adaptive control of partially known system



... Adaptive Controller for a Mobile Robot,“... v Mobile Platform Sv Fig 5 Block diagram of robust controller 4 CONTROL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT The control system is based on the integration of ... integration of a kinematic adaptive controller and a torque controller for the dynamic model of a nonholonomic mobile robot [4]. On the other hand, many of the fundamental theory problems in motion control ... quyền thuộc ĐHQG-HCM Trang 19 ROBUST ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF MOBILE MANIPULATOR Tan Lam Chung (1) , Sang Bong Kim (2) (1) National Key Lab of Digital Control and System Engineering, VNU-HCM (2) Pukyong

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2015, 10:36

32 554 0
Proceedings VCM 2012 40 nonlinear adaptive control of a 3d overhead crane

Proceedings VCM 2012 40 nonlinear adaptive control of a 3d overhead crane

... International Journal of Control, Automation, and System, 5(4), 379-387 [12] Bojun Ma, Yongchun Fang, Xuebo Zhang, Adaptive Tracking Control for an Overhead Crane System, Proceedings of the 17th World ... Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology since 2002 His research interests include control of infinite dimensional systems, nonlinear control of dynamical ... will cause sway of the load, which is dangerous for the operator and the crane system. Therefore, the research field of crane control (i.e., sway vibration control, trolley motion control, and

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2015, 15:47

11 563 0
Adaptive control of uncertain constrained nonlinear systems

Adaptive control of uncertain constrained nonlinear systems

... consideration of system constraints in adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear systems, ... σ-modification [65] While early works on adaptive control dealt mainly with linear systems ... eigenvalue of the... separated into four parts, namely Lyapunov Based Control Design, Adaptive Control and Backstepping, Control of Constrained Systems, as well as Control of Microelectromechanical ... dynamic wavelet networks fnr adaptive control of robotic systems. International Journal of Control, 50(3):405–421, 1998. [147] S. O. Sastry and M. Bodson. Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence,

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:01

198 411 0
Robust adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear systems

Robust adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear systems

... for a class of perturbed strict-feedback nonlinear systems and a class of nonlinear time-delay systems with unknown virtual control coefficients/functions. The behavior of this class of control laws ... of the thesis is to develop adaptive control strategies for several types of general nonlinear systems with uncertainties from unknown systems functions, unknown time delays, unknown ... systems and a class of nonlinear time-delay systems with unknown virtual control coefficients/functions The behavior of this class of control laws can be interpreted as the controller

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:20

230 312 0
Design and control of a teleoperation system for humanoid walking

Design and control of a teleoperation system for humanoid walking

... details of the mechincal design of the master exoskeleton, the control architecture of the overall system, and the control methods. Simulation result of direct mapping of human walking profile ... CONTROL OF A TELEOPERATION SYSTEM FOR HUMANOID WALKING SIM WAI YONG (B.Eng(Hons.), The University of Adelaide.) A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ... principle of model-based method of biped walking control is straight-forward - by applying law of physics, a mathematical model of the biped robot is derived and to be utilized in the synthesis of control

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:25

93 337 0
adaptive control of chaos in chua s circuit

adaptive control of chaos in chua s circuit

... x2r , x3r of the closedloop Chua’s circuit adaptive control system is asymptotically stable Proof In the neighborhood of the equilibrium points E x1r , x2r , x3r , the jacobian matrix of adaptive ... 0, −1.5 with feedback control 4.2 Adaptive Control Next is the simulation of adaptive control with adaptive gain γ 15 to drag the Chua’s circuit system to one of its three equilibrium points The ... three unstable equilibrium points of the open-loop system 2.4 to stable equilibrium points of the closed-loop Chua’s circuit system 3.1 3.1 Feedback Control Let the control law take the following

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2022, 08:29

15 5 0
Researching and developing adaptive, sustainable control methods of euler   lagrange system without actuator and applied for overhead crane

Researching and developing adaptive, sustainable control methods of euler lagrange system without actuator and applied for overhead crane

... OVERVIEW OF THE METHODS OF UNDERACTUATED SYSTEM CONTROL Currently, many control methods are being simultaneously applied to the control of underactuated system in general and the system of overhead ... Euler-Lagrange systems - Developing a sustainable adaptive controller for underactuated system based on the ISS adaptive control - Giving an overview of control method for crane system Applying ... this system based on the method of sliding control combined with ISS control principle And then the study’s results will be applied for the control of 3D crane system, simulation and evaluation of

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2016, 13:45

28 366 0
Constrained adaptive neural network control of an MIMO aeroelastic system with input nonlinearities

Constrained adaptive neural network control of an MIMO aeroelastic system with input nonlinearities

... FðxÞ is the known state function vector; DFðxÞ is the system uncertainties including unmodeled structural nonlinearities; B is the known system control matrix; DB is the unknown system control matrix ... aeroelastic system in Eq (6), there exists a known constant gDB > such that kDBk gDB Assumption 20 For the known system control matrix B of the MIMO aeroelastic system in Eq (6), there exists a known ... finite-time control of aeroelastic systems J Guidance, Control, Dyn 2014;37 (5):1664–70 17 Chen M, Ge SS, Eehow BV Robust adaptive neural network control for a class of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 11:47

11 2 0
hyperchaos adaptive control and synchronization of a novel 4 d hyperchaotic system with two quadratic nonlinearities

hyperchaos adaptive control and synchronization of a novel 4 d hyperchaotic system with two quadratic nonlinearities

... chaotic system with just one quadratic nonlinearity Some well-known paradigms of 3-D chaotic systems are Arneodo system [8], Sprott systems [9], Chen system [10], Lü-Chen system [11], Liu system ... convergence of the controlled states of the novel 4-D hyperchaotic system (25) is depicted Adaptive synchronization of the novel hyperchaotic systems with unknown parameters In this section, we use adaptive ... the initial conditions of the master and slave systems are nearly identical because of the exponential divergence of the outputs of the two systems in the absence of any control This research

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 10:39

25 8 0
adaptive sliding mode control of a pem fuel cell system based on the super twisting algorithm

adaptive sliding mode control of a pem fuel cell system based on the super twisting algorithm

... cell system modeling 6 2.1 PEM fuel cell 6 2.2 System modeling 7 III Control design of the PEM fuel cell system 11 3.1 Sliding mode control approach 11 3.2 Adaptive sliding mode control ... Trang 1011 III Control design of the PEM fuel cell system 3.1 Sliding mode control approach Sliding mode control is a nonlinear control method characterized by a suite of feedback control laws ... The control scheme is composed of an MPPT controller and pressure controller The pressure control was set using the super twisting algorithm, while the MPPT control was carried out using an adaptive

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2024, 22:02

13 0 0
Development of DMC controllers for temperature control of a room deploying the displacement ventilation HVAC system

Development of DMC controllers for temperature control of a room deploying the displacement ventilation HVAC system

... to control the temperature of a building and have obtained impressive results The fuzzy control method of Zadeh [17] has also been widely used for control of many nonlinear systems; a fuzzy control ... control of HVAC systems can therefore result in significant savings (e.g 25% in energy use, see [20]) To control HVAC systems, the traditional method is the on/off control at the level of HVAC ... One of the major users of energy is buildings Most modern buildings employ a heating and cooling system depending upon the climate and time of the year The focus of this paper is on control of

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

12 557 0
manual on the application of the haccp system in mycotoxin prevention and control pdf

manual on the application of the haccp system in mycotoxin prevention and control pdf

... adoption of HACCP as a means of effecting the systematic contol ‘of mycotoxins, culminating in case studies addressing the control of particular mycotoxin Trang 26 Figure 6 - The Control System ... throughout commodity systems and related systems, INTEGRATION OF SYSTEMS Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) isa food safety management system that is based upon the systematic identification ... ‘systems approach to the control of mycotoxins utilises (Coker, 1997) conceptual models of interactions between, and ‘within, commodity, spoilage, mycotoxin, and control subsystems Within a system,

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20

123 612 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Cognitive vision system for control of dexterous prosthetic hands: Experimental evaluation" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Cognitive vision system for control of dexterous prosthetic hands: Experimental evaluation" pptx

... (LLMCs) and one high-level Figure 1 Control system architecture. The Cognitive Vision System (CVS) is integrated into a hierarchical control system for the control of a dexterous prosthetic hand (emulated ... forearm of each subject, thereby emulating the use of a prosthetic hand. The goal of the current study was to test the feasibility of the proposed control method, in particular the feasibility of ... implementation of the control system architecture. The ha rdware comprises: 1) the cognitive vision system (CVS), 2) a two- channel EMG system, and 3) a PC with a data acquisition card. The PC runs a control

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

14 683 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Feasibility of the adaptive and automatic presentation of tasks (ADAPT) system for rehabilitation of upper extremity function poststroke" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Feasibility of the adaptive and automatic presentation of tasks (ADAPT) system for rehabilitation of upper extremity function poststroke" pptx

... dose of therapy needed for effective rehabilitation of upper extremity functions [3-6] In view of this shortcoming of the conventional medical practice model, a growing number of robotic systems ... measures of skill of performance such as movement time and/or errors, not strength Third, testing of adaptive modulation of task difficulty based on performance during training showed that the adaptive ... as: Choi et al.: Feasibility of the adaptive and automatic presentation of tasks (ADAPT) system for rehabilitation of upper extremity function post-stroke Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

12 612 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Vision based interface system for hands free control of an intelligent wheelchair" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Vision based interface system for hands free control of an intelligent wheelchair" ppt

... Page 5 of 17 (page number not for citation purposes) The overall architecture of the proposed control systemFigure 3 The overall architecture of the proposed control system. Journal of NeuroEngineering ... and specification of the components is illustrated in Table 2. Overview of Vision-based Control System The proposed control system receives and displays a live video streaming of the user sitting ... direction of an IW is determined by the inclination of the user's face, while proceeding and stopping are determined by the shapes of the user's mouth. Our system is composed of electric

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

17 311 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Adaptive access and rate control of CSMA for energy, rate, and delay optimization" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Adaptive access and rate control of CSMA for energy, rate, and delay optimization" docx

... where each timeslot, of duration , contains both a data slot and a number of control mini slots. When the link has a packet to transmit, it should wait for a random value of W control mini-slots, ... control [26]. In addition, the EWMA of the rate (or smoothed rate), has been used in [27, 28] as a measure of the quality of service. EWMA is also used as a metric in statistical quality control ... lost. Therefore, the ratio of the lost packets to the total number of packets equals the ratio of the erroneous frames to the total number of frames, regardless of the channel state. Subsequently,

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

46 468 0
robust adaptive model predictive control of nonlinear systems

robust adaptive model predictive control of nonlinear systems

... Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems 25 Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems Darryl DeHaan and Martin Guay 0 Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control ... for the extrema of a function p(x). Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems 29 overa Taking the first variation of the right-hand sides of (4a,b) with respect ... in the event of multiple solutions. The existence of such a u is implied by the assumed solvability of (8) Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems 31 Design

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:44

35 236 0
Tài liệu Điều khiển thích ứng hệ thống xác định một phần ( Adaptive control of partially known system) ppt

Tài liệu Điều khiển thích ứng hệ thống xác định một phần ( Adaptive control of partially known system) ppt

... This paper proposes an adaptive control method of partially known system and shows its application result to control of a two-wheeled welding mobile robot. The controlled system is designed using ... == = m i m j jijii h 11 22 )()( & (17) đIều khiển thích ứng hệ thống xác định một phần Adaptive Control of Partially Known System Nguyễn Tấn Tiến * , Hoàng Đức Liên ** và Kim Sang Bong *** *Khoa ... [17] N. Sarkar, X. Yun and V. Kumar, Control of Mechanical Systems With Rolling Constrains: Application to Dynamic Control of Mobile Robots”, The Int. Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 13, No....

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 13:16

10 634 7
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Control of the coagulation system by serpins Getting by with a little help from glycosaminoglycans pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Control of the coagulation system by serpins Getting by with a little help from glycosaminoglycans pptx

... many of the principal procoagulant compo- nents of the system are serine proteases, regulation of the system is principally by the action of serine protease inhibitors. One major class of serine ... functioning of the coagulation system is vital to human health [1]. However, control of this system, in particular its regulation to prevent inappropriate, excessive or mislocalized clotting of blood, ... inhibitor (PCI), act to control the action of anticoagulant enzymes, such as activated protein C. A feature of many of the serpins that control enzymes in the coagulation system is that they them- selves...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:21

10 669 0

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