3 9 main grid in two dimensional domain

Pyrolysis and combustion processes of combustible materials under external heat flux

Pyrolysis and combustion processes of combustible materials under external heat flux

... 3. 9 Main grid in two- dimensional domain 67 3. 10 Three kinds of grids in solving main variables 67 3. 11 U grid in two- dimensional domain 70 3. 12 V grid in two- dimensional domain ... 61 3. 5 Discretization techniques for main grid and U grid 63 3.6 Discretization techniques for main grid and V velocity grid 63 3.7 Schematic of QUICK algorithm 64 3. 8 Procedure ... have done lots of modeling work on wood [25- 29] , non-charring polymers [30 -31 ], charring polymers [3, 32], and intumescent polymers [33 -34 ] Lautenberger and Fernandez-Pello [35 -38 ] developed a generalized...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:28

321 496 0
Electrical spin injection and transport in two dimensional carbon materials

Electrical spin injection and transport in two dimensional carbon materials

... 34 2.4.1 Intrinsic spin-orbit coupling 34 2.4.2 Spin relaxation in graphene 36 2.4 .3 Rashba spin-orbit coupling in graphene 37 2.5 Edge magnetic ordering of graphene ... spintronics In the past few years, graphene has proved to be an attractive material for spintronics [ 39 - 63] Graphene has a low spin-orbit interaction, which in principle should translate into a long spin ... spin injection efficiency including both the transparent contacts [54- 63] and tunnel contacts [ 39 - 53] Table 1.1 summarizes some of the representative publications on spin injection with these two...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

200 426 0
honon hall effect in two dimensional lattices

honon hall effect in two dimensional lattices

... Eq (3. 30), we then obtain the following equations: I1 = σ21 (∆1 − ∆2 ) + 31 (∆1 − 3 ) + σ41 (∆1 − ∆4 ) = I; (3. 32) I2 = σ12 (∆2 − ∆1 ) + 32 (∆2 − 3 ) + σ42 (∆2 − ∆4 ) = −I; (3. 33) I3 = σ 13 ... σ 13 ( 3 − ∆1 ) + σ 23 ( 3 − ∆2 ) + σ 43 ( 3 − ∆4 ) = 0; (3. 34) I4 = σ14 (∆4 − ∆1 ) + σ24 (∆4 − ∆2 ) + 34 (∆4 − 3 ) = (3. 35) We define the relative Hall temperature difference as R= T3 − T4 3 − ∆4 ... 3 − ∆4 = T1 − T2 ∆1 − ∆2 (3. 36) We can get the relative Hall temperature difference as R= 3. 2.5 σ 13 σ24 − σ14 σ 23 (σ 13 + σ 23 + σ 43 )(σ14 + σ24 + 34 ) − σ 43 34 (3. 37) Symmetry of Tαβ , σαβ and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:50

136 421 0
Báo cáo y học: "Segment-orientated analysis of two-dimensional strain and strain rate as assessed by velocity vector imaging in patients with acute myocardial infarction"

Báo cáo y học: "Segment-orientated analysis of two-dimensional strain and strain rate as assessed by velocity vector imaging in patients with acute myocardial infarction"

... 0.26 0. 69 ± 0.26 3. 01 ± 1.64 -2.22 ± 1.40 1.85 ± 1.17 LE 1- 50% -11. 73 ±4.28 -0. 69 ± 0.26 0.58 ± 0 .34 2 .30 ± 1.25 -1.60 ± 1. 03 -1 .30 ± 0. 93 LE ≥ 51% -10 .34 ± 4.76 -0.62 ± 0.25 0. 53 ± 0 .32 1.60 ... the intact heart Circ Res 19 73; 33 (2): 233 -2 43 Pavlopoulos H, Nihoyannopoulos P Strain and strain rate deformation parameters: from tissue Doppler to 2D speckle tracking Int J Cardiovasc Imaging ... Int J Med Sci 2011, ability by the deformation indices two- dimensional strain (2DS) and strain rate (SR), might be an alternative approach in clinical routine Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI)...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:15

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Giáo án lớp 3 Tuần 9 chỉ việc in

Giáo án lớp 3 Tuần 9 chỉ việc in

... HĐ 3: So sánh số đo độ dài - Đọc yêu cầu BT 3? - HS đọc - Ba mét đề- xi- mét - 3m = 30 dm - 3m2dm = 32 dm - 4m7dm = 47dm - 4m7cm = 407cm - 9m3dm = 93 dm + HS chữa + Làm phiếu HT 8dam + 5dam = 13dam ... bàn tay tinh xảo - Chọn từ "tinh xảo"vì tinh xảo khéo léo; tinh hoàn thành hàng loạt công trình khôn khôn ngoan đẹp đẽ, tinh tế đến - Hoa cỏ may mảnh, xinh xắn nên công trình đẹp đẽ, tinh tế, ... ơng thần kinh điều khiển hoạt động ngời - Vai trò dây thần kinh : Một số dây thần kinh dẫn luồng thần kinh nhận đợc từ quan thể não tuỷ sống Một số dây thần kinh khác lại dẫn luồng thần kinh từ...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 21:11

27 481 0
Tài liệu Lab 2.3.6 Propagating Default Routes in an OSPF Domain pdf

Tài liệu Lab 2.3.6 Propagating Default Routes in an OSPF Domain pdf

... communication working using OSPF as the routing protocol 2-6 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3. 0 - Lab 2 .3. 6 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Step Verify connectivity a Ping from ... Internet 3- 6 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3. 0 - Lab 2 .3. 6 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc f Can the loopback interface be pinged? g All of these pings ... typing exit, and turn the router off Then remove and store the cables and adapter 4-6 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3. 0 - Lab 2 .3. 6 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

6 442 1
Báo cáo Y học: Co-existence of two regulatory NADP-glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase complexes in higher plant chloroplasts ppt

Báo cáo Y học: Co-existence of two regulatory NADP-glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase complexes in higher plant chloroplasts ppt

... 110, 32 3 32 7 24 Scagliarini, S., Trost, P & Pupillo, P ( 199 8) The non-regulatory isoform of NAD(P)-glyceraldehyde -3- phosphate dehydrogenase from spinach chloroplasts J Exp Bot 49, 130 7– 131 5 25 ... 1201–12 09 32 Trost, P., Scagliarini, S., Valenti, V & Pupillo, P ( 19 93 ) Activation of spinach chloroplast glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase: effect of glycerate 1 ,3- bisphosphate Planta 190 , 32 0 32 6 ... USA 95 , 96 99 97 04 34 Hutchison, R.S., Groom, Q & Ort, D.R (2000) Differential effects of chilling-induced photooxidation on the redox regulation of photosynthetic enzymes Biochemistry 39 , 66 79 6688...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

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Báo cáo khoa học: Two conserved domains in regulatory B subunits mediate binding to the A subunit of protein phosphatase 2A pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Two conserved domains in regulatory B subunits mediate binding to the A subunit of protein phosphatase 2A pdf

... subunit binding domains (Eur J Biochem 2 69) 547 A subunit binding domains In this study, we used the B56a isoform as a model regulatory protein to identify structural elements involved in the interaction ... smallest N-terminal fragment of B56a that interacted with GST-A encompasses residues 200 30 3 (Fig 2) A second domain extending from amino acids 32 5 38 3 was capable of independently binding to GST-A ... series of epitope-tagged B56a fragments (amino acids 1±142, 142 30 3, 200 38 3, 30 3 38 3, and 38 3±486) were expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK2 93 ) cells using a cytomegalovirus (CMV)-promoter driven...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

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Báo cáo khoa học: Structural study of the catalytic domain of PKCf using infrared spectroscopy and two-dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Structural study of the catalytic domain of PKCf using infrared spectroscopy and two-dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy pot

... functional domains and motifs, including a PB1 domain in the N-terminus, a pseudosubstrate (PS) sequence, a C1 domain of a single Cys-rich zinc-finger motif, and a kinase domain in the C-terminus The ... 1667 13 1657 16 49 1640 1 632 1620 13 16 18 11 21 1681 16 73 1664 1655 1647 1 6 39 1 632 1621 6 11 18 15 13 10 21 area (%) 1 691 1681 1672 16 89 16 79 16 69 1688 1678 16 69 7 1657 43 1641 1 631 1622 19 14 ... catalytic domain from PKCf 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 b-galactosidase structure in aqueous solutions FEBS Lett 252, 118–120 Shimanouchi T, Tsuboi M & Kyogoku Y ( 196 4) Infrared spectra...

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Đề tài " (log t)2/3 law of the two dimensional asymmetric simple exclusion process " pdf

Đề tài " (log t)2/3 law of the two dimensional asymmetric simple exclusion process " pdf

... given explicitly in the following: κ2N +1 = 2 /3 − 2 /3 = 0, κ2N = 2 /3 + 1 /3 = 1, κ2N −2 = 2 /3 + 1/12, κ2N −1 = 2 /3 − 1/6, · · · , κ2 = 2 /3 + 2−2N +2 /3 We first apply Theorem 3. 1 to obtain −1 A∗ D2N ... The main estimates of this paper are contained in the following theorem 38 8 HORNG-TZER YAU Theorem 3. 1 Let κ and τ be nonnegative numbers satisfying ≤ κ ≤ < τ (3. 9) Let n be any positive integers ... number of terms in (AF )2 The factors are obtained in the following way Notice that in the formula of (AF )2 we have to choose two indices We first fix the special two indices in one F to be,...

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IEC 60909 3 short circuit currents in three phase a c  systems   currents during two separate sim

IEC 60909 3 short circuit currents in three phase a c systems currents during two separate sim

... Group at 30 3 - 39 7-2 295 6 090 9 -3 IEC:20 03 23 Table Calculation of initial line-to-earth short-circuit currents in simple cases a) d Single-fed radial line f A b) B d L1 L2 L3 " I kEE = 3cU n (8) ... Petroleum/ 59 434 08001, 12/08/2004 21:40 :30 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 30 3 - 39 7-2 295 6 090 9 -3 IEC:20 03 39 According to Equations (32 ) to (34 ), ... at 30 3 - 39 7-2 295 6 090 9 -3 IEC:20 03 A.2 43 Calculations Earth wire impedance per unit length according to Equation (33 ) 10 s 75 94 0 m + 0,05 + j 31 4 s + ln km km km 4,5 mm = (2 ,97 +...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 11:58

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Báo cáo sinh học: " Two dimensional VOPBA reveals laminin receptor (LAMR1) interaction with dengue virus serotypes 1, 2 and 3" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Two dimensional VOPBA reveals laminin receptor (LAMR1) interaction with dengue virus serotypes 1, 2 and 3" pptx

... beta3 integrins J Virol 199 9, 73: 395 1 - 39 59 Bergelson JM, Chan BM, Finberg RW, Hemler ME: The integrin VLA-2 binds echovirus and extracellular matrix ligands by different mechanisms J Clin Invest ... MS-generated peptide mass fingerprints identified these spots as 37 kDa/67 kDa laminin binding protein or laminin receptor (LAMR1) and an SH3 domain- containing protein, Hip 55, respectively The ... unambiguously listing the same protein, variously known as protein 40 kD, laminin-binding protein, 34 /67 kDa laminin receptor, laminin receptor 1, LAMR1, Lamr1 protein, 67 kDa laminin receptor, 40S...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

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báo cáo hóa học:" Oral health related quality of life in pregnant and post partum women in two social network domains; predominantly home-based and work-based networks." docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Oral health related quality of life in pregnant and post partum women in two social network domains; predominantly home-based and work-based networks." docx

... (5 .3) 99 1 (70.6) 33 3 ( 23. 7) 79 (5.6) Social Class b B, n (%) C, n (%) D, n (%) E, n (%) 40 (6 .9) 39 9 (68.8) 122 (21.0) 19 (3. 3) 43 (5.2) 480 (58 .3) 251 (30 .5) 49 (6.0) 83 (5 .9) 8 79 (62.7) 37 3 ... 25.18 6. 299 < 0.001 Ethnicity b White, n (%) Brown, n (%) Black, n (%) 199 (34 .5) 230 ( 39 .9) 147 (25.5) 275 (33 .5) 36 9 (44 .9) 178 (21.7) 474 (33 .9) 599 (42.8) 32 5 ( 23. 2) Years of schooling, M (SD) ... 1. 09( 0.74-1. 59) 0.670 124 (40.8) 180 ( 59. 2) 1. 03 (0.80-1 .33 ) 0. 831 Familiar income a > Minimal wages, n (%) = Minimal wages, n (%) 4 39 ( 53. 0) 39 0 (47.0) 76 (60.8) 49 ( 39 .2) 1 .38 (0 .94 -2.02) 0.102 2 09 (60.2)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

26 366 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Two-dimensional downlink burst construction in IEEE 802.16 networks" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Two-dimensional downlink burst construction in IEEE 802.16 networks" ppt

... 49( 4), 36 2 37 0 (20 03) doi:10.11 09/ TBC.20 03. 8 190 51 Y Ben-Shimol, I Kitroser, Y Dinitz, Two- dimensional mapping for wireless OFDMA systems IEEE Trans Broadcast 52 (3) , 38 8 39 6 (2006) doi:10.11 09/ ... algorithms for a 2D packing problem Eur J Oper Res 128, 34 –57 (2001) doi:10.1016/S 037 7-2217 (99 )0 035 7-4 14 D Pisinger, M Sigurd, The two- dimensional bin packing problem with variable bin sizes and costs ... for two- dimensional uplink burst construction in IEEE 802.16 networks Comput Stand Interfaces (2011) doi:10.1186/1687-1 499 -2011-1 73 Cite this article as: Lai and Chen: Two- dimensional downlink...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

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Báo cáo sinh học: " Research Article Two-Dimensional Harmonic Retrieval in Correlative Noise Based on Genetic Algorithm" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: " Research Article Two-Dimensional Harmonic Retrieval in Correlative Noise Based on Genetic Algorithm" pdf

... pp 138 6– 1 39 1, 199 4 [2] Y Hua, “Estimating two- dimensional frequencies by matrix enhancement and matrix pencil,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol 40, no 9, pp 2267–2280, 199 2 [3] S ... Processing (ICSP 98 ), pp 43 46, Beijing, China, October 199 8 [17] D E Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass, USA, 198 9 [18] ... Programs, Springer, New York, NY, USA, 3rd edition, 199 9 [ 19] K Deb and D E Coldberg, “An investigation of niche and species formation in genetic function optimization,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Conference...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 16:20

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Báo cáo hóa học: " In Situ Generation of Two-Dimensional Au–Pt Core–Shell Nanoparticle Assemblies" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " In Situ Generation of Two-Dimensional Au–Pt Core–Shell Nanoparticle Assemblies" pptx

... Phys 78, 5 63 (20 03) M Haruta, Catal Today 36 , 1 53 ( 199 7) 10 A Henglein, J Phys Chem B 104, 2201 (2000) 11 I.-S Park, K.-S Lee, D.-S Jung, H.-Y Park, Y.-E Sung, Electrochim Acta 52, 5 599 (2007) ... Soc 125, 90 90 (20 03) 23 M Riskin, B Basnar, V.I Chegel, E Katz, I Willner, F Shi, X Zhang, J Am Chem Soc 128, 12 53 (2006) 24 M Riskin, E Katz, V Gutkin, I Willner, Langmuir 22, 104 83 (2006) 25 ... mixed in different volumes to create the desired Au:Pt mole ratio in the final solution, ranging from 1:0,1:0.25, 1:0.75 to 1:1 After incubating the surface for h, rinsing with water and drying...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20

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Báo cáo toán học: "Bent Hamilton Cycles in d-Dimensional Grid Graphs" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: "Bent Hamilton Cycles in d-Dimensional Grid Graphs" pdf

... remaining two cases A Hamilton path for Q (3 · 3, · 5) that can be used to obtain a bent Hamilton path in Q (3, 3, 3, 5) is illustrated in Figure 13 In this case, the Hamilton path for Q (3, 3) (b) ... of combinatorics 10 (20 03) , #R1 14 4− 4− 3+ 3+ 4+ 3 4+ 3+ 1+ 2+ * * * * * * * * * 2+ 1− 2− Figure 13: A Hamilton path in Q (3 · 3, · odd), representing a bent Hamilton path in Q (3, 3, 3, odd) ... 10 (20 03) , #R1 15 4− 3 4+ 3 4− 4− 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 3 4+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 1− 2+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 2− 2− 1− 2+ 1− 2− Figure 14: A Hamilton path in Q (3 · 5, · 5) representing a bent Hamilton path in Q (3, 3, 5,...

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Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Botanical determinants of foliage clumping and light interception in two-year-old coppice poplar canopies: assessment from 3-D plant mock-ups" ppsx

... – 29 / 30 0.025 0811 63 84 July 4.0 1747 0.088 0.052 0.0 032 8 –6 / 19 0.028 1040 August 4 .3 1847 0. 092 0.054 0.0 036 5 –6 / 19 0.0 29 132 3 89 September 4.8 19 03 0. 095 0.056 0.0 0 39 0 –6 / 19 0.0 29 1648 ... 1704 0. 033 0.027 0.000 59 –10 / 37 0.024 0287 09 2.2 21 89 0. 034 0.027 0.00061 –11 / 38 0.025 032 3 13 July 2.4 2478 0. 035 0.0 29 0.00067 –12 / 38 0.026 0 430 17 August 2.5 25 89 0. 037 0. 030 0.00074 ... ( 199 2) 1 93 7 − 194 8 [7] Chen J.M., Rich P.M., Gower S.T., Norman J.M., Plummer S., Leaf area index of boreal forests: theory, techniques, and measurements, J Geophys Res 102 ( 199 7) 294 29 294 43 [8]...

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... factor α and transforming growth factor β during induction of collagen type II arthritis in mice Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 199 2, 89: 737 5- 737 9 12 Williams R, Feldmann M, Maini R: Cartilage destruction ... attained a clinical score of 3. 9 ± 0.7 that gradually increased to a maximum of 5 .3 ± 0 .9 on day 27 (Figure 1) Clinical scores were similar in diseased animals not receiving a pump, suggesting ... Collins M: Blockade of the interleukin-21/interleukin-21 receptor pathway ameliorates disease in animal models of rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis Rheum 2007, 56:1152-11 63 23 Smolen J, Maini R: Interleukin-6:...

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