alterations of experimental epilepsy models in brain and hippocampus

Báo cáo y học: "The role of the Notch pathway in healthy and osteoarthritic articular cartilage: from experimental models to ex vivo studies" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "The role of the Notch pathway in healthy and osteoarthritic articular cartilage: from experimental models to ex vivo studies" pdf

... ligand-receptor interaction and a cysteine rich region The intracellular domain consists of ankyrin repeats, a glutamine-rich domain and a PEST (proline, glutamate, serine, threonine) domain ... the release of the intracellular domain of the receptor, which interacts in the nucleus with the transcription factor CSL (CBF in humans, Suppressor of hairless in Drosophila, and LAG in Caenorhabditis ... signaling during development is a matter of timing Grogan and colleagues [49] showed that the over-expression of the Notch intracellular domain in hMSC pellet culture induced a reduction in type...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:22

8 275 0
Báo cáo y học: "The human anti-IL-1β monoclonal antibody ACZ885 is effective in joint inflammation models in mice and in a proof-of-concept study in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" doc

Báo cáo y học: "The human anti-IL-1β monoclonal antibody ACZ885 is effective in joint inflammation models in mice and in a proof-of-concept study in patients with rheumatoid arthritis" doc

... inflammation and cartilage degradation were inhibited by blocking IL-1β but not IL-1α In RA patients, IL-1β is overexpressed in inflamed synovial tissue, in particular in the lining layer and in sublining ... The main elicitor of inflammatory responses in preclinical animal models appears to be IL-1β and not IL-1α In murine collagen-induced arthritis [6] and antigen-induced arthritis [7,8], inflammation ... Scoring was performed on decoded slides by two separate observers, using the following parameters In the haematoxylin/eosin stained slides the amount of cells infiltrating the synovial lining and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:23

9 386 0
Báo cáo y học: " Enhanced macrophage tropism of HIV in brain and lymphoid tissues is associated with sensitivity to the broadly neutralizing CD4 binding site antibody b12" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Enhanced macrophage tropism of HIV in brain and lymphoid tissues is associated with sensitivity to the broadly neutralizing CD4 binding site antibody b12" ppsx

... enhanced HIV entry into macrophages and increased sensitivity to reagents targeting the CD4 binding site Here, we use a panel of viruses expressing primary HIV Envs from brain and lymphoid tissues ... overlapping the CD4 binding site, rather than exposure of the CD4 binding site per se Elimination of an N-linked glycan at position 386 in the macrophage-tropic primary HIV Envs YU2 and JRFL ... target the CD4 binding site, we investigated neutralization of viruses expressing YU2 and JRFL wild-type and N386D mutant Envs with mAbs b12 and b6, sCD4 and the broadly neutralizing HIV-infected patient...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

7 379 0
Gradient enhanced plasticity and damage models  addressing the limitations of classical models in softening and hardening

Gradient enhanced plasticity and damage models addressing the limitations of classical models in softening and hardening

... on the orientation and size of the finite element mesh during softening In the limit of infinitesimal element size, the softening behavior localizes to a set of zero volume and the material response ... Giessen, Professor P Steinmann, Professor S Forest, Professor V.S Deshpande, Professor C M Wang and A/Professor W.A.M Brekelmans, for going through the thesis and providing pertinent feedbacks during ... strain tends to localize into a band of single element thickness Such models exhibit finite energy dissipation during softening but localization occurs with discontinuous strain rates (Jirásek and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:25

167 331 0
Study of the morphological and functional alterations of high endothelial venules in the regional lymph nodes to tongue cancer patients and its clinico pathological correlations

Study of the morphological and functional alterations of high endothelial venules in the regional lymph nodes to tongue cancer patients and its clinico pathological correlations

... increasing in young adults internationally (8-14) This may be attributed to the higher incidence of young people picking up smoking and the increasing incidence of HPV infection in young adults In the ... dentition status, and integrity of the mandible A sample of the lesion e.g punch biopsy may be obtained in the clinical setting or as part of the endoscopic evaluation of the tumor to obtain pre-operative ... monthly in year to year and after years, months to yearly During the follow-ups, chest imaging as clinically indicated Speech, hearing and swallowing evaluation and rehabilitation as indicated Smoking...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 16:50

130 165 0
Báo cáo y học: " Introduction of Medical Emergency Teams in Australia and New Zealand: a multi-centre study"

Báo cáo y học: " Introduction of Medical Emergency Teams in Australia and New Zealand: a multi-centre study"

... Care Resources (ARCCCR) maintains a database recording information on critical care resources, including the timing of introduction of METs In addition, ANZICS maintains an Adult Patient Database ... undertaken using the information contained within the database Assessment on timing of introduction of MET service We obtained information from a database maintained by the ANZICS ARCCCR and derived ... service introduction and the incidence and rate of ICU admissions due to ward CAs, (c) to assess the association between MET service introduction and the incidence and rate of ICU readmissions, and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:35

8 640 0


... concentrations of DEHP was much lower than 0.008 mg/l, the WHO guideline value of DEHP for drinking water quality, and 0.06 mg/l, the guideline value for monitoring items in Japanese drinking water standard, ... are expressed in total alkyl phenols in Figure 45 Sampling Points (Raw water and treated water) SPEED '98, individual styrenes, organic tin compounds, and hormones from human beings and livestocks ... selected treatment plants are conducting periodical monitoring of monitoring items included in Japanese water quality standard Sampling points were shown in Figure Analyzed Chemicals Target chemicals...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 414 0
Allegories of prescription - engendering Union in Owenson and Edgeworth

Allegories of prescription - engendering Union in Owenson and Edgeworth

... metaphor in the writing and thinking of the time.⁴ Binding two nations together in an era of reform is less a matter of passing laws than of creating the institutional and affective links that ... cherished: In this, the dearest, most sacred, and most lasting of all human ties, let the names of Inismore and M— be inseparably blended, and the distinctions of English and Irish, of Protestant and ... of Union in Irish and English writing to the evidence of time, to the light of truth, and the corroboration of living testimony, in the study of a country which I am beginning to think would...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

31 354 0
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

... English and Vietnamese idioms denoting work in term of the contrastive analysis and to classify them in accordance with their semantic and syntactic feature 3) Finding and making a comparison and ... ways of learning and teaching English idioms denoting work FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS DENOTING WORK 4.1.1 Syntactical Glimpse at English and ... newspapers and magazine in both denoting work in English and Vietnamese Typical examples and English and Vietnamese statistic tables of classification of idioms will be presented Using the 3.2.2...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 1,9K 4
A study of syntactic and pragmatic features of indirect interrogative directives in english and in vietnamese

A study of syntactic and pragmatic features of indirect interrogative directives in english and in vietnamese

... classify, and find What are the syntactic and pragmatic features of indirect interrogative directive in English and Vietnamese? How many typical types of indirect interrogative directive in English and ... and differences of indirect similarities and differences of requests, particularly in the field of interrogative directive in English and Vietnamese? pragmatics, use of language, in English and ... produced in a rising intonation, the sentence has the force of a question The tag in a rising intonation in English can be indicated in Vietnamese by the final particles h , Indirect interrogative...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 797 3
A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

... acts role of culture in communication and in foreign language teaching in intra-cultural and cross-cultural communication However, the and learning, or to be more precisely, an insight into how ... gender and the thesis is useful and helpful in raising interactants’ awareness of relative status that might influence use of responses to dispraises similarities and differences of RD in English and ... effect of face-threatening activities Acts that appear to be respectful, both of which exist for the maintenance of face impede the addressees’ independence of movement and freedom of Following Goffman’s...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 715 2
A study of metaphoric meanings of words denoting weather in english and vietnamese

A study of metaphoric meanings of words denoting weather in english and vietnamese

... Meanings of L NH in Vietnamese Vietnamese dictionary (2008) defines Cold as having lower temperature than usual, and often creating uncomfortable feeling When thinking of cold, we will think of ... storm in (2) has had a lot of transfers in their root meanings - Examine the metaphoric meanings of words denoting weather - Analyze and make a comparison of metaphoric meanings of English and ... METAPHORIC MEANINGS OF ‘COLD’ IN ENGLISH AND ‘L NH’ IN VIETNAMESE 4.2.1 Metaphoric Meanings of COLD in English In terms of temperature scale, Cold is opposite to Hot Influx of money from...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 1,2K 2
A study of linguistic features of result copular verbs in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of result copular verbs in english and vietnamese

... learners often have - identifying RCVs in English and in Vietnamese difficulties when dealing with RCVs For instance, a number of - examining the syntactic and semantic features of RCVs in Vietnamese ... indicating a change of religion RCVs denoting the process of changing RCVs indicating a change of occupation RCVs denoting the result of changing RCVs describing ... RCVs in terms of syntax, semantic and put into distinctive groups 13 14 - Calculating the frequency of occurrence to decide the focus CHAPTER of the study - Presenting, describing and analyzing...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 753 2
A study of linguistic features of idioms expressing anger in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of idioms expressing anger in english and vietnamese

... have been a number of writers making investigations into idioms with different points of view and objectives In English, What are the similarities and dissimilarities in syntactic and there are some ... 4.1.2 Semantic Features of Idioms Expressing Anger in English and Vietnamese Insanity Table 4.3 Structures of Idioms Expressing Anger in English and Vietnamese in Insanity Field ENGLISH ... to insanity, heat, In the two languages, these idioms appear to be correspondent to fire, hot fluid in a container, swearing, withstanding and third party each other in terms of phrases venting...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:24

13 1,2K 5
A discourse analysis of economic export contracts in english and vietnamese

A discourse analysis of economic export contracts in english and vietnamese

... ensurance -Words in role of gerunds: the signing, the moving, the changing, the inspecting In Vietnamese official document, a good number of Vietnamese words of Chinese origin is used: kh i ... definitions and interpretations Inclusiveness Binominal and multinominal phrases like “signed and sealed”, “works and services” “then or thereafter”, “directly or indirectly”, “out of ... begins to come into force The information of the contracting parties is necessary to state clearly their addresses, including number, name of the street or avenue, of district and of country in...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:26

101 798 6
A study of idioms denoting family in english and vietnamese

A study of idioms denoting family in english and vietnamese

... features of English and Vietnamese 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims of the study The study will focus on: - examining linguistic features of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting family - involving ... this study life or in books and novels, in newspapers or films and so on Idioms comes into being investigated in an attempt to focus on semantic and denoting family contain the kinship That is, ... popular, indispensable and distinctive phenomenon of every language which reflects cultural and historical characteristics of the people speaking that language Understanding and using idioms proficiently...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:28

13 1,8K 6
A contrastive analysis of linguistic features of the adjective black in english and đen in vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of linguistic features of the adjective black in english and đen in vietnamese

... contain cases of meaning as follows: Firstly, Black denotes meaning of color defined as lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it and it is used in ... adjectives Black and Đen - Giving contrastive analysis of Black and Đen in terms of frequency and semantic features 3.3 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY Analysing and contrasting semantic and pragmatic of the ... analysis of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective Black in English and Đen in Vietnamese - Find out similarities and differences of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective Black in...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:29

13 1,9K 5
A discourse analysis of collective labour agreements in english and vietnamese

A discourse analysis of collective labour agreements in english and vietnamese

... frequencies of occurrence - Synthesizing, discussing the findings, and drawing conclusions - Suggesting some implications for teaching and learning as the analysis consisting of fifty samples in English ... generally 10 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 LAYOUT FEATURES OF ECAs and VCAs 4.1.1 The beginning section of ECAs and VCAs The title of ECAs and VCAs The title of ECAs is optionally ... section of ECAs and VCAs The standard form of the beginning section of ECAs: COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT between nor numbered It introduces the time and the place of signing the agreement, the name and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:30

13 605 0


... “Exchange profit” In short, the three main types of bank income are interest income, fee income and exchange profit Banking is a profitable business and competition among banks is increasing As competition ... Preliminary analyzing translation strategies and procedures employed in translation of their English terms into Vietnamese  Collecting and presenting basic terms in finance and banking  Providing ... dates Sources of funds include trading profits, depreciation provisions, borrowing, the sales of assets and the issuing of shares Applications of funds include the purchases of fixed or financial...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:55

85 985 3
A study on differences of using pasive voi in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu về sự khác nhau trong cách dùng câu bị động của tiếng anh và tiếng việt luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học

A study on differences of using pasive voi in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu về sự khác nhau trong cách dùng câu bị động của tiếng anh và tiếng việt luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học

... voice in English and in Vietnamese has been chosen for investigation in this study II Aims of the Study My study aims at: Presenting, describing and analyzing the passive voice in English and in ... similarities and differences of using passive voice in the two languages are drawn out The research is confined to the description, analysis and comparison of the function, forms and meanings of the ... to the investigation in the next chapters 12 Chapter II SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF USING PASSIVE VOICE IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 2.1 Passive voice in English and Vietnamese 2.1.1 In English...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

46 1,4K 6

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