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Báo cáo khoa học: Evolutionary origin and divergence of PQRFamide peptides and LPXRFamide peptides in the RFamide peptide family pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Evolutionary origin and divergence of PQRFamide peptides and LPXRFamide peptides in the RFamide peptide family pdf

... Education, Science and Culture, Japan (13210101, 15207007 and 16086206 to KT; 15770040 to KU) It was also supported by NSF (0421923) to SAS and Foundation for Promotion of Material Science and Technology ... peptide ligand of a G-protein-coupled receptor Nature 411, 613–617 Kotani M, Detheux M, Vandenbogaerde A, Communi ´ D, Vanderwinden JM, Le Poul E, Brezillon S, Tyldesley R, Suarez-Huerta N, Vandeput ... groups may have diverged from a common ancestral gene To clarify the evolutionary origin and divergence of PQRFamide and LPXRFamide peptides, we sought to identify novel RFamide peptides from the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

13 501 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Origin and properties of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial isoforms of taurocyamine kinase pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Origin and properties of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial isoforms of taurocyamine kinase pptx

... polychaete Neanthes and Nereis, the MiCKs from the polychaete Chaetopterus and Neanthes, LKs from the oligochaete Eisenia and the echiuroid Urechis, and the cytoplasmic muscle CKs from human and the electric ... Enzymes and Biochemical Evolution (van Thoai N & Roche J, eds), pp 199–229 Gordon and Breach, NY Watts DC (1968) The origin and evolution of phosphagen phosphotransferases Homologous Enzymes and ... 1239 bp andand 3¢ untranslated regions of 68 bp and 373 bp, respectively The ORF codes for a protein containing 412 amino acid residues (Fig 1) with a calculated mass of 46 201.38 Da and estimated...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

10 469 0
Christmas: Its Origin and Associations docx

Christmas: Its Origin and Associations docx

... magnificence and display peculiar to the times, and all the ancient sports and usages; in which the nobles and gentry of the surrounding country assisted with much splendour at the hunt and tourney, and ... and shall bring forth a Son, And they shall call His name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us And Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and ... Bethlehem, and see this thing that is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us And they came with haste, and found both Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in the manger And when they...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20

302 271 0
Cosmology  the origin and evolution of cosmic structure   coles p , lucchin f

Cosmology the origin and evolution of cosmic structure coles p , lucchin f

... places and in all directions, but also at all times This stronger version of the Cosmological Principle was formulated by Bondi and Gold (1948) and it subsequently led Hoyle (1948) and Hoyle and ... both have a strong research interest in theories for the origin and evolution of cosmic structure – galaxies, clusters and the like – and, in many respects, this is indeed the central problem ... decades saw considerable theoretical and observational developments The Big Bang and steady-state cosmologies were proposed and their respective advocates began a long and acrimonious debate about which...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:34

515 359 0
The origin and evolution of the solar system   woolfson

The origin and evolution of the solar system woolfson

... the orbit of Pandora will overtake the satellite and be perturbed into an orbit just outside Pandora It is then overtaken by Pandora and perturbed into an orbit inside Pandora and so on Prometheus ... Spin axes and the Solar Nebula Theory 7.4.2 Spin axes and the Modern Laplacian Theory 7.4.3 Spin axes and the Accretion Theory 7.4.4 Spin axes and the Proto-planet Theory 7.4.5 Spin axes and the ... a plausible mechanism for the origin of the solar system and their strengths and weaknesses are analysed The only theory to essay a complete picture of the origin and evolution of the solar system...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:35

426 435 0
Origin and Development of Commercial and Islamic Banking Operations pot

Origin and Development of Commercial and Islamic Banking Operations pot

... ups and downs depending on the political and military conditions of the Republic In time of wars and disorder, inflation, financial stagnation and bankruptcy prevail and in times of peace and ... between India and Persia Following a boost in trade and use of bank notes and coins in trade during the Parthian and Sassanian eras, exchange of coins and hard currencies began in the country Some ... the caliphs, the viziers and other court officials (al-Qalqashandi 1913; al-Jahshiyari, 1938, Pellat and Schacht 1965 and Metwalli and Shahata, 1983) According to Metwalli and Shahata (1983:113-17),...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

23 372 0


... extent with the character of the material used Natural originals.—Natural originals, both animal and vegetable, necessarily differ with the country and the climate, thus giving rise to individual characters ... clay and a capacity in handling it that, with advancing culture, brought all nature within the reach of the potter and made it assist in the processes of variation and development Artificial originals.—There ... 470.—Form originating in basketry Fig 471.—Form originating in basketry Fig 472.—Form originating in basketry Basketry and other classes of woven vessels take a great variety of forms and, being...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

34 490 0
the origin and early development of the chinese writing system

the origin and early development of the chinese writing system

... straightforward and comprehensible way the facts as I see them surrounding the origin and formation of the Chinese script in the second half of the second millennium B.C., and of its reformation and standardization ... talented and dedicated graduate student, Ms Laura E Hess, who took a sustained interest, again with great enthusiasm and understanding, in the project and who helped me rethink the material and revise ... inscriptions and otherwise, but took the time to read, and mark with a fine stylist'S hand, several hundred pages of Preface ix my inelegant prose, thus sparing me and the reader both many infelicities and...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 13:25

208 536 0
green plants their origin and diversity - peter r. bell, alan r. hemsley

green plants their origin and diversity - peter r. bell, alan r. hemsley

... strands of contractile protein These strands are termed rhizoplasts and the constituent protein centrin The contraction and relaxation of this protein depend upon the balance of Ca2ϩ and ATP, and ... pollen and spore morphology and vascular plant evolution Cambridge University Press 0521641098 - Green Plants: Their Origin and Diversity, Second Edition - Peter R Bell and Alan ... P R Bell and C L F Woodcock (3rd edition, London, 1983) The continuing demand for a concise account of the algae and land plants from the point of view of their natural relationships and biology...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:50

344 761 1
cambridge university press green plants their origin and diversity 2nd ed

cambridge university press green plants their origin and diversity 2nd ed

... strands of contractile protein These strands are termed rhizoplasts and the constituent protein centrin The contraction and relaxation of this protein depend upon the balance of Ca2ϩ and ATP, and ... the green algae (Chlorophyta) The Chlorophyta and the land plants (a term which means plants adapted to life on land and not merely plants growing on land) have the same photosynthetic pigments, ... contains several nuclei, and a reticulate chloroplast with several pyrenoids Protosiphon is frequent on damp mud and walls, and some forms can withstand extremes of heat and salinity, as in desert...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 13:48

319 429 0
woolfson m.m. origin and evolution of the solar system

woolfson m.m. origin and evolution of the solar system

... the orbit of Pandora will overtake the satellite and be perturbed into an orbit just outside Pandora It is then overtaken by Pandora and perturbed into an orbit inside Pandora and so on Prometheus ... Spin axes and the Solar Nebula Theory 7.4.2 Spin axes and the Modern Laplacian Theory 7.4.3 Spin axes and the Accretion Theory 7.4.4 Spin axes and the Proto-planet Theory 7.4.5 Spin axes and the ... a plausible mechanism for the origin of the solar system and their strengths and weaknesses are analysed The only theory to essay a complete picture of the origin and evolution of the solar system...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:26

425 4,6K 0
addressing the world national identity and internet country code domains

addressing the world national identity and internet country code domains

... values Understanding the structure and content of Internet addresses can help people sift through the vast amount of online information and increase their understanding of people and places that ... argue that Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, and Wales should have their own ccTLDs as opposed to being grouped under the larger ~ k ~ ~ By the late 1980s, while both the gTLD and ccTLD systems ... Wass In chapter 4, Tushar A Gandhi, an Internet developer and great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, explains why Indians have virtually no national identity on the web and how he is working to change...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 00:32

186 280 0
cosmology the origin and evolution of cosmic structure, 2nd edition the origin and evolution of cosmic structure

cosmology the origin and evolution of cosmic structure, 2nd edition the origin and evolution of cosmic structure

... places and in all directions, but also at all times This stronger version of the Cosmological Principle was formulated by Bondi and Gold (1948) and it subsequently led Hoyle (1948) and Hoyle and ... both have a strong research interest in theories for the origin and evolution of cosmic structure – galaxies, clusters and the like – and, in many respects, this is indeed the central problem ... decades saw considerable theoretical and observational developments The Big Bang and steady-state cosmologies were proposed and their respective advocates began a long and acrimonious debate about which...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:49

515 326 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Origin and consequences of brain Toll-like receptor 4 pathway stimulation in an experimental model of depression" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " Origin and consequences of brain Toll-like receptor 4 pathway stimulation in an experimental model of depression" docx

... data and revising the manuscript critically; LB and EB contributed to acquisition, analysis and interpretation of CMS model and behavioural data; JAM and JRC revised the manuscript critically; and ... group values) for pro-inflammatory and oxidative/nitrosative parameters previously analyzed, including LPS and LBP plasma concentrations and TLR4 and MD-2 expression and mRNA levels In this vein, ... were analyzed to ensure linearity of the band intensities, and the housekeeping proteins b-actin and sp-1 were used as loading controls for cytosolic and nuclear protein fractions, respectively...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

14 422 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Relay Techniques for MIMO Wireless Networks with Multiple Source and Destination Pairs" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Relay Techniques for MIMO Wireless Networks with Multiple Source and Destination Pairs" potx

... stands for the norm of vector a, and superscripts T, H, and ∗ represent the transpose, the conjugate transpose, and the conjugate operation, respectively (A)i and (A)i, j denote the ith row and ... lth destination node, where Gk,l and zl are the M × N channel matrix between the kth relay node and the lth destination node (forward channel), and the M × noise vector added at the lth destination ... and a destination node with LM antennas In this case, the power constraints at the source and relay are LP and KP, respectively We assumed a flat fading channel in which each component of Hk and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

9 358 0
Báo cáo sinh học : "The origin and evolution of lactation" pot

Báo cáo sinh học : "The origin and evolution of lactation" pot

... this research, such knowledge improves our understanding of mammary gland biology and is applicable to normal and pathological states Danielle Lemay and colleagues, in a recent report in Genome Biology ... independent of the chemical and physical characteristics of milk Systemic and local control of mammary function Mammary gland development and function is subject to systemic and local control In placental ... supporting organs, or mammary gland metabolism, may be primary determinants of milk composition Oftedal OT: The mammary gland and its origin during synapsid evolution J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia 2002,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20

4 337 0
Báo cáo y học: "The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes in the light of phylogenomics" doc

Báo cáo y học: "The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes in the light of phylogenomics" doc

... Page of 12 Table Apparent origins of some key functional systems and molecular machines of eukaryotes System/complex/function Inferred origins References DNA replication and repair machinery Archaeal, ... complex repetitive and of uncertain origin [28] [91,130] [105,113,114] [96,105] [110] Chromatin/nucleosomes Complex mix of archaeal and bacterial RNA interference Hybrid of archaeal and bacterial ... 2005, 6:R85 70 Shabalina SA, Koonin EV: Origins and evolution of eukaryotic RNA interference Trends Ecol Evol 2008, 23:578-587 71 Hochstrasser M: Origin and function of ubiquitin-like proteins...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:21

12 472 0
Báo cáo y học: "Homoeolog-specific retention and use in allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica depends on parent of origin and network partners" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Homoeolog-specific retention and use in allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica depends on parent of origin and network partners" doc

... ancestral genes A1 and A2 that formed a functional dimer in the common ancestor of Aa and At million years ago These genes evolved into At1 and At2 orthologs in the At lineage, and into Aa1 and Aa2 orthologs ... biological replicates, and Ai and Ti are the mean intensities in Aa and At, respectively εij are error terms that are independent random variables from a normal distribution with a mean and variance s2 ... transcriptome of As with tiling arrays and validated results with Illumina resequencing We assembled a statistical pipeline to identify At and Aa homoeolog-originated signals, and to estimate their contribution...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

17 336 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Distribution of short interstitial telomere motifs in two plant genomes: putative origin and function" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: " Distribution of short interstitial telomere motifs in two plant genomes: putative origin and function" pptx

... thaliana and O sativa are shown in black, a control sequence in grey A, CTAAACCC and TCAAACCT; B, TAAACCCT and CAAACCTC; C, AAACCCTA and AAACCTCA; D, AACCCTAA and AACCTCAA; E, ACCCTAAA and ACCTCAAA; ... promoter of Arabidopsis and rice rp orthologous genes is given in Figure 6A, where telo boxes and site II motifs are found within windows between ‘0 and 280 bp’ and ‘80 and 400 bp’ relative to ... Arabidopsis and O sativa 5’ regions [22,23] The results reported in Table and Table reveal a striking analogy in the genomic distribution of telo boxes, TNRs and Y Patches between 5’ UTRs and 3’ UTRs...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21

12 427 0