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... philosopher was a man named Socrates. • In 399 B.C Socrates was accused by the government of “forming an idea of revolt” among Athens’ young people. 1.4.The spread of Greeks Ideas 1.4.The spread of ... 1.3.2. Literature and Theater 1.3.2. Literature and Theater • About 950 B.C a blind poet named Homer believed he had a special purpose. • Two of Homer’s greatest epics are the Iliad and The Odyssey. ... Ideas • In 404 B.C lost its power, democracy and wealth to other Greek city-state that had united against Athens. • A new empire named Macedonia, admired Greek culture. • In 336 B.C, Alexander...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:10

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Tài liệu A history of schools of marketing thought pptx

Tài liệu A history of schools of marketing thought pptx

... empirical support (Farley and Ring, 1970), and a partial formalization of constructs was made by Hunt (1976). A metatheoretical analysis of all three models along 16 subjective criteria was made ... boundaries of a given trading area: A trading center and a town in . . . its trade area divide the trade of the town approximately in direct proportion to the population of the two areas and ... (1978) ‘Marketing as Exchange: A Theory of Transactions in the Marketplace’, American Behavioral Scientist 21 (March/April): 535–56. Bagozzi, R.P. (1979) ‘Toward a Formal Theory of Market Exchanges’,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20

44 636 0
Tài liệu A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1 pptx

Tài liệu A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1 pptx

... Turiyâtîta, 68 Sa@mnyâsa, 69 Paramaha@msaparivrâjaka, 70 Ak@samâlâ, 71 Avyakta, 72 Ekâk@sara, 73 Annapûrnâ, 74 Sûrya, 75 Aksi, 76 Adhyâtma, 77 Ku@n@dika, 78 Sâvitrî, 79 Âtman, 80 Pâ'supatabrahma, ... Nârâya@na, 21 Nârâya@na, 22 Paramaha@msa, 23 Brahma, 24 Am@rtanâda, 25 Atharvas'iras, 26 Atharvas'ikhâ, 27 Maitrâya@nî, 28 B@rhajjâbâla, 29 N@rsi@mhapûrvatâpinî, 30 N@rsi@mhottaratâpinî, ... Taittirîya, 7 Aitareya, 9 Chândogya, 10 B@rhadâra@nyaka, 11 S'vetâs'vatara, 12 Kau@sitaki, 13 Maitreyî, 14 Kaivalya, 15 Jâbâla, 16 Brahmabindu, 17 Ha@msa, 18 Âru@nika, 19 Garbha, 20 Nârâya@na,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 12:20

327 709 0
Tài liệu A History of England for Boys and Girls pdf

Tài liệu A History of England for Boys and Girls pdf

... equal." Then Arthur was sad no longer. He did as Merlin advised, and had a great round table made, at which there was a seat for each one of his knights. After that there was no more quarreling ... the armor, weapons, jewels, and other riches he had taken from the conquered people. After the war with Britain was over Claudius had a Triumph. The fame of Caractacus had already reached Rome, and when ... that many of the women of Britain were as brave and as wise as the men, and quite as difficult to conquer. After Boadicea had been so cruelly and unjustly treated, she burned with anger against...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 08:20

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Tài liệu History Of Ancient Civilization pot

Tài liệu History Of Ancient Civilization pot

... we call Semites those peoples who speak a Semitic language: Arabs, Jews and Syrians. But a people may speak an Aryan or a Semitic language and yet not be of Aryan or Semitic race; a negro may ... peoples Aryan who speak an Aryan language: in Asia, the Hindoos and Persians; in Europe, the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Germans, Scandinavians, Slavs (Russians, Poles, Serfs), and Celts.[5] Similarly, ... bad! bad!) [21] The temples were pyramidal, of stones or terraces similar to the tower of Borsippa. CHAPTER V THE ARYANS OF INDIA THE ARYANS =Aryan Languages.= The races which in our day inhabit...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 04:20

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A History of the English Church in New Zealand pot

A History of the English Church in New Zealand pot

... remembrance of past injuries melted away before the sunshine of Christian love; and, before the ship reached Australia, Ruatara was once again a man, and now almost a Christian. This meeting was ... more favourable—Preliminary voyage of Active—"Noah's Ark"—Arrival of mission in New Zealand—Interview with Whangaroans—"Rangihoo"—Landing of Marsden, &c.—Preparation ... motives—Dismissal of Henry Williams by C.M.S.—Removal to Pakaraka— Subsequent history of Bay of Islands. CHAPTER XI. SACRIFICE AND HEALING (1850-1856). Selwyn visits Chatham Islands—Melanesia—Progress at...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:21

243 550 0


... authority has had great advantages. At any time the people who really care about reason have been a small minority, and probably will be so for a long time to come. Reason’s only weapon has ... scientific arguments as if they were the radiant revelation of a new world; and the rapture of his enthusiasm is a strange accompaniment of a doctrine which aimed at perfect calm. Although the ... observed, of the modern practice of advertising), has played a great part in establishing authoritative opinions and propagating religious creeds. Reason fortunately is able to avail herself of the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

395 332 0
A History of Medicine SECOND EDITION doc

A History of Medicine SECOND EDITION doc

... Slaves apparently carried a 30-day warranty against certain disorders. For example, if a slave was attack ed by epilepsy within one m onth of purchase, the seller had to reclaim that slave an d ... the Mesopotamian symbols reached their mature format. Popular ideas about ancient Egypt have been shaped by romantic images of the elaborate tombs of the Pharaohs, such as Howard Carter’s 1922 ... remaining tissue is sewn shut. Female circumcision is seen as a way of ensuring chastity and was often practiced as a coming of age ritual and a prerequisite to marriage. HEALING RITUALS, TRADITIONS,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20

626 383 0


... Biot and Savart; Faraday's Rotating Con- ductor and Magnet and Barlow's Wheel; Sturgeon's Electromagnet, Galvanometers; Ampère's and Ohm's Laws. 4 FARADAY AND HENRY ... 1729, Gray and Wheeler electrified larger surfaces such as a map and a tablecloth. In August of the same year, Gray found that he could produce charges at the end of an insulated packthread line merely ... in 1778 by Sebald Justin Brugmans of Holland. A diamagnetic substance is one that has a permeability in air or in a vac- uum of less than one. A bar or needle of such a substance when free...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 08:20

343 422 0
Playing in Isolation: A History of Baseball in Taiwan ppt

Playing in Isolation: A History of Baseball in Taiwan ppt

... Chinese Baseball Association cbl China Baseball League cpbl Chinese Professional Baseball League ctba Chinese Taipei Baseball Association iba International Baseball Association ioc International ... match, against Aichi Icchu, attracted over twenty thousand people. When the team returned to Taiwan, four of Nenggao’s players, Axian (Teruo Inada), Jisa (Dazo Nishimura), Luoshaweili (Masao ... than a year and a half after Taiwan was returned to China. It erupted when antitobacco-smug- gling kmt agents attempted to confi scate black market cigarettes from an elderly Taiwanese woman....

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 11:20

250 1,2K 0
The Cat of Bubastes A Tale of Ancient Egypt pdf

The Cat of Bubastes A Tale of Ancient Egypt pdf

... hundred yards square, which was laid out as a garden. Avenues of fruit trees ran all round it, a portion was laid out as a vineyard, while separated from the rest by an avenue of palm trees was a vegetable ... women with anxious faces stood in groups at their doors and watched the royal party as it drove out. The charioteer of Amuba was a tall and powerful man; he carried a shield far larger than was ordinarily ... our appearance is strange to you, and indeed even among the peoples of Lydia and Persia there are few whose hair and eyes are as fair as ours. Even had you said that you did not like our appearance...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 15:20

202 519 0
Title: A History of American Christianity pptx

Title: A History of American Christianity pptx

... discouraging work as commissary in Maryland of the Bishop of London, that the Church of England owes a large debt of gratitude for having taken away the reproach of her barrenness. Already his zeal ... Indians, 150. The church and slavery, 151. CHAP. XI THE GREAT AWAKENING 155-180 Jonathan Edwards at Northampton, 156. An Awakening, 157. Edwards's "Narrative" in America and England, ... foundations of a Swedish Lutheran colony were laid on the banks of the Delaware. A new purchase was made of the Indians (who had as little scruple as the Stuart kings about disposing of the same...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

212 561 0

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