6 4 influence of time step on mass loss rate

Pyrolysis and combustion processes of combustible materials under external heat flux

Pyrolysis and combustion processes of combustible materials under external heat flux

... on mass loss rate 143 6. 7 Influence of pre-exponential factor 145 6. 8 Influence of pre-exponential factor on mass loss rate 145 6. 9 Influence of activation energy 1 46 6.10 ... of time step on surface temperature 141 6. 4 Influence of time step on mass loss rate 141 6. 5 Influence of heat of pyrolysis on surface temperature 142 6. 6 Influence of heat of pyrolysis ... 6. 10 Influence of activation energy on mass loss rate 147 6. 11 Influence of thermal conductivity on surface temperature 148 6. 12 Influence of thermal conductivity on mass loss rate 149 ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:28

321 496 0
Tài liệu Preface, Contents Product Overview Getting Started1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F pdf

Tài liệu Preface, Contents Product Overview Getting Started1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B C D E F pdf

... 222 CPU 2 24 CPU 2 26 CPU 226XM Physical size (mm) 90 x 80 x 62 90 x 80 x 62 120.5 x 80 x 62 190 x 80 x 62 190 x 80 x 62 Program memory 40 96 bytes 40 96 bytes 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 163 84 bytes Data ... to 65 ,535 to 4, 2 94, 967 ,295 to FF Byte (B) Unsigned Integer to FFFF to FFFF FFFF Signed Integer -128 to +127 Real IEEE 32-bit Floating Point -32, 768 to +32, 767 -2, 147 ,48 3 , 64 8 to +2, 147 ,48 3 , 64 7 ... 2 24 CPU 2 26 and CPU 226XM Expansion modules: 4- and 8-point DC and Relay I/O (8I, 4Q, 8Q, 4I/4Q) and Analog Out (2 AQ) Expansion modules: 16- point digital I/O (16I, 8I/8Q), Analog I/O (4AI, 4AI/1AQ),...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 21:20

494 3.6K 0
HiPath 3000/5000 Version 4.0Service Manual..Important information1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B doc

HiPath 3000/5000 Version 4.0Service Manual..Important information1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B doc

... 6- 43 6- 43 6- 44 6- 46 6- 46 6- 46 6 -47 6- 47 6- 47 6- 47 6- 47 6- 48 6- 49 6- 50 6- 51 6- 52 6- 54 6- 54 6- 55 6- 57 6- 57 6- 57 6- 59 6- 60 6- 60 6- 61 6- 62 6- 66 6 -67 6- 68 6- 68 6- 69 6- 69 6- 69 0-7 hp3hp5shTOC.fm Contents ... P31003-H3 540 -S403-3- 762 0, 06/ 03 HiPath 3000/HiPath 5000 V4.0, Service Manual 4- 35 4- 38 4- 39 4- 42 4- 43 4- 44 4 -49 4- 51 4- 52 4- 54 4- 56 4- 57 4- 58 4- 59 4 -62 4 -63 4 - 64 4 -65 4 -66 4 -67 4 -68 4- 71 4- 73 4- 75 4- 76 ... 6- 70 6- 71 6- 73 6- 73 6- 74 6- 75 6- 75 6- 76 6-77 6- 77 6- 80 6- 81 6- 82 6- 83 6- 83 6- 84 6- 84 6- 84 6- 86 6- 86 6-87 6- 88 6- 90 6- 91 6- 91 6- 91 6- 91 6- 92 6- 92 6- 93 6- 94 6- 94 6- 96 Startup HiPath...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:21

860 6.4K 0
Báo cáo y học: "HLA-DR regulation and the influence of GM-CSF on transcription, surface expression and shedding

Báo cáo y học: "HLA-DR regulation and the influence of GM-CSF on transcription, surface expression and shedding

... (FITC) conjugate, clone L 243 (Becton Dickinson, UK) and with a mouse IgG anti-human CD 14 R-phycoerythrin conjugate (R-PE), clone M5E2, (Becton Dickinson, UK) to identify monocytes Briefly 100 µl of ... were coated overnight at 4 C with a monoclonal mouse anti-human HLA-DR antibody, clone G 46 - 6 (Pharmingen, UK) at a concentration of µg/ml in 0.05M carbonate buffer, pH 9 .6 Following washing in ... expression on monocytes Int J Med Sci 20 04 1(3): 1 26- 1 36 135 Figure 3: (a) Fluorescent image of intracellular staining of a section through PBMC from a healthy control for HLA-DR expression (b)...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 09:57

11 619 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of B¢¢-subunits of protein phosphatase 2 A in Xenopus laevis oocytes and adult tissues Evidence for an independent N-terminal splice variant of PR130 and an extended human PR48 protein pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of B¢¢-subunits of protein phosphatase 2 A in Xenopus laevis oocytes and adult tissues Evidence for an independent N-terminal splice variant of PR130 and an extended human PR48 protein pot

... AACAAGgtaaga TACCAGgtatga TTGATGgtgaga CAGAAGgtaaca GGAAGGgtgagt 35209 168 64 362 9 13 760 82 96 185 761 78 14 3811 5 46 1 2 64 6 11 341 1075 2839 700 34 ttacagGTTTCT ctgcagGCTGTG ttttagATTCAA ttgcagGTCTGT ttatagGTTGCT ... following exons: 1, 2a, 3– 14 and 2b, 3– 14, respectively Exon Exon size (bp) 5¢-Splice donor Intron size (bp) 3¢-Splice acceptor 2a 2b 10 11 12 13 14 158 243 5 383 267 1 04 103 75 87 157 49 90 177 ... human PR130 cDNA consists of 14 exons varying in size between 49 (exon 9) and 2 849 nucleotides (exon 14) The splice sites and exonintron boundaries are presented in Table All splice donor and acceptor...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

12 507 0
Báo cáo khóa học: The C-terminal t peptide of acetylcholinesterase forms an a helix that supports homomeric and heteromeric interactions potx

Báo cáo khóa học: The C-terminal t peptide of acetylcholinesterase forms an a helix that supports homomeric and heteromeric interactions potx

... 2003 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Amphiphilic a helical domain of the AChE T subunit (Eur J Biochem 271) 47 C-terminal T peptide, inducing degradation rather than secretion J Biol Chem 2 76, ... 26, 4 562 45 72 33 Tappin, M.J., Pastore, A., Norton, R.S., Freer, J.H & Campbell, I.D (1988) High-resolution 1H NMR study of the solution structure of d-hemolysin Biochemistry 27, 1 64 3– 1 64 7 34 ... the formation of disulfide bonds (A) Variation of the wavelength of maximum emission (kmax) as a function of the molar ratio of detergent to peptide (Ri) (B) Relative variation of emission intensity...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 13:20

15 333 0
the handbook of international adoption medicine a guide for physicians parents and providers dec 2004

the handbook of international adoption medicine a guide for physicians parents and providers dec 2004

... School Issues 369 382 3 94 33 Dysfunction of Sensory Integration 34 Culture and Identity 4 16 35 After the Adoption: Unspoken Problems 36 Resources Index 43 7 44 1 40 5 42 8 This page intentionally left ... international adoption research program CONTENTS International Adoption Medicine Part I Before the Adoption The Effects of Institutionalization on Children Special Regional Considerations 25 45 Pre-Adoption ... of International Adoption for Parents, Ethics and International Adoption) Legal Aspects of International Adoption The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption The legal aspects of international...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:37

465 585 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Shedding light on walking in the dark: the effects of reduced lighting on the gait of older adults with a higher-level gait disorder and controls" ppt

báo cáo hóa học: " Shedding light on walking in the dark: the effects of reduced lighting on the gait of older adults with a higher-level gait disorder and controls" ppt

... Geriatric Depression Scale Charlson Comorbidity Score Controls (n = 20) 80.7 ± 4. 1 73% 26. 6 ± 4. 9 28.1 ± 1.3 5 .6 ± 4. 7 0.0 ± 0.0 80 .6 ± 6. 3 65 % 25.1 ± 2.9 29 .4 ± 0.9 3.8 ± 2 .6 0.5 ± 0.7 *Subject ... effects of blurring vision in the elderly Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 20 04, 45 :2122-2128 Perry SD, Santos LC, Patla AE: Contribution of vision and cutaneous sensation to the control of centre of mass ... 0.17 5 .6 ± 2.3 33.9 ± 2.7 7.0 ± 2.9 1 06. 3 ± 44 .2 1.29 ± 0.15 (0.3 76) 6. 8 ± 2.3 (0.005) 32.5 ± 3.7 (

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

8 415 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part1 ppt

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part1 ppt

... Office of the Auditor The missions of the Office of the Auditor are assigned by the Hawaii State Constitution (Article VII, Section 10) The primary mission is to conduct post audits of the ... administration of the act, the law can be amended only with the consent of Congress As of June 30, 2001, the department managed approximately 200,1 76 acres of land on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, ... prepared the calculation The department also considers as immaterial to its financial statements the $1,8 16, 100 of expenditures and $ 64 7, 267 of home construction costs recorded in the incorrect period,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 379 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part2 pdf

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part2 pdf

... conditions as well as other significant areas of concern not considered reportable conditions Reportable conditions are significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control ... goal of expediting construction of beneficiary housing options through private sector partnerships and other housing opportunities The Design and Construction Branch plans, designs, and constructs ... financial data consistent with the assertions of management in its financial statements A material weakness is the worst possible type of reportable condition A material weakness is a condition in which...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 341 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part3 pdf

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part3 pdf

... Homestead Lease Awards Cumulative Totals FY1998-2001 Number of Homestead Lease Awards 7 ,40 0 7,192 7,200 7,000 6, 927 6, 809 6, 800 6, 600 6, 547 6, 40 0 6, 200 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 Fiscal Years Totals ... documentation would support the consistent application of procedures As of June 30, 2001, the department had $2,105 ,62 6 in lease and license receivables outstanding Of this amount, $1,878, 145 , or ... Construction Costs Are Not Properly Capitalized as Inventory of Homes for Sale The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands did not properly capitalize costs in the amount of $ 64 7, 267 for the prior year construction...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 265 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part4 doc

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part4 doc

... presentation We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion The department has loans receivable of $43 ,49 5,320, net of an allowance for losses of $3,732,000 as of June 30, ... financial statements of the department are intended to present the financial position and results of operations of only that portion of the funds and account groups of the State of Hawaii that are ... assertions of management in the combined financial statements Reportable conditions are described in Chapter of this report A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 207 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part5 pdf

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part5 pdf

... 2013 20 14 $210,919 166 ,588 168 ,932 171 ,40 7 169 ,577 172,352 175, 165 178,119 125 ,49 9 125,979 67 ,0 26 11 ,4 56 3 ,68 8 $289,8 14 2 36, 40 0 231,389 2 26, 185 2 16, 651 211 ,67 1 2 06, 5 64 201, 46 7 141 , 46 8 135, 249 70,937 ... $1,380,113 1 , 64 5,528 1 , 64 1,820 1 , 64 0,298 1 , 64 1,298 1 ,63 9,973 1 , 64 0,870 39 Chapter 3: Financial Audit 2009 2010 2011 2012 228,835 168 ,4 46 1 04, 1 46 35 ,48 9 1 ,41 0,000 1, 46 5 ,000 1,525,000 1,595,000 1 ,63 8,835 ... 1,595,000 1 ,63 8,835 1 ,63 3 ,4 46 1 ,62 9,1 46 1 ,63 0 ,48 9 Total $3,591,8 16 $ 14, 170,000 $17, 761 ,8 16 General Obligation Bonds – The following are portions of the State general obligation bonds allocated to...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 223 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part6 doc

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part6 doc

... $115, 845 ,789 109,121,218 6, 013 ,65 3 48 ,68 5,7 56 573,5 96 11,000,100 42 , 848 ,113 - $ 582 ,4 76 5 64 ,0 04 495,938 68 , 066 - $28 ,61 1, 243 28 ,61 0, 243 142 ,1 34 828 ,40 0 27 ,63 9,709 - $ 67 , 5 64 , 46 5 61 ,522,5 16 15,858,779 ... 13,853,155 36, 500,1 34 (22 , 64 6,979) (11, 2 64 ,393) 42 ,793 ,41 1 5,8 46 , 566 13,180,335 22, 068 ,550 966 , 766 731,1 94 31,529,018 1,359,5 46 6,150,520 9 84, 598 11,7 84, 711 49 7,122 6, 553, 060 4, 199, 46 1 Totals (Memorandum ... (47 ,63 9) (32,2 96) - (32,2 96) $109,121,218 105,557,059 (3,5 04, 000) 109, 061 ,059 $ 5 64 ,0 04 69 9,075 - 69 9,075 $ 28 ,61 0, 243 29 ,4 86, 683 - 29 ,4 86, 683 $ 61 ,522,5 16 61 ,62 4, 169 - 61 ,62 4, 169 $ 199,770, 342 ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 222 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part7 doc

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part7 doc

... 2,927 ,67 4 5,1 24, 403 2, 267 ,5 26 11 ,66 1 ,42 4 (9,393,898) 2,8 56, 877 4, 46 4 ,332 4, 3 96, 561 67 ,771 - 7,321,209 6, 150,520 7 36, 192 337, 568 69 ,000 27,929 Administration Account and Other $ $ 14, 048 ,4 06 13,393,258 ... 105,557,059 (3,5 04, 000) 109, 061 ,059 3, 5 64 ,159 1,110,735 16, 257,7 14 (15,1 46 , 979) 2 ,45 3 ,42 4 12,355,811 11,8 54, 529 182,909 221, 766 96, 607 14, 809,235 6, 150,520 9 84, 598 6, 898,757 69 ,000 2 46 , 253 46 0 ,107 $109,121,218 ... 5,277, 549 4, 862 , 741 96, 43 5 221, 766 96, 607 46 5 ,199 33, 147 43 2,052 $10,958,552 11,1 74 ,61 2 - 11,1 74 ,61 2 (2 16, 060 ) 4, 5 96, 290 4, 5 96, 290 - (4, 812,350) $ Operating Fund 62 ,187,099 (390,000) 62 ,577,099 (1,722,121)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 202 0
Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part8 pot

Financial Audit of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii Report No. 02-13 September 2002_part8 pot

... fmancial position and results of operations of only that portion of the financial , eporting entity of the State of Hawaii that is attributable to the transactionsof the Department ofHawaiian Home ... 2001 on our consideration of the Department, of Hawaiian Home Lands, State of Hawaii's, internal control over financial reporting and on our ~estsof its compliance with certain provisions of laws, ... immateriality of th transaction Based on their professional judgement, DHH followed their recommendation and recorded an adjusting journal entry to reflect the capitalization of the home onstruction costs...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 186 0
Financial Audit of the Department of the Attorney General A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawai`i Report No. 04-05 May 2005_part1 ppt

Financial Audit of the Department of the Attorney General A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawai`i Report No. 04-05 May 2005_part1 ppt

... Office of the Auditor The missions of the Office of the Auditor are assigned by the Hawai`i State Constitution (Article VII, Section 10) The primary mission is to conduct post audits of the ... not mentioned by department personnel at the time of our testwork Marion M Higa State Auditor State of Hawai`i Office of the Auditor 46 5 South King Street, Room 500 Honolulu, Hawai`i 968 13 (808) ... the Board of Education, state educational institutions, the Department of Education, and the Department of Health as it relates to Felix consent decree matters, the Office of Elections, the Judiciary,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 432 0
Financial Audit of the Department of the Attorney General A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawai`i Report No. 04-05 May 2005_part3 potx

Financial Audit of the Department of the Attorney General A Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawai`i Report No. 04-05 May 2005_part3 potx

... 30, 20 04 February 26, 20 04 27 days $2,200,000 June 30, 20 04 July 30, 20 04 September 10, 20 04 42 days $1,788,300 June 30, 20 04 July 30, 20 04 September 10, 20 04 42 days Federal regulations provide ... position of only that portion of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the State of Hawaii that are attributable to the transactions of the ... weakness is a reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control 20 This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Chapter 3: Financial Audit components does not reduce...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 276 0