actors interests and identity

an entity-centric approach for privacy and identity management in cloud computing

an entity-centric approach for privacy and identity management in cloud computing

... scheme has two protocols: issuing identity to an entity, and verifying identity of an entity Before issuing an identity, IdP chooses a public integer n and a pseudo random C Approach We propose an ... to prove effectiveness of the proposed privacy and identity management system, as well as its potential for becoming a standard for privacy and identity management in cloud computing VII.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ... the identity (expiration date, 181 170 order to gain access to the service the user must authenticate and provide its identity information (if required) 3) IDM Wallet uses its technical policy and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:43

7 522 0
Tài liệu Power, Politics and Identity in South African media docx

Tài liệu Power, Politics and Identity in South African media docx

... understanding the relationships between the personal (subjective) and the social, the individual and the group, the cultural and the political, and the group and the state Within the discourse on identity ... between identity discourses and political power, between new subjectivities and persisting legacies of apartheid, and between new narratives of nationhood and the increased commercialisation and ... section, Identity in theory’, contemporary theories relating to media and identity are interrogated and applied to the South African context In his chapter ‘Media, youth, violence and identity...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 08:20

416 370 0
How to attract interests and involvement of the 9th graders in a speaking lessons at Minh Thanh secondary in Quang Ninh

How to attract interests and involvement of the 9th graders in a speaking lessons at Minh Thanh secondary in Quang Ninh

... question and another giving an answer As a result, the questions and the answers are structured and predictable, and there is only one correct answer Clearly, the purpose of asking and answering ... phrases and sentences These may be greetings, simple personal description, and simple questions and answers As their proficiency and experience in the language develop, most of these sentences and ... students and 80% teachers choose it, the second is grid (66% students and 74% teachers) and the third is role play( 65% students and 74% teachers) It is highly appropriate that word-cue drill and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:03

119 527 1


... systems, and on the other hand, the differing ratios of other African and Indigenous influences in both Cuba and Brazil (Sturm 1977) While most scholars and musicians recognize the musical and ritual ... freedom to explore hand percussion in addition to my classical percussion education My final and deepest thanks are extended to my family: Mom and Dad, Margaret and Joe, my sisters and brothers, Granma ... between iyá and voices 69 “Iya nko tá” – Comparison between itótele, iyá and voices 70 “Fomalokete” – Toque and words 71 “Fomalokete” – Song (words and melody) and batá toque...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:20

280 398 0
Body Cultures Essays on Sport Space and Identity potx

Body Cultures Essays on Sport Space and Identity potx

... Finland and has lectured on social, historical and geographical aspects of sports in many universities in Europe and North America He has authored (among many books and articles) Sport, Space and ... scanning and preparation of diagrams; and to Oliver Valins for compiling the index John Bale and Chris Philo Keele and Glasgow February 1997 xi INTRODUCTION Henning Eichberg, space, identity and body ... 111–29 Thanks are also due to Steven McGinley and Mike Shand at the Department of Geography and Topographic Science, University of Glasgow, and to Andrew Lawrence at the Department of Geography,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:20

166 351 0
science learning and identity

science learning and identity

... simultaneously be continuous and discontinuous, contextindependent and situated, stable and frail, or adaptive and brittle?” and “Why are there differences between the self in narratives and in ongoing, concrete ... DISCURSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS OF IDENTITY 257 Introduction 259 12 A Beautiful Life: An Identity in Science Yew-Jin Lee 261 13 When Clarity and Style Meet Substance: Language, Identity, and the Appropriation ... “self” and identity continues to be full of riddles (Mikhailov, 1980) The problematic nature of identity arises from the fact that there are at least two aspects to identity On the one hand,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 13:06

23 156 0
the mit press consciousness and persons unity and identity nov 2003

the mit press consciousness and persons unity and identity nov 2003

... and Content Michael Tye New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge Susana Nuccetelli Consciousness and Persons: Unity and Identity Michael Tye Consciousness and Persons Unity and Identity ... Data Tye, Michael Consciousness and persons: unity and identity / Michael Tye p cm.—(Representation and mind) “A Bradford book.” Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-262-20147-X ... Perceptual and Bodily Experiences, Occurrent Thoughts, and Moods 67 3.1 Opening Remarks 67 3.2 Perceptual Consciousness and Experience of the Body 68 3.3 Unity and Conscious Thoughts 78 3.4 Unity and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:48

219 702 0
drinking cultures - alcohol and identity - wilson

drinking cultures - alcohol and identity - wilson

... Hall, Garvey, Mitchell and Armstrong, and Hunt et al.), consumption and identity (in the chapters by Demossier, O’Carroll and – 20 – Drinking Cultures Smart), religion and identity (as approached ... French and European Studies at the University of Bath She is the author of various works on wine producers and wine consumers in France and has published on culture and identity in France and Europe ... Ireland, the United Kingdom and Hungary on European integration, international borders and national identity He is the co-author (with Hastings Donnan) of Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 11:27

299 175 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Automated target tracking and recognition using coupled view and identity manifolds for shape representation" pot

Báo cáo toán học: " Automated target tracking and recognition using coupled view and identity manifolds for shape representation" pot

... various military and civilian vehicles To examine the efficacy of the proposed target model, we develop four ATR algorithms based on different ways of handling the view and identity factors The experimental ... results of target tracking and recognition on both IR sequences from the SENSIAC dataset and some visibleband video sequences, and we also discuss the limitations and possible extensions of the ... variation Therefore the identity manifold should be learned in a LD latent space with only the identity factor rather than in the HD data space where the view and identity factors are coupled together...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

17 323 0
Báo cáo y học: "Psychiatrists'''' attitudes towards autonomy, best interests and compulsory treatment in anorexia nervosa: a questionnaire survey" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Psychiatrists'''' attitudes towards autonomy, best interests and compulsory treatment in anorexia nervosa: a questionnaire survey" docx

... abilities to understand, retain and weigh treatment information, to come to a decision, and to express a choice (see the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000) Research ... three factors occurred before the slope flattened These three factors accounted for approximately a quarter (26%) of the variance, and had Eigenvalues of 2.0 and above The remaining factors individually ... or non-financial interests JT, AS and TH are members of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and JT and AS are members of its Eating Disorders Special Interest Group JT's salary and the project...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

14 259 0
Tourism and the branded city - film and identity on the Pacific Rim

Tourism and the branded city - film and identity on the Pacific Rim

... Socialist State Havana during the ‘Special Period’ Andrea Colantonio and Robert B Potter ISBN 978-0-7546-4739-3 Tourism and the Branded City Film and Identity on the Pacific Rim STEPHANIE HEMELRYK ... place and image, carefully selected to get you right across the island, up the Peak and into the islands and New Territories The third part of Infernal Affairs (Mou gaan dou, dir Wai Keung Lau and ... space and place on local and global scales of imagination and practice The West Pacific Rim, in which we include Australia, China, Japan and the Pacific Islands – although we focus on Chinese and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2015, 07:50

235 419 0
Linguistic abilities and identity in a globalizing world perspectives of proficient taiwanese english users

Linguistic abilities and identity in a globalizing world perspectives of proficient taiwanese english users

... language not with the cultures and speakers of countries like the U.S and England, and instead relating it to a concept of global culture (however vague this might be) and viewing themselves 17 as ... foreign study and more as an additional language of their own to have an impact on and change the world They will use English, together with technology, to express their identity and make their ... spoken as a native language (England, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand); the outer circle, where English has a substantial societal role and often official status (mostly...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:06

414 365 0
External and internal perceptions of the hainanese community and identity, past and present

External and internal perceptions of the hainanese community and identity, past and present

... shaped Hainanese identity Instead as mentioned earlier, these works tend to reify Hainanese identity and culture and the aims of these books is to preserve Hainanese culture and identity in its ... pan-Chinese identity? The main goal of this thesis is to examine how the Hainanese community and its identity has been perceived by both non-Hainanese and the Hainanese themselves and how these ... Malayan Communism in the 1920s and 1930 Finally, I will study the role the Hainanese clan and dialect associations in shaping and positioning Hainanese identity and the community, while at the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 22:32

133 952 0
Female bonding and identity formation in the female caribbean bildungsroman

Female bonding and identity formation in the female caribbean bildungsroman

... between grandmother and grandchild will help the child to recognize her African ancestry, to trace her roots and to establish her identity In Annie John and Crick Crack, Monkey, the grandmothers ... Bildungsroman Chapter Two Beka Lamb and Annie John: Gender and Autonomy in Identity Formation 25 Chapter Three Crick Crack, Monkey and Abeng: Class, Race and Gender in Identity Formation 58 Chapter ... Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and love to my parents and husband for their self-giving and continuous understanding and support i TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements i Table...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:56

107 554 0


... Capital, Social Ties and Social Identity 31 3.1.5 Cyberspace and Virtual Identity 33 3.2 Theorizing ICTs: Use and Identity 35 3.2.1 Mobile Phone Usage and Identity Formation ... of ICTs and Identity This chapter reviews the literature on identity, identity formation, and the interaction between ICTs and identity As the objective of the research is to understand the interplay ... represent and create one‘s offline and online identity; (3) the relatedness of ICTs use and identity work in China, with particular emphasis in the youth and the migrants 3.1 Identities and Identity...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 21:19

176 513 0
Relationship between language, culture, and identity

Relationship between language, culture, and identity

... language shape one’s identity and personality There is much importance of culture and language to one’s individual identity Language is a powerful instrument of identity and belonging levels ... identity as, “How people understand their relationship to the outside world, how that relationship is constructed across time and space, and how people understand their possibilities for the ... future” (p 410) Note Language, culture and Identity are dynamic , complex and ongoing processes Culture Influence Language Lexicon, grammar rules, codes and rules of linguistic communication...

Ngày tải lên: 08/12/2015, 00:16

31 481 6
Oracle press   oracle database 10g security and identity management

Oracle press oracle database 10g security and identity management

... processes ORACLE DATABASE 10G AND ORACLE IDENTITY MANAGEMENT Oracle Identity Management is an integrated, scalable and robust identity management infrastructure Oracle Identity Management includes ... network services and has long been established as an industry standard for remote and controlled access to networks RADIUS user credentials and access Oracle Database 10g Security and Identity Management ... Database 10g Security and Identity Management Page 32 Oracle supports standard X.509v3 certificates and relevant Public Key Certificate Standards (PKCS) for certificate request and installation This...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2016, 21:34

38 435 0

... weaving of ‘‘lands and peoples’’ (Land und Leute), but as ‘‘spaces and races’’ (Raum und Volk) to be ordered by German mastery and organization For many, a new German identity and mission directed ... unfamiliarity of lands and peoples of the region for Germans (compared to Belgium or Poland), and in the ideological terms on which this military state in the East was built Belgium and Poland, as scholars ... blasted landscape of mud, barbed wire, machine1 War Land on the Eastern Front gun nests, bunkers, and fortiWed emplacements facing no man’s land, over which swept barrages, high explosives, and all...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

320 959 3
hobbies and interests

hobbies and interests

... and your own ideas I think shopping is relaxing and satisfying Do you think so? I find it dull and time –consuming B Join another pair What are your favorite hobbies? Why? Use these reasons and ... it anywhere My favorite hobby is doing puzzles I can it alone, and it’s relaxing I really like taking photos I can it anytime, and it’s creative C Group work Discuss these questions What hobbies ... work If you had a free weekend, how would you spend it? Write plans for Saturday and Sunday morning, afternoon and evening “On Saturday morning I’d like to…” B Join another pair Share your plans...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

16 935 7
identity management and trust services foundations for cloud computing

identity management and trust services foundations for cloud computing

... they will find that identity and access management is one of the core components of their information security program Federated Identity Management and InCommon Federated identity management ... mostly around identity and access management The first and perhaps most arduous challenge is how to encourage pervasive adoption of best practices in identity management among campuses and institutions ... for the benefits of federation without a national mandate In the United Kingdom and Switzerland, the national government has supported and mandated the use of federation In the United States,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:44

10 410 0