aesthetics in and of law

Tài liệu Republican Legal Theory The History, Constitution and Purposes of Law in a Free State ppt

Tài liệu Republican Legal Theory The History, Constitution and Purposes of Law in a Free State ppt

... Justice and the Courts in Brazil and the United States of x Preface America (2003); and Chapter 15 as “Republican principles in international law in 11 The Connecticut Journal of International Law ... “empire of laws and not of men” Republican laws draw the line between liberty and license, in pursuit of the common good Republican theory seeks to find and to establish good laws, by discovering ... doctrines, institutions and attitudes dominate the political and legal structures of North America and Western Europe, and recently also of South America and Eastern Europe, with growing influence...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

211 750 1
Environmental Pollution Liability and Insurance Law Ramifications in Light of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill doc

Environmental Pollution Liability and Insurance Law Ramifications in Light of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill doc

... the effects of a disaster - including expenses incurred in advance to minimize any damages and losses, and the costs incurred in establishing the extent of any losses Several types of insurance ... “Communication “Facing the Challenge of the Safety of Offshore oil and Gas Activities”” contemplating new EU standards, including criteria for granting drilling permits, controls of the rigs and safety ... the role of insurance in ensuring that costs of spills can be financed, while at the same time enabling the continued effective and responsible functioning of offshore energy exploration and production,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

39 458 1
Water Pollution Control in China: Review of laws, regulations and policies and their implementation pptx

Water Pollution Control in China: Review of laws, regulations and policies and their implementation pptx

... Administration; MF=Ministry of Forestry Notes: NDRC=National Development and Reform Commission; MOF=Ministry of Finance; MWR=Ministry of Water Resource; MOC=Ministry of Construction; MOA=Ministry ... feature of economic growth in Taihu River Basin is the rapid growth of TVEs Most of TVEs are of chemical industry, paper-making industry, electroplating industry and other heavy pollution industries ... environment in Taihu River Basin” The range of this plan include cities and 30 towns in Jiangsu province, cities and 20 towns in Zhejiang province, and towns in Shanghai The plan can be divided into...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

45 620 0


... of the laws and regulations The Internal Auditor’s Consideration of Compliance with Laws and Regulations Obtaining an Understanding of the Legal and Regulatory Framework 22 As part of obtaining ... ensuring that operating procedures are designed to meet these requirements  Instituting and operating appropriate systems of internal control  Developing, publicising and following a code of ... system, inter alia, includes accounting and financial reporting policies and compliance with applicable legal and regulatory standards 13 At the same time, as discussed in paragraphs and of the Standard...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

16 394 0
CONSTITUTIONS IN CRISIS Political Violence and the Rule of Law pptx

CONSTITUTIONS IN CRISIS Political Violence and the Rule of Law pptx

... understand the foundations and limits of contractual authority I have been interested, in other words, in when and why contracts bind the contracting parties and when and why they not In doing so, ... activity of giving reasons "And the requirement of justification is the essential idea of what we mean by the rule of law: we insist that a police officer explain in terms of his legitimate needs and ... grounds, as did the frainers in rejecting the Articles of Confederation and Lincoln during the Civil War We shall see the same tendency in our case studies of Weimar and Northern Ireland Nevertheless,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20

285 378 0
Reactionary Philosophy and Ambiguous Aesthetics in the Revolutionary Politics of Herbert Marcuse—A Review Essay pptx

Reactionary Philosophy and Ambiguous Aesthetics in the Revolutionary Politics of Herbert Marcuse—A Review Essay pptx

... his politics The missing link: Marcuse and U.S culture The most glaring omission in Reitz’s presentation is an analysis of the links connecting Europe of Marcuse’s youth and the United States ... liberatory power of art against the prosaic routine of daily life He argues that revolutions in art and culture—manifestations of the rebellious spirit of the aesthetic imagination—can fuel social-protest ... men and things, remains the task of political action.” Marcuse’s major contention in this essay is, how- NATURE, SOCIETY, AND THOUGHT ever, that no negation of the alienating conditions of social...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20

9 458 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Simultaneous detection of Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Salmonella spp. in swine intestinal specimens by multiplex polymerase chain reaction" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Simultaneous detection of Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Salmonella spp. in swine intestinal specimens by multiplex polymerase chain reaction" ppsx

... smsinagro cinegohtap lareves fo noitacifitnedi evitinifed eht rof detroper neeb sah )RCP( noitcaer niahc esaremylop fo esU msinagro cinegohtap fo tset citsongaid dipar erom fo tnempoleved eht rof dewolla ... dna siralullecartni L fo noitceted rof RCP xelpitlum fo yticificepS giF AND fo gp 05 ;5 enaL ,AND fo gp 001 ;4 enaL ,AND fo gn ;3 enaL ,AND fo gn 01 ;2 enaL ,AND etalpmet fo gn 001 ;1 enaL ,III ... 67031CCTA AND siralullecartni.L *SQRVN secruoS sniarts lairetcaB secruos dna )AND( sniarts lairetcab fo tsiL elba T RCP fo ecneserp ehT nim rof C 27 ta noitaziremylop lanoitidda yb dewollof ,nim rof...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

7 302 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Prevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Salmonella in swine herds" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Prevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Salmonella in swine herds" ppsx

... dewollof saw pets sihT nim rof Co49 ot detaeh saw erutxim laitini ehT )ASU ,enegatartS ;relcycoboR( relcycomreht AND a no detcudnoc saw noitacifilpma RCP )napaJ ,arakaT( esaremylop AND qaT fo tinu ... sAND fo noitacifilpma cificeps rof RCP xelpitlum ni desu sremirp ,ylfeirB ]81[ noitacilbup suoiverp eht ot gnidrocca demrofrep saw smsinagro fo noitceted eht rof selpmas lacef morf detcartxe AND ... esoraga %1 no dezylana erew sAND deifilpma ehT nim rof Co27 ta noitaziremylop lanif htiw nim rof Co27 ta noitaziremylop dna ces 03 rof Co65 ta gnilaenna ,ces 03 rof Co59 ta noitarutaned fo gnitsisnoc...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

5 335 0
Báo cáo y học: "Changes in Two Point Discrimination and the law of mobility in Diabetes Mellitus patients" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Changes in Two Point Discrimination and the law of mobility in Diabetes Mellitus patients" pps

... study of the law of mobility to assess the sensibility of diabetic subjects, comparing the law of mobility of TPD in the upper and lower extremities of DM patients We observe that the law of mobility ... ulceration of the foot British Journal of Surgery 1985, 72:1-6 Bell-Krotoski JS, Weinstein S, Weinstein C: Testing sensibility, including touch-pressure, two point discrimination, point localization and ... sensory loss in DM subjects This paper presents the first systematic study of the law of mobility to assess the sensibility of diabetic subjects, comparing the law of mobility of TPD in upper and lower...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

6 500 0
a comparative study of  comparative advertising in  vietnamese and  english law

a comparative study of comparative advertising in vietnamese and english law

... Ordinance on advertising prohibits advertising which offend the honour and reputation of, or infringes the lawful rights and interests of organizations and individuals.208 In addition, the Law ... between the laws of the two countries In English law, the definition of misleading advertising was defined in Regulation 3(2) of BPRs while it is not defined in Vietnamese law at all According to ... “consumers” in the definition of advertising in Vietnamese law by the term “audience” or “public” This is reflected in the draft of the Law on Advertising.58 Accordingly, advertising means introducing...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 12:34

70 695 1
legislating for the right of access to public information in swedish and vietnamese law

legislating for the right of access to public information in swedish and vietnamese law

... Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, Ha Noi Law University and Lund University Faculty of Law for their kindness and assistance in organising my accommodation and study inside Vietnam and in Sweden ... 21 Legislating for the right of access to public information in Swedish and Vietnamese Law Scope of the right in Swedish and Vietnamese Law Terminology and the concept of information subject ... access to original of the document containing the requested information or to obtain a copy of such document As such, the meaning of the right of access and this provision of supply of information...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 12:34

65 320 0
agreements in restraint of competition in franchise agreements in the perspectives of vietnamese and ec competition law

agreements in restraint of competition in franchise agreements in the perspectives of vietnamese and ec competition law

... restrict intra-brand competition and may be imposed in order to induce the franchisee to invest in pre-sales services, marketing, and advertising and to prevent free-riding on those investments and/ or ... necessary in order to establish and maintain the originality and reputation of the network and its identifying marks32 Following the Court’s judgement in Pronuptia case regarding to the conjunction of ... academic websites, including but not limited to Westlaw, Heinonline, Elin and Europa In Vietnam, the research on the application of Vietnamese competition law to agreements in restraint of competition...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 12:36

57 331 0
The principle of complementarity in international criminal law  origin, development and practice

The principle of complementarity in international criminal law origin, development and practice

... trying the ex-Kaiser of Germany and determining the guilt of certain individuals involved in criminal acts that took place during hostilities and whether prosecutions could be initiated against ... expressed in it not necessarily reflect those of the International Criminal Court or the Egyptian Ministry of Justice The Principle of Complementarity in International Criminal Law: Origin, Development ... Principle of Complementarity in International Criminal Law Mohamed M El Zeidy Biography Mohamed M El Zeidy holds a Ph.D in International Law (2007) and an LL.M in International Human Rights Law...

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2015, 01:10

401 571 0
Transfer of movables in german, french, english and dutch law

Transfer of movables in german, french, english and dutch law

... opposing starting-points would make one believe at first glance In addition, I will outline a few principles that can be found in a certain form and to a certain extent in the law of property of ... glossary 15 Introduction 17 Concepts and principles of the law of property Introduction The first dividing line: the tradition system and the consensual system The second dividing line: abstract and ... opting for a certain type of transfer system Specificity, absolute effect and the concept of right i« re The two main principles of property law are the principle of specificity and the principle...

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2015, 01:20

254 365 0
teaching, learning and assessment of Law in medical Education

teaching, learning and assessment of Law in medical Education

... and law and train* #8 adoption and law and train* #9 adoption and law and educat* #10 adoption and law #11 disab* and law and educat* #12 disab* and law and train* #13 mental health and law and ... into processes of teaching or of assessing law learning Major challenges included teaching and learning about law in practice placements, and involving service users and carers in students’ law ... #19 educat* and law and nurs* #20 educat* and law #21 law and nurs* #22 law and medicine #23 ethics and law and medicine #24 medical ethics and educat* #25 professional practice and law 4.1.6 ASSIA...

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2016, 12:34

98 364 0


... and means-driven (as opposed to ends-driven) philosophy of Finnis Definitions of lawof what law is and is not – continue almost ad in nitum As William Twining has argued, the continuities and ... politics; instead of a plurality of jurisdictions more recently including independent professions and trades but formerly including, for example, canon and urban law, there is a programme of swallowing ... demarcation of law into public and private law categories, these technology issues sound of private international law in the international conflicts of laws sense; and also what might be termed international...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:54

378 1,1K 2


... consisting of interminable raiding and counterraiding: razzia, which they clearly distinguished from formal war The practice of making some kind of explicit division between times of war and times of ... referring to the invasion of Greece a century and a half earlier, and also accusing the present Persian king, Darius, of complicity in the assassination of his father and of aiding rebels against ... strated in India by the Arthasastra of Kautilya This was a manual of statesmanship – including the waging of war – written in the third century BC by a Brahmin minister in the service of a monarch of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

456 938 7
Natural convection unsteady magnetohydrodynamic mass transfer flow past an infinite vertical porous plate in presence of suction and heat sink

Natural convection unsteady magnetohydrodynamic mass transfer flow past an infinite vertical porous plate in presence of suction and heat sink

... degree in Physics from Berhampur University, Orissa (India) in 2002 and won a gold medal as a topper in the subject She served as a Faculty of Physics in Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, ... inclusion in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering of New Jersey, USA for the year 2011-2012 (11th Edition) for his outstanding contribution to research in Science and Engineering E-mail ... honorary member of editorial board of Indian Journal of Science and Technology and as Referee of AMSE Journal, France; Central European Journal of Physics; International Journal of Medicine and Medical...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

14 493 0
A study of modality expressed in terms of grammaticalization and lexicalization in english and vietnamese

A study of modality expressed in terms of grammaticalization and lexicalization in english and vietnamese

... complicated problem in both English and Vietnamese It has been the subject of various studies in teaching and learning foreign language 2 From my teaching and translating experience, I find it difficult ... and aspects mainly Tense and aspect: Comrie [63] defined tense as grammaticalization of location in time, and aspect as “grammaticalisation of expression of internal temporal constituency” (of ... errors in using modal auxiliaries, including 81 in (1) and 51 in (2) Table 4.2 Statistical Data of Errors Amount Percentage Errors in addition a/ Addition 81 of another modal 25 30,8% b/ Addition of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

23 1,1K 3
A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

A study of the english translational versions of tring cong son's songs in terms of semantic and syntactic features

... Vietnamese to English in Trinh Cong Son’s songs - Investigate the linguistic and non-linguistic factors influencing the choice of using each strategy in translating the lexicon and phrases and sentences ... SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY We hope this study will provide insights into the practice of translating Vietnamese songs into English, especially the strategies in handling the intricacies of semantic and ... SEMANTIC FEATURES OF WORDS AND PHRASES After examining the parallel corpus of Vietnamese and English versions of the collection of Trinh Cong Son songs, containing 1569 Vietnamese words and 1585 English...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23

13 710 1