all in love cố tây tước

Study of perpendicular exchange bias mechanism in MnPd/Co multilayers

Study of perpendicular exchange bias mechanism in MnPd/Co multilayers

... controlled. Finally, the fundamental role of exchange bias in spin valve and tunneling devices has triggered the explosive increase of research in FM/AF thin film systems. In the point view of ... bias in thin films can be divided into 2 categories: exchange bias with insulating AF films and with metallic AF films. Almost all the reported investigations of exchange bias with insulating ... distributed exchange coupled AF grains. Interestingly, the origin of exchange bias is found to be in the energy stored in the domain walls between AF grains with different orientations. Lederman...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

73 324 0
All For Love

All For Love

... narrative poems called "Fables," published in 1700, in which year he died and was buried in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. Dryden lived in an age of reaction against excessive ... kind without episode, or underplot; every scene in the tragedy conducing to the main design, and every act concluding with a turn of it. The greatest error in the contrivance seems to be in ... discipline is withal so easy, that it allows more freedom to dissenters than any of the sects would allow to it. In the meantime, what right can be pretended by these men to attempt innovation in...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:12

11 514 0
Đặc điểm điện cơ ký của loạn trương lực cơ tay khi viết

Đặc điểm điện cơ ký của loạn trương lực cơ tay khi viết

... while patients performed the task of writing. Results: All these patients had abnormalities on EMG patterns in comparison with normal persons on writing. EMG features showed muscle spasms with ... khiển vận động tinh tế của bàn tay. ABSTRACT WRITER’S CRAMP : ELECTROMYOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF 22 CASES. Nguyen Thi Hoai Chau, Nguyen Thi Hung, Tran Thi Lien Minh* * Y Hoc TP. Ho Chi Minh * Vol. ... The results showed that EMG could localize more accurately hyperactive muscles for botulinum toxin injection. Conclusion: The abnormalities of EMG suggested Writer’s cramp is an occupational...

Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2012, 09:21

11 517 0
I''''am in love

I''''am in love

... Wistling that silly tune all the time. (whistle) I’m in love. Ooh, I’m in love. ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2013, 01:27

2 401 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P22

3D Game Programming All in One- P22

... to make sounds for use in your game. Installing Audacity To install Audacity, do the following: 1. Browse to your CD in the \Audacity directory. 2. Locate the audacity-win-1_0_0.exe file and double-click ... in Figure 19.5. 5. Now you can play back your record- ing, by clicking the Play button, as shown in Figure 19.6. We'll continue working with Audacity in a moment, but first I want to point ... plane. Smooth Smoothes, within the bounds of the brush, rough areas of varying terrain height. Set Height Sets the terrain within the brush to a constant height as specified in the Terrain Editor settings. Set...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

30 433 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P25

3D Game Programming All in One- P25

... watermark. else if( %inInfoBlock && %line $= "};" ) { %inInfoBlock = false; %MissionInfoObject = %MissionInfoObject @ %line; break; } if( %inInfoBlock ) %MissionInfoObject = %MissionInfoObject ... according to the matching files it finds in the path indicated by $Server::MissionFileSpec . This variable is set in the file C:\koob\control\serv- er\initialize.cs with the following line in the ... We'll change all instances of findFirstFile($Server::MissionFileSpec) to fFF() , all instances of findNextFile ($Server::MissionFileSpec)) to fNF() , and finally, all instances of getMissionDisplayName (%file) to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

30 472 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P26

3D Game Programming All in One- P26

... Reference 679 ContainerFindFirst(type, point, x, y, z) Parameters: type The type mask of objects to find. point Location of container. x,y,z Numeric bounds of container specified. Not a string. Return: ... z); ContainerFindNext() Parameters: none Return: numeric Handle of object found. Description: Find the next object in the container specified by immediately previous call to containerFindFirst , ... much more—especially in the online multiplayer realm. Instead of running on a treadmill hooked up to a computer with software that simulates running on a trail in Oregon, how about using the treadmill...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

30 430 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P27

3D Game Programming All in One- P27

... offset into the text string. subst Substitute string. Return: string The resultant string. Description: Substitutes the field-string sub for the word-string found at index in the string text . Usage: %rec ... filename String containing file name. Return: nothing Description: Makes a test terrain file. Usage: makeTestTerrain("testfile"); mAsin(x) Parameters: x Radian. Can be an integer or a floating ... GetRealTime(); GetRecord (text, index) Parameters: text String with new line-delimited records. index Record-based offset into the text string. Return: string Contains the found record-string. Description: Gets...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

30 394 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P28

3D Game Programming All in One- P28

... char) Parameters: str String to be processed. char String containing the character to be found. Return: string Description: Finds the first substring in the string that begins with char . Usage: %file ... records. index Record-based offset into the text string. subst Substitute string. Return: string The resultant string. Description: Substitutes the record-string sub for the record-string found at index in ... textList.getSelectedId() textList.setSelectedById(id) textList.setSelectedRow(index) textList.clearSelection() textList.clear() textList.addRow(id,text,index) textList.setRow(id,text) textList.getRowId(index) textList.removeRowById(id) textList.getRowTextById(id) textList.getRowNumById(id) textList.getRowText(index) textList.removeRow(index) textList.rowCount() textList.scrollVisible(index) textList.sort(colId{,increasing}) textList.sortNumerical(colId{, increasing}) textList.findText(text) continued Team...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

30 318 0
Truyện cổ Tày

Truyện cổ Tày

... chàng vào nhà giam chờ ngày xử án. Nhân dân quanh vùng, được tin Quan Triều bị bắt giam, liền rủ nhau kéo đến gặp vua, đồng thanh xin tha tội cho chàng. Nhưng vua sai quân lính đuổi họ ra khỏi ... người. Nghe tin, nhà vua hốt hoảng hoãn ngay việc xử tội Quan Triều, dồn sức vào việc chống giặc. Thế giặc mạnh như vũ bão, quân nhà vua bị thua ở khắp nơi. Chúng đang tiến thẳng về kinh đô, nhà ... mướt. Nhân dân trong kinh thành kêu khóc như ri, ai nấy cuống cuồng đi tìm nơi lánh nạn. Chợt người nhớ tới Quan Triều là người nhiều phép lạ, liền tâu vua xin tha cho chàng để chàng...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 21:15

3 327 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P29

3D Game Programming All in One- P29

... Photoshop Image editing Popular fully featured image processing, painting, and editing tool. $649 Corel Painter Image editing Popular commercial paint program for Windows. $299 ... (default is 0) falloff1 int (default is 10) falloff2 int (default is 100) speed int (default is ?) light_pulse name string (default "") origin pos (default is 0,0,0) spawnflags int: animation ... (default is 0) falloff1 int (default is 10) falloff2 int (default is 100) speed int (default is ?) light_pulse2 name string (default "") origin pos (default is 0,0,0) spawnflags int: animation...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

30 462 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P30

3D Game Programming All in One- P30

... II Online, 22 gaps in map box mapping option, 411 gaps in map cylindrical cap mapping option, 412 gaps in map cylindrical mapping option, 412 gaps in map planar mapping option, 411 gaps in map ... watermark. Index 791 instance of objects, 125 instantiation, 125 Integration command, 618 interface module, finding servers, 218–223 interface sound, 578–579 interfaces ChatBox, 636–640, 650–652 creating, ... Engine, 27 interior structures, 499 InteriorInstance class, 732 InteriorInstance object, 125 internal methods, terrains, 368 International Game Developers Center Web site, 745 interpolation, 28 Invert...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

30 490 0
3D Game Programming All in One- P31

3D Game Programming All in One- P31

... 41 configuring, 33–35 discussed, 31 Find in Files feature, 38 control flow, 23 extrapolation strategies, 28 input model, 24 installing, 29 interior library, 27 interpolation strategies, 28 networking ... 342–343 wind, cloud layers, 521 windCoefficient property, 601 windEffectPrecipitation property, 521 Window menu (MilkShape 3D), 397 Windows operating system, 8, 10 windVelocity property, 521 Winter, ... watermark. Professional ■ Trade ■ Reference GO T GAME? COMING SPRING 2004! Call 1.800.354.9706 to order Order online at A division of Course Technology ™ Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX, 2nd...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15

10 352 0
A ghost in love

A ghost in love

Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2013, 09:06

34 3,3K 24
Tài liệu It’s All in a Day’s Work docx

Tài liệu It’s All in a Day’s Work docx

... server environ- ment for Windows. It installs PHP 5.x.x, Apache 1.3.x, MySQL 4.x.x, and PhpMyAdmin, both installing and setting up the envi- ronment. An uninstaller allows you to remove Vertrigo ... original installa- tion was “touched” and I had to save my configuration file before re- installing (repairing) Apache. Also, it replaced the copy of pphhpp iinnii file I had placed in my Windows ... RAR in a ZIP From TAR to RAR in a ZIP INTERVIEW PRIMING PHP FOR THE ENTERPRISE PRIMING PHP FOR THE ENTERPRISE Idealabs Preps LAMP Up for the Big Time TURNING A CLASS INTO TURNING A CLASS INTO...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 02:15

66 587 0

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