... variation These studies, however, did not show the dependency of the GEBV accuracy on additivegenetic relationships, which is a function of the number of relatives in training, the degree of relationship ... approach the accuracy of pedigree-based BLUP-EBVs as the number of SNPs fitted in the model increases The reason is that SNPs capture additive-genetic relationships irrespective of the amount of LD ... pair of data sets Furthermore, fathers of training bulls were not allowed to be in validation, because the accuracy of those bulls is not representative for the prediction of the GEBVs of future...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
Whatever Happened to Frank and Fearless- The Impact of the New Public Management on the Australian Public Service ppt
... politicisation of the public service Two separate, but interrelated, sets of circumstance have fed these debates The first of these is a cluster of events at the political level, in which the role of Australian ... from the outset of the Hawke Labor period’.22 Over time, the policy capacity of the ministerial office was strengthened23 and the work of the senior public servant became more managerial.24 These ... reforms of the public service was the desire to ensure that the government of the country belonged to the elected politicians We stated at the outset that a key objective was to make the Public Service...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
oklahoma residential real estate brokerage an investigation of the impact of the new broker relationship act
... Correlation of Relationships Chart of Before the Act, After the Act, and Together 90 Table 8: Pearson's Correlations of Variables Before the Act 91 Table 9: Pearson's Correlations of Variables After the ... report The first chapter contains an introduction to the study comprising of an introduction to the problem, statement of the problem, a background of the problem, purpose of the study, nature of the ... broker in the form of a share of the listing broker's commission The selling agent, therefore, usually became a subagent of the listing broker who, in turn, was the agent of the seller The traditional...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:08
Báo cáo hóa học: " A retrospective evaluation of the impact of a dedicated obstetric and neonatal transport service on transport times within an urban setting" pptx
... facilitation of meeting its principle objectives would be the responsibility of all involved Dispatch It is in the analysis of the findings concerning the dispatch that the greatest impact of the Flying ... more efficiently, but the appropriateness of the dispatch or the quality of the clinical management cannot be determined It is therefore not known whether the introduction of the Flying Squad programme ... resource is then utilised from the general ambulance operations in order to service the second call This is part of the operating procedures for the Flying Squad, and a measure of its impact on the level...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
lim and tan - 2008 - non-audit service fees and audit quality- the impact of auditor specialization
... received by the audit firm LTOT is the natural log of total fees GRW is the sum of the market value of equity and book value of debt scaled by book value of assets at end of quarter VOL is the standard ... expect the sum of the coefficients of (β + β 17 ) to be non-negative (in contrast to a negative association in the case of nonspecialists) We use chi-square statistics to test whether the sum of the ... one of the following financial stress signals is met: negative working capital at the end of the fiscal year, negative retained earnings at the end of the fiscal year, or loss for the fiscal year There...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:43
The impact of summer in-service teacher training on teacher change = Nghiên cứu về thay đổi của giáo viên dưới tác động của chương trình bồi dưỡng chuyên môn nghiệp vụ hè
... classroom teaching The subjects of the thesis are three EFL teachers of YLSS Methods of the study With reference to the aims of the study, a semi-structured interview in the first stage of the study was ... Teachers‟ opinions of the impact of the summer in -service workshops on their teaching …………………………………………………… 18 4.2.2 Teachers‟ opinions of the limitations of the summer in -service workshops ……………………………………………………………………… ... processes of INSET activities 4.2.1 Teachers’ opinions of the impact of the summer in -service workshops on their teaching The aims of organizing summer in -service workshops to encouraged teachers of...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:33
Singapores role in indonesias confrontation of malaysia and the impact of confrontation on singapore indonesia relations 2
... of Singapore-Indonesia relations in the years 1965 to 1973 in the form of enduring lessons learnt about the other from the experience of the Confrontation years ii List of Abbreviations ABRI: ... moral terms, there were, simultaneously, other strategic interests being pursued by both the Singaporeans and Indonesians under the cover of the moral argument This two-pronged pursuit of moral ideals ... From the Singaporean and Indonesian political leaderships’ perspective, the main issue in Confrontation was the contest over Malaysia’s “moral personality”, which centred on the question of whether...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:50
Singapores role in indonesias confrontation of malaysia and the impact of confrontation on singapore indonesia relations 3
... on the re-organisation of the International Relations of Southeast Asia This is presented through the explanation of why Malaysia fell apart with the secession of Singapore and the impact of ... by the objectives and ambitions of the Malayan, Indonesian and Singaporean leadership One such pitfall was the pressing concerns of the Indonesians on the question of whether the people of the ... the United Kingdom that Singapore shall on the thirty first day of August 1963, join with the existing states of the Federation of Malaya and the states of 29 Sabah and Sarawak in the state of...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:50
Singapores role in indonesias confrontation of malaysia and the impact of confrontation on singapore indonesia relations 1
... fronts of Confrontation, 1963-1965: Creating a new Southeast Asia 135 5.1 The systemic imperatives of the political theatre of Confrontation 140 5.2 The avoidance of war on the military front of ... Malaysia plan and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) 60 Conclusions 68 Chapter 3: The proximate “causes” of Confrontation, 1962-1963: On the concept of Malaysia 72 3.1 The question of the North Borneo ... Confrontation and the re-organisation of Singapore-Indonesia Relations 196 7.1 Fear of a Sukarno-style leadership 197 7.2 Suharto as the initiator of ASEAN 206 7.3 Confrontation as a feature of the hostile...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:54
The impact of the worker client relationship in achieving employment outcomes in contracted employment programmes
... service delivery The later part of the chapter considers the impact of compliance and reduced discretion in work first models of service delivery as well as the role of personal advisors in the ... discussion of the research findings and then the exploration and correlation of the Relationship Focus Score with other key variables The chapter reports on the accuracy and integrity of the results ... interactions and the current treatment of service users at the frontline of employment services, it seeks to so by questioning the current construct of the relationship and identifying the underlying...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 14:03
Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"
... before the initiation of the NARP Even in these selected centres already applying local antibiotic restriction policies the utilisation of many of the restricted antibiotics was decreased and the ... changes the antimicrobial resistance patterns of certain pathogens Since parenteral forms of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin were not restricted for the first three days of therapy by NARP, the consumption ... specialists just for the first 72 h of treatment but further utilization required IDS approval In this multicenter study we aimed to assess the impact of the antibiotic restriction policy on the antibiotic...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00
The impact of extensive reading on students'
... when they did their pretest The results of the posttest were compared with the results of the pretest to assess the effects of extensive reading on the students’ reading comprehension proficiency ... after the experiment IV Results of the questionnaire The results of the questionnaire are presented in the following sections IV.5.1 Result of the first part of the questionnaire Table indicates the ... results shown in the table, the majority of the subjects believed that the ERP promoted their pleasure and autonomy in their language study Most of them also expressed their enjoyment of having taken...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54
The Impact of Signal Bandwidth on Indoor Wireless Systems in Dense Multipath Environments
... general k = k The size of the delay bins determines the time delay resolution of the model; therefore a reasonable bin size is the resolution of the specific measurements (if the model is measurement ... increases with the number of fingers Thus the performance of the Rake receiver is largely based on the number of fingers, the number of multipath components, their amplitude statistics, and the relative ... again Aer is the realized effective area of the receiving antenna Using (2.5) the realized effective area of the received antenna can be written in terms of the gain and wavelength of the signal...
Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:36
... affected by the zooplankton species that exist in the habitat, and this effect is defined by the food preference of the zooplankton For successful modeling of the lake ecosystem, the impact of zooplankton ... 1990) The lake ecological model is one of the most powerful tools to predict the long-term effects of biomanipulation Studies have tried to predict the effects of biomanipulation on the basis of ... in the model On the other hand, each state variable (box) described in Fig consists many species and growth stages of organisms Therefore, the kinetic parameters of them have a certain ranges of...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
... later considers the role of followers and the contextual nature of the leadership The concept of leadership starts with the theory of Great Man Great Man theory assumes that the capacity for ... between the leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader Fiedler states the better the leader-member relations, the more highly structured the job, and the stronger ... intelligence Of these, the most widely explored has tended to be charisma (Bolden et al., 2003) The failures of early trait theory led researchers to go to another direction in the late 1940s through the...
Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2013, 21:58
Is Organizational e-Democracy Inevitable - The Impact of Information Technologies on Communication Effectiveness
... 209 the changes in employees’ perceptions of their role and the groups within the organization that they identify with that are brought about by ICTenabled change, and the implications of these ... understand the composition and function of employee workgroups — both formal and informal They will then develop an understanding of how and why members of these groups resist the changes within the ... organizations change, then logically, so too must employee perceptions of their role in the organization In a consideration of the objectives of this chapter, we therefore invoke social identity theory (SIT)...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20
... more than the sum of all students in the class This then raises the question of the validity and authority of knowledge gained over the Internet How can the learner be sure of the sources of information? ... wide variety of ways to stimulate various forms of learning The most significant feature of the multiple forms of media is that they allow for the presentation of knowledge in a variety of ways Thus ... develop the ability in their students to find their own structure or understanding of the organization of an area of study Multimedia provides an opportunity to offer a variety of different ways of...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15