5 6 phase modulation and frequency modulation

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Non-Pilot-Aided Sequential Monte Carlo Method to Joint Signal, Phase Noise, and Frequency " ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Non-Pilot-Aided Sequential Monte Carlo Method to Joint Signal, Phase Noise, and Frequency " ppt

... (ICC ’ 95) , pp 1 65 2 –1 65 7 , Seattle, Wash, USA, June 19 95 [11] D Yee, J R Reilly, and T Kirubarajan, “Channel equalization and phase noise suppression for OFDM systems in a time-varying frequency ... Transactions on Communications, vol 46, no 5, pp 58 0 58 3, 1998 [6] L Tomba and W A Krzymien, “Sensitivity of the MC-CDMA access scheme to carrier phase noise and frequency offset,” IEEE Transactions ... offset,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol 48, no 5, pp 1 65 7 – 16 65 , 1999 [7] H Steendam and M Moeneclaey, “The effect of carrier phase jitter on MC-DS-CDMA,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

14 265 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Time and frequency domain methods for quantifying common modulation of motor unit firing patterns" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Time and frequency domain methods for quantifying common modulation of motor unit firing patterns" pot

... NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2004, 1:2 http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/1/1/2 0 .5 0. 45 0.4 Coherence magnitude 0. 35 0.3 0. 25 0.2 0. 15 0.1 0. 05 0 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency (Hz) 35 40 45 50 Figure ... and motor unit firing behavior Brain Res 1992, 57 6: 1 65 - 167 Semmler JG, Nordstrom MA: Influence of handedness on motor unit discharge properties and force tremor Exp RBraines 19 95, 104:1 15- 1 25 ... value and its frequency or the frequency range of significant coherence In Figure there is significant coherence between 0 .5 and 3 .5 Hz and the peak value of coherence is 0. 46 and occurs at 1 .5 Hz...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

12 479 0
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 5 & 6

Process technology equipment and systems chapter 5 & 6

... Shutdown, and Troubleshooting of Compressor Systems Tables 5. 1 and 5. 2 illustrate typical startup and shutdown procedures Tables 5. 3 and 5. 4 illustrate troubleshooting charts for identifying and solving ... 47.04 psia 3.2 150 .52 8 psia Stage Three 150 .52 8 psia 3.2 481 .68 9 psia Stage Four 481 .68 9 psia 3.2 154 1.407 psia The basic components of a centrifugal compressor are shown in Figure 5. 2 The part ... stages Table 6. 1 lists the parameters of turbines Table 6. 1 Turbine Sizes Size Small Medium Large Stages Horsepower Speed (RPM) 0.7– 250 1,000 or 5 4,000 2,000– 15, 000 or more 5, 000 50 ,000 2,000–20,000...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 10:47

44 566 1
The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings Chapter 5-6

The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings Chapter 5-6

... $ 250 ,000 Tax rate 33% 15% Taxes due $82 ,50 0 $37 ,50 0 Difference = $82 ,50 0 − $37 ,50 0 = $ 45, 000 Using this simplified example, the difference between selling after Month 12 and selling before Month ... rate of 15 percent Here is a simple example: Short-Term Long-Term Capital Gains Capital Gains Purchase price $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Sales price $1, 250 ,000 $1, 250 ,000 Capital gain $ 250 ,000 $ 250 ,000 ... cited by the Money Income Tax Handbook (Sections 26. 711– 26. 7 15) include the following: ■ An office building for an apartment building ■ A rental building for land on which a rental building is...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 14:15

22 682 1
Báo cáo Y học: Investigations into the mechanisms used by the C-terminal anchors of Escherichia coli penicillin-binding proteins 4, 5, 6 and 6b for membrane interaction ppt

Báo cáo Y học: Investigations into the mechanisms used by the C-terminal anchors of Escherichia coli penicillin-binding proteins 4, 5, 6 and 6b for membrane interaction ppt

... centrifuged ( 15 min, 3000 g, °C) P4 P5 – Myr2-PCho Myr2-PEtn Myr2-PGro – Myr2-PCho Myr2-PEtn Myr2-PGro 0 37 20 58 48 56 43 85 85 63 77 42 52 44 57 FTIR conformational analyses of P4 and P5 b-sheet ... contribution to P5 came from a-helical structure (1 65 0 –1 65 5 cm)1) although significant levels of b-sheet structures ( 16 25 164 0 cm)1) can also be seen In all cases, annotated numbers indicate band peak ... Both P4 and P5 were found to affect the lipid phase transition properties of Myr2-PEtn (Figs 3B and 6B) and Myr2-PGro (Figs 3C and 6C) However, whilst P5 was found to affect the lipid phase transition...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 08:20

9 473 0
Information Management Resource Kit Module on Management of Electronic DocumentsUNIT 5. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LESSON 6. TEXTUAL DATABASES AND CDS/ISIS BASICSNOTE Please note that this PDF version does not have the interactive features offered th doc

Information Management Resource Kit Module on Management of Electronic DocumentsUNIT 5. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LESSON 6. TEXTUAL DATABASES AND CDS/ISIS BASICSNOTE Please note that this PDF version does not have the interactive features offered th doc

... Senegal and Burkina Faso Their record id’s are: SE20030201004 BF2003 06 050 02 SE200307310 05 If ISIS indexes the whole field, the index would be: BF2003 06 050 02 SE20030201004 SE200307310 05 But by ... Textual databases and cds/isis basics – page Defining fields Record number MFN: 44: Methodology of plant eco-physiology 50 : Incl bibl 69 : Paper on: plant evapotranspiration 26: ^c19 65 70: ^nBosian, ... following common features: Handling the structure of textual databases Text-oriented formatting Fast and powerful retrieval ¦pªG¦³¿ ®Ñ© Handling different languages and scripts Let’s review together...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

17 343 0
Two Phase Flow Phase Change and Numerical Modeling Part 5 pptx

Two Phase Flow Phase Change and Numerical Modeling Part 5 pptx

... 0. 35 3.1 150 .6 0.090 (low carbon) 1000-1 250 2.422 0.33 2 .5 1 46. 4 0.090 (low carbon) > 1 250 6. 240 0.21 1 .6 123.4 0.1 85 (medium carbon) < 1000 141.1 0. 36 3.1 211.3 0.1 85 (medium carbon) 1000-1 250 ... Condenser 60 W 3.0 50 W 40 W 2 .5 30 W w v (m /s) 20 W 2.0 1 .5 10 W 1.0 0 .5 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0. 05 0. 06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 z (m) Fig 19 The vapor phase velocity distribution 1 16 Two Phase Flow, Phase ... following equation: ( 169 .1 − 720.9 ⋅ (%C )) ⋅ C R −0.49 35  λSDAS =  143.9 ⋅ C R  −0. 361 6 (0 .55 01 − 1.9 96 ⋅(%C )) ⋅ (%C ) for < (%C ) ≤ 0. 15 for (%C ) > 0. 15 ( 46) Results and discussion For the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

30 514 0
Two Phase Flow Phase Change and Numerical Modeling Part 6 pot

Two Phase Flow Phase Change and Numerical Modeling Part 6 pot

... Eqs.( 25) one finds: LT = χ 2γ rad + ( χ + δ xrad ) ( − γ rad ) χ γ rad + − γ rad ( 26) 162 Two Phase Flow, Phase Change and Numerical Modeling where the dimensionless co-ordinate ≤ χ ≡ x/xrad ≤ and ... rn ) (33) 166 Two Phase Flow, Phase Change and Numerical Modeling Fig The time evolution of the central plasma density computed with different memory times and time steps: τ0 = 10 -6 s , τ = 10-4 ... depict the centreline and surface temperature, respectively Lines and illustrate the shell growth and solid fraction, respectively The borders of the final casting segments 5, 6, and are also presented...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

30 331 0
Maheshwari et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:6 potx

Maheshwari et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:6 potx

... 2008, 128: 65 7 -60 18 Solheim LF, Hagen R: Femoral and sciatic neuropathies after total hip arthroplasty Acta Orthop Scand 1980, 51 :53 1-4 19 Wooten SL, McLaughlin RE: Iliacus hematoma and subsequent ... 33:112 -6 13 Potter HG, Foo LF: Magnetic resonance imaging of joint arthroplasty Orthop Clin North Am 20 06, 37: 361 -73 Maheshwari et al Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5: 6 http://www.josr-online.com/content /5/ 1 /6 ... Maheshwari et al Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5: 6 http://www.josr-online.com/content /5/ 1 /6 Page of Figure AP and lateral views of the right hip showing a well fixed...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

5 410 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Cross - cultural adaptation and preliminary validation of the Turkish version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale among 5-6-year-old children" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Cross - cultural adaptation and preliminary validation of the Turkish version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale among 5-6-year-old children" pdf

... 27 (22.3) 59 (48.8) 43 ( 35. 5) 19 ( 15. 7) 41 (33.9) 80 (66 .1) 1 350 .66 (6 05. 46) 56 ( 46. 3) 65 (53 .7) 5. 25 ( 0.43) 3.87 (3. 96) 0. 36 (0 .59 ) 28 (23.1) 42 (34.7) 51 (42.1) 63 (52 .1) 22 (18.2) 36 (29.8) ... 69 (57 ) 68 ( 56 .2) 68 ( 56 .2) 73 (60 .3) 74 (61 .2) 69 (57 ) 65 (53 .7) 102 (84.3) 97( 80.2) 85 (70.2) 95 (78 .5) 1 06 (87 .6) 97(80.2) 49 (40 .5) 47 (38.9) 53 (43.8) 48 (39.7) 47 (38.8) 52 (43) 56 ( 46. 3) ... 34 21 60 50 5. 56 (2. 95) A,B* < 0.001 16. 66 (4.71) A,B*

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

34 374 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "An Analysis of ISAR Image Distortion Based on the Phase Modulation Effect" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: "An Analysis of ISAR Image Distortion Based on the Phase Modulation Effect" pptx

... 1010 ta 10 15 tb 10 15 1020 1020 10 25 10 25 1030 1030 10 35 10 35 1040 1040 10 45 10 45 1 050 10 12 14 16 1 050 (a) 10 12 14 16 (b) 1010 1010 tc 10 15 td 10 15 1020 1020 10 25 10 25 1030 1030 10 35 10 35 1040 1040 ... 1040 1040 10 45 10 45 1 050 10 12 14 16 1 050 (c) 10 12 14 16 (d) 1010 1010 te 10 15 tf 10 15 1020 1020 10 25 10 25 1030 1030 10 35 10 35 1040 1040 10 45 10 45 1 050 10 12 14 16 (e) 1 050 10 12 14 16 (f) Figure ... (bin number) 20 60 80 #6 100 120 80 #6 100 120 140 140 160 60 10 15 20 25 30 35 Down-range (bin number) 40 45 160 50 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Down-range (bin number) Figure 15: Computed ISAR...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

16 415 0
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 - Period 66 - Lesson 5 - Unit 10 - HEALTH AND HYGIENE B2 - 3 P.104 pptx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 - Period 66 - Lesson 5 - Unit 10 - HEALTH AND HYGIENE B2 - 3 P.104 pptx

... Lai and check their predictions Ss give the correct answers on the B.B Answer key : "Dr Lai is a dentist at Quang Trung school She looks after all the student's teeth Dr Lai 's office is clean and ... Lai 's office is clean and so is her uniform She always washes her hands after each child leaves Many children are scared her hands after each child leaves Many children are scared when they come ... look after their teeth She reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly." T uses the table to help Ss listen and write for details about Dr Lai Dr Lai 's job : Dr Lai 's clothes...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

4 607 0
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 - Period 59 - Unit 9 - Lesson 5 93 - AT HOME AND AWAY B1,2 P.92 potx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 - Period 59 - Unit 9 - Lesson 5 93 - AT HOME AND AWAY B1,2 P.92 potx

... Yesterday, I went to and I bought (a/ some) _ Did you go to (name of a place / a shop) ? Did you buy _ (thing) ? IV Homework : Retell what you did yesterday ? (5 sentences) ...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

3 536 0
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 5,6 potx

Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 5,6 potx

... = not recommended 3% 25 25 25 25 35 45 50 n.r 4% 25 25 30 35 45 55 n.r n.r 5% 6 25 30 35 45 55 n.r n.r n.r Table gives recommended figures The top of the bund is at least 25 cm wide with side slopes ... techniques - freestanding systems 53 Table 8: Bund heights (cm) for micro-catchments Basin size (m) Slope gradient 2% 3×3 25 4×4 25 5 5 25 6 6 25 8×8 25 10 × 10 30 12 × 12 35 15 × 15 45 n.r = not recommended ... sloping land Figure 21: Closed micro-catchment on flat land Conditions Rainfall: 52 150 mm per year and above Water harvesting and soil moisture retention Soil: Slope: Topography: At least 1 .5 m deep,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20

29 257 0
Tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng Micrologic control units 2.0 A, 5.0 A, 6.0 A and 7.0 A pps

Tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng Micrologic control units 2.0 A, 5.0 A, 6.0 A and 7.0 A pps

... 0.4 0 .5 0 .6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0. 95 other ranges or disable by changing rating plug 0.98 tr at 1 .5 x Ir tr at x Ir tr at 7.2 x Ir 12 .5 0 .5 0.34 50 0 20 13.8 60 0 24 16. 6 25 0 .69 50 1.38 100 2.7 200 5. 5 300 ... E51391A 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 100 % 350 800 Micrologic 6. 0 A 33 E51392A 10 11 12 13 E51389A Presentation 15 14 17 16 21 20 long time Ir x In at Ir instantaneous short time Isd 2 .5 1 .5 ... 12 16 95 98 20 24 Ir Isd I at Ir instantaneous Isd 2 .5 1 .5 Long time + Instantaneous 10 x Ir Micrologic 2.0 A X E51 354 A E51385A Micrologic 5. 0 A: selective protection and ammeter Micrologic 5. 0...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 10:20

31 3,3K 19
Qualitative analysis of self phase modulation (spm)

Qualitative analysis of self phase modulation (spm)

... 2278–4209 factor =0, dispersion coefficient= -50 0 ps/nm/km, Wavelength= 155 0nm, and length of the fiber = 100km.The input pulse is shown in Figure5 (a) and figure5 (b) shows the Full Width at Half Maximum ... pulse and pulse broadening ratio are shown in Figure6 (b) optisystem to analyze the Q factor and BER of the system and numerical analysis of the nonlinear Schrodinger and Figure6 (c) Figure6 (c) ... The colors represent the [1] Higher Education, 2000 pp 8-12, 35- 37, 282-2 85, 55 4 -55 7 amplitude value of the signal We generalized and [2] B.E.A Saleh, M.C Tech, “Fundamentals of Photonics”, John...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 08:08

4 762 0
Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 5 - UNIT 5 SPORTS AND GAMES Section A(4, 5, 6, 7) Period 22 ppsx

Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 5 - UNIT 5 SPORTS AND GAMES Section A(4, 5, 6, 7) Period 22 ppsx

... about the situation in the dialogue Look, Listen and repeat New words: - Guide Ss use question and answer: -Look, listen and write number Listen and repeat sentence by Do you want to…………… ? sentence ... ACTIVITIES -T ask some question: Listen and answer Do you want to (play chess)? Sure It’s an exitting game Activity 2:( 10’) Listen and number Listen and number a- Pre listen T says about the ... exercises must Answer, then countinues -T remarks the lesson - Do exercises 5, 6, 7, in work boo -Learn by heart new words and structures -Prepare next lesson ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

6 1,1K 1
Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT (A4,5,6)

Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT (A4,5,6)

... To set up context and pre-teach -Giving students some new words - Giving the structure and taking some examples Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT A What are you doing? (A4 ,5, 6) A4: Listen and number the picture ... school 6) the boy is waiting for the bus down town + Answers: 1-b, 2-f, 3-d, 4-a, 5- c, 6- e A5: : Play with words Flying Man, Flying Man, Up in the sky Where are you flying … Please take me A6 Read ... context and preteach - Having students look at the pictures at A4-page 84 and describe the action 3.While-lisening: To help students improve listening skill - Having students listen to the tape and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2015, 19:00

4 993 3
U8- Out and About ( A4, 5,6)

U8- Out and About ( A4, 5,6)

... 1/Pre-reading: To set up context and pre-teach -Giving students some new words - Giving the structure and taking some examples A What are you doing? (A4 ,5, 6) A4: Listen and number the picture as your ... school 6) the boy is waiting for the bus down town + Answers: 1-b, 2-f, 3-d, 4-a, 5- c, 6- e A5: : Play with words Flying Man, Flying Man, Up in the sky Where are you flying … Please take me A6 Read ... context and preteach - Having students look at the pictures at A4-page 84 and describe the action 3.While-lisening: To help students improve listening skill - Having students listen to the tape and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2015, 15:00

3 229 0