a note on future research in vascular and plaque segmentation

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Note on Implicit Functions in Locally Convex Spaces" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Note on Implicit Functions in Locally Convex Spaces" docx

... of continuous functions and applications,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 256, no 1, pp 304–311, 2001 E Kramar, “Invariant subspaces for some operators on locally convex ... the Hammerstein equation x λKFx, 4.1 containing a parameter λ ∈ Λ In our case K is a continuous linear operator on X and F : X → X is the so-called superposition operator We have the following ... obviously a solution of 3.1 An Application As an example of application of our main result, we study the stability of the solutions of an operator equation with respect to a parameter Consider in X...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

6 235 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Note on the q-Genocchi Numbers and Polynomials" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Note on the q-Genocchi Numbers and Polynomials" pdf

... “q-Volkenborn integration,” Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol 9, no 3, pp 288–299, 2002 [6] T Kim, A note on p-adic invariant integral in the rings of p-adic integers,” Advanced Studies in Contemporary ... and polynomials,” 2006, http://arxiv.org/abs/math/ 0702523 [11] T Kim, “An invariant p-adic q-integral on Z p ,” to appear in Applied Mathematics Letters [12] H M Srivastava, T Kim, and Y Simsek, ... q-calculus and the limit q → − 1,” Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, vol 13, no 2, pp 131–141, 2006 [14] T Kim, On a q-analogue of the p-adic log gamma functions and related integrals,”...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

8 322 0
A study on solidarity strategies in english and vietnamese novels

A study on solidarity strategies in english and vietnamese novels

... only separate the meanings As we know, there are two kinds of invitation That is: "exclusive" and "inclusive" but also associate attitudes and definite invitation and indefinite invitation The ... to call in communication Use of Slang , Jargon, or Dialect Jargon , dialect and slang particular linguistic units and Ss and Hs are only those who have the same profession or are in the ... factors that have certain and Vietnamese novels and in daily communication are not covered influence to the conversational solidarity are awareness of relations completely of interlocutors, intentions...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 824 3
A study on abstract nouns in english and vietnamese

A study on abstract nouns in english and vietnamese

... process, and reasoning Lakoff claims that conceptual What are the formations of abstract nouns in English and metaphor is defined as a cross- domain mapping in the conceptual system, and metaphors are ... or container is meant We can al s o conceive of personification as (society, economy, human relationships, communication), and a form of ontological metaphor In personification, human personal experiences ... shortage of materials, the common and important in communication That’s the reason why I study only focuses on 30 abstract nouns in English and Vietnamese am eager to study on abstract nouns and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18

13 971 3
A study on conditional sentences in english and vietnamese

A study on conditional sentences in english and vietnamese

... subordinate clauses being part of the main clause The subordinate clauses and main clause are jointed together by subordinating conjunctions The main clause is a clause which has a meaningful ... 2.3.1.Subordinating Conjunction in Conditional Sentences Conditional sentences often consist of at least two clauses: main clause and clause of condition Finite adverbial clauses of condition are introduced ... had won the grand prize (but she didn‟t take part in the competition) 2.5.6 And The conjunction and can indicate condition, but only in limited contexts and a condition- consequence relationship...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

71 1,6K 16
A study on personal pronouns in english and vietnamese

A study on personal pronouns in english and vietnamese

... diplomacy, and so on English is used as the working language of the Asian Trade group ASEAN and the official language of the European Bank In fact, with the spread of globalization and the rapid ... is an international language and secondly because it is also seen as a mean to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between Vietnam and other countries English is most widely taught at ... especially personal pronouns Analyzing data and giving a lot of examples to make the study more understandable Dicussing and analyzing some common factors effecting on translation Scope of the study...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:52

54 2,7K 20
A study on possessive determiners in english and their equivalents in vietnamese

A study on possessive determiners in english and their equivalents in vietnamese

... determiners” as grammar books, web pages and dictionaries Analyzing data and giving a lot of examples to help the learners develop further understandings about this study Pointing out various mistakes ... language are “the” and a (the latter with variant form an) Articles are traditionally considered to form a separate part of speech Linguists place them in the category of determiners  Definite ... Pre-modification is a component preceding the head and modifying the head in a noun phrase We start this section by quoting a definition from the Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture which says, modifiers...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:53

59 749 0


... precision and clarity are not affected and not making the ad boring to read Here are some more examples of synonyms: “Yield, earning and income” “Healthcare professional and “Grow and increase” clinician” ... care Healthcare market Care program Health examination Healthcare IT Care setting Healthcare professionals Care management Healthcare products Patient care Healthcare solutions Care plan Healthcare ... estate and property” “data and information” “offer, deliver and provide” “Personal and private” “Support and enhance” “ease and reduce” report and electronic “Customer and client” In addition, it...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:43

41 1,1K 2
Output of a Seminar on Energy Conservation in Paper and Pulp Industry pot

Output of a Seminar on Energy Conservation in Paper and Pulp Industry pot

... with a beater before 30 years After that, a larger capacity and labor saving requirement of a paper making machine follows a continuous beating machine, that is a rifiner The types of a refiner are ... project US/ RAS/92/035 - Rational Use of Energy Saving Technologies in Pulp/Paper and Glass Industry in Philippines and Thailand The present Handy Manual on Pulp and Paper Industry was prepared by ... Energy conservation in the papermaking process Table shows the energy conservation in the papermaking process regarding steam and electric power unit consumption for the paper and paperboard, and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

45 1,4K 0
A study on rhyming slang in English and its equivalents in Vietnamese.

A study on rhyming slang in English and its equivalents in Vietnamese.

... mediation-arbitration, arbitration, case management, early neutral evaluation, neutral expert fact-finding, corporate mini-trial It must also be noted that new strategies and forms are continually being ... accepted as a standard language; for example, in English : Adam and Eve :Believe, Alligator :Later ,Andy Cain :Rain ,Apple pie: Sky, Auntie Nellie :Belly, in Vietnamese : xù : don't pay after eating ... can spread outside their original arena, and some may even lose their slang status and become accepted as a standard language Often, the widespread adoption of a slang term by mainstream culture...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:21

51 907 5
A study on passive voice in English and Vietnamese

A study on passive voice in English and Vietnamese

... infinitive to have been painted Active to be painting to have been painting painting Passive being painted Active perfect having painted Passive perfect having been painted Active painting Passive ... physicists using laser beams 20 The first sentence in each pair contains a stative passive, one that refers to a state not resulting form any prior action, while the second contains a dynamic passive, ... natural language – a grammatical and lexical unit consisting of one or more words, representing distinct and differentiated concepts, and combined to form a meaningful statement, question, request,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 10:15

46 1,5K 5
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article ´ ¨ Sharp Constants of Brezis-Gallouet-Wainger Type Inequalities with a Double Logarithmic Term on Bounded Domains in Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article ´ ¨ Sharp Constants of Brezis-Gallouet-Wainger Type Inequalities with a Double Logarithmic Term on Bounded Domains in Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces" pdf

... regularity to the gradient flow of the harmonic map into a sphere We also mention that 1.1 was obtained in the Besov-Morrey spaces in In what follows, we concentrate on the case q n and replace ... Fujukai Foundation References H Br´ zis and T Gallou¨ t, “Nonlinear Schrodinger evolution equations,” Nonlinear Analysis, vol 4, e e ¨ no 4, pp 677–681, 1980 H Br´ zis and S Wainger, A note on ... Differential Equations and their Applications, Birkh¨ user, Basel, Switzerland, 1995 a 16 S Ibrahim, M Majdoub, and N Masmoudi, “Double logarithmic inequality with a sharp constant,” Proceedings of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

38 308 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Research Article A Note on Symmetric Properties of the Twisted q-Bernoulli Polynomials and the Twisted Generalized q-Bernoulli Polynomials" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Research Article A Note on Symmetric Properties of the Twisted q-Bernoulli Polynomials and the Twisted Generalized q-Bernoulli Polynomials" docx

... q-integral on Zp at q −1,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 331, no 2, pp 779–792, 2007 14 T Kim, A note on p-adic q-integral on Zp associated with q-Euler numbers,” Advanced ... numbers and its derivatives,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 339, no 1, pp 598–608, 2008 13 T Kim, On the analogs of Euler numbers and polynomials associated with p-adic q-integral ... Kim, A note on p-Adic q-integral on Zp associated with q-Euler numbers,” Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, vol 15, pp 133–138, 2007 12 T Kim, On p-adic interpolating function for...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 16:20

13 357 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A note on major sequences and external activity in trees" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "A note on major sequences and external activity in trees" pdf

... verify algebraically using 2) This too follows from the fact that the lattice path returns to the main diagonal  at (l, l), and is verifiable by an easy calculation the electronic journal of combinatorics ... Stanley Hyperplane arrangements, interval orders, and trees Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Mathematics, 93:2620–2625, March 1996 [8] R P Stanley Hyperplane arrangements, parking functions and tree inversions ... non-negative and is the area between the lattice path and the main diagonal The area of the sequence in Figure is 8, as illustrated by the shaded boxes We denote by Mn (k) the set of major sequences...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22

9 311 0
a study on the problems in teaching english speaking skills to the minority students at sonla ethnic boarding high school and so

a study on the problems in teaching english speaking skills to the minority students at sonla ethnic boarding high school and so

... of interactions Skills in negotiating meaning Conversational listening skills Skills in knowing about and negotiating purposes for the conversation Using appropriate conversational formulas ... conventional ways of presenting information In Bygates opinion, there are two kinds of routines They are information routines and interaction ones Information routines may be described to involve ... and coding categories in this research emerged from an examination of data rather than being pre- determined and imposed on the data 2.3 Presentation of the statistical results 2.3.1 Data analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06

59 2,5K 9
A study on modal adjuncts in the mental process in english and vietnamese newspapers

A study on modal adjuncts in the mental process in english and vietnamese newspapers

... should feel satisfied at gaining a draw having trailed by a goal and a man against Barcelona He didn't say this but he probably also felt that inferences would once again be drawn about Qatar's methods ... Discussing the findings and suggesting some implications for teaching language and newspaper readers 11 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 MODAL ADJUNCTS USED IN THE MENTAL PROCESS IN ENGLISH AND ... newspapers 3.5 DATA ANALYSIS The data were analysed and interpreted contextually The differences in syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features most relevant interpretation of MAs present in the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:17

13 1K 1
A study of opening conversation on the phone in english and vietnamese

A study of opening conversation on the phone in english and vietnamese

... speech act both in English and Vietnamese 2.2.3 Conversational Theory In this part, Many researchers have been done in the field of Conversation and there have been many definitions about conversation ... is a systematic way of explaining language use in context Telephone conversation openings are largely influenced by social relationship and mogul relationship 4.2.1 Social Relationship for Conversation ... organization of a telephone conversation In order to carry out my Summon-answer paper on “Opening conversation on telephone” Up to now, a lot of exchanges, and “how are you“ exchanges researchers...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:22

13 1,1K 2
A discourse analysis of advertisements in english and vietnamese on the internet

A discourse analysis of advertisements in english and vietnamese on the internet

... aim was to convince maintained the audience's attention them to buy a product at a nearest shop for example Vietnamese ads Another communication function is metalingual one When analyzing ads on ... Benefits LIA Long Island Association Leading long island Learn more In (52) “LIA” was illustrated by The long Island Association 4.1.6 Poetic Function Factors in Advertisements Apart from the ... 3.Conative (influencing behaviour: ordering, begging, emphasis on addressee) 4.Phatic (e.g Hello! establishing or maintaining social relationships emphasis on the contact) 5.Metalingual (referring...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:29

15 2,3K 3
A study on english food   related idioms and proversbs and their equivalents in vietnamese

A study on english food related idioms and proversbs and their equivalents in vietnamese

... national culture characteristic and culture information They are linked to cultural tradition closely so they are inalienable Secondly, we also find that many English and Vietnamese idioms and ... with a meaning that is different from the meaning of all individual words (as the definition of Oxford Dictionary) It can be understood as a literal meaning in one situation and many other idiomatic ... sentence 1.As easy as apple pie very easy The test that I wrote yesterday was as easy as apple pie As flat as a pancake very flat The child's toy was as flat as a pancake after the car drove over...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

55 834 4
A study on the aspects of syntax and semantics of negation in english and the contrastive analysis in vietnamese

A study on the aspects of syntax and semantics of negation in english and the contrastive analysis in vietnamese

... relevant terms Semantics is a branch of language study dealing with word meaning Word meaning consists of grammatical meaning and lexical meaning Grammatical meaning unites all grammatical characteristics ... President Barack Obamas inaugural address After having a careful analysis on syntactic and semantic features of negation in English and its equivalents in Vietnamese, this graduation paper would ... shades of meaning A special or contrastive nuclear stress falling on a particular part of the clause indicates that the contrast of meaning implicit in the negation is located at that spot, and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:53

51 1,1K 8