actions of 1 25 oh 2d in nonclassical target organs

Báo cáo y học: "Effect of 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 in experimental sepss"

Báo cáo y học: "Effect of 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 in experimental sepss"

... 6 31 ± 48 Shamoperation + 1, 25 vit-D 5 51 ± 53 CLP +vehicle CLP + 1, 25 vit-D 647 ± 95 Control + 1, 25 vit-D 606 ± 13 9 418 ± 49 b 515 ± 53 c 12 ,0 ± 0,2 12 ,2 ± 0,7 11 ,4 ± 0,6 11 ,0 ± 0,8 12 ,5 ± 1, 2 12 ,7 ... 19 8 a LPS +1, 25 vit-D 208 ± 214 a 12 ,0 ± 0,2 12 ,2 ± 0,7 11 ,4 ± 0,4 a 12 ,0 ± 0,4 53 ± 53 ± 12 4 ± 16 7 94 ± 24 a 0,68 ± 0,29 0,62 ± 0,27 1, 77 ± 1, 10 2 ,12 ± 0,53 a 41 ± 46 ± 19 44 ± 57 ± 11 8,2 ± 0,5 ... learned Shock 19 98;9 :1- 11 20 Hemmingsen C, Staun M, Olgaard K The effect of 1, 25- vitamin D3 on calbindin-D and calcium-metabolic variables in the rat Pharmacol Toxicol 19 98;82 :11 8 -12 1 19 5 ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:57

6 506 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Calcium metabolism in cows receiving an intramuscular injection of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 combined with prostaglandin F2?? closely before parturition" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Calcium metabolism in cows receiving an intramuscular injection of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 combined with prostaglandin F2?? closely before parturition" doc

... 9.4 1. 0 10 .7±0.80 9.4±0.6 11 .0±0.9* 8.3 1. 2 10 .8 1. 0* 8.6±0.9 11 .5 1. 0* 8.3 1. 00 8.5±0.8 9 .1 0.6 10 .0 1. 10 11 .1 1. 1** 11 .1 0.9* 10 .3±0.7* 9.6±0.5 3.3±2.0 5.8 1. 2 3.5 1. 40 6.3 1. 5* 2.5 1. 5 06.0 1. 9* ... M Vaginal absorption of 1, 25( OH) D in cattle J Dairy Sci 2004, 87, 2 416 -2 419 10 Radostitis OM, Blood DC, Gay CC Veterinary Medicine 8th ed pp 13 14 -13 28, Bailliere Tindall, London, 19 94 11 Yamagishi ... 2.4±0.2 -1 -0.5 0.5 53.6±22 .1 52.9 14 .300 73.3±35.300 75.4±23.80 11 85.0±384 .1* 694.5±526.7** 596.6±338.4** 3 91. 4 18 8.9* 96.6 25. 9 95.8± 31. 7 95.4±23.0 57.4 16 .20 51. 9±59 .1 65.2 17 .5 45.9 11 .6 20.2 12 .5*...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

3 223 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Calcium-independent phospholipase A2-mediated formation of 1,2-diarachidonoyl-glycerophosphoinositol in monocytes potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Calcium-independent phospholipase A2-mediated formation of 1,2-diarachidonoyl-glycerophosphoinositol in monocytes potx

... of group VIA calcium-independent FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 618 0– 619 1 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 618 9 1, 2-Diarachidonoyl-glycerophosphoinositol 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ... cells were maintained in RPMI -16 40 medium supplemented with 10 % (v ⁄ v) fetal bovine serum and 10 0 UÆmL )1 penicillin and 10 0 lgÆmL )1 streptomycin [46] The cells were incubated at 37 °C in a humidified ... composition, insulin secretion, and proliferation of INS -1 insulinoma cells J Biol Chem 2 81, 18 7 19 8 Lio YC & Dennis EA (19 98) Interfacial activation, lysophospholipase and transacylase activity of group...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

12 330 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The fixed point theorems of 1-set-contractive operators in Banach space" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " The fixed point theorems of 1-set-contractive operators in Banach space" docx

... Theorem 2 .11 , the conclusions of Corollary 2 .15 hold □ Wang Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 011 , 2 011 :15 011 /1/ 15 Page of Remark 2 .16 Corollary ... Xu, SY: New fixed point theorems for 1- set-contractive operators in Banach spaces Nonlinear Anal 67, 938–944 (2007) doi :10 .10 16/ 51 doi :10 .11 86 /16 87 -18 12-2 011 -15 Cite this article ... concavity of  and  (0) = 0, we obtain 1 1 1 1 1 1 ϕ[ (1 − t0 )||Ax0 ||] + ϕ(t0 ||Ax0 ||) = ϕ[ (1 − t0 )||Ax0 || + t0 ||θ ||] + ϕ[t0 ||Ax0 || + (1 − t0 )||θ ||] 1 1 1 1 > (1 − t0 )ϕ(||Ax0...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20

7 249 0
Báo cáo y học: "The Yin and Yang actions of North American ginseng root in modulating the immune function of macrophages" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "The Yin and Yang actions of North American ginseng root in modulating the immune function of macrophages" ppsx

... agents Anaesth Intensive Care Med 2006, 7 :17 9 -18 0 Azike et al Chinese Medicine 2 011 , 6: 21 /1/ 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Bondeson ... effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on collagen induced arthritis in mice Int Immunopharmacol 2007, 7 :12 86 -12 91 doi :10 .11 86 /17 49-8546-6- 21 Cite this article as: Azike et al.: The Yin and Yang actions of North ... [11 -15 ] or alcoholic [16 - 21] extracts of ginseng Moreover, there was a pattern of association of immuno-stimulation and immunosuppressive activities with aqueous [11 -15 ] and alcoholic [16 - 21] ...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20

11 498 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: DNA modification with cisplatin affects sequence-specific DNA binding of p53 and p73 proteins in a target site-dependent manner pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: DNA modification with cisplatin affects sequence-specific DNA binding of p53 and p73 proteins in a target site-dependent manner pptx

... pPGM1 fragment caused about 70% inhibition of p53 (1 363) binding to either of the two targets Modification of the p 21 ⁄ pPGM1 mixture resulted in rb-dependent inhibition of p53 binding to the p 21 ... within the binding sites [11 ,12 ] Interactions of p53 with DNA are regulated mainly via post-translational modifications (phosphorylation, acetylation) within the protein C-terminal domain [3 ,13 ,14 ] ... of the p73 isoforms; at rb ¼ 0.06, only slight (10 15 %) inhibition of binding was detected Thus, the p73d and p73b proteins exhibited behavior upon binding to cisplatin-treated p 21 and p21b target...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

14 598 0
Protective effects of s propargylcysteine (SPRC) on in vitro neuronal damage induced by amyloid beta (25 35 p 1 3

Protective effects of s propargylcysteine (SPRC) on in vitro neuronal damage induced by amyloid beta (25 35 p 1 3

... 24 1. 6.3 Aβ-induced oxidative stress 25 1. 6.4 Antioxidant therapy in AD 29 1. 7 INFLAMMATION 31 iv 1. 7 .1 Inflammation in AD patients 31 1.7.2 Role of inflammation ... under the influence of interferon-γ together with TNF-α or IL -1 (11 5) Exposure to either TNF-α (11 6) or IL-6 (11 7) also resulted in increased production of APP These inflammatory mediators bind to ... transcription of a variety of genes in the inflammatory pathway including IL -1, IL-6, TNF-α and TNF-β 35 INTRODUCTION a) IL -1 IL -1 is a member of the IL -1 superfamily which consists of IL -1 , IL -1 and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:55

81 322 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Abstract Integration of Metabolism and Survival PP-1 The metabolic switch in liver methionine metabolism pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Abstract Integration of Metabolism and Survival PP-1 The metabolic switch in liver methionine metabolism pptx

... JIP1 in vitro, binding the C-terminal region of JIP1 The kinase activity of VRK2 is not necessary for the interaction, but both VRK2 11 1 Abstracts isoforms phosphorylate JIP1 in its N-terminal ... JNK interaction domain of JIP1 VRK2A, but not VRK2B, also interacts by its C-terminal domain with TAK1 VRK2 interaction with JIP1 does not interfere with individual interactions between JIP1 with ... substructures of the regulatory domain of PKCe indicate that C1a and C2 bind Raf -1 better than the C1b domain PP-85 Isolated native, oxidized LDL and HDL in uence platelet binding characteristics of fibrinogen...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20

291 614 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A novel type of highly negatively charged lipooligosaccharide from Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1 possessing two 4,6-O-(1-carboxy)-ethylidene residues in the outer core region ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A novel type of highly negatively charged lipooligosaccharide from Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1 possessing two 4,6-O-(1-carboxy)-ethylidene residues in the outer core region ppt

... 69.5 3.69 73.0 3.67 73.6 5.46 97.8 17 5.0 10 1.7 17 5.0 10 0.9 17 5.5 10 1.9 17 5.8 99.5 1. 81/ 2.07 36 .1 2.00/2.34 35.0 1. 48 25. 2 1. 62 17 .2 3.75/4.09 63.7 4.03 70 .1 3.93 70.6 3.86/3.70 63.7 3.86/3.69 ... C 31 P H 13 C 31 P H 13 C H 13 C 31 P H 13 C H 13 C H 13 C 31 P H 13 C H 13 C H 13 C H 13 C 13 3ax/ 4.09 76.7 4.20 69.8 3.86/4.08 63.9 3.64 73.7 4.46 72.0 4.0 3.45 70.8 4.39 73.7 5.42 95 .1 3.0 ... 60 .1 3. 612 /3.88 61. 2 3.74/3.89 60.7 3.30 73.5 3.96 70.5 3.52 76.5 3.73 70.2 3.79 70.9 3.42 72.9 3.80 75 .1 4. 01 69.2 3.93 69.7 1. 26 17 .0 31 174.6 17 5.0 16 0.0 4.53 10 4.4 4.86 10 1.7 Fig Section of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 13:20

14 716 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Eukaryotic class 1 translation termination factor eRF1 ) the NMR structure and dynamics of the middle domain involved in triggering ribosome-dependent peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Eukaryotic class 1 translation termination factor eRF1 ) the NMR structure and dynamics of the middle domain involved in triggering ribosome-dependent peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis pptx

... structures of the M domain of human eRF1 Ranges of torsion angles in whole familya Residue / Pro177 Lys178 Lys179 His180 Gly1 81 Arg182 Gly183 Gly184 Gln185 Ser186 Ala187 Leu188 a )19 )72 )77 )12 8 80 ... )62 ± 10 5 )63 )40 )60 10 4 )13 5 ± 73 )87 )17 0 44 )23 ± 16 )63 )35 23 13 5 ± )11 0 ± 17 )75 13 5 )60 b 14 8 ± ± 11 0 )73 15 0 ) 41 ± )64 )42 b )42 ± )11 0 ± 23 )64 )42 The mean value in the family of 25 structures ... ± ± v1 Torsion angles in representative structure / w 16 1 ± )48 ± )20 16 0 )48 14 )40 ± 11 )90 ± 21 )64 )43 )60 13 12 8 ± 12 )63 ± 30 )70 13 0 )60 17 48 ± 68 )12 8 ± 93 )12 0 45 18 0 51 )4 ± 13 90...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

15 539 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Expression and physiological role of CCN4⁄Wnt-induced secreted protein 1 mRNA splicing variants in chondrocytes potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Expression and physiological role of CCN4⁄Wnt-induced secreted protein 1 mRNA splicing variants in chondrocytes potx

... expression of WISP1v in vitro Effect of overexpression of CCN4/WISP1 and its variants on the phenotypes of human chondrocytic HCS-2 ⁄ cells Fig Immunohistochemical staining of CCN4 ⁄ WISP1 and WISP1v in ... calcification of RGC cells [24 ,25] In the developing skeletal system, CCN1 ⁄ Cyr 61 is expressed in the cartilage of a number of skeletal elements Regarding these elements, CCN1 ⁄ Cyr 61 is first expressed in ... differentiated in vitro (Fig 5C) Alizarin red staining of RGC cells revealed increased mineralization by the cells from weeks after reaching confluency (Fig 5A) Interestingly, the expression level of WISP1v...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

11 436 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin from Sulfolobus solfataricus and its involvement in the response to oxidative stress pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin from Sulfolobus solfataricus and its involvement in the response to oxidative stress pdf

... range of concentrations (0– 10 0 lgÆmL )1) (B) Effect on protection against DNA cleavage of the replacement of Cys49 of rBcp2 with serine Lane 1, pUC19; lane 2, pUC19 and 10 mM DTT; lane 3, pUC19 ... the quantification of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding Anal Biochem 72, 248 254 30 Weber K, Pringle JR & Osborn M (19 72) Measurement of molecular weight ... during Prx reduction (e.g thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin) (Fig 1) Two archaeal Prxs from Aeropyrum pernix APE2278 [10 ] and Pyrococcus horikoshii PH1 217 [11 ,12 ] have A H2O 1- Cys Prx 1- Cys...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

11 566 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin in haem detoxification in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin in haem detoxification in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum potx

... recombinant protein with FP abolished most of this binding, suggesting that binding of rPf1-Cys-Prx to the agarose was FP specific Recombinant PfTPx -1 (2-Cys Prx) protein (rPfTPx -1) , which was included ... profiles of peroxiredoxin proteins of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii Int J Parasitol 33, 14 55 14 61 16 Shviro Y & Shaklai N (19 87) Glutathione as a scavenger of free hemin a mechanism of ... 2.5% of the initial value When rPf1-Cys-Prx was added to the system, complete protection against inactivation was observed and the initial GS activity was maintained (11 6.5 ± 7.3% of the initial...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

8 373 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification of two cysteine residues involved in the binding of UDP-GalNAc to UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (GalNAc-T1) ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Identification of two cysteine residues involved in the binding of UDP-GalNAc to UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (GalNAc-T1) ppt

... concentration of UDP-GalNAc from 1. 5 to 43.5 lM in the presence of 1. 88 mgÆmL )1 apomucin To determine the Fig Inhibition of GalNAc-T1 with PCMPS Purified bovine GalNAc-T1 was incubated with increasing concentrations ... University) [22,23], containing a cDNA encoding the insulin signal sequence and the Protein A-IgG binding domain, was inserted into NheI-HindIII digested pcDNA3 .1, producing the vector, pInsProA pDN42 was ... glycosyltransferases indicate that several interactions are involved in binding of the UDP portion of the sugar donors to the enzymes [ 31 37] In GalNAc-T1, hydrogen bonding with Cys 212 and Cys 214 appears...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

9 436 0
Mobil 1 is original equipment in some of the world’s finest vehicles, including potx

Mobil 1 is original equipment in some of the world’s finest vehicles, including potx

... should remain low indicating good protection against engine wear 00 0, 21 00 00 ,0 ,0 18 16 00 7,0 14 00 ,0 12 00 00 ,0 ,0 10 84 00 ,0 00 00 ,0 63 42 ,0 21 Test Kilometers When using Mobil 1, oil ... can include any of the following: • Trips of less than 16 km • Driving in cold weather • Idling for extended periods • Stop-and-go traffic • Pulling trailers/carrying heavy loads • Driving in ... even at 21, 000 km oil drain intervals Engine Oil Durability Mercedes-Benz E350 0W-40 14 TBN (mgKOH/mg) 12 10 suggested minimum Even after 200,000 km using extended oil change intervals...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20

14 517 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of N-glycosylation consensus sequences in the Kv3.1 channel pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of N-glycosylation consensus sequences in the Kv3.1 channel pot

... N229Q, n ¼ 11 ) than for glycosylated Kv3 .1 (dV is 8 .1 ± 0.4 mV for wild-type Kv3 .1, n ¼ 13 ) A range of values for Vm0.5 from 10 mV to 18 mV, and for dV from mV to 11 mV, of wild-type Kv3 .1 have previously ... glycosylation site in the S1–S2 linker of other Kvs (Fig 1C) For example, the native glycosylation site in the S1–S2 linker of Shaker H4 [40], Kv1 .1 [ 41] , Kv1.2 [42], Kv1.4 [43] and Kv1.5 [44] were shown ... were maintained in Hink’s TNM-FH medium containing 10 % FBS, 10 lgÆmL )1 gentamicin, and 0 .1% Pluronic F-68 at 27 °C as previously described [50] Monolayer Sf9 cultures were used to maintain Sf9...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

14 406 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Thermal behaviour of cubic phases rich in 1-monooleoyl-rac-glycerol in the ternary system docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Thermal behaviour of cubic phases rich in 1-monooleoyl-rac-glycerol in the ternary system docx

... 8.46 8.48 14 .29 14 . 31 13.93 13 . 91 13. 81 C 57.44/2.54/40.02 22 31 41 45 15 .55 15 .55 14 .99 15 .15 D 57.7/3.37/38.93 21 25 35 40 45 50 16 .16 16 .23 16 .08 15 .46 14 . 31 14.90 4.86 4. 81 4.79 4. 71 4.62 E ... 15 .08 15 .13 15 .04 14 .66 14 .93 14 .84 15 . 31 15.50 14 .43 14 .43 14 .56 14 .49 14 .95 F 44.77/0.30/54.93 44 40 30 21 44.67 /1. 14/54 .19 45 41 31 19 9.83 9.89 9.75 9.90 H 44.54/2.29/53 .17 43 40 34 29 18 4.76 ... [12 ] As 57.44/2.54/40.02 57.7/3.37/38.93 57.95/4.20/37.85 45 39 34 20 45 40 34 28 23 18 Pn3m (nm) 9. 71 9. 71 9.67 9.55 9.62 10 .30 52 43 31 25 18 Ia3d (nm) 13 .19 13 . 91 14 .16 15 .22 15 .27 15 .08 15 .13 ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 09:20

10 406 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The role of residues R97 and Y331 in modulating the pH optimum of an insect b-glycosidase of family 1 pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: The role of residues R97 and Y331 in modulating the pH optimum of an insect b-glycosidase of family 1 pdf

... E187, in order to minimize unfavourable interactions with the apolar side chain of F3 31 Thus, the increment in the pKa of E399, in addition to it being closer to E187, may have resulted in a large ... calculated using ENZFITTER Wild-type R97M Y331F E187D 2.3 1. 9 2.0 4.4 kcat/Km (s )1 mM )1) kcat (s )1) Km (mM) 0 .1 0.3 0.5 0 .1 1.73 0.0030 0.0070 0.0 014 7 Fig Eect of pH on the activity of native ... Brayer, G.D., Withers, S.G & McIntosh, L.P (20 01) Dissecting the eletrostatic interactions and pH-dependent activity of a family 11 glycosidase Biochemistry 40, 10 115 1 013 9 ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:21

10 522 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Ets-1/ Elk-1 is a critical mediator of dipeptidyl-peptidase III transcription in human glioblastoma cells pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Ets-1/ Elk-1 is a critical mediator of dipeptidyl-peptidase III transcription in human glioblastoma cells pdf

... that Ets -1 ⁄ Elk -1- binding motifs are critical for DPP-III gene expression 200 bp x35.94 10 0 81 bp pAAS -1 pAAS -1 Mut1 pAAS -1 Mut2 Fig Functional relevance of Ets -1 ⁄ Elk -1- binding motifs in DPP-III ... (Fig 4A) Further deletion of 548 or more bases B x 816 .25 800 x7 41. 11 x824.23 x352. 61 x 312 .07 x337. 31 * * 300 * x 319 .48 * 200 10 0 x 312 .07 b 400 300 200 10 0 x4.22 10 33 pAAS 1 pAAS–8 –40 +5 Luc +5 ... its C-terminal domain is involved in DNA binding [38] By contrast, the DNA-binding domain of Elk -1 is present at its N- terminal end and C-termini allows it to form homo- or heterodimers In our...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 09:20

15 326 0