7—location of test specimens on welded test pipe see 4 8

Review of the Need for a Large- scale Test Facility for Research on the Effects of Extreme Winds on Structures pptx

Review of the Need for a Large- scale Test Facility for Research on the Effects of Extreme Winds on Structures pptx

... Environment, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., HA 2 74, Washington, D.C 2 041 8, (202) 3 34- 3376 Additional copies of this report are available for sale from: National Academy Press 2101 Constitution ... Committee consisting of members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating ... http://www.nap.edu/catalog/ 645 8. html CONTENTS vii Contents Executive Summary Introduction 1 Scope of the Study Organization of the Study Organization of the Report Technical Aspects of A Large-Scale Wind Test Facility...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20

49 588 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Effects of rock wool on the lungs evaluated by magnetometry and biopersistence test" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Effects of rock wool on the lungs evaluated by magnetometry and biopersistence test" docx

... (1 .86 ) 0 . 48 (1.90)* 0 . 48 (1.91) 0 . 48 (1.97)* *: Comparison with the 1D group (p < 0.05) Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2009, 4: 5 ... (SD) of the weight concentration was 100.0 (29.9) mg/m3 http://www.occup-med.com/content /4/ 1/5 In the pathological evaluation, the arithmetic mean (SD) of the fiber concentration was 390.7 (170 .4) ... (Figure 4) http://www.occup-med.com/content /4/ 1/5 60 40 20 14 28 (days) All fibers Days after RW exposure Figure ron tetraoxide particles Changes3over time in decay constant after infiltration of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

7 404 0
Báo cáo y học: "Birth order modifies the effect of IL13 gene polymorphisms on serum IgE at age 10 and skin prick test at ages 4, 10 and 18: a prospective birth cohort study" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Birth order modifies the effect of IL13 gene polymorphisms on serum IgE at age 10 and skin prick test at ages 4, 10 and 18: a prospective birth cohort study" pps

... AA/GA 54 (20.9) - GG 0.195 50 (30.7) 0. 247 227 (26.0) 139 (19.2) 0.5 84 89 (27.6) 47 (39 .8) 0. 84 0 300 (41 .3) 0.705 188 (26.3) 98 (42 .1) 0.7 54 249 (40 .7) Birth order - First 84 (21.1) - Second 67 ... 0.355 40 (33.9) 28 (35.0) 0.010 48 (49 .5) 30 (47 .6) - Probable 24 ( 18. 8) 32 (25.0) 42 (40 .0) - None 66 (17.7) 84 (21.5) 0.0 08 1 04 (32.7) Cord Serum IgE - ≥ 0.5 29 (32.2) - < 0.5 1 34 (17 .8) 0.002 ... acid 8 94 (100.0) CC CT 48 3 ( 64. 6) 240 (32.1) TT rs20 541 Exon 7 48 (100.0) GG 583 ( 64. 4) GA 132,023 ,86 3 25 (3.3) Total (R130Q) Study variables This is a population-based association study that tests...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 21:20

13 426 0
The effects of test taking strategies instructions on reducing high school students’ test anxiety

The effects of test taking strategies instructions on reducing high school students’ test anxiety

... strategies of Multiple Choice Test * 15-minute test (N03) * Teach students test- taking * 45 -minute test (N02) strategies of Multiple Choice Test * 45 -minute test (N02) * Post -test (Achievement test ... instructions * 15-minute test (N02) * Teach students test- taking * 45 -minute test (N01) strategies of Multiple Choice Test * 45 -minute test (N01) * Teach students test- taking * 15-minute test (N03) ... sources of fear of negative evaluation consist of negative judgments by others, leaving unfavorable impression on others In addition, fear of negative evaluation is a strong source of foreign language...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 14:45

13 324 0


... 8. Where your father (work)?→ Homework: Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 7: Lesson 1: A1_P72-73 NGUYỄN TRỌNG QUÂN 1.is going(0,5) 2.is watching(0,5) 3.are plaing(0,5) 4. are skipping(0,5) ... EXAMPLE ( 4MS) 0/ He (play) the guitar now  He is playing the guitar now 1.He (go) to the library→ 2.She (watch) a movies now→ 3.They (play) soccer now→ 4. You (skip) ... 3.are plaing(0,5) 4. are skipping(0,5) 5.is talking(0,5) 6.are listening(0,5) 7.are you doing(0,5) 8. is your father working(0,5) ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 04:10

2 899 2
Lesson plan of test 1, correction

Lesson plan of test 1, correction

... 19 THE CORRECTION OF TEST Writing day: 12/10/200 Objectives: Ss will be able to recognize their mistakes and correct them Language contents: The same as the period 18 ’s Correction A – LISTENING ... teacher B - There is one B - She’s a nurse C - I live on Tran Hung Dao Street A – O-A-N-H, Oanh B – LANGUAGE FOCUS (2,5ms) Choose the best option (a, b, c and d) to complete each of the following ... D - WRITING (2,5ms) Write about yourself and your family ( from 40 to 50 words), using the following suggestions (Viết khoảng từ 40 đến 50 từ bạn gia đình bạn, sử dụng gợi ý sau) - You: Your name?...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 01:10

4 760 1
English 7- Revision for Test 2

English 7- Revision for Test 2

... All kind of people: the old, the (1)…………………, everyone And why people read? For (2) ………variety of reasons Some for pleasure, and some for (3) ………………because they have to And when people (4) …… ………? ... favorite kind of sport Especially interesting are stories …… ………… (8) famous men or women in the world sport, how they became champions and about …… .… (9) plans for the future Television programs ... form of the verb in bracket Don't worry about the exam next week You (pass) What you (do) ? - I (eat) lunch at a cafeteria right now Ann (not often drink) tea She (like) coffee...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 08:11

2 2,2K 21
iec 60079-4 method of test for ignition temperature

iec 60079-4 method of test for ignition temperature

... de la publication sont disponibles auprès du Bureau Central de la CEI Information relating to the date of the reconfirmation of the publication is available from the IEC Central Office Les renseignements ... international unification, the I E C expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text of the I E C recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will ... flask of borosilicate glass A chemically clean flask shall be used for tests on each product and for the final series of tests Where the ignition temperature of the test sample exceeds the softening...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:36

28 441 1
Systematic reviews of test accuracy studies in reproductive health docx

Systematic reviews of test accuracy studies in reproductive health docx

... Delivery < 34 weeks’gestation Positive test result 32.5 ( 24. 2 -40 .8) 2.6 (1 .8- 3.7) 55.6 (43 .4- 67.3) Negative test result 32.5 ( 24. 2 -40 .8) 0.2 (0.1-0.5) 8. 2 (3.1-20.1) Positive result 6.6 (4. 3 -8. 9) 5.0 ... trials Controlled clinical trials 1 986 ;7:177- 188 16 Galbraith RF A note on graphical presentation of estimated odds ratios from several clinical trials Statistics in medicine 1 988 ;7 :88 9 -8 94 17 L'Abbe ... technologies CMAJ 1 986 ;1 34: 587 -5 94 10 Mulrow CD, Linn WD, Gaul MK, Pugh JA Assessing quality of a diagnostic test evaluation Journal of general internal medicine 1 989 ;4: 288 -295 11 Lijmer JG,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

12 330 0
On the Geographic Location of Internet Resources potx

On the Geographic Location of Internet Resources potx

... Skitter No of Nodes 2 14, 4 98 563,521 216,116 570,761 No of Links 2 58, 999 86 2,933 269 , 48 4 88 1,6 18 No of Locations 7,696 12,610 7,076 13,767 Name US Europe Japan North 50 N 58 N 60 N South 25 N 42 N 30 ... Population (Millions) 83 7 341 1 54 366 136 18 299 5,653 Interfaces 8, 379 10,131 4, 361 95,993 37, 649 18, 277 282 , 0 48 563,521 People Per Interface 100,011 33,752 35,5 34 3 ,81 7 3,631 975 1,061 10,032 Online ... (Millions) 4. 15 21.9 3 .42 143 47 .1 10.1 166 513 Online per Interface 49 5 2,161 7 84 1 , 48 9 1,250 552 588 910 TABLE III VARIATION IN P EOPLE /I NTERFACE D ENSITY ACROSS R EGIONS C Mapping to Autonomous...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

16 389 0
Báo cáo Y học: Membrane embedded location of Na+ or H+ binding sites on the rotor ring of F1F0 ATP synthases ppt

Báo cáo Y học: Membrane embedded location of Na+ or H+ binding sites on the rotor ring of F1F0 ATP synthases ppt

... californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function Spatial disposition of cysteine residues in the 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 gamma subunit analyzed by uorescence-quenching ... propyl]carbodiimide and eect on the proton channeling function Biochemistry 23, 41 2 84 1 34 Hoppe, J & Sebald, W (19 84 ) The proton conducting F0-part of bacterial ATP synthases Biochim Biophys Acta 7 68, 127 Girvin, ... Fillingame, R.H (19 98) Solution structure of the transmembrane H+-transporting subunit c of the F1F0 ATP synthase Biochemistry 37, 88 1 788 24 Kaim, G & Dimroth, P (19 94) Construction, expression and characterization...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

9 440 0
Báo cáo Y học: Location of the Bombyx mori 175 kDa cadherin-like protein-binding site on Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Aa toxin doc

Báo cáo Y học: Location of the Bombyx mori 175 kDa cadherin-like protein-binding site on Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Aa toxin doc

... 21.10 N 340 C 20.05 N 340 C–NAM 15.19 Y 445 C 3.320 Y 445 C–NAM 1 .88 0 M 87 .5 15.9 7 .42 1.19 0. 546 )1 kdis KD Æs)1) (· 103Æs)1) (nM) 8. 20 2.92 2.57 2.70 1.39 93.7 1 84 346 2260 2550 tution of Tyr 445 for ... Mutants Primers Oligonucleotide sequence (5¢- to -3¢) Y315C Y315C Y315C N 340 C N 340 C V 444 C V 444 C Y 445 C Y 445 C R 4 48 C R 4 48 C atagaggctttaattGttggtcagggcatc gatgccctgaccaaCaattaaagcctctat tccctttatttgggTGtgcggggaatgcag ... were conserved in Cry1Aa1 and Cry9Da2 toxins, but not Cry1Ab8 and Cry1Ac1 toxins: Ile357, Gly372, Ser373, Phe 381 , Ser 389 , Glu4 04, Arg405, Thr435, Glu439, Ala 440 , Gly 442 , Thr 446 , and Thr451 Of these...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:21

14 346 0
signicance of test for petroleum AST

signicance of test for petroleum AST

... No 4DD Flash Point, °C, D93 38 38 38 52E 52E 52E 55 Water and Sediment, percent volume, max D2709 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 D1796 0.50 282 E 282 E 282 E 288 288 288 3 38 3 38 3 38 ... 40 °C, mm2/s D86 D 445 max Kinematic viscosity at 100°C, mm2/s D 2 .4 2 .4 4.1 4. 1 5.5 24. 0 D 445 max 5.0 8. 9 9.0 D 15.0 D 14. 9 50.0D Ramsbottom carbon residue on 10% distillation ... Disintegration of stream of injected fuel Inflammation Mixing of liquid fuel with air Preflame oxidation of fuel Vaporization of fuel Oxidation of fuel/air mixtures Local ignition Thermal decomposition of...

Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2014, 13:20

352 425 0


... nations during (4) _ 6th century made many people to pay (44 ) _ to the problem of increasing the wealth and (45 ) _ of individuals The economic policy of the leaders of that time was to (46 ) ... 8 .4% in 005, the second largest growth in Asia, after only China b The GDP growth was 8 .4% in 005, that is the second largest growth in Asia, after only China c Because the GDP growth was 8 .4% ... several years of preparation and negotiation 34 Government figures / GDP growth / 8. 7% / 006 a Government figures of GDP growth up to 8. 7% in 006 b Government figt'res of GDP growth raised 8. 7% in...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:00

8 2,9K 12


... 8. 5 percent Foreign direct (4) jumped to more than $0 billion this year, from $ billion in 006 The government is quite (4) _ to its economic reforms Industry and construction account (44 ) ... a lot of (46 ) _ for tourism, which expects Vietnam's economy to expand 8. 5 percent in 0 08 Vietnam's January (47 ) _ to the World Trade Organization released it ( 48 ) _, U.S quotas on textile ... but he was not offered the position c He was not offered the position, regardless of his ability to, the job d If he had enough ability to the job, he would be offered the position 34 He had worked...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:00

6 13,1K 87


... 41 a for b in c on d of 42 a liberate b liberation c liberator d liberal 43 a application unemployment 44 a consumer d manufacturer 45 .a A d Ø 46 a launching raising 47 a found d encouraged 48 ... economic policy from the early 980 s until the end of the 0th century (dominated) 34 The goal of Chinese economic reform was to generatings sufficient surplus value to finance the modernization ... to finance the modernization of the mainland Chinese economy (generate) 35 Economic reforms started since 986 in Vietnam have helped millions of people to be out of poverty and bringings the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:00

6 15,9K 119


... nations during (4) _ 6th century made many people to pay (44 ) _ to the problem of increasing the wealth and (45 ) _ of individuals The economic policy of the leaders of that time was to (46 ) ... 8 .4% in 005, the second largest growth in Asia, after only China b The GDP growth was 8 .4% in 005, that is the second largest growth in Asia, after only China c Because the GDP growth was 8 .4% ... several years of preparation and negotiation 34 Government figures / GDP growth / 8. 7% / 006 a Government figures of GDP growth up to 8. 7% in 006 b Government figt'res of GDP growth raised 8. 7% in...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 20:00

8 8,1K 73
Standard Method of Test for Slump Loss of Portland Cement Concrete ppsx

Standard Method of Test for Slump Loss of Portland Cement Concrete ppsx

... initial tests, slowly agitate the mixer drum just prior to performing the next set of tests Mix the test batch concrete for at least one minute at mixing speed REPORT 4. 1 Record all results on SCDOT’s ... Temperature Temperature File Number Project Number Class of Concrete Ready Mixed Plant Date of Test Contractor/Company and signatures of persons performing tests: SCDOT Witness: Notes: SCDOT OMR Form No ... 3.5.2 Isolate the concrete from vibration for the duration of the test 3.5.3 Obtain concrete from the simulated in-place concrete and perform slump every hour until slump...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 23:20

3 381 0