32 icam 1 expression in rt4 multicellular spheroids

Local immunopotentiation of the bladder in response to BCG immunotherapy

Local immunopotentiation of the bladder in response to BCG immunotherapy

... and killing 1. 8.4.4 Cytokines 1. 8.4.5 Cell adhesion molecules 1. 9 Current problems in BCG immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 19 21 21 21 22 24 ... A Frappier/6 S African /1 Danish /1 Romanian /1 RIVM /1 Total 450 11 1 230 277 18 0 14 5 13 42 33 15 14 96 357 86 17 1 19 7 11 7 87 28 21 1082 Complete response rate (%) 79 77 74 71 65 60 69 67 64 60 72 ... showing ICAM- 1 positive urothelial cells in apposition to polymorphonuclear cells 85 Fig 30 HLA-DR expression in RT4 (1) , RT 112 (2) and SD (3) spheroids 86 Fig 31 ICAM- 1 expression in RT4 (1) ,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31

193 480 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Three-dimensional growth as multicellular spheroid activates the proangiogenic phenotype of colorectal carcinoma cells via LFA-1-dependent VEGF: implications on hepatic micrometastasis" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Three-dimensional growth as multicellular spheroid activates the proangiogenic phenotype of colorectal carcinoma cells via LFA-1-dependent VEGF: implications on hepatic micrometastasis" docx

... http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/6 /1/ 57 3rd day 5th day 7th day 12 th day 11 5 μm 19 0 μm 245 μm 312 μm 6,000 20,000 35,000 38,000 77.09% 32. 14 % 35.07% In vitro Cultured Size H&E Staining Cell Number Ki67 Staining ... multicellular tumor spheroids, or in nude mice Int J Cancer 19 95, 61: 819 -25 Rainaldi G, Calcabrini A, Arancia G, Santini MT: Differential expression of adhesion molecules (CD44, ICAM- 1 and LFA3) in cancer ... day 19 th after tumor cell injection and processed for CD 31 immunostaining CD 31- expression was enhanced by image analysis and CD 31- expressing cell density per unit area was determined LFA -1 expression...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20

12 420 0
C++ Basics - More Flow of Control

C++ Basics - More Flow of Control

... Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Using Boolean Expressions  A Boolean Expression is an expression that is either true or false  Boolean expressions are evaluated using relational ... Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 3- Evaluating Boolean Expressions  Boolean expressions are evaluated using values from the Truth Tables in Display 3 .1  For example, ... © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 3- 35 Refining if-else-statements  Notice that the line else if (( net_income > 15 000 && net_income < = 25000)) can be...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:47

118 441 0


... the a Grammar and Vocabulary 11 They are looking forward to his order which shall have their best attention a receiving b putting c booking d placing a 12 The in the south of Vietnam is very ... a 17 As he , he suddenly remembered that it was her birthday a to feel his cats b is feeding his cats c had fed his cats d was feeding his cats d 18 He wishes his wife so much time going ... shopping a will not spend b hasn't spend c wouldn't spend d doesn't spend c 19 To be honest, their profit is not large a level b margin c breach d standard b 20 They kept talking about the singer...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15

14 916 4


... bài tập tự chọn: Bài 1. 1: Ω = {SS,SN,NS,NN} ⇒ n(Ω) = A = {SS,SN} ⇒ n(A) = ⇒P(A) = 1/ 2 B = {SS,NS} ⇒ n(B) = ⇒P(B) = 1/ 2 A.B = {SS} ⇒ n(A.B) = ⇒P(A.B) = 1/ 4 Nhận xét 1: P(A.B) = P(A).P(B) Nhận ... hưởng Bài 1. 2: Ω= {SSS,SSN,SNS,SNN,NSS,NSN,NNS,NNN} ⇒ n(Ω) = A = {SSS,SSN,SNS.SNN} ⇒ n(A) = ⇒P(A) = 1/ 2 B = {NSS,NSN,SSN.SSS} ⇒ n(B) = ⇒P(B) = 1/ 2 C = {SSN,SNN,NSN.NNN} ⇒ n(B) = ⇒P(B) = 1/ 2 A.B.C ... số hữu hạn các kết quả đồng khả xuất hiện thì: • Tính chất 1: P(φ) = và P(Ω) = • Tính chất 2:0 ≤ P(A) 1 • Tính chất 3: Nếu A.B = φ thì P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B) ( Công thức cộng...

Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2013, 20:53

18 487 0
Bài giảng các môn lớp 4 tuần 33

Bài giảng các môn lớp 4 tuần 33

... quan hƯ thøc ¨n gi÷a c¸c sinh vËt víi vµ gi÷a sinh vËt víi u tè v« sinh ( 15 ’ ) -Hs quan s¸t h×nh SGK trang - Híng dÉn HS t×m hiĨu h×nh SGK trang 13 2. vµ tr¶ lêi c©u hái 13 2 th«ng qua c¸c c©u hái ... ®ua : Danh hiƯu “ V« ®Þch tỉ ” Khi cã Giáo viên: Ngũn Kim Hoa Giáo án: mơn kì nhÞp 1- 2 18 - 22 9 -11 9 -11    GV - HS nhËn xÐt - HS qu¶ cÇu , HS tËp hỵp theo ®éi ... gi÷a sinh vËt nµy víi sinh vËt kh¸c b»ng s¬ ®å II/ §å dïng d¹y häc H×nh tranh 13 2, 13 3 SGK GiÊy bót vÏ dïng cho c¸c nhãm III Ho¹t ®éng d¹y häc Ho¹t ®éng cđa gi¸o viªn Ho¹t ®éng cđa HS 1. Bµi cò:(5’...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2013, 20:11

11 530 0
Tài liệu Blend Màu Các Loại part 33 ppt

Tài liệu Blend Màu Các Loại part 33 ppt

... fun!^^ kết khác Hình tự động thu nhỏ 800x600 pixel Click vào để xem kích thước thật hình 10 dung lượng 831KB ... 1. ) Mở ảnh cần làm ra, bước đầu làm mịn 2.) Tạo layer (Ctrl +Shift + N) Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E để...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 02:15

8 249 0
Tài liệu CHAPTER 65 AIR POLLUTION-CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES C. A. Miller United States Environmental Protection ppt

Tài liệu CHAPTER 65 AIR POLLUTION-CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES C. A. Miller United States Environmental Protection ppt

... x 10 6 2.0 x 10 7 Total PM 1. 1 x 10 7 2 .1 x 10 6 Metal PM 1. 4 x 10 5 7.0 x 10 2 Hg 3.3 x 10 2 2 .1 x 10 2 CO2 5.5 X 10 9 5.4 x 10 CO 9.7 x 10 7 9.2 x 10 7 PAH 3.6 x 10 4 1. 8 x 10 4 CH4 VOC 3.0 X 10 7 2.3 X 10 7 ... open burning (16 PAHs) Stationary combustion Highway and off-highway vehicles, wildfires 16 Highway vehicles, waste disposal 17 16 16 16 18 16 16 16 16 16 19 18 "Emission figures are for 19 93 (CH4 ... Evaluation of Reburning for In- Furnace NOA Reduction," in XXI Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 19 86, pp 11 59 -11 69 11 W P Linak and J O L Wendt,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

19 400 0
Control theory and design   patrizio colaneri  jose c  geromel  arturo locatelli

Control theory and design patrizio colaneri jose c geromel arturo locatelli

... Tris) -2 -1 0 0 -5/3 s/6 T2(s) 14 /10 3 -19 6s/309 0 0 Teis) = 0 - 1 0 T4s) 0 1 0 0 0 - 51/ 14 1 -1 Tsis) —6 -11 • 1_ 0 Then T{s) = l[Ts-^{s) (3s - 2)/2 - ( s + 93) /10 3 L (11 2s^ + 252s + 19 6) /10 3 = s/6 ... = s/6 (3s - 14 ) /10 3 {-Us^ + 28s + 14 ) /10 3 (6-lls)/6 (18 s + 70) /10 3 -(84s2 + 70s + 70) /10 3 so that := T{s 1 0 Dis) N{s) R{s) T{s)P{s) ( -17 s2 + 6s + 6)/6 s and ( -17 s2-h6s + 6)/6 s Finally, notice ... Example 2 .12 It results s 10 -1 13 P{s) -1 0 s-5 -1 5-7 0 0 5-6 0 -1 -2 1 As for the effective computation of the invariant zeros, one can actually utilize the result stated in Lemma 2.9, by looking...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 18:54

375 286 0


... the →a Grammar and Vocabulary 11 They are looking forward to his order which shall have their best attention a receiving b putting c booking d placing →a 12 The in the south of Vietnam is very ... →a 17 As he , he suddenly remembered that it was her birthday a to feel his cats b is feeding his cats c had fed his cats d was feeding his cats →d 18 He wishes his wife so much time going ... shopping a will not spend b hasn't spend c wouldn't spend d doesn't spend →c 19 To be honest, their profit is not large a level b margin c breach d standard →b 20 They kept talking about the singer...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 12:20

12 396 1
Tài liệu Hướng dẫn thực hành Lập trình C trên Windows - GIỚI THIỆU VỀ LIST CONTROL pptx

Tài liệu Hướng dẫn thực hành Lập trình C trên Windows - GIỚI THIỆU VỀ LIST CONTROL pptx

... Lập trình C Windows Thêm hình vào ImageList Đoạn code đưa vào ImageList có tên m_ilChua 16 hình ảnh bitmap có kích cỡ 32x32 dạng 16 màu (ILC_COLOR4) m_ilChua.Create (32, 32,ILC_COLOR4, 16 ,20); //Tạo ... hàm InsertItem để chèn mục vào ListControl CString str; for (i = 0; i

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

7 779 1
Tài liệu Thêm Tooltip cho các control trong VISUAL C++6.0 pdf

Tài liệu Thêm Tooltip cho các control trong VISUAL C++6.0 pdf

... window GetTipBkColor Retrieves the background color in a tool tip window SetTipBkColor Sets the background color in a tool tip window GetTipTextColor Retrieves the text color in a tool tip window ... tool from the tool tip control HitTest Tests a point to determine whether it is within the bounding rectangle of the given tool and, if so, retrieves information about the tool RelayEvent Passes ... processing SetToolRect Sets a new bounding rectangle for a tool UpdateTipText Sets the tool tip text for a tool Update Forces the current tool to be redrawn Pop Removes a displayed tool tip window...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

4 364 0
Tài liệu Sử dụng control ListView trong C docx

Tài liệu Sử dụng control ListView trong C docx

... imageIndex – mục liên kết với hình ảnh imageList - Đầu tiên kéo imageList từ Toolbox vào Form (tên mặc định imageList1) - Trong thuộc tính Images imageList1 sử dụng để add hình ảnh vào imageList1 ... dụng đối số imageIndex phương thức add item vào listview để liên kết hình ảnh với imageList1: myListView.SmallImageList = imageList1; // Liên kết danh sách hình ảnh nhỏ với imageList1 ListViewItem ... svnv = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(nv, "15 .000 sinh viên"); nv.SubItems.Add(svnv); myListView.Items.Add(nv); ListViewItem ktl = new ListViewItem("Kinh Tế - Luật"); ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

9 629 4
Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C ppt

Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C ppt

... Vaccination 10 5 Hepatitis C Vaccine .11 1 Feasibility of Preventing Chronic Hepatitis C 11 1 Need for a Vaccine to Prevent Chronic Hepatitis C .11 2 Cost Effectiveness ... virus infection in the United States, 19 99 through 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine 14 4 (10 ):705- 714 Beasley, R., and L Hwang 19 91 Overview of the epidemiology of heptocellular carcinoma In Viral ... drug-injecting accumulates and reaching 65–90% in longer-term injectors (Hagan et al., 2008) HCV prevalence in IDUs in industrialized nations has fallen in recent years For example, in IDUs injecting...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:20

191 458 0
Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C doc

Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C doc

... People, 17 3 Illicit-Drug Users, 17 5 Pregnant Women, 18 1 Correctional Settings, 18 4 Community Health Facilities, 18 6 Targeting Settings That Serve At-Risk Populations, 18 9 References, 19 2 14 7 A ... drug-injecting accumulates and reaching 65–90% in longer-term injectors (Hagan et al., 2008) HCV prevalence in IDUs in industrialized nations has fallen in recent years For example, in IDUs injecting ... preventing new HBV infection in infants and children—including routine screening of pregnant women for hepatitis B surface antigen (a blood marker for chronic HBV infection), universal infant...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:20

253 370 0
Jim ledin   embedded control systems in c and c++  an introduction for software developers using MATLAB 2004

Jim ledin embedded control systems in c and c++ an introduction for software developers using MATLAB 2004

... process 1. 4 .1 Linear and Nonlinear Systems Important Point A linear plant model is required for some of the control system design techniques covered in the following chapters In simple terms, a linear ... reference input r The sensor measurement is the system output y multiplied by the sensor transfer function H This relationship appears in Eq 1. 2 (1. 2) Substituting Eq 1. 2 into Eq 1. 1 and rearranging ... Implementation in C/C++ Listing 2 .1 is an implementation of the full PID controller algorithm (including windup reduction) in the C programming language Note that this code only permits a single instance...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:09

268 2,4K 0
power system stability and control chuong (33)

power system stability and control chuong (33)

... t C ( 31: 13) Combining this with Eq ( 31. 11) gives the following expression: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi t V ðt Þ ¼ V0 À 4e T ( 31: 14) Voltage 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 FIGURE 31. 11 Time in cycles 10 Absolute value ... 1 0.8 Voltage in pu 0.6 0.4 0.2 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 1 Time in cycles FIGURE 31. 1 A voltage sag—voltage in one phase in time domain 31. 1 .1 Voltage Sag Magnitude—Monitoring The magnitude ... C., Predicting and preventing problems associated with remote faultclearing voltage dips, IEEE Trans on Ind Appl., 27, 1, 16 7 17 2, Jan 19 91 Information Technology Industry Council, Interteq, http:=...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:11

18 266 0
Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C pdf

Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C pdf

... 202.334 .14 12 www.iom.edu The Institute of Medicine serves as adviser to the nation to improve health Established in 19 70 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine ... hepatitis C virus infection through injection-drug use by providing comprehensive hepatitis C virus prevention programs At a minimum, the programs should include access to sterile needle syringes and ... Department of Pediatrics, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Harvey J Alter Chief, Infectious Diseases Section, Department of Transfusion Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

4 405 1