amp bottom up construction method for comparison with top down method

Báo cáo khoa học: "Head-driven Transition-based Parsing with Top-down Prediction" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Head-driven Transition-based Parsing with Top-down Prediction" pdf

... prediction size to in top- down parser These trained models were used for the following testing We compared top- down parsing algorithm with other data-driven parsing algorithms in Table Top- down parser ... 27 Table 4: Two examples on which top- down parser is superior to two bottom- up parsers: In correct analysis, the boxed portion is the head of the underlined portion Bottom- up parsers often mistake ... contains a coordination structure, which it is difficult for bottom- up parsers to handle, but, top- down parser handles it well because its top- down prediction globally captures the coordination Conclusion...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

9 312 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy with a small incision for renal cell carcinoma: Comparison with the conventional method" docx

Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy with a small incision for renal cell carcinoma: Comparison with the conventional method" docx

... from the A method to the B method During this period, the A method was performed in cases while the B method was performed in cases A total of six surgeons handled these cases, and the A method was ... group (29.4%) and cases in the B method group (24.2%) (p = 0.803) The duration of the procedure was 214.4 ± 46.9 minutes in the A method group and 208.1 ± 36.4 minutes in the B method group (p ... radical nephrectomy with a small incision for renal cell carcinoma: Comparison with the conventional method Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine 2011 10:11 Abbreviations A method: Retroperitoneoscopic...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:21

5 248 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Seed-driven Bottom-up Machine Learning Framework for Extracting Relations of Various Complexity" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Seed-driven Bottom-up Machine Learning Framework for Extracting Relations of Various Complexity" pdf

... representation formats The pattern discovery is bottom- up and compositional, i.e., complex patterns can build on top of simple patterns for projections We propose a rule representation that supports ... the bottom- up extracted patterns, the task of the rule induction is to cluster and generalize the patterns In comparison to the bottom- up rule induction strategy (Califf and Mooney, 2004), our method ... (2006), the authors show that at least for the investigated task it is more effective to start with the most complex relation instance, namely, with an n-ary sample for the target n-ary relation as...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20

8 335 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Bottom-up Approach to Sentence Ordering for Multi-document Summarization" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Bottom-up Approach to Sentence Ordering for Multi-document Summarization" ppt

... segment B Let us consider a bottom- up approach in arranging sentences Starting with a set of segments initialized with a sentence for each, we concatenate two segments, with the strongest association ... integration method with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Vapnik, 1998) classifier F = (c d) E = (b a) Segments A B a C b D c d Sentences Figure 1: Arranging four sentences A, B, C, and D with a bottom- up ... as in the topical-closeness criterion) Figure shows an example of calculating the precedence criterion for arranging segment B after A We approximate the presuppositional information for sentence...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20

8 239 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Exponential energy decay and blow-up of solutions for a system of nonlinear viscoelastic wave equations with strong damping" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Exponential energy decay and blow-up of solutions for a system of nonlinear viscoelastic wave equations with strong damping" ppt

... [14] For instance, Messaoudi [11] studied (1.2) for h(ut) = a|ut|m-2ut and f(u) = b|u|p-2u and proved a blow -up result for solutions with negative initial energy if p >m ≥ and a global result for ... and uniform decay for nonlinear viscoelastic equation with strong damping Math Methods Appl Sci 24, 1043–1053 (2001) doi:10.1002/mma.250 Messaoudi, SA, Tatar, N-E: Global existence and uniform ... existence and energy decay In this section, we deal with the uniform exponential decay of the energy for system (1.1) by using the perturbed energy method Before we state and prove our main result, we...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20

19 370 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Application of the Subordination Principle to the Harmonic Mappings Convex in One Direction with Shear Construction Method" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Application of the Subordination Principle to the Harmonic Mappings Convex in One Direction with Shear Construction Method" pot

... h z − g z is a conformal univalent mapping of D onto a domain convex in the direction of the real axis Theorem 1.1 leads to the construction of univalent harmonic function with analytic dilatation ... written in the form 2.9 |b1 |r ϕ 1 , |b1 |r ϕ r − |b1 | − r h z −g z ⇒ ϕ 2.12 − b1 therefore, Journal of Inequalities and Applications Corollary 2.3 If one lets b1 0, then ϕ therefore, one obtains ... the normalization 1.1 , then we have the following result Theorem 1.2 see Suppose that ψ z is analytic and nonconstant for |z| < 1, then one has Re − z2 ψ z > if and only if i ψ z is univalent...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

6 384 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A construction method for complete sets of mutually orthogonal frequency squares" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "A construction method for complete sets of mutually orthogonal frequency squares" pdf

... order m The construction The construction that is described in the following theorem provides a way of generating complete sets of MOFS but assumes the existence of affine designs with suitable ... and then, for each such α, there are λ values of j for which Fij = α (since F is an F (kmλ; λ) frequency square) Hence β occurs exactly kλ times in any row of M; and this is also true for columns ... (kmλ; kλ) frequency squares defined as before Assume M = M Then we show that M and M are orthogonal Let ≤ β, β ≤ m We count that number of order pairs i, j for which Mij = β and Mij = β First consider...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

3 335 0
báo cáo khoa học: "The role of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in the preoperative staging and posttherapy follow up of gastriccancer:Comparison with spiral CT" docx

báo cáo khoa học: "The role of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in the preoperative staging and posttherapy follow up of gastriccancer:Comparison with spiral CT" docx

... were divided into three groups 4/42 of the analysed scans were performed for preoperative staging (group 1), 30/42 of the for posttherapy restaging (Group 2) and 8/42 for recurrence or metastasis ... disease free follow up period (Group 3) Groups 1, and included 4, 24 and patients respectively PET/CT and Spiral CT All spiral thoracoabdominal CT examinations were performed with oral and i.v ... compare with conventional CT Method Patient Group In this retrospective analysis, we reviewed a total of 51 PET/CT reports of 44 primary gastric adenocarcinoma patients to whom PET/CT was performed...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:20

5 391 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Volumetric intensity-modulated Arc (RapidArc) therapy for primary hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison with intensity-modulated radiotherapy and 3-D conformal radiotherapy" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Volumetric intensity-modulated Arc (RapidArc) therapy for primary hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison with intensity-modulated radiotherapy and 3-D conformal radiotherapy" pot

... energy was used for each patient and for all three methods For each patient, three different plans (3DCRT, IMRT, and RapidArc) were calculated using the Eclipse planning system with the 120-leaf ... differences among the three methods with regard to the DVH parameters For target coverage, all V 95% of CTV for these three techniques gave at least 99% of the prescribed dose without any significant ... (RapidArc), with a significantly lower mean dose to the normal liver with IMRT than with 3DCRT or RapidArc (p < 0.05) The high-dose regions of the normal liver were higher for V 40 G y and V 30 Gy with...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:20

9 325 0
Báo cáo y học: "Medicinal plants used for traditional veterinary in the Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina): An ethnobotanical comparison with human medicinal uses" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Medicinal plants used for traditional veterinary in the Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina): An ethnobotanical comparison with human medicinal uses" ppt

... decoction is prepared alone or with “moradillo”, and applies after washing with white soap Acalypha communis Müll Arg (Euphorbiaceae) (AMP 2215) albahaquilla del campo, curabichera sores and ulcers ... “palo amarillo” alone or with “duraznillo”, “doradilla”, “cebacaballo” and “manzanilla” Combined with “liguilla"; specially for goats Aloe saponaria Haw (Asphodelaceae) (AMP 2105) Aloysia gratissima ... ehrenbergiana (Klotzsch) Liebm (Celtidaceae) (AMP 2006; AMP 2008) Cestrum parqui L’Hér (Solanaceae) (AMP 2072) tala distemper Is incinerated on lighted coals with sulfur stick duraznillo negro wounds...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

19 444 0
Báo cáo y học: "Usefulness of manufactured tomato extracts in the diagnosis of tomato sensitization: Comparison with the prick-prick method" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Usefulness of manufactured tomato extracts in the diagnosis of tomato sensitization: Comparison with the prick-prick method" pdf

... skin symptoms, were distributed in groups: Group I was formed by 26 previously identified individuals reporting clinical symptoms upon contact or ingestion with tomato (3 anaphylaxis, 17 oral allergy ... SPT with tomato peel and pulp extracts and prick-prick with fresh Canary tomato were performed in all subjects simultaneously All SPT were conducted by duplicate, in the volar surface of the forearm, ... table Group I, patients reporting symptoms with tomato, included significantly more females than group II consisting in subjects who not reported symptoms with tomato Subjects from group I were...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:22

8 259 0
Báo cáo y học: "Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A): a clinical Trial for Patients with suicidal and self-injurious Behavior and Borderline Symptoms with a one-year Follow-up" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A): a clinical Trial for Patients with suicidal and self-injurious Behavior and Borderline Symptoms with a one-year Follow-up" pot

... treatment with DBT in comparison to controls This applies to both female adults and adolescents diagnosed with BPD symptoms [6,7,25] In a 10-year prospective follow -up study on adult patients with ... Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A): a clinical Trial for Patients with suicidal and selfinjurious Behavior and Borderline Symptoms with a one-year Follow -up Child and Adolescent ... study, is based upon a manual which has been translated and modified for use in Germany by our study group Thus, the results of this study represent the first experiences gained with DBT-A in German-speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

10 449 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Clostridial spores as live ''''Trojan horse'''' vectors for cancer gene therapy: comparison with viral delivery systems" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Clostridial spores as live ''''Trojan horse'''' vectors for cancer gene therapy: comparison with viral delivery systems" pptx

... vectors for cancer therapy, the mechanisms involved, and the foreseeable promises and problems when compared with existing viral vector systems The development and use of viral vector systems for ... the coupling of inorganic nano-scale materials Page of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 2008, 6:8 to targeted AV vectors has much potential For example, ... immunocompetent, orthotopic lung cancer model demonstrated prolonged survival of mice inoculated with AdHSV TK transfected tumour cells following treatment with ganciclovir compared with controls While...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22

12 278 0
guide for the design and construction of concrete reinforced with frp bars

guide for the design and construction of concrete reinforced with frp bars

... reinforced cross section: two sections reinforced with GFRP bars and one reinforced with CFRP bars For the section experiencing GFRP bars rupture, the concrete dimensions are larger than for ... reinforcement ratio, showing that the balanced ratio for FRP reinforcement ρfb, is much lower than the balanced ratio for steel reinforcement, ρb In fact, the balanced ratio for FRP reinforcement ... Fukuyama, H.; and Tanigaki, M.; 1993, “Shear Performance of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Stirrups,” Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, SP-138, A Nanni and C...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 21:59

42 989 1
behavior and design of open steel box girder bridges by up-down construction method

behavior and design of open steel box girder bridges by up-down construction method

... the up- down methods i.e up- down, down- down, and down -up method The type of up- down method chosen is depended on the actual condition of construction in field, such as available space for construction ... of types of up- down construction methods Up- down method is used for general condition, while down -up method normally applied for single span And the down- down method is more suitable for some conditions ... spreadsheet for the detailed calculation of design example -5- CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Fundamental of Up- Down Construction Method Up and down construction method applied for bridge superstructure...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 06:40

207 402 0
Engineering nanomaterials from bottom up with computer simulation

Engineering nanomaterials from bottom up with computer simulation

... time-, Figure (A) Superstructure assembled by octopods Top- left: an octopod-shaped particle; top- right: a linear chain assembled by interlocking octopod-shape particles Bottom: superstructure assembled ... choice for the simulation method is strongly dependent 27 VJS | January 2015 | Volume | Issue | c111401 Engineering nanomaterials from bottom up with computer simulation or supercomputers With ... Reprint from Ref (42) with permission (B) Lattice assembled by rhombic nanoplates: experiment (top) and simulation (bottom) Reprint from Ref (43) with permission (C) Superlattice formed by polyhedralshaped...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2016, 23:17

11 413 0
Inversion in english in comparison with that in vietnamese and some suggested pratice exercises for learners of english submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of bachelor pedagogy

Inversion in english in comparison with that in vietnamese and some suggested pratice exercises for learners of english submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of bachelor pedagogy

... Therefore, with these purposes, the study “Inversion in English in comparison with that in Vietnamese and some suggested practice exercises for learners of English.” is conducted II RESEARCH PRESUPPOSTION ... only by, only with For example: Only by chance had he come back home, he found the thief in his house  Expressions with no/not: not until, at no time, under no circumstances… For example: Not ... prosodic meaning for the sentences 13 III.1.5 Inversion in formulae According to Foley& Hall (2012), we also see inversion in certain fixed expressions, often with subjunctives For example: Long live...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2016, 14:00

51 1,9K 11