ado net entity framework 4 0 stored procedures

Tài liệu Bài số 8: DYNAMIC DATA VỚI ADO.NET Entity Framework pdf

Tài liệu Bài số 8: DYNAMIC DATA VỚI ADO.NET Entity Framework pdf

... với ADO. NET Entity Framework 12 public object SoLuong { get; set; } [DisplayName("Đơn giá")] [Required] [Range( 100 000 , 300 000 000 0)]//Nhập đơn giá trong khoảng từ 100 .00 0 ... Team | Bài số 8: Dynamic Data với ADO. NET Entity Framework 6 1.3. Tạo Data Model với ADO. NET Entity Framework Trong ví dụ này chúng ta dùng ADO. NET Entity Framework để truy cập vào CSDL My_Database.mdf. ... Dynamic Data với ADO. NET Entity Framework 2 Bài số 8 DYNAMIC DATA VỚI ADO. NET Entity Framework Bài này giới thiệu cách xây dựng ứng dụng Dynamic Data với ADO. NET Entity Framework. 1....

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 09:15

15 963 15
microsoft ado net entity framework step by step

microsoft ado net entity framework step by step

... generated classes 40 0 Getting started with the Entity Framework 40 2 Chapter 16 quick reference 40 3 Index 40 5 20 PART I Introducing the Entity Framework Note If you plan to work with ... tasks 101 Dening the essential tasks 101 Viewing the data 102 Saving changes 1 04 Inserting new values 1 04 Deleting old values 105 Creating a master/detail form 106 Creating the data source 106 Conguring ... properties, and methods 42 Combining and summarizing data 44 Grouping data 45 Getting started with the Entity Framework 47 Chapter 2 quick reference 48 Chapter 3 Choosing a workow 49 Understanding...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:11

448 1,2K 3
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_1 pdf

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_1 pdf

... 3-17. CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 41 With the Entity Framework 4. 0, the process of manually creating the complex type is gone. With EF 4. 0 you now have the ability ... a new AdventureWorks 200 8Entities object. /// </summary> public AdventureWorks 200 8Entities(EntityConnection connection) : base(connection, "AdventureWorks 200 8Entities") { ... file. /// </summary> public AdventureWorks 200 8Entities() : base("name=AdventureWorks 200 8Entities", "AdventureWorks 200 8Entities") { this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 756 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_2 pot

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_2 pot

... person in people) Before we move on, I need to point out a change between .NET 3.5 Entity Framework and .NET 4. 0 Entity Framework. Put a breakpoint on the closing brace (}) of the foreach block. ... method is responsible for persisting all entity changes to the data store and resetting the change tracking on the object context. For the ADO. NET 4. 0 Entity Framework, a couple of changes have ... @1 where ([BusinessEntityID] = @2) ',N' @0 nvarchar(8),@1 datetime2(7),@2 int', @0= N'Mr.',@1=' 200 9 -09 -07 11 :41 :25.1656711',@2=228 One last item before you...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 415 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_3 pptx

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_3 pptx

... ',@12 =45 . 20, @13=5,@ 14= N'S ',@15=N'M ',@16=N'M ',@17=1,@18=129,@19=' 200 9 -09 -07  12 :07 :26. 04 3 948 2',@ 20= &apos ;00 000 000 -00 00- 000 0 -00 00- 000 000 000 000 ',@21=' 200 9 -09 -07  ... datetime2(7)', @0= N'Inverted Kayaba',@1=N'IKAYA-R 209 ', @2=1,@3=1, @4= N'Red',@5=2 50, @6=2 50, @7=2 500 .00 00, @8=3 900 .00 00, @9=N&apos ; 40 M',@ 10= N'CM ',@11=N'LB ... knowledge by showing you how to work with stored procedures. Several new features have been added to the ADO. NET 4. 0 Entity Framework to help you use stored procedures more effectively. CHAPTER...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 335 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_4 pot

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_4 pot

... PublicKeyToken=89 845 dcd 808 0cc91" #> <#@ assembly name="Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc, Version= 10. 0 .0. 0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89 845 dcd 808 0cc91" #> ... why you’re doing this example in VS 200 8. Download the Visual T4 Editor Community Edition for VS 200 8. The file you download is called T4EditorForVS 200 8-Community.msi. Just to be safe, close ... learned about the new ADO. NET Entity Framework 4. 0 FK associations. You began by creating a simple example using EF 3.5 in order to provide a foundation for the discussion of EF 4. 0. You then built...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 370 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_5 pdf

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_5 pdf

... the MSDN Entity Framework forums knows that creating the model first was one of the most requested pieces of functionality. Microsoft listened, and, with Version 4. 0 of the Entity Framework, ... through the EntitySets and generating the appropriate DDL statements. Figure 9-17. SSDLToSQL 10. tt CHAPTER 8 ■ T4 CODE GENERATION 143 } } Next, open the text template ... Studio 10. 0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft \Entity Framework Tools\DBGen These two files, shown in Figure 9-16, make up the functionality that generates the DDL. One is a simple .tt (T4 Template)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 548 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_6 ppt

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_6 ppt

... Assemblies\Microsoft \Framework\ .NetFramework\v4 .0\  Profile\Client The client profile target framework allows you to create an assembly that only needs the smaller subset of .NET 4. 0 assemblies, ... location: C:\Program Files(x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft \Framework\ .NetFramework\v4 .0 The System.Data and Microsoft.Data .Entity. Ctp assemblies in your UI project (CodeOnlyUI) are located ... N-TIER DEVELOPMENT WITH WCF DATA SERVICES 191 Figure 11 -4. Adding the ADO. NET Data Service to the project Adding the ADO. NET Data Service to your project does several things. First, as...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 760 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_7 pptx

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_7 pptx

... connection string found in the app.config looks like this: res://*/EF40Model.csdl|res://*/EF40Model.ssdl|res://*/EF40Model.msl The * in the line means that schema files are included in ... as the Entity Framework is, let’s make sure it did its job correctly. Checking the Model We can now check to make sure the EntityType and EntitySet names are set correctly. Figure 12 -4 shows ... our stored procedures are not added to the EDM designer, but they are definitely added to the EDM. You can see this by opening the Model Browser tab in Visual Studio and expanding the Stored Procedures...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 344 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_8 ppt

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_8 ppt

... EF40Data project, and click OK. C H A P T E R 13 ■ ■ ■ 229 Data Binding with the Entity Framework The last few chapters have focused on new features in the ADO. NET 4. 0 Entity Framework ... Form { EF40Data.EF40Entities context; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { context = new EF40Data.EF40Entities(); ... the EF40Entities data model from the EF40Data project. The second variable defines the ProductModel entity to which you add a record. Last is CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABINDING WITH THE ENTITY FRAMEWORK...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 463 0
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_1 docx

Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_1 docx

... OnBusinessEntityIDChanged(); CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 41 With the Entity Framework 4. 0, the process of manually creating the complex type is gone. With EF 4. 0 you now have the ability ... a new AdventureWorks 200 8Entities object. /// </summary> public AdventureWorks 200 8Entities(EntityConnection connection) : base(connection, "AdventureWorks 200 8Entities") { ... 'AdventureWorks 200 8Entities' section of the application configuration file. /// </summary> public AdventureWorks 200 8Entities() : base("name=AdventureWorks 200 8Entities",...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

26 444 0
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_2 ppt

Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_2 ppt

... person in people) Before we move on, I need to point out a change between .NET 3.5 Entity Framework and .NET 4. 0 Entity Framework. Put a breakpoint on the closing brace (}) of the foreach block. ... method is responsible for persisting all entity changes to the data store and resetting the change tracking on the object context. For the ADO. NET 4. 0 Entity Framework, a couple of changes have ... @1 where ([BusinessEntityID] = @2) ',N' @0 nvarchar(8),@1 datetime2(7),@2 int', @0= N'Mr.',@1=' 200 9 -09 -07 11 :41 :25.1656711',@2=228 One last item before you...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

26 395 0

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