... Cag-T4SS, together with potential implications for the current understanding of its mode of action The cagPAI and the Cag type IV secretion apparatus Gene arrangement and variants of the cagPAI The cagPAI, ... genotypes, lack the cagPAI and are less virulent The Cag secretion system is responsible for the induction of a pronounced pro-inflammatory response in vitro and in vivo, and the translocation and subsequent ... well as in the molecular mechanisms of effector protein secretion This minireview describes the composition of the cagPAI and the properties of both conserved and unique components of the Cag-T4SS,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:21
... is the heterotrimeric Gaibc complex, and not the monomeric Gai [109], it was found that PMT action on the Gai protein interferes with the interaction of Gai and its cognate Gbc subunits, and thereby ... DNA synthesis and cytoskeletal rearrangements In agreement with these findings, PMT stimulates fibroblastic cells through the cell cycle, moving cells from the G1 phase into and through the S phase ... equivalent to the Gln that is deamidated by the CNFs and DNT [18] For all of these cases, toxin-catalyzed deamidation or transglutamination of the target inhibits the intrinsic GTPase activity and leads...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Comparison of human RNase 3 and RNase 7 bactericidal action at the Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial cell wall pot
... competing and displacing the bound syto Therefore, the integration of syto and propidium iodide fluorescence provides an estimate of the percentage viability for monitoring the kinetics of the bactericidal ... the other hand, RNase appears to alter more easily the S aureus cytoplasmic membrane than RNase The distinct abilities of both RNases to access and alter the cytoplasmic membrane may reflect their ... pellet (P) and the second lane to the supernatant fractions (S) PGN were incubated with each protein and the soluble and insoluble fractions were collected as described in the Materials and methods...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
... Rwanda Ministry of Health Rwanda Ministry East African Community Kigali Health Institute Rwanda Biomedical Center RWANDA: GEOgrAPHY AND TOUrISM main theme: Regional health priorities and opportunities: ... (EAPHLNP) through the EAC and ECSA-HCS iii) Environment and Health in Africa Climate Change and Vector Borne Diseases – Sponsored by HEALTHY FUTURES Project and Quantifying Weather and Climate Change ... March 2013) Conference Proceedings: The proceedings of the conference and other health research articles will be compiled and published in the 1st Issue of the newly established “East African...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Mode of action of the microbial metabolite GE23077, a novel potent and selective inhibitor of bacterial RNA polymerase docx
... is not the r subunit itself, the fivefold lower activity and the different shape of the inhibition curve observed in the absence of r indicate that the presence of this factor potentiates the inhibitory ... compounds were added before the reaction start, marked by the addition of DNA to mixtures containing all the other components and the indicated inhibitor; m, nucleotides and the indicated inhibitor ... such a possibility, the E coli holoenzyme was preincubated with DNA to allow complex formation before the addition of the inhibitor, and then the effect of GE23077 on RNA synthesis was assessed...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 15:20
Unexpected Narratives And Creating The Right Conditions
... NARRATIVES AND CREATING THE RIGHT CONDITIONS | APRIL 14 2010 | http://designnotes.info/?cat=102 overview The blog Repeat, repeat, repeat Agile @MICHAELSURTEES | UNEXPECTED NARRATIVES AND CREATING THE ... NARRATIVES AND CREATING THE RIGHT CONDITIONS | APRIL 14 2010 | http://designnotes.info/?cat=102 Design notes, the blog http://designnotes.info @MICHAELSURTEES | UNEXPECTED NARRATIVES AND CREATING THE ... NARRATIVES AND CREATING THE RIGHT CONDITIONS | APRIL 14 2010 | http://designnotes.info/?cat=102 I Miss My Pencil by Martin Bone and Kara Johnson @MICHAELSURTEES | UNEXPECTED NARRATIVES AND CREATING THE...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 10:30
homomorphisms of the fundamental group of a surface into psu(1,1), and the action of the mapping class group
... for their continual wishes and prayers; and my loving a supporting family: my mother Andreani, my father Savvas, my brothers Michael-Zenios and Charalambos Finally I thank the Department of Mathematics ... Papageorgiou and Anna Sidera for their continual support and the great summers I spent with them I thank my grandparents Panagiota and Charalambos Konstantinou, Maria Zeniou and my spiritual father Michalis ... with the moduli space and Aut(κ) rather than the (orientation preserving) mapping class group It is important for us that the Dehn twists preserve the orientation of Σ and also they not move the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 09:14
Democratic action party of malaysia and the politics of opposition coalition building
... alliances of the main opposition parties.43 Antipathy towards Mahathir as an individual and to UMNO and the BN as the government grew over the years The handling of the then recent events such as the ... short lived and this leads to the logical extension of the study to include the exit of the DAP from the BA An early exit could be due to either the flaws in coalition building, hence the inevitability ... parting, or the rise of a new variable that pushes the DAP away from the BA Only by looking at both the formation and the exit of the DAP from the BA, can a comprehensive study of the DAP’s involvement...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:26
The study on characteristics of the image and value of ultrasound, computed tomography in the diagnosis and follow up of hepatobiliary f
... US (16.7%) .The difference was statistically significant with p < 0.01 .The structure of the lesions on US and CT Table 3.8 The structure of the lesion on US The structure of the lesions ... under the curve (AUC = 0.971) FDS2 diagnostic threshold of with Se (92.9%), Sp (94.4%) and AUC = 0.974 FDS1 and FDS2 is simple and easy to apply for local health system Thesis layout The thesis ... and ability to find eggs of Fasciola ssp in the stool is very low New contributions of the thesis Combining US and CT images with eosinophil tests to build (FDS1: Fasciola diagnostic score) and...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2016, 11:15
Grounding cognition the role of perception and action in memory, language, and thinking DIANE p
... and the force of the effectors The sensitivity to the current position of the limbs explains why in the crossed hand condition the hand closer to the handle is more activated As the frying pan ... sentences such as The boy will eat the cake.” Once they heard the verb, they oriented their eyes to the only object in the display that could be eaten and was therefore compatible with the simulated ... posture of the hand of another person (“Other perspective”), they found a congruency effect for the “Own perspective” when a neutral hand stimulus was given as a preview and for the “Other perspective”...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2016, 12:19
Creating the project office 10
... support the goals of the program— then they are more likely to follow through • Take action, first to articulate the needs, then to help others understand the change, and finally to get the job ... plus the intensity of the shared discussions furnished motivation for change The offsite meeting provided the opportunity for managers and engineers alike to discover the issues themselves and then ... because of the problems and asked them to get together for a discussion She put together a presentation that clearly stated the nature of the problems and their impact on the businesses She proposed...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15
Creating the project office 11
... you help them more than others; they get constructive feedback; they are excited by the vision; they learn more from you and this program; their professional needs are met; they travel and meet ... the time to learn the skills of these professions and apply them daily Position the project office within the power base of the organization There is no one right answer to where the PO should report ... with other similar offices—for instance, the soft-treading support PSO on one hand, and on the other, the PO power-packed with authority Project Offices: From Low-Key to Omnipotent Since the project...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15
Creating the project office 12
... After the Giant Step: Communication and Building Commitment Mapping out the vision and strategy for the project office, using the variables and options just described, is a giant step in the right ... office design and the subsequent performance of the PO Figure 4.3 lists the possible variables After the project office design parameters are pinned down, the next step is to formally define them This ... staff support functions with a PMO Another variation couples the PMCOE with the CPO A Vision and a Strategy for the Project Office To focus on the right concept and properly design a project office,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15
Creating the project office 13
... slaying the tiger) ITG Program Management typically determined the participants, arranged the time and conference rooms, planned the agenda and objectives, ran the meeting, and summarized the conclusions ... involving variables and options related to the context, the organization and people, the support functions, and the project execution responsibility Once the right concept is hatched, then involve stakeholders ... projects, and ability to separate the truly important issues from the unimportant—all leading to timely and informed decisions and satisfied customers The demand for project support exceeded the supply...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15
Creating the project office 14
... before marketing themselves and the project office concept to others If the answer to the first question was yes and the second question was no, then their job changed, because the organization ... as their project and resource allocations and where that money was going In some cases it confirmed good methods and techniques already in place, and in others it pointed up the lack of them These ... identify their strengths and weaknesses, their position in their marketplaces, and suggested how the judicious application of project and portfolio management techniques might further their efforts...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15
Creating the project office 15
... introduce the PO concept to their organizations, and if they cannot get their basic understanding and buy-in from this, then they realize that they are not ready to launch a PO yet The second and third ... itself, they remain in their functional areas The fourth and fifth sections of the POIK deal with how to plan, design, and implement a chosen level of project office These are the newest and least ... what they now to see if they are providing an adequate level of service for the kind of office they are, or to help in defining the services their new office will try to provide The critical thing these...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Creating the project office 16
... confidence and provide a role model for others The effect is more control over the environment and more order in it To engage others, recognize the problem of entropy the degradation of matter and energy ... deliberately to the surface and understanding how they affect teamwork It is also about behaving in ways that build relationships both inside and outside the team and that strengthen the team’s ability ... is their ability to operate in ambiguity, especially at the 136 Creating the Project Office beginning of the program, and move into clear deliverables and results by the end of the program The...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Creating the project office 17
... WORKING TOGETHER: THE PESSIMIST’S VIEW The movie The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is about another triad: Blondie (the Good) learns the name of the grave under which the gold is buried, Angel (the Bad) ... resources, and the politics get ugly To create a different scenario— the good, the true and the beautiful the three factors we need to balance are professional project managers, upper management, and the ... of the gold, and Tuco (the Ugly) knows the name of the cemetery where the gold is buried It’s a quest for money: man against man against man, and may the fastest draw win No one person knows the...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
Creating the project office 18
... process of forming goals and defining criteria to assess whether they are being met are inextricably intermixed—each supports the other and both are required The general manager and his staff embraced ... project list and apply the criteria Using electronic media, the project managers used the criteria from the spreadsheet in Figure 6.7 to self-score their projects against the criteria The project ... a mandatory in-person meeting The project office facilitator drove the process and kept the managers on track to achieve a plan they would all support One manager openly questioned if the other...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15
Creating the project office 19
... problems and give the team a sense that they matter and are listened to • Integrate team personnel with people from other parts of the organization to expose them to new ideas and practices and encourage ... are known by the quality of the questions they ask • To influence others, use hard data and big numbers; then describe in vivid word pictures how the future will be different when the program is ... organized within the Planning Ministry The task force used the management information system to provide information to various governmental levels, including other ministries and the office of the president,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 00:15