... the @@CURSOR_ROWS System Function Create a procedure to open a cursor on Categories CREATE PROCEDURE GetCategories AS DECLARE MyCategories CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName ... int DECLARE MyProducts CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT ProductID, ProductName, CategoryID FROM Products WHERE CategoryID BETWEEN 6 AND 8 ORDER BY ProductID ASC OPEN MyProducts FETCH FROM ... WHERE CategoryID = @CategoryID FETCH FROM Myproducts INTO @ProductID, @ProductName, @CategoryID END CLOSE MyProducts DEALLOCATE MyProducts Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
... stksrv.c: * * Example Stock Index Broadcast: */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef TRUE Linux Socket Programming by ... parent process (PID 926) and a new server child process (PID 927). 4. The connected client socket is closed by the parent server process (PID 926), leaving the connected client socket open ... pending data and successful close occur before the timeout occurs, a successful return takes place. Otherwise, an error return occur and errno is set to the value of EWOULDBLOCK. 3. Setting l_onoff
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
VHDL Programming by Example phần 9 pdf
... ■ Accurate timing check support — Checks include setup checks, hold checks, pulsewidth checks, period checks, and accurate glitch detection. ■ Many ways to specify functionality — Functionality ... delay section is the timing check section. This example has no timing check section because it is a purely combinational gate model. The next section is the functionality section. This section contains ... architecture starts with the VitalPathDelay procedure call. This section is the path delay section. This section schedules the new logic values calculated in the functionality section to occur
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 3 pdf
... tmDigitizedAspectX; LONG tmDigitizedAspectY; TCHAR tmFirstChar; TCHAR tmLastChar; TCHAR tmDefaultChar; TCHAR tmBreakChar; BYTE tmItalic; BYTE tmUnderlined; BYTE tmStruckOut; BYTE tmPitchAndFamily; BYTE tmCharSet; ... object theApp, which is an instance of the application class The application is launched by its constructor [ 88 ] Chapter 3 When the first... View Object 1 Document Object View Object 2 ... m_pFirstCell; while (pCurrCell != NULL) { Cell<Type>* pRemoveCell = pCurrCell; pCurrCell = pCurrCell->Next(); delete pRemoveCell; } } template <typename Type> void TemplateStack<Type>::Push(Type
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
programming XML by Example phần 10 pdf
... Access Control Classes, methods, and fields have access control, which limits how classes can access other classes or methods on other classes. Classes can be either package or public. Fields ... declared with the public modifier. • package is accessible from the current package only. Package access is declared with no modifier. It is the default. • protected is accessible to the class ... descendant only. Protected access is declared with the protected modifier. • private is accessible to the class only. Private access is declared with the private modifier. Comments and Javadoc
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 9 doc
... lock on it. 5. SQL Server detects this deadlock situation, selects Connection B as victim of this situation, and sends message 1205 to Connection B. Resources locked by Connection B are unlocked. ... execute this statement, Connection A needs an exclusive lock on the affected rows, but this exclusive lock must wait because Connection B holds a shared lock on the same rows. 4. Connection ... You can propose your specific session as a potential deadlock victim by using the statement SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW. Two processes can create a deadlock situation when they access resources
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 10 docx
... .microsoft. com /microsoft. public.sqlserver.clients news://msnews .microsoft. com /microsoft. public.sqlserver.clustering news://msnews .microsoft. com /microsoft. public.sqlserver.connect news://msnews ... .microsoft. com /microsoft. public.sqlserver .programming news://msnews .microsoft. com /microsoft. public.sqlserver.replication news://msnews .microsoft. com /microsoft. public.sqlserver.security... ... instance to connect (@datasrc). • Optionally, you can specify the catalog or database to which to connect (@catalog). However, this parameter is used only to specify an initial database to connect.
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
Java By Example PHẦN 2 pdf
... After you define a new class, you can create many instances of the class. Each instance (called an object) normally has full access to the class's methods and gets its own copy of the data members. ... Block 1 is accessible in not just Block 1, but also in Block 2 and Block 3 However, a variable defined inside Block 2 is accessible only in Block 2, because such a variable goes into scope ... OOP concepts in a general way. As an example, you'll extend the car metaphor you read earlier this chapter. In that section I described a car as an object having several characteristics
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
Java By Example PHẦN 3 pdf
... skip the call to drawString() Example: The Form... CLASSES folder, naming the file Applet8 .java (You can copy the source code from the CD-ROM, if you like, and thus save on typing.) 2 Compile ... (choice == 1) { num = 1; num2 = 10; } else if (choice == 2) { num = 2; num2 = 20; } else if (choice == 3) { num = 3; num2 = 30 ; } When Java executes the program code in Listing 9.5, if choice ... no restriction on how you can combine the different comparison and logical operators, although if you build a very complex expression, you may have trouble evaluating it yourself. Check out this
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
Java By Example PHẦN 4 pdf
... the first line of the function, DrawInstructions(Graphics g), match perfectly because the function call sends a Graphics object and the function expects a Graphics object. The names of the arguments, ... to the function. DrawInstructions() needs access to g because it is the Graphics object that has the drawString() method. Without access to the Graphics object, DrawInstructions() cannot perform ... can change the rules of this access by using the public, protected, and... Exercises 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Declare an array that can hold 50 integers Write the code that creates the array you declared
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
Java By Example PHẦN 5 pdf
... the arc. Example: Drawing Arcs in an Applet Because understanding the angles involved in drawing arcs can be a little confusing, in this example you'll create an applet called ArcApplet ... document, by changing each occurrence of RectApplet to ArcApplet. Listing 16.4 ARCAPPLET.JAVA: An Arc-Drawing Applet. import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class ArcApplet extends Applet ... classes included in the awt package. Table 16.1 lists the most commonly used drawing methods in the Graphics class. Table 16.1 Drawing Methods of the Graphics Class. Method Description clearRect()
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 1 pot
... Linux Socket Programming by Example Warren W. Gay Part I: Basic Socket Concepts 6 Chapter 1. Introducing Sockets 7 A Brief Historical Introduction 7 Understanding Sockets 8 Comparing Sockets ... Basic Socket Concepts Introducing Sockets Domains and Address Families Address Conversion Functions Socket Types and Protocols Binding Addresses to a Socket Connectionless-Oriented Protocols ... sockets were developed • The essence of sockets • How sockets are referenced by the Linux kernel and application programs • An introductory example of a socket C program Chapter 1. Introducing
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 2 ppt
... in source file af_ax25.c. Using the Makefile provided at the Web site associated with this book, you can compile it as follows: $ make af_ax25 gcc -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall af_ax25.c gcc af_ax25.o ... 34: 35: /* inetaddr.c: * * Example using inet_addr(3): */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ... 3.3 provides a quick summary for you, complete with netmask ... inetaton.c: * * Example using inet_aton(3) : */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ... the same steps to set up the address as did the previous example
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 3 potx
... Table of Commonly Used Socket Argument Values Domain Socket Type Protocol Description PF_LOCAL SOCK_STREAM 0 Local stream socket PF_LOCAL SOCK_DGRAM 0 Local datagram socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM ... the Acorn Econet and AUN protocols. PF_IPX SOCK_STREAM IPX protocol, stream socket. PF_IPX SOCK_DGRAM IPX protocol, datagram socket. PF_IPX SOCK_SEQPACKET IPX protocol, sequential packet socket. ... exotic socket. Linux Socket Programming by Example - Warren W. Gay 111 Table 4.3. Table of Exotic socket(2) Parameters Domain Socket Type Description/Notes PF_X25 SOCK_SEQPACKET Stream I/O services
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 2 pdf
... Michael Suyama The second wildcard is the underscore character (_), which denotes any single character. The third wildcard is used to search for a character within a range or a set, which ... delimited by brackets. For example, [a–z] denotes a range that contains all characters between a and z, and [abc] denotes a set that contains three characters: a, b, and c. The last wildcard is ... sysobjects system table. Table 3.1. Types of Objects in SQL Server Value in the Type Column Type of Object C Check constraint D Default constraint F Foreign key constraint FN Scalar function...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 4 pdf
... this case, you cannot create an index on this computed column. ã Because connection settings can affect results, the connection that creates the index in the computed column, and every connection ... the same CHECK constraints as in the first example, but in this case it specifies not to check existing data for the first and third CHECK constraints. Tip If you create a CHECK constraint ... OD.ProductID JOIN [Customers] AS C ON C. CustomerID = O.CustomerID Chapter 6. Optimizing Access to Data: Indexes 201 USE Northwind GO CREATE INDEX C_ Products_Category_Price ON Products...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
Koenig, moo accelerated c++ practical programming by example
... giving programmers concise, focused guides to specific topics. Each book in this series presents a single topic, at a technical level appropriate to that topic. The Series' practical approach is designed ... named second, which will contain the second line of the output, and then the program constructs first as a variable that contains as many * characters as the number of characters in second. Finally, ... discarding whitespace characters (space, tab, backspace, or the end of the line) from the input, then reads characters into name until it encounters another whitespace character or end-of-file. Therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:10
VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition
... 183 Generics in Configurations 185 Generic Value Specification in Architecture 188 Generic Specifications in Configurations 190 Board-Socket-Chip Analogy 195 Block Configurations 199 Architecture Configurations ... mux device. There is an inverter component, an andgate component and an orgate component. Each of these components is declared in the architecture declaration section, which is between the architecture statement ... dataflow archi- tecture contains no structure. There are no components instantiated in the architecture. There is no further hierarchy, and this architecture can be considered a leaf node in the hierarchy...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 08:46
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