a one to many relationship shown in tables s and t

Creating a one-to-many Map doc

Creating a one-to-many Map doc

... HashSet object IsSupersetOf method Returns a Boolean indicating whether the current HashSet object is a superset of a second HashSet object Its syntax is: IsSupersetOf(HashSet set) ... The instance properties are the same as the properties used to display timestamp information: CreationTime, LastAccessTime, or LastWriteTime To set the timestamp, assign a value of type DateTime ... directory s timestamps, you can use either the static methods of the Directory class or the instance properties of the DirectoryInfo class The static methods are SetCreationTime, SetLastAccessTime,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:22

88 251 0
Tài liệu Updating a DataSet with a Many-to-Many Relationship ppt

Tài liệu Updating a DataSet with a Many-to-Many Relationship ppt

... UpdateManyToManyRelationshipForm.cs // Namespaces, variables, and constants using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; private DataSet ds; private SqlDataAdapter ... junction tables Create Button.Click This event handler calls the CreateData( ) method to add random data to the DataSet Modify Button.Click This event handler makes random changes to the data in ... to the DataSet and create the relationship ds = new DataSet( ); ds .Tables. Add(parentTable); ds .Tables. Add(parentChildTable); ds .Tables. Add(childTable); ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("Parent_ParentChild",...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

19 304 0
A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, Second Edition potx

A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, Second Edition potx

... notions of probability and statistics are essential to statistical mechanics and, in particular, to Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics In this section we want to remind the reader about ... calculate thermal averages of (interacting) many- particle systems: Monte Carlo simulations can that, taking proper account of statistical fluctuations and their Introduction effects in such systems ... problem at hand in mind The interpretation of the resultant output is critical to the success of any simulational project, and we thus include substantial information about various aspects of thermodynamics...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

449 2K 0
Underinsured or Uninsured? A Guide to Health Care Resources in Allegheny County doc

Underinsured or Uninsured? A Guide to Health Care Resources in Allegheny County doc

... Clairton, Hazelwood and Turtle Creek The vans bring riders to major destinations, such as the East Busway, the Waterfront, McKeesport business district, and many Port Authority routes This is not ... except for Aetna and Unison Advantage Assistance: Can help patients apply for financial assistance with proof of income, household size, assets, housing costs, etc Services Available: Prenatal care, ... http://www.nschc.org Insurance: Accepts most health insurance plans including Medical Assistance Assistance: We serve all patients regardless of ability to pay Discounts for essential services...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 10:20

38 482 0
jQuery Essentialsby Marc Grabanskiv2.We needed a hero to get these guys in line.jQuery ppt

jQuery Essentialsby Marc Grabanskiv2.We needed a hero to get these guys in line.jQuery ppt

... string selectors together You can also string selectors together $(“#myId, myClass, table”) Find $(“div”) Find Do $(“div”) addClass(“redbox”); jQuery API Spice Two things that make the API HOT ... first list item $(“tr:odd”) get odd numbered table rows $( a[ target=_blank]”) get all links who s target is “_blank” $(“form[id^=step]”) get all forms who s id starts with “step” You can also string ... Factory Method $() You can also pass $() a function to run the function after the page loads jQuery Factory Method $() You can also pass $() a function to run the function after the page loads...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20

115 191 0
Báo cáo " Self-regulated strategy development as a means to foster learner autonomy in a writing course " pdf

Báo cáo " Self-regulated strategy development as a means to foster learner autonomy in a writing course " pdf

... mnemonics and selfstatements Some students may need this stage, some may not Stage 5: Support it: As students actually compose, the teacher scaffolds their use of the instructed strategies and can introduce ... context for students to generalize, maintain, and expand the instructed strategies They also offer opportunities for students to enter interaction and collaboration with the teacher and peers and ... Focus: The evaluation focuses on the effectiveness of the task - Scope: The evaluation is internal, i.e evaluating the task against the stated objectives/goals - Evaluators: The teacher and the students...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 11:20

8 518 4
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Impact of LQI-Based Routing Metrics on the Performance of a One-to-One Routing Protocol for IEEE 802.15.4 Multihop Networks" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Impact of LQI-Based Routing Metrics on the Performance of a One-to-One Routing Protocol for IEEE 802.15.4 Multihop Networks" docx

... illustrates the average and standard deviation of path lifetime for each routing metric, measured as the total time between the instant in which a path delivers its first packet and the instant at ... that packet transmissions in the network include the transmission of AODV messages as well as data packet transmissions and retransmissions We also test a Best-Effort (BE) approach for NST-AODV, ... a precursor list that contains the nodes that use this one as the next hop in the path to a given destination The loop-freedom of routes towards a destination is guaranteed by means of a destination...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

20 397 0
thực hành lab – tạo quan hệ nhiều – nhiều (many to many relationship)

thực hành lab – tạo quan hệ nhiều – nhiều (many to many relationship)

... www.ddcntt.vn N Bước 1: Thi t kế database sau: C H U YÊ phim: (ID_phim,tenphim,hinhminhhoanho,hinhminhhoalon,diachiphim,ID_daodien, ID_theloaiphim, kichban,dodai,noiphathanh,thoigianchieu,ngaycapnhat, ... List Wizard YÊ N + Mở trang list_film.php VI T + Trong Step cấu hình thông s sau: + Click n t Next + Trong Step chọn c t cần trang trang quản lý Phim Lớp: Web Doanh nghiệp nâng cao Biên soạn: ... www.ddcntt.vn U VI T C H + Hãy thực lệnh Many -To- Many Wizard + Hãy cấu hình quan hệ sau: YÊ N + Giao diện trang form_film.php sau: Lớp: Web Doanh nghiệp nâng cao Biên soạn: Nguyễn Ph t Tài Trang Trung...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 06:36

11 472 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " A reparameterization to improve numerical optimization in multivariate REML (co)variance component estimation" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: " A reparameterization to improve numerical optimization in multivariate REML (co)variance component estimation" pdf

... optimizer (Step 4) to have it decide on the next step based on the last LV and the current set of factors This process results in a matrix that always has the properties of a covariance matrix, irrespective ... components were to be estimated Run analyzed traits from field test in pigs and a third from a test station measured on different animals Three class effects comprised common litter and animal as random ... function value assigned to the current set of parameters Losses of rank partly due to badly conditioned covariance matrices, that just about pass the positive eigenvalues, but still not render the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

9 251 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A model to estimate insulin sensitivity in dairy cows" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A model to estimate insulin sensitivity in dairy cows" doc

... glucose disappearance after a GTT and it was suggested that the cows with a high body condition score were more insulin resistant than the thin- Table 1: Glucose, insulin and FFA in plasma and ... during lactation This would facilitate the use of RQUICKI as an index to identify changes in insulin sensitivity In humans obesity is related to a reduced insulin sensitivity concomitant with an ... due to the digestive physiology of adult ruminants it is generally difficult to prepare steady state protocols 15 The plasma components and RQUICKI were statistically analysed using the general...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:22

3 316 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Development of liver dysfunction under artificial nutrition: a reason to modify nutrition therapy in the intensive care unit" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Development of liver dysfunction under artificial nutrition: a reason to modify nutrition therapy in the intensive care unit" docx

... M, Oyanagi H, Kawahara H, Yagi M, Imura K, Iiboshi Y, Wasa K, Kamata S, et al.: Total parenteral nutrition-associated intrahepatic cholestasis in infants; 25 years’ experience J Pediatr Surg ... metabolites such as glutamine, taurine, choline, and probably carnitine can help to maintain hepatic functions Because it is known that ICU patients have a higher need for nutrients such as glutamine ... dysfunction is generally not to be expected Competing interests Parts of PS s long-lasting research work are partially funded by grants from various industrial partners References Grau T, Bonet A, Rubio...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20

2 180 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Exploration of cytoplasmic inheritance as a contributor to maternal effects in Welsh Mountain sheep" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: "Exploration of cytoplasmic inheritance as a contributor to maternal effects in Welsh Mountain sheep" ppt

... certain traits Mannen et al [10] studied the association between the variation of transcribed mtDNA and variation in carcass traits in beef cattle, and it was suggested that one polymorphism was ... datasets available It is possible that the impacts of such effects are difficult to determine by standard quantitative methods Perhaps the models are not able to distinguish between them and other ... decreases in direct heritability and maternal heritability It was observed that some maternal lines in the dataset had very few animals Inclusion of such lines in an analysis may cause maternal lineage...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

11 257 0
Cultural Differences A Barrier to Native English Teachers in English as a Foreign Language Context

Cultural Differences A Barrier to Native English Teachers in English as a Foreign Language Context

... Moreover, as it is unusual for Vietnamese students to get up and speak out and if someone does that, it seems that student tries to challenge the teacher, and the rest of the class would think that student ... wants students to talk about what they have written, it is better to call on them by name rather than to issue an open invitation to the class and expect someone to volunteer a response Reid also ... (Ellis [16]) showed that Vietnamese students are hesitant in participating in classroom activities because of the following reasons One of the main causes of verbal passiveness is that they are afraid...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 08:16

10 545 0
A novel role of hydrogen sulfide in wound healing and a new approach to wound dressing in rat model

A novel role of hydrogen sulfide in wound healing and a new approach to wound dressing in rat model

... controlling smooth muscle tone in the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary systems, to neurotransmission and a role in immune function and inflammation The body appears to ... 400X magnification - 42 - Chapter Materials and Methods Statistical analysis Data are presented as mean ± SE Statistical significance was analyzed by variance (ANOVA), a Tukey test was applied ... chosen as appropriate time points to examine tissue H 2S synthesizing activity and inflammation in the exponential and post-exponential phase in the wound healing process H 2S synthesizing activities...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 09:39

80 425 0
A Solution to score 8.0 in IELTS Writing

A Solution to score 8.0 in IELTS Writing

... developed so quickly Actually, most scientists attribute their success and breakthroughs to experiments on animals Finally, Some animals can provide human beings with essential organs for transplantation ... their abilities and stimulate their imagination when they are studying with the opposite sexes Besides, students can cultivate their interpersonal skills Some other people think that separating ... SAY THAT TELL THE TRUTH IS NOT ALWAYS ESSENTIAL IT S NECESSARY TO TELL LIES SOMETIMES TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE ” version 76 task electricity summer winter task Happiness is considered...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2016, 13:07

53 929 0


... in another language The text to be translated is called the "source text," and the language that it is to be translated into is called the "target language"; the final product is sometimes called ... translation, Faithful translation, Semantic translation, Adaptation, Free translation, Idiomatic translation, Communicative translation 1.2.1 Word -to- word translation: This is often demonstrated ... confused about translation Internet terms, IT terms and WDT thoroughly Students in the process of acquiring this language are always aware that it greatly contributes to bring different nations...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

59 524 0
Tài liệu Why Has The Cost of Navy Ships Risen - A Macroscopic Examination of the Trends in U.S. Naval Ship Costs Over the Past Several Decades doc

Tài liệu Why Has The Cost of Navy Ships Risen - A Macroscopic Examination of the Trends in U.S. Naval Ship Costs Over the Past Several Decades doc

... costs across time, we present two types of data: (1) data on factors that are generic for all ship classes, such as labor cost escalation for the naval shipyards, and (2) other data factors specific ... nation and the Navy understandably desire technology and capability that is continuously ahead of actual and potential competitors, this comes at a cost We not evaluate whether the cost is too ... importantly, an unstable business base causes fluctuations in the demand for skilled labor that are expensive and difficult to manage The unstable business base also prevents contractors from leveraging...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

124 584 0
Tài liệu Why Has the Cost of Fixed-Wing Aircraft Risen - A Macroscopic Examination of the Trends in U.S. Military Aircraft Costs over the Past Several Decades pptx

Tài liệu Why Has the Cost of Fixed-Wing Aircraft Risen - A Macroscopic Examination of the Trends in U.S. Military Aircraft Costs over the Past Several Decades pptx

... those indirect costs not associated with a specific aircraft unit, such as spare parts, data, contractor support, and training equipment, but are necessary to operate and maintain the fleet Data ... cost, and production costs and present a quantitative analysis of historical data on engine development schedule and cost In Test and Evaluation Trends and Costs for Aircraft and Guided Weapons, ... Trade in Arms Regulations Joint Strike Fighter Lockheed Martin multi-mission maritime aircraft National Aeronautics and Space Administration North Atlantic Treaty Organization Naval Air Systems...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

118 543 0
Tài liệu Reversed Food Chain – From the Plate to the Farm Priorities in Food Safety and Food Technology for European Research potx

Tài liệu Reversed Food Chain – From the Plate to the Farm Priorities in Food Safety and Food Technology for European Research potx

... for instance research on the synthesis and degradation of cell walls, in order to increase the stress resistance of raw material throughout the postharvesting/processing/post-processing steps of ... and efficient way P7 Consumer willingness to pay for increased quality and healthiness Increased health characteristics and nutritional values as well as applied traceability systems for better ... may not reflect the real time status of process For these reasons, it is desirable to integrate standard tests with preventive analytical activity: this activity needs more specific, simple and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

59 539 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Plant DNA polymerase k, a DNA repair enzyme that functions in plant meristematic and meiotic tissues docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Plant DNA polymerase k, a DNA repair enzyme that functions in plant meristematic and meiotic tissues docx

... Materials and Methods, the AP site-containing strand was 3¢-end-labeled with [a- 32P]ddATP, annealed to its complementary strand and treated with human AP endonuclease to release a dRP-containing ... described in Materials and Methods This protein was purified to near-homogeneity as shown by SDS/PAGE analysis (Fig 2B, lane 1) and was devoid of nuclease contaminants, as tested in nuclease assays ... primer/ template The sequences are 5¢-ACTGGAGATCTGC AT-3¢ and 5¢-TGAAGCATGCAGATCTCCAGT-3¢ Misincorporation assay The four template/primer structures used, which differ only in the first template base,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

9 492 0