5— design for shear shear strength at web openings

(free) Building code requirements for structural concrete and commentary  pca notes on aci318 08

(free) Building code requirements for structural concrete and commentary pca notes on aci318 08

... Deformed reinforcement — Deformed reinforcing bars, bar mats, deformed wire, and welded wire reinforcement conforming to 3.5.3 Deformed reinforcement — Deformed reinforcement is defined as that ... requirement for strength design may be expressed as follows: Design strength ≥ Required strength φPn ≥ Pu φMn ≥ Mu φVn ≥ Vu For additional discussion on the concepts and nomenclature for strength design, ... members 158 11.3 Shear strength provided by concrete for prestressed members 160 11.4 Shear strength provided by shear reinforcement 163 11.5 Design for torsion ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 14:35

1,5K 13,1K 1
suggested analysis and design procedures for combined footings and mats

suggested analysis and design procedures for combined footings and mats

... the greatest settlement or deformation of the foundation, occurring either during and immediately after the load application or at a later date, depending on the type of subsoil Loadings at various ... stratum for deep foundations is not near the foundation base Often, a mat foundation is used when spread footings cover more than one-half the foundation area A common mat foundation configuration ... compression strength of a cohesive soil, F/e2 qult = ultimate soil bearing capacity; a computed value to allow computation of ultimate stregth design moments and shears for the foundation design, ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 22:01

21 677 2
Tài liệu Toilet design for rural areas and separated urine collection as a fertilizer source pptx

Tài liệu Toilet design for rural areas and separated urine collection as a fertilizer source pptx

... considered as a rich and sustainable rural indicator In 1999, the National Strategy for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation of Vietnamese Government has stated the goals: "Up to year 2010, about 70 ... toilet design manual Man Waterless Bucket latrine USE & REUSE TRANSFORT & TREATMENT COLLECTION TOILET Borehole latrine Excreta carrying cart Biogas tank To raise earth worm To pond * Water Vault ... Sweden for volume reduction and concentration of nutrients in human urine has found that by freezing urine at a temperature of - 14C, approximately 80% of the nutrients can be concentrated in...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20

7 476 1
Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy Second edition docx

Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy Second edition docx

... lines design 66 Lines design using distortion of existing forms 68 Computational fluid dynamics for hull design 79 References 83 OPTIMIZATION IN DESIGN Introduction to methodology of optimization ... Lines design 35 Midship section area coefficient and midship section form Bow forms, forward section forms and forward waterlines Special bow forms: (a) Bulbous bow (b) Parabolic bow as a special form ... of these formulae is usually better than 1% T For the first formula, CWP may be estimated from approximate formulae Height of metacentre above the centre of buoyancy The approximate formulae start...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

226 1,7K 0
Analysis and practical implementation of a model for combined growth and metabolite production of lactic acid bacteria

Analysis and practical implementation of a model for combined growth and metabolite production of lactic acid bacteria

... processes, the use of mathematical models in the food industry is gaining more and more attention for process evaluation, optimisation and design (Walls and Scott, 1997) For mathematical models to ... relating the specific growth rate and the specific production rate to [LaH] and pH, the accuracy of latter input values is also of major importance Therefore, an adequate calculation method for ... values, linearly interpolated between two subsequent observations It can be seen that a combination of relations (14) and (15) with the estimated parameters provides a satisfactory prediction of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 08:44

12 625 0
Visual Design for Web Sites  and Web Applications

Visual Design for Web Sites and Web Applications

... using Grid Systems what was old is new again Since the 1930s, graphic designers have used grid systems for laying out pages Over the past years, Web site and Web application designers have shown ... Lucida Grande for Mac, and Lucida Sans Unicode for PC Designed by: Charles Bigelow & Chris Holmes (1985) PC: 96.14% Mac 94.46% web typography Palatino is underused and underappreciated, especially ... to know about Web Safe Fonts in 2009 OS stats from codestyle.org web typography Georgia is gorgeous Designed by: Matthew Carter (1996) PC: 95.98% Mac 94.06% A transitional serif that’s easy to...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 14:54

78 323 0
interactive design for new media and the web  2001)

interactive design for new media and the web 2001)

... arrived is that the formats and designs for interactivity have not all been defined We know what an interactive banking Web site is We know what an interactive game is We know what interactive ... Internet service that companies who benefit from the service pay for Selling ad space on a Web site that is targeted at the demographic of that site Generating data by your site that can be sold ... immediately see an ad for a related product That product might be a book for sale on Amazon.com or a new car that matches my “muscle car” orientation In any case, it’s no coincidence that I have...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:20

168 335 0
Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy Second ppt

Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy Second ppt

... lines design 66 Lines design using distortion of existing forms 68 Computational fluid dynamics for hull design 79 References 83 OPTIMIZATION IN DESIGN Introduction to methodology of optimization ... Lines design 35 Midship section area coefficient and midship section form Bow forms, forward section forms and forward waterlines Special bow forms: (a) Bulbous bow (b) Parabolic bow as a special form ... of these formulae is usually better than 1% T For the first formula, CWP may be estimated from approximate formulae Height of metacentre above the centre of buoyancy The approximate formulae start...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

226 533 0
Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy 2e pot

Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy 2e pot

... lines design 66 Lines design using distortion of existing forms 68 Computational fluid dynamics for hull design 79 References 83 OPTIMIZATION IN DESIGN Introduction to methodology of optimization ... Lines design 35 Midship section area coefficient and midship section form Bow forms, forward section forms and forward waterlines Special bow forms: (a) Bulbous bow (b) Parabolic bow as a special form ... of these formulae is usually better than 1% T For the first formula, CWP may be estimated from approximate formulae Height of metacentre above the centre of buoyancy The approximate formulae start...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20

226 393 0
Báo cáo y học: " The carbohydrate at asparagine 386 on HIV-1 gp120 is not essential for protein folding and function but is involved in immune evasion" potx

Báo cáo y học: " The carbohydrate at asparagine 386 on HIV-1 gp120 is not essential for protein folding and function but is involved in immune evasion" potx

... lysates and culture supernatants for presence and folding state of gp120 We compared maturation kinetics using three read-outs that we developed before (fig 3)[18] First, we analyzed the formation ... (5'-GCTCCATGGCTTAGGGCAACATATATCTATG-3') and B (5'GTCTCGAGATGCTGCTCC-3') and sequenced Population sequencing revealed two reversions: N386D and A433T (fig 1) Half of the individual env clones that were ... volume of serially diluted compound for hr at 37°C in flat-bottomed 96-well plates and all neutralization reactions were performed in triplicate After hour of incubation 2.0 × 105positively selected...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 06:20

15 252 0
Lighting design for art, museums and architecture

Lighting design for art, museums and architecture

... Cooperation with the architect from an early stage The architectural design of a building fixes the window openings and the spatial system, both essential for a daylighting design Therefore, ... annual exposures for material sensitivity classifications (CIE Div TC3-22, ’Museum lighting and protection against radiation damage’) Because of the dynamic nature of daylight, lighting design according ... Correctly used, computer simulation and other modern tools provide valuable information Since there are criteria for gallery lighting, these tools allow an accurate design In this way they reduce...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 08:48

4 285 1
Hybrid Control Design for a Wheeled Mobile RobotThomas Bak 1 docx

Hybrid Control Design for a Wheeled Mobile RobotThomas Bak 1 docx

... ν is a new exogenous input that is related to the torque applied to the drive motors, and RT (θ) is a coordinate rotation matrix In equation (1) it is assumed that the β dynamics can be controlled ... transform the states into normal form via an appropriate dieomorphism followed by feedback linearization of the nonlinearities and a standard linear control design We choose the new states x1 ... which evaluate a constant rate variable Λj that dominates the j 'th Lyapunov function These states are: An entry state qj,0 , which represents the gain in the Lyapunov function Vj (xj ) at the instant...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

16 363 0
.Object-Oriented Design for Temporal GIS Phần 1 doc

.Object-Oriented Design for Temporal GIS Phần 1 doc

... sites, or publication of programs and of data No form of dissemination is discounted, and prospective authors are invited to suggest whatever primary form of publication and support material they ... Library Cataloging in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-203-21239-8 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-26977-2 (Adobe eReader Format) ISBN ... and design methods, databases) Future research directions are outlined in spatio-temporal data modelling, version management, and applications with complex and interrelated objects and spatio-temporal...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

14 294 0
Modeling and Simulation for Material Selection and Mechanical Design Part 1 ppsx

Modeling and Simulation for Material Selection and Mechanical Design Part 1 ppsx

... importance of the determination and implementation of adequate material data, consideration of inelastic material behavior, and the formulation of physically founded material models Chapter discusses ... tÞ2 À y2 Š for y < Gðt À tÞ for y > Gðt À tÞ dYe ¼ ð4Þ where Is is the nucleation rate at unit area By integrating for the time t from to t, the extended area fraction at the plane A at time t ... as transformation and recrystallization by introducing fitting parameters obtained from experiments [7] IV UTILIZATION OF THERMODYNAMICS FOR THE CALCULATION OF TRANSFORMATION AND PRECIPITATION...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 12:21

25 348 0
Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 1 ppt

Product Design for the Environment: A Life Cycle Approach - Chapter 1 ppt

... LCA for the conventional system Redesign: Matrices for life cycle strategy evaluation and strategy indices (Maintenance and Repair) Redesign: Matrices for life cycle strategy evaluation and strategy ... elaboration, and interpretation of environmental data • Tools aiding the design or redesign (Product and Process Design, Design for Use, Design for End-of-Life, or, more generally, Design for X) ... Factors for Useful Life Extension Strategies 9.2.4 Design Expedients 9.2.5 Design Variables Strategies for Recovery at End-of-Life and Design Considerations 9.3.1 Definition of Recovery Strategies at...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:21

63 611 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Combined effects of hyperglycemic conditions and HIV-1 Nef: a potential model for induced HIV neuropathogenesis" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Combined effects of hyperglycemic conditions and HIV-1 Nef: a potential model for induced HIV neuropathogenesis" docx

... transfection and frozen at -80°C For some experiments both viruses were concentrated by ultracentrifugation at 25,000 rpm for one hour The pellets were resuspended in 1% phosphatebuffered saline (PBS) ... devastating clinical conditions in the central nervous system (CNS) [6,8,11,32] We therefore investigated the pathological state of CNS in association with hyperglycemia and HIV-1 Nef protein that ... have shown that hyperglycemic conditions may contribute to CNS malformation via oxidative stress[33,47] HIV-1 proteins have been shown to be involved in exacerbating oxidative and nitrosative stress...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20

14 250 0
User Interface Design for Programmers 2011 phần 1 pps

User Interface Design for Programmers 2011 phần 1 pps

... this; at a superficial level we think we're designing for users, but no matter how hard we try, we're designing for who we think the user is, and that means, sadly, that we're designing for ourselves ... Outside of the United States, contact orders@springer.de; http://www.springer.de; fax +49 6221 345229 For information on translations, please contact Apress directly at 901 Grayson Street, Suite ... what it was designed to Joel's book is about more than software design and user-centricity Once you learn how to communicate with users through software, it's inevitable that all your communication...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21

10 384 0