3creating patient specific anatomical finite element models of the breast

Patient specific finite element modeling of the human lumbar motion segment

Patient specific finite element modeling of the human lumbar motion segment

... 5.2 The effect of Poisson’s ratio of the disc nucleus on the axial stiffness of the lumbar motion segment 60 Fig 5.3 The effect of Young’s Modulus of the disc nucleus on the axial stiffness of the ... various forms of spinal pathologies Patient- specificity of a finite element model of the lumbar spine in both geometry and material property proves crucial to the study of the pathogenesis of lumbar ... in choosing the correct mesh density according to the nature of the problems to be solved and the ultimate objectives of the solving the problems If the mesh is too coarse, then the element will...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 13:32

102 235 0
finite element analysis of pulsed

finite element analysis of pulsed

... Schematic of the laser bending process where k is the thermal conductivity, ␳ is the density of the stainless steel, ˜ is the derivative of the enthalpy with respect to temc ˙ perature, and Q ab is the ... computed by the method of element removal and reactivation and the use of a new initial temperature at T s to calculate the stress/strain of the solidified elements During the calculation, element ... cooling The thermal strain reaches the peak value of 0.0232 at 69.52 ns At this time, the corresponding average temperature of the element is 1673 K, which equals the solidus temperature The element...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:55

6 405 0
finite element analysis of structural steelwork beam to column bolted connections 2001

finite element analysis of structural steelwork beam to column bolted connections 2001

... 1,1,1 only the right hand side was modelled Figure - FEA Elements Element Types At the beginning of the research a number of trial models were created Models with fewer elements as well as models ... movement in the Y direction due to the lack of bending resistance in the bolt BRS2 elements Therefore supports had to be added to the underside of the end plate This removed the shear force from the ... Scale Test Results Finite Element Model MYSTRO and LUSAS FEA software was used for the finite element analysis The FEA models were created using command files rather than the CAD interface tools...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:20

14 445 0


... which bl is the layer breadth, tl is the layer thickness, zl is the z-coordinate at the middle of the layer, El is Young’s modulus of the layer material, Gl is the shear modulus of the layer material ... 10x10=100 Fig Finite element idealisation of axisymmetric Fig Finite element idealisation of axisymmetric problem, mesh AM1 problem, mesh AM2 y p x 100mm 200mm Fig Finite element idealisation of plane ... results of meshes of the axisymmetric problem model are different with the results obtained by the plane strain problem model The variation stress was rather smooth without concentration of stress The...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 10:21

8 471 0
finite element analysis of fracture in concrete structures state of the art

finite element analysis of fracture in concrete structures state of the art

... the first to apply the concepts of fracture mechanics to concrete beams With the advent of computers in the 1940s, and the subsequent rapid development of the finite element method (FEM) in the ... be taken of the size of the heterogeneous structure of the material This implies that the maximum size of finite elements used to model strain softening behavior should be linked to the aggregate ... (2.15) in which [ Kc ] is the element stiffness matrix of an element bei tween the contours Γo and Γ1, and Nc is the number of such elements The derivatives of the element stiffness matrices...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 21:58

33 415 1
Large scale finite element simulation of seismic soil pile foundation structure interaction

Large scale finite element simulation of seismic soil pile foundation structure interaction

... Details of the network configuration and hardware specifications are presented The development of the parallel dynamic finite element program is described, with emphasis on the choice of iterative ... to the effects of cyclic loading and the magnitude of strains in the soil; the pile-to-pile dynamic interaction effects (also called dynamic “pilegroup" effects); the degree of freedom of the ... describes the software and hardware development needed to carry out the large-scale numerical analyses The details of the nonlinear finite element program for the dynamic analysis of geotechnical...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 18:29

380 1,1K 0
Development of a realistic finite element model of human head and its applications to head injuries

Development of a realistic finite element model of human head and its applications to head injuries

... that the each of the NDT markers consists of a cluster of several elements in which the elemental average values of the strain data are collected (C) The bar chart shows the percentage of material ... condition is applied at the surface nodes of the base of the neck of Model 119  Figure 38: Mid-sagittal view of the displacement magnitude (in mm) contour plots of the head-neck model, ... well as more detailed segmentation of the brain components, are shown in this figure The meshed model on the right shows the complexity of the integration of the brain tissues into its segmented...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:04

347 368 0
An integrated finite element analysis of CFRP laminates from low velocity impact to CAI strength prediction

An integrated finite element analysis of CFRP laminates from low velocity impact to CAI strength prediction

... (composed of uniform elements -the mesh is too dense to see the individual elements clearly), (b) Mesh (composed of smaller elements around the point of impact and larger elements towards the edge of the ... into the finite element model The purpose of this stage of the research is to determine the dominant damage modes that have an influence on the residual CAI strength To confirm the efficacy of ... followed by a description of the modeling strategy adopted in the finite element model formulation of this research Chapter presents stage I of the research, where the finite element model is used to...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:04

223 490 0
Finite element modeling of hybrid fiber ECC targets subjected to impact and blast

Finite element modeling of hybrid fiber ECC targets subjected to impact and blast

... that the FE model closely predicted the residual velocity of projectile, size of perforation hole and exit crater for the perforation cases For the penetration cases, the application of the modified ... investigated The comparison of the above FE simulations with the experimental data by Maalej et al (2005) in order to verify the FE results 13 Chapter 1: Introduction The application of the LS-DYNA FE models ... non-deformable hammer The panels considered are 75 and 100 mm in thickness The FE models are also used to simulate the impact-force time histories of the drop-weight hammer The comparison of the above FE...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:11

227 272 0
Three dimensional finite element analysis of earth pressure balance tunnelling

Three dimensional finite element analysis of earth pressure balance tunnelling

... exponent of the empirical formulation of G0 n number of joints in the lining ring where n > ndf denotes the number of degrees -of- freedom pt denotes the nodal pore water pressure at the current ... the effective stress stiffness matrix Ko coefficient of earth pressure at rest Ks' represents the stiffness matrix of the soil skeleton Kw the bulk modulus of water and n is the porosity of the ... pressure balance EPCG element- by -element PCG EQMR element- by -element quasi-minimal residual Z excav Lshield xv FE finite element FEA Finite element analysis FEM finite element model HCC hyperbolic...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:19

251 1,5K 0
Finite element study of 2d equivalence to 3d analysis of a discrete soil nail problem with applications to serviceability design

Finite element study of 2d equivalence to 3d analysis of a discrete soil nail problem with applications to serviceability design

... minimised The author hope that this thesis will address some of the problems involved in the 2D idealisation of the soil nail problem and hence maximise the user’s understanding of the finite element ... compatibility of strain in the nail with equilibrium of the system It considers the displacements at the head of the reinforcement to be the same as that of the facing It assumes a zone of Rankine equilibrium ... limited use of its output Most of the times, the comparison has been of deflection of the wall facing of reinforced soil and nail forces Simulation of failure or stability calculations of the system...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:57

173 586 0
Finite element study of oil tank foundation system

Finite element study of oil tank foundation system

... undrained analysis The analysis aimed to investigate the effect of the pile cap size, the thickness and the stiffness of the granular fill on the percentage of the load carried by the piles The results ... 2.3): Profile A: The maximum settlement is located at the center of the tank This settlement profile could be seen from the case of flexible raft seated on deep soft soil The depth of soft soil ... that the behavior of the piles will be ductile For the case when one or several of the piles are overloaded, the redistribution of the load among the piles can take place The pile cap size and the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:57

152 330 0
Finite element study of tunnel soil pile interaction

Finite element study of tunnel soil pile interaction

... centrifuge testing and the other from a field project 1.3 Organisation of Thesis Chapter presents a review of the literature relevant to the study of this thesis This review covers the various popular ... a reasonable degree of accuracy with the aid of numerous methods that are available to him The selection of method would largely depend on the complexity and severity of the tunnelsoil-structure ... the surface settlement profile The method offers the advantage of simplicity with only parameters required as input The method needs an estimate of volume loss (Vl) and the trough width parameter...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:57

160 468 0
non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures

non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures

... at the end of the chapter References to more recent work will be given at the end of the appropriate chapters Following the brief history, we introduce the basic concepts of non-linear finite element ... analyse a range of problems 2.1 A SHALLOW TRUSS ELEMENT We will now use the ‘shallow truss theory’ of Chapter to derive the finite element equations for the shallow truss of Figure 2.1 The derivation ... in the References at the end of Chapter NOTATION We will here give the main notation used in the book Near the end of each chapter (just prior to the References) we will give the notation specific...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2016, 08:47

360 705 0
non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures

non linear finite element analysis of solids and structures

... (10.106) to obtain the components of the spin (WN)l* in terms of the stretches and components of U, while, from (10.92),we can further relate the latter to the components of iEso that (10.110) ... definition of (4.91) and (10.11) in that, in the former, one would have Q(N)’srather than Q(n)’s The Almansi strain, A(N), the Green strain E of (10.1l), the Biot strain, E, of (10.14) and the log, ... (10.56) gives the relationship between the terms in the tangent tensor (D,TK) relating the Truesdell rate of Kirchhoff stress, i~to the velocity strain tensor (2) with the terms in the tangent...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2016, 08:48

509 510 0
Báo cáo toán học: "How to include organ interactions in models of the root system architecture? The concept of endogenous environment " potx

Báo cáo toán học: "How to include organ interactions in models of the root system architecture? The concept of endogenous environment " potx

... represents the apparent extension of the interaction zone but only to that of their mother root The global response was essentially local, since only the laterals close to the tip of the mother root ... include sub -models describing the interactions between the roots and their exogenous environment, the soil However, the organs of the plant, especially the roots, not interact only with their exogenous ... responded In the second example [7], the growing medium of the root system was artificially made heterogeneous by the means of a hydroponics system, in which the major part of the root system bathed...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

7 378 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Models of the human metabolic network: aiming to reconcile metabolomics and genomics" pps

báo cáo khoa học: " Models of the human metabolic network: aiming to reconcile metabolomics and genomics" pps

... Reminder of the complexity of the control of the activity of an enzyme In the bottom metabolic pathway, the generic metabolite γ can be: (a) a positive- or negative-feedback effector of the generic ... names (enzyme s names) in the metabolic system across the top of the columns of the matrix The matrix is often gigantic, having as many columns as there are enzymes, and the metabolite names (reactants), ... some of these models of metabolism are very complicated, they not (generally) involve the fine details of pre-steady-state or even steady-state rate equa­ tions for the respective enzymes The...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:20

8 219 0
The screening recommendations for cancer of the breast

The screening recommendations for cancer of the breast

... breast screening - http://thomsonlifestylecentre.com /breast- cancer-screening-package The American Cancer Society recently launched new cancer of the breast screening recommendations The brand ... recommendations The brand new recommendations stand to find the best ideas in cancer of the breast tests rooted in the newest understanding The recommendations are targeted at women by having an average ... personal doctor concerning the benefits of regular self-exams and together determine if this ought to be part of your family healthcare Women should realize how their breasts normally feel and...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 08:52

2 278 1
Hughes, Mansel & Webster''''s Benign Disorders and Diseases of the Breast pdf

Hughes, Mansel & Webster''''s Benign Disorders and Diseases of the Breast pdf

... diseases of the breast Lymphatics of the breast The lymphatic drainage of the breast is of great importance in the spread of malignant disease of the breast but of lesser importance in benign breast ... above the breast outline giving the ‘secondary mound’ The familiar shape of the adult resting breast is then attained by a recession in the level of the areola to that of the surrounding breast, ... found in these breasts, and they failed to recognize these as merely variants of normal processes within the breast Problems of concept and nomenclature of benign disorders of the breast There...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

349 2K 3
Imaging of the Breast – Technical Aspects and Clinical Implication Edited by Laszlo Tabar pptx

Imaging of the Breast – Technical Aspects and Clinical Implication Edited by Laszlo Tabar pptx

... for the development of breast cancer The Society of Breast Imaging and the Breast Imaging Commission of the ACR issue these recommendations to provide guidance to patients and clinicians on the ... irradiated breasts (when compared with nonirradiated breasts, Morakkabati et al., 2003) Finally, the risk of local recurrence is dependent on the age of the patient at the time of the diagnosis ... (BI-RADS), the interpretation of breast MR images should start with the analysis of the type of enhancement observed Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Breast 13 Three categories of enhancement...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20

234 428 0

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