Shaanxi Province) in the east, Lan Zhou (the capital of Gansu Province) in the west, Yin Chuan (the capital of Ningxia Province) in the north and An Economically Soaring City -Baoji,” ... implement housing and land development plans, manage real estate properties, “affordable housing” projects (jingjing shiyongfang) and other dwellings in Jintai and Weibin District 32 30 In China, public ... upper provincial government in the area of Jintai & Weibin District; To draft and implement housing development plans in Jintai & Weibin District; Management of real estate and dwellings in Jintai...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 19:06

125 957 0
An analysis of cohesive devices in bussiness letters in english and vietnamese

An analysis of cohesive devices in bussiness letters in english and vietnamese

... business ventures Regarding a variety of tasks facing the Vietnamese in business area, we cannot help mentioning business letters writing Business letters are becoming more and more popular in ... reference of business letter Table 05: The use of demonstrative reference of business letter Table 06: The use of substitution of business letter Table 07 : The use of nominal substitution of business ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNVERSITY AN ANALYSIS OF COHESIVE DEVICES IN BUSSINESS LETTERS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ PHƯƠNG TIỆN LIÊN KẾT TRONG THƯ TÍN KINH DOANH...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:26

124 706 2


... units of language and usage They maintained that the study of discourse is the study of units of language and language use consisting of more than a single sentence, connected by some systems of ... pre-writing activities (brain storming and outlining), writing stage (drafting), rewriting (revising and editing), as well as structuring the essay (introduction, body and conclusion) while paying ... communicate intents are what linguists and language philosophers use to investigate Many linguists and scholars from related fields have examined the concepts “discourse and discourse analysis from...

Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2017, 22:27

10 386 0
An analysis of parental engagement in contemporary queensland schooling

An analysis of parental engagement in contemporary queensland schooling

... in the marketplace as a means of meeting diverse needs of the community and determining quality in schooling These trends culminated in 1996 in an explicit government invitation to parents to ... worked within particular In this type of analytic work the notion of “working backwards” is paramount This analysis works by beginning in the present and “working backwards” to the past Within this ... macro and microanalysis including archival What are the conditions that now produce “success” or “failure” for parents engaging in the schooling of their children? How can an analysis of these...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2017, 15:39

352 126 0
DSpace at VNU: An analysis of coastal erosion in the tropical rapid accretion delta of the Red River, Vietnam

DSpace at VNU: An analysis of coastal erosion in the tropical rapid accretion delta of the Red River, Vietnam

... system in Vietnam The origin co-ordination was installed in Hanoi VN-2000 is a unified system for the whole country Maps are scanned and then the shoreline in each map is digitized in MapInfo software ... noise and define transport vectors and (3) significance test on the transport vectors The parameters of sorting, mean diameter of grain sizes, and skewness are considered to be equal importance in ... density of sediment grains (kg/m3), and n is the porosity of sediments Results 3.1 Shoreline change The overlaying of maps shows quantitative figures of shoreline change at the coast (Fig and Table...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 04:16

12 179 0
Luận văn english business emails an analysis of errors made by vietnamese people working in foreign companies

Luận văn english business emails an analysis of errors made by vietnamese people working in foreign companies

... the definition of error ‘as being instance of language that is unintentionally deviant and is not corrigible by its author’ In addition, intention plays an important part in the definition of error ... meanings and the distribution of forms and meaning of their native language and culture to the foreign language and culture’ (Lado,1957:2) Another idea of transfer is also pointed out, ‘Transfer ... reports, tables of data, graphs and charts, blueprints, pictures, etc 17 Nowadays, updating and transferring information in doing business are very important, so business emails have become an efficient...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:16

42 603 1