a window into living organisms

báo cáo khoa học: " Worry as a window into the lives of people who use injection drugs: a factor analysis approach" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Worry as a window into the lives of people who use injection drugs: a factor analysis approach" pot

... individual variables and Cronbach's alpha for each proposed factor Overall Security Worries1 Variable Mean Having a Place to Stay Able to Get Food Being Robbed Being Assaulted Being Farmed Being Arrested ... RS and EAR completed the statistical analysis, and wrote the manuscript draft All authors read and approved the final manuscript Acknowledgements We wish to particularly thank the participants ... your analysis Practical Assessment, Research Evaluation 2005, 10(7):1-9 Loehlin J: Latent Variable Models: An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Analyses Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

6 334 0
A study into words, idioms denoting 'richness' and 'poorness' in enghish and their vietnamese equivalents

A study into words, idioms denoting 'richness' and 'poorness' in enghish and their vietnamese equivalents

... categorical meaning They not share all the grammatical features Thus, all the lexemes sharing categorical meaning not have all the grammatical meanings 1.3.2 Lexical meaning According to Hoang Tat Truong ... consists and partly by it grammatical meaning According to Nguyen Thi Van Lam (2002:16), all lexemes with full word-forms have a grammatical, more particularly a categorical, meaning. For example, ... He also claims that objects, actions, qualities etc, are called notional words because their lexical meaning is clear The words whose prevailing meaning is grammatical are called functional words...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

64 1K 5
Tài liệu Windows in a Window pdf

Tài liệu Windows in a Window pdf

... other hand, if your Mac has more than one internal hard drive, and you created a Windows partition on one of them (rather than taking it over completely), open Boot Camp Assistant as described above ... it, and paste it back into the Mac program And what if you can't decide whether to use Boot Camp (fast and feature-complete, but requires restarting) or Parallels/Fusion(fast and nore starting, ... machine that can run nearly 100 percent of the world's software catalog 8.2.1 Virtualization Tip-O-Rama Mastering Parallels, Fusion, or VirtualBox means mastering Windows, of course, but it also...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 04:20

5 295 0


... human Real animals are a symbol of status, ecologically rare, and replaced by very lifelike flesh-and-blood replicas Rick Deckard (a partial homonymic anagram of the author's name, Dick) is a ... religion, and design, anathema to scientists But "Turing Gaia" shows t h a t what looks like purpose and in fact may be purposeful need not have either a creationist or a Darwinian explanation Gala-is ... only humans are aware of the nature of signs as triadic relations (cf Poinsot, Maritain and Peirce) AU animals are semiosic, but only human animals are semiotic Semioticity is a property that one...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 16:20

281 958 1
Tài liệu A Journey into the Center of the Earth doc

Tài liệu A Journey into the Center of the Earth doc

... combinations; he was far away from earth, and really far away from earthly wants About noon hunger began to stimulate me severely Martha had, without thinking any harm, cleared out the larder the night ... was there; so I said nothing, and could eat nothing At half-past five there was a rattle of wheels outside A large carriage was there to take us to the Altona railway station It was soon piled up ... with a translation? This is the Icelandic original, in the magnificent idiomatic vernacular, which is both rich and simple, and admits of an infinite variety of grammatical combinations and verbal...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 04:20

214 1.7K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A novel metallocarboxypeptidase-like enzyme from the marine annelid Sabellastarte magnifica – a step into the invertebrate world of proteases pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: A novel metallocarboxypeptidase-like enzyme from the marine annelid Sabellastarte magnifica – a step into the invertebrate world of proteases pdf

... gamus, Molgula occidentalis and Pyura vittata); 11 species of Cnidaria (Bartholomea annulata, Budonosoma granulifera, Cassiopea xamachana, Condylactys gigantea, Gorgonia ventalina, Lebrunia danae, ... Mollusca, Echinodermata, Arthropoda and Chordata, amongst others, collected on the coasts of Havana, Cuba The 4876 Fig S magnifica Phylum Annelida, Class Polychaeta, Subclass Palpata, Order Canalipalpata, ... danae, Palythoa caribaeorum, Physalia physalis, Plexaura homomalla, Stichodactyla helianthus and Zoanthus pulchellus); two species of Annelida (Sabellastarte magnifica and Hermodice carunculata);...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

16 628 0
Herpesviridae – A Look into This Unique Family of Viruses Edited by George D. Magel and Stephen Tyring docx

Herpesviridae – A Look into This Unique Family of Viruses Edited by George D. Magel and Stephen Tyring docx

... 65 Amber T Washington and Ashok Aiyar Chapter Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Virus Governs Gene Expression Profiles Toward B Cell Transformation Keiji Ueda, Emi Ito, Masato Karayama, Eriko Ohsaki, ... Ohsaki, Kazushi Nakano and Shinya Watanabe Part Infection in Humans 105 Chapter Human Herpesviruses in Hematologic Diseases Márta Csire and Gábor Mikala 107 Chapter Zoster-Associated Pain and Post ... 27 Shirata, N., Kudoh, A. , Daikoku, T., Tatsumi, Y., Fujita, M., Kiyono, T., Sugaya, Y., Isomura, H., Ishizaki, K & Tsurumi, T (2005) Activation of ataxia telangiectasia-mutated DNA damage checkpoint...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

330 1.8K 0
Money and happiness a guide to living the good life

Money and happiness a guide to living the good life

... nongraduates I have an associate degree People with an associate degree earned an average of $33,000 in 2000 I have a bachelor’s degree About one in four Americans ages 25 and older has attained a bachelor’s ... children, Wanda opened a passbook savings account at age 5, started babysitting in fifth grade and by seventh grade accumulated $1,000— which she invested in a real estate partnership with her dad At ... years “My mother had the last laugh,” Deb says “She has had a fabulous retirement, she and her boyfriend ride around [Florida’s] intercoastal waterway on their yacht My father had health setbacks...

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 14:51

258 358 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Decomposition of a Document into Authorial Components" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Unsupervised Decomposition of a Document into Authorial Components" pdf

... be made clear below 4.1 (Almost) Automatic Synset Identification One of the advantages of using biblical literature is the availability of a great deal of manual annotation In particular, we are ... minḥâh and nā a tend to be located in the same units and, concomitantly, miqṣ a , tĕrûmâh and šāṯal are located in the same units Conveniently, the former are all Jeremiah and the latter are all ... our particular application The point is that there are some feature sets that are very well suited to a particular unsupervised problem but are sparse, so they give only a partial clustering At...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

9 359 0
the chamber a look into the novel and film

the chamber a look into the novel and film

... surfaces again when Adam comes down to try to save Sam and the case becomes news again Grisham tells about Lee's problem with alcohol in many ways " 'All right, dammit So I'm an alcoholic Who can ... screenplay for The Rainmaker with director Francis Coppola." (Bellafante 1)The author and film use character perspectives to convey a political message about the death penalty Adam's profession, and ... governor's mansion-and he'll stand there in the glare of a hundred cameras and deny me clemency And the bastard will have tears in his eyes.' " (Grisham 122) Ruth Kramer and her family are the characters...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:53

3 479 0
A Journey into the Center of the Earth potx

A Journey into the Center of the Earth potx

... combinations; he was far away from earth, and really far away from earthly wants About noon hunger began to stimulate me severely Martha had, without thinking any harm, cleared out the larder the night ... was there; so I said nothing, and could eat nothing At half-past five there was a rattle of wheels outside A large carriage was there to take us to the Altona railway station It was soon piled up ... with a translation? This is the Icelandic original, in the magnificent idiomatic vernacular, which is both rich and simple, and admits of an infinite variety of grammatical combinations and verbal...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

215 735 0
Truth, lies and the internet a report into young people’s digital fluency docx

Truth, lies and the internet a report into young people’s digital fluency docx

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a> &7!#4=!.(%46%.*&7!);#)!6#4!/&!# *%&=!)9! #77&77!);&!)(>7)@9();%4&77!#4=!#66>(#6D!9?!%4?9($#)%948! F;&7&!#(&!/9);!:&4&(#*!6(%)%6#*!);% 4A% 4:! 7A% **7!K7>6;!#7!...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

59 359 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Window Width Optimized S-Transform" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Window Width Optimized S-Transform" potx

... imagers, Ph.D dissertation, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 1999 [26] C R Pinnegar and L Mansinha, “Time-local Fourier analysis with a scalable, phase-modulated analyzing ... Processing (ICASSP ’94), vol 4, pp 149–152, Adelaide, SA, Australia, April 1994 F Gini and G B Giannakis, “Hybrid FM-polynomial phase signal modeling: parameter estimation and Cram´ r-Rao e bounds,” ... Livanos, N Ranganathan, and J Jiang, “Heart sound analysis using the S-transform,” in Computers in Cardiology, pp 587–590, Cambridge, Mass, USA, September 2000 E Sejdi´ and J Jiang, “Comparative...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20

13 334 0


... Ondrej Holas, Anna Horova, Jana Zdarova-Karasova and Kamil Kuca Chapter Immunomodulatory Treatments for Myasthenia Gravis: Plasma Exchange, Intravenous Immunoglobulins and Semiselective Immunoadsorption ... Clinical Presentations Myasthenia Gravis with Anti-MuSK Antibodies: Clinical Features and Histopathological Changes Corrado Angelini, Sara Martignago, Michela Biscigli and Elisa Albertini Ocular Manifestations ... Myasthenia Gravis Past medical history was positive only for a hiatus hernia and esophageal gastrointestinal reflux EMG, brain MRI and mediastinial CT gave normal results Pneumological evaluation...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20

114 283 0


... Therapy of Melanoma 161 Kausar Begam Riaz Ahmed and Michael A Davies Chapter BRAF V600E Mutated Gene Variant as a Circulating Molecular Marker in Metastatic Melanoma Patients 181 Viviana Vallacchi, ... Roberto Ria, Antonia Reale and Angelo Vacca Chapter 16 Stromal Microenvironment Alterations in Malignant Melanoma 335 Svetlana Brychtova, Michala Bezdekova, Jaroslav Hirnak, Eva Sedlakova, Martin ... Do and Syed A. A Rizvi Chapter Genetic, Epigenetic and Molecular Changes in Melanoma: A New Paradigm for Biological Classification 35 Stefania Staibano, Massimo Mascolo, Maria Siano, Gennaro Ilardi...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 05:20

426 351 0
your inner fish. a journey into the - neil shubin

your inner fish. a journey into the - neil shubin

... locales The presence of warm-adapted species at what today are extreme altitudes and latitudes attests to how much our planet can change: mountains rise and fall, climates warm and cool, and ... Elders, formally known as the Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Katimajiit, to come up with a name in the Inuktitut language My obvious concern was that a committee named Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Katimajiit might ... observation in his classic monograph On the Nature of Limbs, Charles Darwin supplied an elegant explanation for it The reason the wing of a bat and the arm of a human share a common skeletal pattern...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 22:40

130 275 0
Báo cáo y học: "Evolution of temporal order in living organisms" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Evolution of temporal order in living organisms" pot

... Molecular feedback loops of cyanobacteria Molecular feedback loops of cyanobacteria A cluster of KaiABC genes controls circadian rhythms in cyanobacteria KaiA gene product acts as a positive regulator ... Drosophila melanogaster after 600 generations in an aperiodic environment Naturwissenschaften 2002, 89:512-514 Paranjpe DA, Anitha D, Kumar S, Kumar D, Verkhedkar K, Chandrashekaran MK, Joshi A, Sharma ... have remarkable structural and functional similarities to those of mammals and plants [51] Although the overall molecular mechanisms underlying circadian clocks in various organisms are to a...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20

13 530 0