Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry potx
... salts over the continents is in the order of 109 tons y1 Since the weight of the sea salts in the oceans is in the order of 13 1017 tons the recycling time would be 1300 million years (My) The residence ... pristine marine environments are also responsible for the paucity of information constraining the distribution and behavior of anthropogenic PGEs in the marine environment The long-standing interest ... of these metals in sea water, their vertical distribution in the water column remains controversial and poorly documented Improving our understanding of the marine chemistry of the PGEs both in...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 10:20
... handling by having seizures) However, there was a great increase in glutamate level during the pre-convulsive state, and the seizures themselves were blocked by AP5 given intraventricularly 30 mins ... were incubated overnight at room temperature in rabbit polyclonal anti-calbindin-D (anti-CaBP, Sigma Inc., St Louis MO) They were then washed three times for in 0.1 M TPBS, and incubated in : ... distorted and irregular under these conditions making a precise time matching of convergent input onto target neurons in the vestibular nuclei highly uncertain [13,14] In addition, sprouting and enlargement...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 17:22
... strain) Piperacillin-tazobactam was preferred as first-line therapy in cases of proven or suspected intra-abdominal infections Ceftazidime and cefepime was used as first-line therapy in other ... before the infusion (0 hour) and 1, 1.5, 4.5, and or hours (depending on the frequency of administration of the β-lactam) thereafter; these blood-draw time points were chosen as they belong to the ... affect the PK profile of these drugs during such severe infections Administration of the four β-lactams was made according to local guidelines These drugs are generally used in the participating...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions
... difficulties in the classroom setting, the research was aimed at finding out: (1) the students’ assessment of the importance of oral presentation skills in their future work, (2) the problems they might ... giving presentations, and (3) factors causing their difficulties and their suggested solutions Specifically, the study has been conducted in the form of survey research, with the informants of the ... Besides, the data from the study confirm the fact that the infrequent and inadequate feedback and assessment from teacher(s) and the institution’s lack of conductive facilities also contributed to these...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:02
A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions
... formula, in which P stands for the main point; R stands for the reason for the speech; E stands for the example to illustrate the main point and P stands for restating the main point Secondly, the ... summarize, in closing The conclusion reinforces and summaries the information presented in the body So, a clear summary of the purpose and main points will help the audience get the big picture and increase ... developing the main body of the presentation; reinforcing the ideas outlined in the main body and presenting the conclusion In second language classrooms, oral presentations are usually in the form...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:43
Tài liệu Mothers’ Investments in Child Health in the U.S. and U.K.: A Comparative Lens on the Immigrant ''Paradox'' docx
... friend; whether they feel alone; and whether they know most of their neighbors In the MCS, mothers report whether their friends live locally; whether they are friendly with their neighbors; and the ... breastfeeding initiation (yes/no) and smoking during pregnancy (yes/no) Prenatal drinking is a trichotomous indicator in the FFS (never, sometimes, often), and a 5-point scale in the MCS, ranging from ... life The main caregiver (in most instances the mother) was interviewed again when the cohort child was age years, years and years (age data are not yet available) These interviews and the baseline...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khóa học: Mutations in the hydrophobic core and in the protein–RNA interface affect the packing and stability of icosahedral viruses doc
... hydrophobic core (M88V) and the other in the protein–RNA interaction (T45S), decrease the stability of the capsid Our findings illuminate the role of packing in the icosahedral lattice of the virus capsid ... with valine (C and D), the cavity volume increased to 43 A3, reflecting a reduction in the surface area of the residue (% 59 A2) and in the interactions occurring there (corresponding to the b-sheet) ... middle of the central b-strand of the coat protein dimer and its side-chain projects into the protein’s interior (Figs 1B and 8) The two Met88 residues are in close proximity to one another at the...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Inorganic pyrophosphatase in the roundworm Ascaris and its role in the development and molting process of the larval stage parasites doc
... concerning the kinetics and properties of the enzyme More strikingly, we show a novel role of the PPase enzyme in the development and molting process of A suum larvae in vitro constructed in UniZap ... postcultures and photographs were taken Enzyme kinetic study The Km (Michaelis constant) and Vmax (maximum velocity) values were determined by incubating the diluted recombinant proteins in the standard ... gauze and suspended in NaCl/Pi containing 100 lgÆmL)1 penicillin/ streptomycin at 37 °C for h After incubation the tissues were removed, and the larvae were collected from the bottom of the tube The...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times doc
... old All these thousands of charming beings raised their voices together and competed with the birds in song, swaying up and down in charming lines, singing and laughing in the cool shade They were ... nor the glorious sea How plainly 'the bright stars' and the 'glorious sea' shew joy in the beauty of the world! In the oldest Scandinavian poems the inflexible character of the Northerner and the ... together, and to the boding crows with three-fold note greeting the ruddy torch of the rising dawn; and in the half light of the morning to hear the nightingale warbling in the bushes, and the swallow...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu seed policy and programmes in the near east and north africa pdf
Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 15:20
Spanishness in the Spanish Novel and Cinema of the 20th – 21st Century docx
... making their way to the southern shore of Spain during the 1990s On the other hand, the stories told about these people also depend on the social and political context of the present for their ... their own standing and deny standing to others Since we seek to understand our place within the world largely through the narratives that we create, and since, as Paul Ricoeur has convincingly shown, ... that in the second half of the 1960s, during the comparatively liberal interlude which started in 1966—with the promulgation of the new “Ley de Prensa” and finished in 1971 the year in which the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular dynamics structures of peptide nucleic acidÆDNA hybrid in the wild-type and mutated alleles of Ki-ras proto-oncogene ppt
... interrupted stacking, fluctuating nature of the hydrogen bond and water organization in the vicinity of the mismatch might be the contributing factors for the increase in free energy and diminished stability ... mismatch brings about significant reduction in adjacent base stacking in PDwt compared to PDmut On the other hand, stacking at the AC(6–7) step in the DNA strand of PDwt is retained during the entire ... melting temperature (Tm) in the former Base stacking in the vicinity of A C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes Intra strand base stacking at the AC(6–7) (Fig 2A) & CC(7–8) steps (Fig 2B) of the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20
seed policy and programmes in the near east and north africa pot
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20
The NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials pptx
... of the works according to themes or particular interests; • by bringing the collections to new audiences and allowing new ways of exploring and enjoying them; • by offering the ability to search ... are a funder, the Guide will give you an understanding of the activities involved in creating, delivering and sustaining digital content and background, NINCH Guide to Good Practice and will help ... pressure But an investment in this kind of planning will be amply repaid over the life of the project: in the quality of the products, in smooth workflow, in staff morale, and not least in the total...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20
The impacts of introductions and stocking of exotic species in the Mekong Basin and policies for their control
... spreading into the Mekong Basin in Northern Lao PDR from China 25 The Impacts of Introductions and Stocking of Exotic Species in the Mekong Basin and Policies for Their Control 7.1.3 Other organisms ... Impacts of Introductions and Stocking of Exotic Species in the Mekong Basin and Policies for Their Control x The Impacts of Introductions and Stocking of Exotic Species in the Mekong Basin and Policies ... Species in the Mekong Basin and Policies for Their Control xiii The Impacts of Introductions and Stocking of Exotic Species in the Mekong Basin and Policies for Their Control xiv The Impacts of Introductions...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 08:48
... of reducing unintended pregnancies and increasing male involvement and responsibility in family planning Depending on the degree of conservatism in the community, classes can be held for the prospective ... reach given the low Internet use in many countries in the region To enhance the utility of these and other innovative tools, including Facebook and mobile messaging, more research is needed on ... ON THE ELIMINATION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN Adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979, the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has become the major international...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Threat to Occupational Health in the U.S. and Canada doc
... Abert The States and the Metropolis, Patricia S Florestano and Vincent L Marando 11 Changing Bureaucracies: Understanding the Organization before Selecting the Approach, William A Medina 12 Handbook ... in its care, use and limitations before wearing or using it for the first time and at regular intervals thereafter and the worker shall participate in such instruction and training It also states: ... whole, they are sobering reading The Institute of Medicine’s landmark 1988 report, The Future of Public Health, explored fully the disarray in the public health community, and anticipated the now...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 05:20
Credit-risk valuation in the sovereign CDS and bonds markets: Evidence from the euro area crisis ppt
... denoting the last investment date and zt innovations We assume the following initial conditions: z0 = and v0 = (i.e., the strategy is self-financed) Parameters θ and λ determine whether the expected ... the increase in the discounted trading profits that an investor would obtain under the assumption of no trading and funding costs Specifically, the profits from a given investment strategy, in ... authors and they not necessarily coincide with those of the CNMV The opinions in this Working Paper are the sole responsibility of the authors and they not necessarily coincide with those of the...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20
From Privilege to Competition - Unlocking Private-Led Growth in the Middle East and North Africa pot
... Reassessing the State’s Role in Industrial Land Markets The Low Access to Land in MENA Countries Sources of Inefficiencies in Land Markets Getting the Incentives Right in Enclaves Power and Rent ... about the Consistency and Predictability of Rules and Regulations as They Are Applied in MENA Countries The Lasting Influence of the Business Elite and the Lack of Dynamism and Competition in the ... Countries and Comparators The Firm and Its Investment Climate The Firm and Its Investment Climate: Rules and Policies and the Institutions That Implement Them Overall, the Business Environment in MENA...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
Estimation method for contribution of emission to trace metal concentrations in urban atmosphere based o
... study site in A City and dust from refuse incineration, implying that almost of the total amount of Cd in the atmosphere originates from refuse incineration as in the case of Pb Dust from Other Sources ... Refuse Incineration Plants (from literature) The ratios of the Pb and Cd concentrations in the atmosphere obtained by the National Air Surveillance Network are almost identical to those of the study ... remain almost constant, presumably because of the mixing and uniformatization of a large amount of waste containing lead in refuse incineration plants ● Annual Mean Values at 16 Stations of the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:07