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Tài liệu Bài số 8: DYNAMIC DATA VỚI ADO.NET Entity Framework pdf

Tài liệu Bài số 8: DYNAMIC DATA VỚI ADO.NET Entity Framework pdf

... Team | Bài số 8: Dynamic Data với ADO. NET Entity Framework 6 1. 3. Tạo Data Model với ADO. NET Entity Framework Trong ví dụ này chúng ta dùng ADO. NET Entity Framework để truy cập vào CSDL My_Database.mdf. ... (hình 13 ). Hình 10 : Tạo ADO. NET Entity Data Model Classes Hình 9 Hình 11 Hình 12 MỤC LỤC 1. Xây dựng ứng dụng Dynamic Data với ADO. NET Entity Framework ... Data với ADO. NET Entity Framework 2 Bài số 8 DYNAMIC DATA VỚI ADO. NET Entity Framework Bài này giới thiệu cách xây dựng ứng dụng Dynamic Data với ADO. NET Entity Framework. 1. Xây dựng...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 09:15

15 963 15
microsoft ado net entity framework step by step

microsoft ado net entity framework step by step

... the Entity Framework 98 Chapter 4 quick reference 99 Chapter 5 Performing essential tasks 10 1 Dening the essential tasks 10 1 Viewing the data 10 2 Saving changes 1 04 Inserting new values 1 04 Deleting ... the Entity Framework 1 14 Chapter 5 quick reference 1 14 PART III MANIPULATING DATA USING THE ENTITY FRAMEWORK Chapter 6 Manipulating data using LINQ 11 9 Introducing LINQ to Entities 12 0 Considering ... .11 Developing a simple Entity Framework example 12 Starting the Entity Data Model Wizard 12 Using the Entity Data Model Designer 16 Working with the mapping details 18 Using the resulting framework...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:11

448 1,2K 3
entity framework 4 in action

entity framework 4 in action

... modifications 44 5 17 .5 Summary 44 6 18 Testing Entity Framework 44 7 18 .1 Unit tests at a glance 44 8 18 .2 Writing a test suite in Visual Studio 2 010 45 1 Testing a simple method 45 1 ■ Advanced ... 2 61 Typesetter: Dottie Marsico Shelter Island, NY 11 9 64 Cover designer: Marija Tudor ISBN 978 -1- 93 518 2 -18 -4 Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 – MAL – 16 15 14 13 12 ... 357 15 ■ Entity Framework and ASP .NET 378 16 ■ Entity Framework and n-tier development 396 17 ■ Entity Framework and Windows applications 42 3 18 ■ Testing Entity Framework 44 7 19 ■ Keeping an...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:21

578 2,6K 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_1 pdf

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_1 pdf

... 3- 14 . Association properties CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 44 Figure 3 -12 . Entity with complex type property Even though you have added a complex property to the entity, ... in Figure 3 -17 . CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 41 With the Entity Framework 4. 0, the process of manually creating the complex type is gone. With EF 4. 0 you now have ... is auto-generated by a tool called the EntityModelCodeGenerator, which is used by the ADO. NET Entity Data Model Designer. This tool is called by the Entity Data Model Wizard when you generate...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 756 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_2 pot

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_2 pot

... [Project1].[C1] AS [C1], [Project1].[FirstName] AS [FirstName], [Project1].[LastName] AS [LastName] FROM ( SELECT [Extent1].[FirstName] AS [FirstName], [Extent1].[LastName] AS [LastName], 1 ... nvarchar(8), @1 datetime2(7),@2 int',@0=N'Mr.', @1= '2009-09-07 11 : 41 :25 .16 56 711 ',@2=228 One last item before you move to adding entities. Go back to the code behind the ... tracking. CHAPTER 4 ■ QUERYING THE EDM 69 [Project1].[LastName] AS [LastName] FROM ( SELECT [Extent1].[FirstName] AS [FirstName], [Extent1].[LastName] AS [LastName], 1 AS [C1] FROM [Person].[Person]...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 415 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_3 pptx

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_3 pptx

... @2 =1, @3 =1, @4= N'Red',@5=250,@6=250,@7=2500.0000,@8=3900.0000,@9=N&apos ;40 M', @10 =N'CM ', @11 =N'LB ', @12 =45 .20, @13 =5,@ 14 = N'S ', @15 =N'M ', @16 =N'M ', @17 =1, @18 =12 9, @19 ='2009-09-07 12 :07:26. 043 948 2',@20='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',@ 21= '2009-09-07 ... [rowguid], [ModifiedDate]) values (@0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10 , @11 , @12 , @13 , @ 14 , @15 , @16 , @17 , @18 , @19 , null, null, @20, @ 21) select [ProductID] from [Production].[Product] ... scope_identity()',N'@0 nvarchar(50), @1 nvarchar(25),@2 bit,@3 bit, @4 nvarchar (15 ),@5 smallint,@6 smallint,@7 decimal (19 ,4) ,@8 decimal (19 ,4) ,@9 nvarchar(5), @10 nchar(3), @11 nchar(3), @12 ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 335 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_4 pot

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_4 pot

... ASSOCIAATIONS 1 24 Figure 7 -13 . New EF40Data project Delete the Class1.cs file (or Class1.vb if you choose to do this in Visual Basic .NET) . Add a new ADO. NET EDM to the project, and name it EF40Model. ... as shown in Figure 7- 14 . C H A P T E R 8 ■ ■ ■ 12 7 T4 Code Generation Up until now, this book has focused primarily on enhancements to the ADO. NET 4. 0 Entity Framework (EF), including ... </Dependent> CHAPTER 8 ■ T4 CODE GENERATION 13 1 Figure 8-5. Inline code directives These three directives apply solely to inline code. The first directive applies to inline code that is executed...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 370 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_5 pdf

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_5 pdf

... int NOT NULL, CHAPTER 8 ■ T4 CODE GENERATION 14 1 Figure 8- 14 . Custom Tool removed The good thing is that the EF keeps everything intact. You may at first think that the text template ... 9 -17 . In each instance the template is looping through the EntitySets and generating the appropriate DDL statements. Figure 9 -17 . CHAPTER 8 ■ T4 CODE GENERATION 14 3 ... model first was one of the most requested pieces of functionality. Microsoft listened, and, with Version 4. 0 of the Entity Framework, they delivered. With version 4. 0 of the Entity Framework, ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 548 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_6 ppt

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_6 ppt

... 2 010 and create a new ASP .NET Web Application project, as shown in Figure 11 -1. Figure 11 -1. Creating the ASP .NET web application I have kept the default project name in Figure 11 -1, ... builder.Create(conn); CHAPTER 11 ■ N-TIER DEVELOPMENT WITH WCF DATA SERVICES 19 1 Figure 11 -4. Adding the ADO. NET Data Service to the project Adding the ADO. NET Data Service to your project ... see ADO. NET Data Services template. Give this object the name of AWService.svc as shown in Figure 11 -4, and then click Add. CHAPTER 11 ■ N-TIER DEVELOPMENT WITH WCF DATA SERVICES 18 9...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 760 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_7 pptx

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_7 pptx

... in Figure 11 -16 . CHAPTER 11 ■ N-TIER DEVELOPMENT WITH WCF DATA SERVICES 1 94 you can see in the highlighted code in Figure 11 -7, the code tells us where. Thus, replace the code comment ... You can see this in Figure 12 -11 . Figure 12 -11 . External schema files CHAPTER 12 ■ PERFORMANCE TUNING AND EXCEPTION HANDLING 2 14 • In the SalesPerson entity, both the Employee and ... than one entity CHAPTER 11 ■ N-TIER DEVELOPMENT WITH WCF DATA SERVICES 2 04 Figure 11 -18 . Discovering the service within the solution You will also see a textbox in Figure 11 -17 labeled...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 344 0
Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_8 ppt

Pro Entity Framework 4.0 - Apress_8 ppt

... shown in Figure 13 -13 . CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABINDING WITH THE ENTITY FRAMEWORK 2 31 Figure 13 -2. Adding a project reference You also need to add a reference to the System.Data .Entity namespace. ... CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABINDING WITH THE ENTITY FRAMEWORK 242 Figure 13 -13 . Correct values in the grid The takeaway is the simple fact that you didn’t need to write any additional code to populate ... exception appropriately, whether it is an EntityConnection or EntitySQLException exception. CHAPTER 13 ■ DATABINDING WITH THE ENTITY FRAMEWORK 2 41 In order to fix the columns that are...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

26 463 0
Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_1 docx

Pro Entity Framework 4 0 Depositfiles_1 docx

... OnBusinessEntityIDChanged(); CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 41 With the Entity Framework 4. 0, the process of manually creating the complex type is gone. With EF 4. 0 you now have the ability ... change the entity set name and add multiple entities to the same entity set. Figure 3 -4. Entity properties CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 51 Figure 3 -19 . SSDL ... 3 -18 . This will break it down into about 14 lines. CHAPTER 3 ■ THE ENTITY DATA MODEL INSIDE AND OUT 52 EntityType Element As you scroll down in the XML you’ll see one or more <EntityType>...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

26 444 0

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