a model for understanding the genetics of tumor formation

UNDERSTANDING FISHERIES MANAGEMENT: A Manual for understanding the Federal Fisheries Management Process, Including Analysis of the 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act doc

UNDERSTANDING FISHERIES MANAGEMENT: A Manual for understanding the Federal Fisheries Management Process, Including Analysis of the 1996 Sustainable Fisheries Act doc

... effort data  Fishermen using new technology that makes it hard to compare the effort today with the effort of several years ago Adequate landings data are often available, but the effort data ... federal fishery management, are mandated by law to use the best available data The best available data principle sometimes creates a conflict for fishermen In the past, when managers have asked for ... forwarded to NOAA’s Office of General Counsel for issuance of a NOVA NOVAs are issued by NOAA’s Office of General Counsel typically to the owner and/or captain of a vessel A NOVA will contain: A...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 13:20

62 285 0
(SPE 156394) A Numerical Model for Predicting the Rate of Sand Production in  Injector  Wells

(SPE 156394) A Numerical Model for Predicting the Rate of Sand Production in Injector Wells

... equivalent plastic strain and is calculated at residual strength state Using the Law of Conservation of Mass, the rate of the change of porosity is related to the rate of generated sand mass by the ... Comparison of numerical and experimental stressstrain response for a triaxial test Sanding Model Calibration The main parameters in the sanding model are critical porosity, critical flow rate and ... on sanding The fact is that in a real case scenario, all this factors are present and the overall sanding response of the formation is determined by taking into account the effect of all the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2016, 11:03

8 369 0
báo cáo sinh học:" A framework for evaluating the impact of the United Nations fellowship programmes" ppt

báo cáo sinh học:" A framework for evaluating the impact of the United Nations fellowship programmes" ppt

... Analysis approach and therefore adopts this specific modality, with the elaborated milestones pathway as the platform for future implementation and evaluation of Training and Fellowship Capacity ... their ability to make a judgment about the plausibility of the emerging performance story Engagement of stakeholders in the elicitation of information and the interpretation of what it means is an ... Geneva Authors’ contributions AR was primarily responsible for the formulation of the evaluation framework and for drafting the paper MZ was primarily responsible for the literature review and AG...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

8 521 0
Dự án nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed (Milestone 7) " potx

Dự án nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed (Milestone 7) " potx

... SME in the animal feed sector and the research team members from CAP/IPSARD and UWA The list of delegates is attached as Appendix I Mr.Teerasant Sirichayaporn, Executive chairman of the Thai Feed ... entry, cleaning and preliminary analysis of the survey data from livestock producers; • completing compilation and analysis of available secondary data; • documentation of activities for the training ... Brennan and Ms Marsh designed templates for the CAP team to provide guidance and direction for the preliminary analysis of the data Dr Brennan and Ms Marsh then provided feedback on the extracted...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

12 529 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " docx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " docx

... Development of the training manual will be ongoing over the life of the project This activity will last the length of the project and is primarily the task of the Australian team The Australian team met ... of the survey Quantitative description of the supply chain for animal feeds in Vietnam Develop questionnaires for the collection of Secondary data are relevant and available 15 detailed data on ... quantitative description of the supply chain for animal feed in Vietnam, since: • There are not enough indicators for a quantitative description of the supply chain (information on capital, labor, asset...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

19 498 1
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed - Milestone 4 " ppt

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed - Milestone 4 " ppt

... with farmers as the agents pay the company directly • Large companies say that small companies can’t compete: they have no capital, can’t buy raw materials to store for months, have no advanced ... concentrate and sell to remote locations Is there a niche market for SMEs? Need to look at comparative advantage in the whole value chains (e.g for large and smaller mills) and consider social and ... at 8-9% per year globally, and the growth in the domestic animal feed sector is 15% per year Vietnam needs to import a lot of the raw material inputs for animal feed and in 2006 40% of raw material...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

5 533 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed - Use of Industrial and Mixed Feed by Livestock Producers in Vietnam " doc

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed - Use of Industrial and Mixed Feed by Livestock Producers in Vietnam " doc

... stages For broilers, stage lasts on average for about 29 days, stage is the next 48 days and stage is the last 40 days For layers, the respective length of the stages is 94 days, 172 days and ... role for the Vietnamese Animal Feed Association (VAFA) The VAFA could play a strong and useful role for SMEs in the sector The Association is already used by SMEs for feed ration recipes, and advice ... potentially have valuable input into policy for that sector The Thai Feed Mill Association was also mentioned as an enterprise association that had policy input in Thailand A further idea was that the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

27 537 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " MS10 potx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " MS10 potx

... However, the results of this analysis support the idea that CARD Project 030/06 VIE has had a positive impact on capacity of staff at IPSARD/CAP From the overall comparisons between the baseline and ... undertaken A Policy Pathways Report outlining the role of IPSARD/CAP in policy formulation A report of the project’s impact on capacity of IPSARD/CAP staff based on benchmark and end -of- project assessments ... 2008; data entry, cleaning and analysis of the survey data from livestock producers and incorporating these results into a report; updating secondary data for the research reports; research for and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

14 480 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " CARD Project 030/06 VIE: Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " CARD Project 030/06 VIE: Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

... stages For broilers, stage lasts on average for about 29 days, stage is the next 48 days and stage is the last 40 days For layers, the respective length of the stages is 94 days, 172 days and ... role for the Vietnamese Animal Feed Association (VAFA) The VAFA could play a strong and useful role for SMEs in the sector The Association is already used by SMEs for feed ration recipes, and advice ... potentially have valuable input into policy for that sector The Thai Feed Mill Association was also mentioned as an enterprise association that had policy input in Thailand A further idea was that the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

27 548 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pdf

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pdf

... training Members can “exchange information and discuss difficulties” They also say they are a one stop shop for Government – we have all the information” – and appear to act as a lobby group for ... individual mill situation – a “company-by-company” submission The Association also plays a role in applying to the Government each year for the amount of soybean meal imports that can be made at the ... being smaller in that they can sometimes buy small quantities of raw materials on the local market more cheaply Raw materials are about 80% of the cost of their products Normally they keep a one...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

14 584 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

... training Members can “exchange information and discuss difficulties” They also say they are a one stop shop for Government – we have all the information” – and appear to act as a lobby group for ... individual mill situation – a “company-by-company” submission The Association also plays a role in applying to the Government each year for the amount of soybean meal imports that can be made at the ... being smaller in that they can sometimes buy small quantities of raw materials on the local market more cheaply Raw materials are about 80% of the cost of their products Normally they keep a one...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

14 464 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agrofood chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agrofood chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

... observation) A column in a database table (a variable) Tables contain the data in the database Queries are used to perform calculations on tables in the database, to create new tables, and to organize the ... database will only add as many records as is required • Database designs make it easy to aggregate data into a form that can be used by statistical software A glossary of terms used in database ... a lot of detailed information at the regional and province level available from the GSO 1.1.2 Use of reviews and secondary data Information from collection of secondary data forms the basis of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

96 500 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx

... on average in a significantly lower profit 3.1.3 Quality control The fact that advanced international standards for quality control such as ISO and HACCP are only applied by foreign-owned and ... performance of SMEs in the animal feed sector in other countries, draw lessons from their experiences and apply for conditions of Vietnam;  Providing a quantitative assessment of the factors affecting ... control laboratory doing various tests of raw materials and feed products, to have separate production lines, to own automatic cleaning systems and to use least-cost feed ration software Clearly, there...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

6 462 0
Báo cáo y học: "Using single nucleotide polymorphisms as a means to understanding the pathophysiology of asthma" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Using single nucleotide polymorphisms as a means to understanding the pathophysiology of asthma" pps

... Shirakawa I, Deichmann KA, Izuhara I, Mao I, Adra CN, Hopkin JM: Atopy and asthma: genetic variants of IL-4 and IL-13 signalling Immunol Today 2000, 21:60–64 105 Takabayashi A, Ihara K, Sasaki ... Several useful SNP databases are available on the World Wide Web (see Table 1); these databases are constantly updated and are growing rapidly However, the data contained in them are far from infallible ... in asthma and allergy Nature 1999, 402:B5–B11 Sandford AJ, Shirakawa T, Moffatt MF, Daniels SE, Ra C, Faux JA, Young RP, Nakamura Y, Lathrop GM, Cookson WOCM, Hopkin JM: Localisation of atopy and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:20

11 491 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Clinical review: Outreach — a strategy for improving the care of the acutely ill hospitalized patient" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: "Clinical review: Outreach — a strategy for improving the care of the acutely ill hospitalized patient" pps

... facilitate a more flexible approach that is based on the needs of the patients and the skills and abilities of the ward staff Both the Audit Commission [57] and the Department of Health working party ... liaise with other specialties to manage them [46] Some acute pain services have already extended their role from pain management to include fluid balance, oxygen therapy, management of nausea and ... and the need for assistance [61] Critical care outreach 36 ‘Outreach’ care is a systems approach for identifying and managing patients at risk of critical illness through collaborative care and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

8 342 0
Báo cáo y học: " Inflammation: a way to understanding the evolution of portal hypertension" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Inflammation: a way to understanding the evolution of portal hypertension" ppsx

... SWM, Jalan R: Role of ammonia and inflammation in minimal hepatic encephalopathy Metab Brain Dis 2007, 22:125-138 Arias JL, Aller MA, Sanchez-Patan F, Arias J: The inflammatory bases of hepatic ... Duran HJ, Llamas MA, Arias J: Evolutive types of prehepatic portal hypertension of the rat An Med Interna 2002, 19:341-351 Aller MA, Nava MP, Duran M, Alvarez E, Arias JL, Sỏnchez-Patan F, Llamas ... endothelial cells and form the distal part of the yolk sac These endothelial cells of the blood islands expand to cover the entire yolk sac forming a vascular network, known as the capillary...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

25 313 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " A criterion for measuring the degree of connectedness in linear models of genetic evaluation" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: " A criterion for measuring the degree of connectedness in linear models of genetic evaluation" ppt

... numbers of parameters In that § respect q can be interpreted as a kind of average measure of connectedness for (0i,!) among all pairs of levels of the factor9 due to the incidence of the nuisance factor ... 3) Data of this layout are analyzed according to an individual (or &dquo;animal&dquo;) genetic model (Quaas and Pollak, 1980) accomodated to the so-called accumulated grouping procedure of Thompson ... can be employed for a particular comparison among levels of some factor or for a global evaluation of their degree of connectedness Applications of these criteria to degree of connectedness among...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

16 272 0
A song for lowalangi   the interculturation of catholic mission and nias traditional arts with special respect to music

A song for lowalangi the interculturation of catholic mission and nias traditional arts with special respect to music

... relationships of Niassans to other peoples, yet no definite answer has been found There are some similarities in arts and rituals to the Naga in Assam / Myanmar, Dayaks in Kalimantan and Batak in Sumatra, ... accessible areas of Indonesia and also has poor internal infrastructure Nias covers an area of 5625km2 including the Batu and Hinako islands The land has a northwest to southeast length of 130km and an ... Batak and Nias people, is aware of Nias culture and even able to join the traditional dances of Nias The participation of the Bishop in local dances among the community is both legitimating for...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:46

263 488 0
An unifying framework for understanding the electrooxidation of small organic molecules for fuel cell applications

An unifying framework for understanding the electrooxidation of small organic molecules for fuel cell applications

... electrochemical surface area (ECSA) of the catalyst to yield a measure of the intrinsic activity of the surface sites, or by the mass of the precious metal in the catalyst to indicate metal utilization, ... number of moles of reactant dn/dt the moles of reactant converted per time mcat mass of metal catalyst (mg) ECSA electrochemical surface area (cm2) GEA geometrical electrode area (cm2) Loadcat catalyst ... I am thankful for the research scholarship from National University of Singapore, and the assistance from the technical and administrational staffs of Department of Chemical and Biomolecular...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 13:38

218 299 0
(SPE78168MS) New Model for Predicting the Rate of Sand Production

(SPE78168MS) New Model for Predicting the Rate of Sand Production

... estimated from nodal analysis Therefore, the data used to validate the sanding models are the best typically available offshore Overall, the prediction model derived from the laboratory sanding ... testing of the model Table provides a summary of formation properties over the perforated intervals analyzed However, as the model takes into account the half-foot-byhalf-foot variability of in-situ ... where St2 is the maximum tangential total stress acting on the formation or perforation We note that for LF1 the formation is failed and sand is produced...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2016, 11:43

9 583 1