amp h2 storage measurement procedur

Carbon nanotubes   modification and application

Carbon nanotubes modification and application

... Techniques of measuring H2 uptake.………………….…………………… .…168 7.2 H2 storage of carbon nanotubes with modified pores…………….…………… … 171 7.2.1 Sample preparations and H2 storage measurement procedures.………….….….171 ... Current H2 storage technologies compared to DOE target and petroleum performance2 The upper right box indicates future H2 storage technological breakthrough… 165 Figure 7.2 An overview of H2 technology ... SWNT bundle -H2 interactions at the (5,5) outside surface (site A, •), pore (• =H2 parallel to tube axis, ○ =H2 perpendicular to tube axis), and groove (•) Adsorption energy curve of H2 in the interstitial...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:28

306 467 0
The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes potx

The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes potx

... almost free of nanoparticle and amorphous carbon [39] Such 10 SWCNT sample has widely been used for the physical-property measurements 1401 3.1.3 Catalytic synthesis Very recently, it has been ... preceding decomposition in primitive helices follows that the amplitude diffracted by an SWCNT can be expressed in terms of the "structure" amplitude A (k)of a primitive helix which was shown in ref ... x p a ( # + m(2L + m ) ) + I] 3L [ (4) Finally the scattered amplitude for the complete SWCNT is obtained by summing the complex amplitudes of the L zigzag helices taking the phase differences...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

206 1,5K 0
Deposition of carbon nanotubes on si nanowires by chemical vapor deposition

Deposition of carbon nanotubes on si nanowires by chemical vapor deposition

... also found to co-exist during the carbon coating processes Fig 2b showed a TEM image of the same sample and its corresponding SAED pattern The di€raction rings of crystalline cubic Si and b-SiC ... carbon deposition at 1100°C, and a higher magni®cation image of a single nanowire in the same sample at the left bottom corner and the corresponding SEAD pattern at the right bottom corner; (b) ... nanowires with carbon deposition at $1300°C and the higher magni®cation image of a part of the sample in the upper image feather-like carbon sheets sprouting from the surface of the nanowires...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:04

5 456 2
purification of carbon nanotubes

purification of carbon nanotubes

... oxidation include air [40–46], a mixture of Cl2, H2O, and HCl [47], a mixture of Ar, O2, and H2O [48–50], a mixture of O2, SF6 and C2H2F4 [51], H2S and O2 [52], and steam [53] High temperature ... caps, low yield, less damage to tube wall Cadd CARBON Physical method Air Cl2, H2O, HCl H2O, Ar, O2 O2, C2H2F4, SF6 HNO3 H2O2, HCl Mixture of acid or KMnO4 Microwave in inorganic acid Alkali or acid ... commonly used oxidants for liquid phase oxidation include HNO3 [58–60], H2O2 or a mixture of H2O2 and HCl [61–63], a mixture of H2SO4, HNO3, KMnO4 and NaOH [64–67], and KMnO4 [67–69] The shortcomings...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:06

23 604 0
Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes potx

Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes potx

... 3.1 Measurements of the Young’s modulus Nevertheless, a number of experimental measurements of the Young’s modulus of nanotubes have been reported The first such study [71] correlated the amplitude ... and vibration amplitude (in this example, L = 36.8 nm, d = 1.5 nm, σ = 0.33 nm, and Y = 1.33 ± 0.2 TPa) [38] on SWNT’s using the same technique have been reported, Fig [38] A larger sample of nanotubes ... showing the blurring of the tips due to thermal vibration, from 300 to 600 K Detailed measurement of the vibration amplitude is used to estimate the stiffness of the nanotube beam [71] Bottom panel:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

41 380 0
electrical and thermal interface conductance of carbon nanotubes grown under dc bias voltage

electrical and thermal interface conductance of carbon nanotubes grown under dc bias voltage

... dendrimer polymer [NH2(CH2)2NH2](NH2)64 was supplied as a 10% CH3OH solution from Aldrich The catalyst solution was prepared by mixing two solutions containing 5.56 mmol of FeCl3 · 6H2O (Aldrich) and ... run I-V Measurements Individual CNTs were randomly selected from the as-prepared samples for this study using procedures reported by dePablo et al.18 A schematic representation of the procedure ... the measured CNT sample can be determined from the slope of the fitting line same procedure to ensure consistency and to allow quantitative comparisons among the samples After sample preparation,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:53

7 308 0
applied physics of carbon nanotubes, 2005, p.361

applied physics of carbon nanotubes, 2005, p.361

... discuss how to use spectroscopic measurements, absorption, fluorescence and Raman, to study covalent and charge transfer interactions between small molecules and SWNTs Examples discussed include the ... out the desirable nanotubes, and unique and novel measurement tools to characterize the chiralities of nanotubes Other chapters deal with the measurement of the electronic properties of carbon ... Single-Nanotube Optical Spectroscopy 7.6 Influence of Sample Preparation on Optical Spectra 7.7 Spectrofluorimetric Sample Analysis 7.8 Detection, Imaging,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:50

361 271 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " The application of carbon nanotubes in target drug delivery systems for cancer therapies" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " The application of carbon nanotubes in target drug delivery systems for cancer therapies" docx

... [Pt (NH3) 2Cl2(O2CCH2CH2CO2H) (O2CCH2CH2CONH-PEG-FA) derivatized with PEG and folate (FA) was attached to the surface of SWCNT functionalized with amino groups (SWNT-PL-PEG-NH2) through multiple ... meters per gram The bundling of SWCNTs dramatically decreases the special surface area of most samples of SWCNT to approximately 300 m2/g or less, although this is still a very high value [8,9] ... aromatic groups can be embarked on the debunching and solubilization of CNTs using nucleic acids and amphiphilic peptides based on the π-π stacking interactions between the CNT surface and aromatic...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

22 848 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes and graphene in epoxy nanofluids and nanocomposites" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes and graphene in epoxy nanofluids and nanocomposites" pptx

... until the sample temperature was stable and heated up the sample for 30 s Then, it was used to monitor the cooling rate and calculate the thermal conductivity with an accuracy of 5% The measurements ... liquid The results were the average of at least six measurements for each sample On the other hand, the thermal conductivity of the cured samples was measured using a hot disk apparatus This ... in the steady state between the sample and the three disks of the apparatus that allowed us to calculate the thermal resistivity of -3- the solid sample Testing samples with different thicknesses...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

16 495 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Synthesis of carbon nanotubes with and without catalyst particles" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: "Synthesis of carbon nanotubes with and without catalyst particles" doc

... the appropriate description of growth depends on the synthesis route and conditions used For example, it is argued that at low temperature CNT growth can occur through surface diffusion [15] ... high temperature annealing (>1500°C) of SiC and was first demonstrated by Kusunoki et al [18] An example of the CNT is provided in Figure Kusunoki and coworkers showed that in low vacuum conditions ... nanoparticles Numerous investigators have shown oxides are well suited for CNT growth An early example was the use of MgO as the catalysts for SWNT formation via the laser evaporation route [11]...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

9 438 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Plasma-Assisted Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Plasma-Assisted Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes" pot

... during the synthesis of CNFs using C 2H2 and NH3 feedstocks in a dc PECVD reactor The partial dissociation of C 2H2 and NH3 led to the formation of H2, HCN, H2O and N2 species The presence of excited ... RF CH4 :H2 = 30:50 sccm Ni powder (4–7 mm) Random 25 200/400 DECR C 2H2/ N2 sccm nm Ni film Random 39 120 NA DC Ratio C 2H2: NH3 = 1:4 nm Ni film Vertically aligned 27 200 1,000/60 ICP CH4 ? H2 = 30 ... C 2H2: NH3 = 30:200 sccm nm Ni film Vertically aligned 17 250 370 20 500 DC Microwave C 2H2: NH3 = 50:200 sccm CH4 /H2 Ni/Co nanoparticles Fe-Si film Random Vertically aligned 25 41 400 350 RF CH4:H2...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

10 405 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Exploring the Immunotoxicity of Carbon Nanotubes" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: "Exploring the Immunotoxicity of Carbon Nanotubes" ppt

... O2–d radicals that disproportionate to form hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Transition metals, through their interactions with O2–d and H2O2, act as catalysts for the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl ... the chronic pulmonary inflammation and granuloma formation in vivo caused by SWNTs Five different samples of MWNTs were intratracheally instilled into guinea pigs [12] Significant pulmonary toxicity ... Oxidatively modified lipids generated by cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and lipooxygenase (LOX) participate in amplification of the inflammatory response via recruitment of new inflammatory cells One recent study...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20

7 349 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Aggregate structure of hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein (HRGP) and HRGP assisted dispersion of carbon nanotubes" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Aggregate structure of hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein (HRGP) and HRGP assisted dispersion of carbon nanotubes" doc

... cleaved mica for 50 s at 4000 rpm Samples with high salt concentration had to be rinsed briefly with water and dried with nitrogen gas before they could be imaged These samples were analyzed with an ... map 123 158 of alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic blocks and effectively is an amphiphilic block-copolymer Amphiphilic macromolecules such as designed peptides [22] and linear DNA molecules ... mode SWNT-YK20 complexes were spincoated onto freshly cleaved mica for 50 s at 2000 rpm These samples were analyzed with an MFP-3D microscope (Asylum Research, Santa Babara, CA) in AC mode Si...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

6 254 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Single step process for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes and metal/alloy-filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Single step process for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes and metal/alloy-filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes" docx

... Furthermore, the catalysts being hydrogen storage alloys, we envisage that these novel structures could possibly be used as microelectrodes in fuel cell technology and H2 sensors We also discuss the growth ... Filling of hydrogen storage alloy nanowires inside CNTs prevents them from oxidation and hence results in their enhanced properties Mischmetal (Mm) based AB2 and AB5 hydrogen storage alloys have ... technology and H2 sensors We also discuss the growth of Ni encapsulated MWNTs, SWNTs using similar procedure, but at elevated temperatures Thus, in this letter, a single step process is demonstrated...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

6 363 0
The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes III ppt

The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes III ppt

... almost free of nanoparticle and amorphous carbon [39] Such 10 SWCNT sample has widely been used for the physical-property measurements 1401 3.1.3 Catalytic synthesis Very recently, it has been ... preceding decomposition in primitive helices follows that the amplitude diffracted by an SWCNT can be expressed in terms of the "structure" amplitude A (k)of a primitive helix which was shown in ref ... x p a ( # + m(2L + m ) ) + I] 3L [ (4) Finally the scattered amplitude for the complete SWCNT is obtained by summing the complex amplitudes of the L zigzag helices taking the phase differences...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

206 588 0
The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes pptx

The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes pptx

... almost free of nanoparticle and amorphous carbon [39] Such 10 SWCNT sample has widely been used for the physical-property measurements 1401 3.1.3 Catalytic synthesis Very recently, it has been ... preceding decomposition in primitive helices follows that the amplitude diffracted by an SWCNT can be expressed in terms of the "structure" amplitude A (k)of a primitive helix which was shown in ref ... x p a ( # + m(2L + m ) ) + I] 3L [ (4) Finally the scattered amplitude for the complete SWCNT is obtained by summing the complex amplitudes of the L zigzag helices taking the phase differences...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20

206 509 0
Chemistry of Carbon Nanotubes phần 3 potx

Chemistry of Carbon Nanotubes phần 3 potx

... FeCl3.404 In most cases, these fillers were admixed with CNT in their molten state within a sealed ampule or they were sublimed Electron beam irradiation of such peapod structures induced cluster ... Hennrich, F.; Kappes, M M Nano Lett 2003, 3, 153 (a) Baker, S E.; Cai, W.; Lasseter, T L.; Weidkamp, K P.; Hamers, R J Nano Lett 2002, 2, 1413 (b) Khitrov, G MRS Bull 2002, 27, 940 (a) Hazani, ... H J Am Chem Soc 2004, 126, 7222 (d) Dalton, A B.; Ortiz-Acevedo, A.; Zorbas, V.; Brunner, E.; Sampson, W M.; Collins, S.; Razal, J M.; Miki Yoshida, M.; Baughman, R H.; Draper, R K.; Musselman,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 13:22

12 496 0
Comprehensive molecular dynamics simulations of carbon nanotubes under axial force or torsion vibration and new continuum models

Comprehensive molecular dynamics simulations of carbon nanotubes under axial force or torsion vibration and new continuum models

... et al 2011, Stampfer et al 2006a, Stampfer et al 2006b, Stampfer et al 2006c, Tombler et al 2000, Velasquez-Garcia et al 2010, Withey et al 2012) c) Green technologies and hydrogen storage  Solar ... Mechanical energy storage devices (Cao et al 2005, Hill et al 2009b, Kozinda et al 2012)  High performance composites (De Volder et al 2013)  Pressure sensor (Stampfer et al 2006a, Stampfer et al ... buckling of CNT tip (Wilson and Macpherson 2009) 14 Figure 1.8: CNT pressure sensor (Stampfer et al 2006c) 15 Figure 1.9: CNT-based torsional NEMS (Cohen-Karni et al 2006) 15...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:19

246 493 0
Processing and applications of carbon nanotubes and graphene

Processing and applications of carbon nanotubes and graphene

... 200 g mol-1, melting point = -65 oC), Polyoxyethylene (12) tridecyl ether [POETE, C1 3H27 (OCH2CH2)nOH, n =12] H2SO4, HNO3, HCl and Al, were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich All the chemicals were used ... is produced by mixing NaNO3 and H2SO4 with H2O HNO3 is a common oxidizing agent known to react strongly with aromatic carbon surfaces The mixing of KMnO4 and H2SO4 produces dimanganeseheptoxide ... Varian Cary 5000 UV-vis-NIR spectrometer The thin film samples were coated onto quartz substrates for the optical measurement And the liquid samples were prepared by dispersing the materials into...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:35

146 495 0