... use as internal standard (IS), resulting in higher precision and sensitivity in aconitine analysish [3] Poisoning cases, and toxic and fatal concentrations The aconitines are neurotoxic and cardiotoxic; ... Poisoning mode alive alive dead dead dead alive ND mesaconitine aconitine benzoylmesaconine benzoylaconine benzoylhypaconine mesaconine aconine hypaconine jesaconitine aconitine aconitine mesaconitine ... mesaconitine aconine mesaconitine aconitine hypaconitine (3) benzoylmesaconine benzoylaconine benzoylhypaconine mesaconine aconine hypaconine (5) at autopsy 2.4 1.0 22.7 (29.1)* 41.4 (51. 0)* 37.8...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20
... Kmax = Determine K(C) = 1/(1 + e−αC ) 486 Availability and Maintainability in Engineering Design 4.4 Application Modelling of Availability and Maintainability in Engineering Design In Sect 1.1, ... 492 Availability and Maintainability in Engineering Design Fig 4.44 User interface in the blackboard model and answer protocols, and informs the user of important events during the program’s ... using a built -in compiled language It combines the most powerful features of object oriented programming (OOP) for 4.4 Application Modelling of Availability and Maintainability in Engineering...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 10:20
Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical WDM Networks ppt
... followed by rounding [13] In this case, the integer constraints are relaxed creating a non-integral problem which can be solved by some linear programming method, and then a rounding algorithm is ... lightpath with a single color (wavelength) along all the links in its path Distinct wavelength constraint: all lightpaths using the same link (fiber) must be allocated distinct wavelengths In Figure this ... logically decomposed into four subproblems The decomposition is approximate or inexact, in the sense that solving the subproblems in sequence and combining the solutions may not result in the optimal...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 00:21
Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical WDM Networks phần 1 pot
... followed by rounding [13] In this case, the integer constraints are relaxed creating a non-integral problem which can be solved by some linear programming method, and then a rounding algorithm is ... lightpath with a single color (wavelength) along all the links in its path Distinct wavelength constraint: all lightpaths using the same link (fiber) must be allocated distinct wavelengths In Figure this ... logically decomposed into four subproblems The decomposition is approximate or inexact, in the sense that solving the subproblems in sequence and combining the solutions may not result in the optimal...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 00:21
Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical WDM Networks phần 2 pps
... probability, and has the additional advantage of being easier and less expensive to implement Multicast Routing and Wavelength Assignment In Sections and 3, we considered static and dynamic RWA ... similarities to the RWA problem discussed in Sections and Specifically, the tight coupling between routing and wavelength assignment remains, and even becomes stronger: in the absence of wavelength conversion ... [25] G Sahin and M Azizoglu Multicast routing and wavelength assignment in wide-area networks In Proceedings of SPIE, volume 3531, pages 196–208, November 1998 [26] X Zhang, J Y Wei, and C Qiao...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 00:21
Questions to .NET and Programming in C#
... c) Pointers and values a) Value types and reference types in simple terms is nothing but conversion of a value type into a reference type a) Casting c) Unboxing d) Overriding b) Boxing ... for statement’s syntax is incorrect using System; class Test { static void Main() { int @Main; int[] Static= new int[3]; @Main =100*Static[1]; Console.WriteLine(@Main); } } What will be the output ... A.F Init B B.F b) Init A Init B A.F B.F c) d) A.F Init B Init A A.F A.F B.F Init B Init A 89 //.Inconsistent accessibility: base class 'Test' is less //accessible than class 'Q3' lỗi dòng using...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System
... workstations and mainframes within the Department of Computer Science, and supports projects in distributed computing and parallel processing such as the Camelot distributed transaction processing system ... be described in more detail in a later section When shadowing, the data is instead copied from the original 9 char *file_data; int i, file_size; extern float rand(); /* random in [0,1) */ /* ... a memory object and offset within that memory object Additional information stored for each range includes protection and inheritance information To account for sharing through inheritance, Mach...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05
Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS
... procedure's linkage section is made as a segment within that process In certain cases the linkage sections of several procedures are combined into a single linkage segment private to the process Linking ... the link pointer and have the form shown in Figure 12 The displacement k is determined by the coding of P and is invariant with respect to the process using P Procedure Call and Return The coding ... entry point in the called procedure segment Thus in establishing the link for an external procedure call, the generalized indirect address placed in the calling procedure's link data points to...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05
Friends, Overloaded Operators, and Arrays in Classes
... implementing the digits are in in order int('0') + is equivalent to int('1') int('1') + is equivalent to int('2') If c is '0' int( c ) - int('0') returns integer If c is '1' int( c ) – int ... to integers Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 11- 19 digit_to_int (optional) digit_to_int is defined as int digit_to_int(char c) { return ( int ... Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 11- 48 Overloading > The insertion operator
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:53
Climate change and variability in vietnam and strategiesto be addapted on agriculture for sustainable development
... Vinh (North central region), Can tho and Bac Lieu (Mekong river delta) On the other hand, in winter-spring season rainfall is increasing trend which observed at Bac Giang, Ha noi, Nam dinh, Vinh, ... crop rotation , especially for defining the growing period for Agriculture in the North and in the Mountain regions Absolute minimum temperature Absolute minimum temperature is very important ... mountain in central region (see table 5) Rainfall The situation of rainfall is some what complex depending on locations and seasons In annual and summer season (May - October) small decreasing...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 15:10
... medicine are undeniable If nothing else had been achieved but two things – in the nineteenth century, the end of bleeding, purging, and leeching as a result of Louis’ studies (Louis, 1835); and in ... handling measurement bias Randomization is the best means of addressing confounding bias, and blinding the means for measurement bias While blinding is important, it is not as important as randomization ... securing information on them” (Miettinen and Cook, 1981) Confounding bias is handled either by preventing it, through randomization in study design, or by removing it, through regression models in...
Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2012, 09:06
The graphs below show the numbers of male and female workers in 1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of Freedonia
... decades later The number of men in this sector remained stable over the period, at around 700 000 Women also made gains in both the finance/banking industries and in the defence-related public ... women worked in finance and banking institutions in 1975, the number increased to 450 000 by 1995 The number of men grew only marginally from 425 000 to 480 000 over the same period In defence, ... 1975 and 1995 brought significant changes in the representation of women in Freedonia's work force, according to the graphs In 1975, for example, some 300 000 men and 250 000 women worked in the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
Báo cáo y học: " Facilitators and obstacles in pre-hospital medical response to earthquakes: a qualitative study"
... contributions ARD was involved in the study conception and design, data collection, analysis, revision, editing and manuscript writing HK was involved in the conception and design of study and took an ... active part in the data analysis and results interpretation GO participated to the study conception and design, writing-up and finalization of the manuscript MC contributed to analyze and interpret ... During the open coding phase, all the interviews were read several times, and key words and phrases, incidents and facts in the text were noted Primary codes were extracted The codes and data were...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 09:56
Báo cáo y học: "The epidemiology of intensive care unit-acquired hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia in medical-surgical intensive care unit"
... disturbances, and could potentially be used to help clinicians identify patients at increased risk An elevated baseline creatinine was associated with a 50% increased risk of ICU-acquired hypernatraemia and ... (1.07 to 1.70) 0.010 *Time-independent (age, baseline creatinine, random glucose) and time-dependent (minimum Glasgow coma scale, glucose level, Acute Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation ... Calgary and CHR approved this study and waiver of patient consent Data sources Demographic, hospital and clinical data were obtained using the regional ICU patient data warehouse Data sources include...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31
Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"
... feedback and interaction) Results of randomised clinical trials can supplement studies involving observational data by creating an understanding of connections between clinical signs and treatment ... Veterinaria Scandinavica 2009, 51: 36 researchers and decision makers (e.g in organisations and governmental institutions) http://www.actavetscand.com/content /51/ 1/36 18 19 Competing interests The ... definitions of different scoring values, such as excluding certain scores (see examples in table 1) They find the definitions incorrect If the veterinarian strictly follows his/ her own scoring...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
Báo cáo y học: "he Association Among Lipoprotein-associated Phospholipase A2 Levels, Total Antioxidant Capacity and Arousal in Male Patients with OSA"
... a minimum of 10 sec, was considered as hypopnea Individuals with an apnea hypopnea index (AHI) >5 were diagnosed as OSAS and included in the study Determining of Arousals An arousal was defined ... triglyceride levels were increased in patients above median arousal and TAC was reduced in these subjects Other demographic and laboratory findings were comparable in two groups According to the arousal ... arousal index was associated with increased LP-PLA2 level The elevated levels of circulating LP-PLA2 may explain prone to sudden death due stroke and AMI in patients with OSA and increased arousal index...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00
Báo cáo y học: "2009 H1N1 Influenza and Experience in Three Critical Care Unit"
... delivery, microbiologic findings, and chest radiologic findings at ICU admission Intubation and mechanical ventilation requirements, adverse events during ICU stay and laboratory findings at ICU admission ... antibiotics included moxifloxacin (in 19 patients), linezolid (in 14 patients), ampicilline-sulbactam (in 13 patients), clarithromycin (in 13 patients), piperacillin-tazobactam (in 12 patients), ... piperacillin-tazobactam (in 12 patients), imipenem (in 11 patients), third generation cephalosporin (in patients), vancomycin (in patients), teicoplanin (in patients), and tigecycline (in patients) Of 61 patients for...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:04
Báo cáo y học: " Preparation of RGD-modified Long Circulating Liposome Loading Matrine, and its in vitro Anti-cancer Effects"
... (GIBCO, USA) containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (Nuoding, China), and the HT-29 cells were grown in DMEM medium (GIBCO, USA) also containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum All ... phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and resuspended at × 106 cells /mL in Annexin-V binding buffer The supernatant (100 μL/tube) was incubated with μL of Annexin-V-FITC (Invitrogen, USA) and μL of PI (Invitrogen, ... then evaluated by in vitro testing in human cancer cell lines We observed that 198 RGD-M-LCL had increased anti-proliferative activity and increased the induction of apoptosis in cancer cells compared...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 08:57
... recycled to arginine by successive actions of argininosuccinate synthetase (AS; EC and argininosuccinate lyase (AL; EC via the citrulline-NO cycle (18) Arginine in brain is also utilized ... AL and arginase in the study AS and AL activities increased in all the three brain regions significantly in anoxia suggesting an increased utilization of citrulline for the production of arginine ... uptake from the circulating arginine and (b) recycling of citrulline to argi- 152 nine by the actions of AS and AL L-arginine is transported into synaptosomes (46), neurons (47) and astroglia (48)...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:07