... yellow and after I had painted, my husband d yellow; and, .. .501 GRAMMAR AND WRITING QUESTIONS S E C T I O N 1 Mechanics: Capitalization and Punctuation S ince every sentence begins ... yellow, and after I had painted, my husband informed me that he’d rather it be blue a yellow, and after I had painted, my husband b yellow, and after I had painted my husband c yellow and ... 501 GRAMMAR AND WRITING QUESTIONS [...]... dentin, and which is located c dentin but located d dentin, which it is located
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
... their and we in answer a, to your and one in answer b, and to our and they in answer d. 290. a. This choice is clear, has no misplaced modifiers, and has no shifts in verb tense. Choices b and ... Choices b and d are more vague and general, and choice c is written in a slightly different, more upbeat style. SET 23 (Page 65) 312. a. Choice a expands on the topic sentence. Choices b and c do ... asthma and the new. Choices b and c are less precisely related to the new understanding of asthma. Choice d is not related at all. 311. a. Choice a is more specific than the other choices and more
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu 501 grammar and writing questions learning express part 17 pdf
... is practically nonexistent and general incoherence Severe and widespread writing errors A "0" essay does not address the topic assigned. For more material and information, please visit ... and seemed glad to have me there. We had pasta and wine and talked about old times. After supper, he excused himself and went into the family room and turned on the TV. Over coffee, Sherry told ... nature walks and go to museums but not anymore" And sure enough, the whole weekend I was visiting, Darrell spent most of the time in front of the TV. He watched good shows and bad, sit-coms and specials
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu 501 grammar and writing questions learning express part 18 pptx
... brave and also some might say stupid! But the police came and took my statement and also later caught the guy. Another time my girlfreind and I were in my apartment and we looked out the window and ... on the path of good writing. Yes. Writing can be taught if you are willing to take the time and do the hard work and maybe give a few extra hours. No student is hopeless. And writing is so important ... common and can bring about lively discussions and a meeting of the minds. Rich and poor alike, privileged or under privileged, all have looked through that tiny window and see wonders and horrors,
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu 501 grammar and writng questions learning express part 2 pdf
... Page 5 Section 1— Mechanics: Capitalization and Punctuation Understanding the basic rules of capitalization is important, and knowing how to punctuate sentences correctly will help ... five sets of questions that test your skill at finding mistakes in capitalization and punctuation. In the first set, you will be looking for errors in capitalization only. In the second and third ... third sets, the errors are in punctuation only. Sets 4 and 5 ask you to find mistakes in both capitalization and punctuation. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Page
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu 501 grammar and writng questions learning express part 6 docx
... politely. His expression was bewildered. a. Nodding politely, the man's expression was bewildered. b. The man nodded politely his expression was bewildered. c. The man nodded politely, his expression ... hall. Art can be found in the expressive behavior of ordinary people, as well. a. Art can be found not only in the museum or concert hall, and it can be found in the expressive behavior of ordinary ... museum or concert hall, art can be found not only there and in the expressive behavior of ordinary people, as well. c. Although in the expressive behavior of ordinary people, as well, art can
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 1 pps
... develop your written-language skills 501 Grammar and Writing Questions begins with the basic mechanics of capitalization and punctuation, and then moves on to grammar and sentence structure By the time ... For information on LearningExpress, other LearningExpress products, or bulk sales, please write to us at: LearningExpress ™ 900 Broadway Suite 604 New York, NY 10003 LearningExpress is an affiliated ... tried and true And it's the tool this book is designed to give you The 501 grammar and writing questions in this book will provide you with lots of practice As you work through each set of questions,
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 2 pot
... supply and demand determines the price of a commodity a between supply and demand determines b among supply and demand determines c among supply and demand determine d between supply and demand ... Page 17 Section 2— Grammar The following sets deal with basic grammar and usage: using correct verb forms, assuring subject-verb agreement, using adjectives and adverbs correctly, and identifying ... brothers, Andre is the a taller b tallest c more tall d most tallest 85 met more than ten years ago at a mutual friend's birthday party a Her and I b Her and me c She and me d She and
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 3 pptx
... between Andre and Robert began when he and his family moved to Ohio. a. The friendship between Andre and Robert began when he and his b. Andre and Robert's friendship began when he and his ... had been writing in his journal. a. is ringing, Jacoby had been writing b. rings, Jacoby was writing c. rang, Jacoby was writing d. had rung, Jacoby was writing e. rang, Jacoby will be writing ... his c. The friendship among the two boys began when he and his d. The friendship between Andre and Robert began when Robert and his e. Andre and Robert's friendship began when their 212. Most
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 5 potx
... earth 2) It has created poetry and music, planned and executed horrific wars, devised intricate scientific theories 3) It thinks and dreams, plots and schemes, and easily holds more information ... recognize all types of writing errors These sets consist of paragraphs with numbered parts, followed by two, three, or four questions The questions focus not only on grammar and structure, but also ... organization, and effective transitions between sentences These questions ask you to look at various types of writing and to make decisions about the most effective way to edit and revise For
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 6 pptx
... shirts and pants, and insect repellent are recommended in the summer. (7) Walking and canoe trails, boat tours, and tram tours are excellent for viewing wildlife, including alligators and a multitude ... bitter, biting wind that whistled and sang over the flat land and lashed one's face like fine wires. (2) There was baking going on in the Rosicky kitchen all day, and Rosicky sat inside, making ... you to increase your speed and accuracy and to do our best when being tested on timed writing passages. 404. Which of the following numbered parts contains a nonstandard use of a modifier? a.
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 7 potx
... peeling paint, cracked plaster, and smoke emissions; by feeling walls and floors with the back of the hand; by listening for popping, cracking, and hissing sounds; and by using electronic sensors ... would improve discipline and build a strong sense of community and identity On the other hand, opponents believe that uniforms limit students' freedom of expression and their development as individuals ... six-point scale, with being an excellent essay and being a poor essay Guides like these are often used by teachers and evaluators of standardized writing tests to score your essay You can use
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 8 pps
... people to their and we in answer a, to your and. .. wordy Choices c, d, and e are awkwardly constructed and ambiguous 197 c This choice is the only one that uses the idioms of standard English ... SET 14 (Page 36) For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org [...]... subject and verb and between the pronoun and its antecedent 210 b This is ... clear and logical 211 d When the relationship between a pronoun and its antecedent is unclear, as it is in this sentence, it should be changed to avoid ambiguity There are two boys, Andre and
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 9 ppt
... Choices b and d are more vague and general, and choice c is written in a slightly different, more upbeat style. SET 23 (Page 65) 312. a. Choice a expands on the topic sentence. Choices b and c do ... first; however, the words hot and humid are expanded on in the rest of the sentence and made more interesting and specific. 401. b. The subject of Part 3 is climate and therefore requires the third-person ... In choices a, c, and d, the semicolon correctly separates two independent clauses. 400. c. The expressions year-round and in all seasons repeat the same idea. Choices a, b, and d are incorrect
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
501 grammar and writing questions - part 10 doc
... and set them on the path of good writing Yes Writing can be taught if you are willing to take the time and do the hard work and maybe give a few extra hours No student is hopeless And ... and saw things moved or gone But I call the police and waited for them inside my apartment which was brave and also some might say stupid! But the police came and took my statement and ... common and can bring about lively discussions and a meeting of the minds. Rich and poor alike, privileged or under privileged, all have looked through that tiny window and see wonders and horrors,
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 03:20
... 501 GRAMMAR AND WRITING QUESTIONS 501 GRAMMAR AND WRITING QUESTIONS 3rd Edition ® N E W Y O R K Copyright © 2006 LearningExpress, LLC All rights reserved under International and Pan-American ... Rhetoric—Examinations, questions, etc 3 Report writing? ??Examinations, questions, etc I Title: 501 grammar and writing questions II Title: Five hundred one grammar and writing questions III Title: Five hundred and ... by LearningExpress, LLC, New York Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 501 grammar & writing questions. —3rd ed p cm ISBN 1-57685-539-2 1 English language? ?Grammar? ??Examinations, questions,
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:23
... it is 61. a. extremely rude, and she b. extremely rude: and she c. extremely rude? And she d. extremely rude and, she e. correct as it is ––MECHANICS: CAPITALIZATION AND PUNCTUATION–– 9 [...]... ... powers and to be capable of performing feats of clairvoyance and telepathy. During her sixty years, she traveled to many (55) c ountries—inc luding the United States, England, India, and Egypt, ... We never eat candy or ice cream We do drink soda a We never eat candy or ice cream, but we do drink soda b Because we never eat candy or ice cream, we drink soda c We never eat candy or ice cream,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:23
... b etween Andre and Robert b egan w hen he and his family moved to Ohio. a. The friendship between Andre and Robert began when he and his b. Andre and Robert’s friendship began when he and his ... his c. The friendship among the two boys began when he and his d. The friendship between Andre and Robert began when Robert and his e. Andre and Robert’s friendship began when their SET 22 (Answers ... ight eningly and unhappy ending. a. a frighteningly and unhappy ending. b. a frighteningly and unhappily ending. c. an ending that was frightening and unhappily. d. a frightening and unhappy ending.
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:23
Tài liệu 501 grammar and writing questions learning express part 10 pptx
... long-sleeved shirts and pants, and insect repellent are recommended in the summer. (7) Walking and canoe trails, boat tours, and tram tours are excellent for viewing wildlife, including alligators and a multitude ... bitter, biting wind that whistled and sang over the flat land and lashed one's face like fine wires. (2) There was baking going on in the Rosicky kitchen all day, and Rosicky sat inside, making ... parts contains a nonstandard use of a preposition? a. Part 1 b. Part 2 c. Part 8 d. Part 10 Answer questions 418 and 419 on the basis of the following passage. (1) Understand that your boss has...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
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