a study of cross cultural communication

A study of information and communication technology (ICT) adoption by SHG’s in banking activities - Dharwad district

A study of information and communication technology (ICT) adoption by SHG’s in banking activities - Dharwad district

... Microfinance Through Shg-Bank Linkage Programme.Indian Journal of Applied Research, 6(3) [17] P.Saravanan and P.Sridharan, A Study on the Demo Graphical Characteristics of Internet Banking NonAdopters ... set of data values A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that ... (ICT) ADOPTION BY SHG’S IN BANKING ACTIVITIES - DHARWAD DISTRICT Dr Vinod N Sambrani Associate Professor, Kousali Institute of Management Studies, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India ABSTRACT We all

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2020, 09:50

11 23 0
A study on english and vietnamese greetings from a cross   cultural communication perspective

A study on english and vietnamese greetings from a cross cultural communication perspective

... stages of the study, and whose stimulating ideas, expertise, and suggestions have inspired me greatly through my growth as an academic researcher A special word of thanks goes to all the teachers ... biology of human behavior Weyarn : Seehamer Verlag Firth, J R (1972).Verbal and Bodily Rituals of Greeting and Parting La Fontaine J S The Interaction of Ritual Hill et al Hill, (1986) Universals of ... politeness: Quantitative evidence from Japanese and American English Journal of Pragmatics Lakoff, R (1975) Language and women’s place New York, NY: Harper and Row 10 Leech, Geoffrey N., (1983)

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

82 960 7


... shared and specific meanings that are communicated Language and communication are always changing along with the change of society because communication is considered as a process in which meanings ... cross- cultural awareness in using verbal cues for foreign language teachers and learners as well as other potential interactants of international communication III SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study ... methods namely quantitative and qualitative ones The combination of these two methods has offered the researcher valid data for later analysis Regarding the aim of the study, the researcher has found

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2018, 22:48

46 264 0
A study on tourism cultural features of the english and vietnamese people in some online travel advertisements from cross cultural perspective

A study on tourism cultural features of the english and vietnamese people in some online travel advertisements from cross cultural perspective

... Advertisements from Cross- cultural Perspective” is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Arts at the Faculty of Graduate Studies - University of Languages and International Studies ... have been completed Besides, I am heartily thankful to all the lecturers and teachers of the Faculty of Graduate Studies - University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National ... provided abundant assistance and encouragement while this work was in progress ii ABSTRACT This study aims at finding out travel cultural features of the English and Vietnamese people as linguistically

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2020, 23:33

80 178 0
A vietnamese american cross cultural study of verbal and nonverbal behaviors in marriage proposal

A vietnamese american cross cultural study of verbal and nonverbal behaviors in marriage proposal

... roundabout way before giving a direct proposal However, the American are generally more direct than the Vietnamese Paralanguage Paralinguistic factors are a vital part for the success of a marriage ... verbal and nonverbal expression These expressions are realized by means of intralanguage, paralanguage and extralanguage These expressions can be listed as follow In terms of intralanguage, SD, ... Supervisor: Prof Dr Nguyễn Quang Hanoi -2016 DECLARATION I declare that the thesis entitled ? ?A Vietnamese-American cross- cultural study of verbal and nonverbal behavior in marriage proposals” reports

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2020, 18:44

62 167 0
A Vietnamese-English cross-cultural study of expressing sarcasm

A Vietnamese-English cross-cultural study of expressing sarcasm

... suggested that (i) areas such as sarcasm and irony, sarcasm and face, punning strategies, paralinguistic and extra-linguistic factors be investigated in depth (ii) more detailed data analysis be made ... community of England, America, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, are chosen for contrastive analysis - The data are collected by conducting survey questionnaires to examine the differences in the way ... common and worth-studying phenomena of pragmatics, sarcasm, for without sarcasm then, as one might say, there is no art II Scope of research The study aims mainly at the major knowledge of sarcasm

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:52

58 12 0
A Vietnamese-English cross-cultural study on the use of responding to English greetings

A Vietnamese-English cross-cultural study on the use of responding to English greetings

... surprise that language and culture should be taught and learned in the foreign or second language classrooms as learning a new language means learning a new culture 1.3 Cross- cultural communication ... In turn, communication helps language express all features and characteristics 1.2 Language and culture Language and culture are the two factors which are interrelated because people share not ... socialization process Goodenough stated “the relation of language to culture is that of part to whole” and according to Goshgarian, “Language shapes our perception of reality” The socio-cultural

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:57

53 12 0
A cross cultural communication study on joking between friends and relatives in vietnamese and english cultures

A cross cultural communication study on joking between friends and relatives in vietnamese and english cultures

... need acquire the linguistic system as well as aware of the cultural dimension of that language In our country in the last few years, teaching and learning foreign languages in general and teaching ... teaching and learning English in particular has become a topical issue drawing concerns of many researchers As Vietnam adopted an open-door policy, there are many people wishing to learn and master ... speech act of telling a joke Scope of the study - This paper is confined only to the verbal aspects of the act of joking Although the author is fully aware of the role of paralinguistic and non

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 12:21

50 63 1
A study on tourism cultural features of the english and vietnamese people in some online travel advertisements from cross cultural perspective

A study on tourism cultural features of the english and vietnamese people in some online travel advertisements from cross cultural perspective

... Advertisements from Cross- cultural Perspective” is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Arts at the Faculty of Graduate Studies - University of Languages and International Studies ... have been completed Besides, I am heartily thankful to all the lecturers and teachers of the Faculty of Graduate Studies - University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National ... provided abundant assistance and encouragement while this work was in progress ii ABSTRACT This study aims at finding out travel cultural features of the English and Vietnamese people as linguistically

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:14

82 13 0
A study of cross city growth in china

A study of cross city growth in china

... Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, Shanghai-Nanjin-Hangzhou area and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-HongKong area have been the most active areas and largest city clusters The reform of SOEs has made the whole ... the national power of a country As a result, large amount of capital was put into industrial cities (mainly in northeast China) These cities grew quickly and attracted many rural workers In addition, ... evolutionary model implies the self-sustaining advantages of the agglomeration might be more important than initial natural advantage In Fujita, Krugman and Venables (1999), the centripetal forces...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:05

114 303 0
A vietnamese – english cross – cultural study of the use of hedging before giving bad news

A vietnamese – english cross – cultural study of the use of hedging before giving bad news

... sharing of wants, social accelerator to indicate that he (the hearer) wants to ‘come closer’ to H” For example: - to an acquaintance (about years younger than you) Take a chill pill, man! All of ... miscommunication and communication breakdown among cross- cultural communicators Scope of the study - Although natural communication always comes with paralinguistic (speed, tone, loudness, pitch ) and ... originated in Austin’s observation (1962) in which it is said that sentences are used to report states of affairs and utterance of some sentences can be treated as performance of an act Richards...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

85 1,8K 13