3 what determines the size of the net magnetization

Báo cáo khoa học: What determines the degree of compactness of a calcium-binding protein? pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: What determines the degree of compactness of a calcium-binding protein? pdf

... CaBPs, showing the PDB code or the abbreviation of the protein name, the number of the protein as used in Figs and , the net charge of the N- and C-domains (QN, QC), the net charge of the linker ... significantly the charges of the domains and therefore their electrostatic repulsions, calcium-binding should favor the compact structure of CaBPs, which is not the case The fourth criterion of the sosuidumbbell ... (Qlink) and of the entire protein (Qprot), the charge balance of the domains (|QNQC|), the absolute charge density (dQ), the value of the LAH, the number of Pro, Gly, Trp and Phe in the linker region...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

12 369 0
Báo cáo y học: "What determines the evolution of early undifferentiated arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis? An update from the Norfolk Arthritis Register" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "What determines the evolution of early undifferentiated arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis? An update from the Norfolk Arthritis Register" ppt

... requires adjustment for the probable phenomenon that the more severe the disease, the more intensive the therapy The question can conversely be turned on its head, and the data can be used to ... [6,7] It may therefore be more helpful in future to separate these two groups rather than to leave them combined in the single entity of IP There is a tendency always to focus on the subgroup ... activity in their joints while they are off treatment Persistence is the opposite of remission There are problems in the literature regarding the definition of remission and the resolution of IP Both...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22

6 347 0


... controlled by the Czech bank The table clearly shows the dominant size of the Austrian banks relative to their counterparts from the other countries in the dataset Figure below depicts the vast difference ... its use on the aggregate level, based on the total purchases of retail bank services in the country.10 10 The list of services/activities included in the index, as well as the values of the respective ... including the individual effect and a proxy for the level of the labor intensity of the banks' operations measured by personnel expenses normalized by the bank's assets Furthermore, we control for the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 14:20

30 351 0
IntroductionAs part of the .NET Framework 3.5 ppsx

IntroductionAs part of the .NET Framework 3.5 ppsx

... programmatically determines the location of the authentication web service It can be used to override the default authentication provider, as well as one set declaratively in the Path property of the ScriptManager ... Specifies the user context information provided when the login function was called The name of the calling method isLoggedIn property (get): This property gets the current authentication state of the ... Required The username to authenticate Optional (defaults to null) The user’s password Optional (defaults to false) Whether the user’s authentication cookie should persist across sessions If false, the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:20

13 353 0
Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

Safeguarding Public and Environmental Health: What are the Necessary Requirements of UV Reactor Validation Protocols?

... every UV reactor, there can be a discrepancy (bias) between the UV dose measured by the challenge microbes and the UV dose that would be measured had the target microbes been used as the challenge ... than necessary) on the owner and users of the UV system There are several ways to conduct a validation of reactor performance depending on whether the challenge organism has the same or different ... sensitivity to UV as the target pathogen When challenge microbes have the same UV-sensitivity as the target (regulated) microbes, the effect of the dose distribution would be the same on both microbes,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

8 545 0
The What, Why and How of Sys Admin

The What, Why and How of Sys Admin

... spreadsheet activities Are they responsible or irresponsible? Do the users follow the rules or they make their own? Do the users like to play with the machines? Being the Systems Administrator ... knowledge Is there a network? The existence of a network connecting the machines together raises additional problems and further increases the workload of the Systems Administrator Are the computers ... 1am in the morning, chances are there is something wrong Its important not only to observe when but what the users are doing If the secretary is all of a sudden using the C compiler then there's...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:20

21 489 0
What are the advantages and disadvantages of supermarkets

What are the advantages and disadvantages of supermarkets

... shops may be the only source of living of then To conclude I would like to express my opinion which rather possitive I think that supermarkets are great creatures and the more of them the better ... such as "buy one get one free" or "two for the pirce of one" are always found there One the other hand shopping in supermarkets can be annoying beckause there is a big choice which can cause confusion ... things they not actually need For many of us the major disadvantage of shopping in supermarkets id that it is time consuming and it takes a while to getthere and back Big stores are also quite dangerous...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 02:15

2 3,3K 4
What are the advantages of being sefl-employed

What are the advantages of being sefl-employed

... are the person in charge, then everything will be done your way, the first time around, without argument, right? Actually, there are also a number of disadvantages to being your own boss While they ... hours, into the wee hours of the night and morning to finish a project on time or perhaps early to impress the client? What about the ability to bite your tongue when a client does not like the fruit ... cut the apron strings to the boss who is currently getting the business in the door and holding you accountable for the work that needs to be done Your bank account and other financial resources...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 09:15

4 608 0
Tài liệu Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 3): Distribution in the Body docx

Tài liệu Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 3): Distribution in the Body docx

... prolonging the duration of the effect by retarding elimination, whereas the intensity of the effect is reduced If two substances have affinity for the same binding site on the albumin molecule, they ... 24 Distribution in the Body Blood-Tissue Barriers Drugs are transported in the blood to different tissues of the body In order to reach their sites of action, they must leave the bloodstream Drug ... consists of an endothelial cell layer and a basement membrane enveloping the latter (solid black line in the schematic drawings) The endothelial cells are “riveted” to each other by tight junctions...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 00:20

10 475 0
Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message-of-the-Day (MOTD) pptx

Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message-of-the-Day (MOTD) pptx

... Step Test the MOTD display a Exit the console session Reenter the router to display the message-of -the- day This is done by pressing the Enter key This will display the message entered into the configuration ... information a On the Gadsden router, enter the global configuration mode Configure the hostname as shown in the chart Then configure the console, virtual terminal and enable passwords If there are any ... Enter the desired banner message a From the global configuration mode enter banner motd # message # The “#” signs are used as delimiters and the “message” is the banner message chosen in the previous...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

4 469 0
Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message of the Day pdf

Tài liệu Lab 3.2.5 Configuring Message of the Day pdf

... message # The “#”s are used as delimiters and the “message” is the banner message chosen in the previous step Step Test the MOTD display a Exit the console session Reenter the router to display the ... message of the day This is done by pressing the Enter key This will display the message entered into the configuration Step Verify the MOTD by looking at the router configuration a Enter the show ... Notice the change in the router prompt Step Display help for the banner motd command a Enter banner motd ? at the router prompt b What is the character called that is used to indicate the beginning...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

4 390 0
Báo cáo khoa học: SAF-3, a novel splice variant of the SAF-1/MAZ/Pur-1 family, is expressed during inflammation pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: SAF-3, a novel splice variant of the SAF-1/MAZ/Pur-1 family, is expressed during inflammation pptx

... reaction to further determine whether SAF-3 is indeed initiated from the first ATG codon The SAF-3 protein translated from the predicted ATG codon is 455 amino acids long The next ATG codon in the SAF-3 ... matches the translation initiation site consensus sequence as determined by Kozak [25] (Fig 2B) The second exon of SAF-3 (exon 1C) starts at around the middle of the first exon of SAF-1/SAF-2 The ... upstream of the first exon of human SAF-1/MAZ (Fig 2A) The first exon in human SAF-3 (exon 1A) encodes 12 amino acids, including the initiator methionine (Fig 2B) The nucleotide sequence around the initiation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

11 439 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Recruitment of transcription complexes to the b-globin locus control region and transcription of hypersensitive site 3 prior to erythroid differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Recruitment of transcription complexes to the b-globin locus control region and transcription of hypersensitive site 3 prior to erythroid differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells docx

... recruited to the murine b-globin promoter in the absence of the LCR [33] This result is consistent with the hypothesis that the LCR is required for recruiting active transcription complexes to the b-globin ... which the reverse transcription reaction was performed either with the upstream or downstream 5¢HS3 primer (Fig 5A) To address the question of whether HS3-specific transcription is unique to the ... detect TBP at the transcribed embryonic globin gene is likely due to the masking of the TBP epitope However, the possibility that TBP is not bound at the promoter can not be ruled out There is also...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

10 422 0
What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx

What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx

... AMS is the paradigm where a predefined level of demand is managed internally and the remainder augmented with cloud services The apothegm is ‘Own the base and rent the peak’ Conclusion The customer’s ... environments and in the Australian IT Services community Other titles by Ernie Zibert: Discover other titles by Ernie Zibert at Smashwords.com The Science of Sourcing Governance What’s the difference ... simple as a mouse-trap The complication is that for most customers they already have an IT investment So the assessment of cloud value will involve a comparison between what other IT investments...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 02:20

3 508 0
Đề tài " The Brjuno function continuously estimates the size of quadratic Siegel disks " doc

Đề tài " The Brjuno function continuously estimates the size of quadratic Siegel disks " doc

... ) the external rays landing at the cycle Cpn /qn (α ) We then prove that the logarithm of the conformal radius of the complement of the rays is less than log d + o(1) Remark We not use the theory ... to whether α tends to p/q from the left or the right, αm tends to one of the two values defined above, that is or 1, the correspondence depending on the parity of m Moreover, if it is 1, then αm+1 ... a multiple fixed point Then, |α0 − α| ≥ 2qn THE BRJUNO FUNCTION AND THE SIZE OF SIEGEL DISKS 275 Proof Either α = p/q for some integer p Within the disk B(α0 , 1/2qn ), the only possibility is...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

49 290 0
The Sensitivity of Bank Net Interest Margins and Profitability to Credit, Interest-Rate, and Term-Structure Shocks Across Bank Product Specializations potx

The Sensitivity of Bank Net Interest Margins and Profitability to Credit, Interest-Rate, and Term-Structure Shocks Across Bank Product Specializations potx

... Conceptually, the value of the shareholders’ interest can be thought of as a call option on the assets of the firm, with the ability to put the assets to the debt holders if the value of the assets ... defining the value of an earning asset as composed of two components: the promised value, less the value of an option held by the bank (the lender) to take over the assets of the borrower if the loan ... (8) where EAk is the market value of the earning asset of repricing frequency k, BEAk is the promised value of the debt, Pt() is the put option on the assets of the firm, Ab, T is the time to repricing,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

77 398 0
On Estimating the Size of a Statistical Audit potx

On Estimating the Size of a Statistical Audit potx

... sample of size t from a universe of size n; how many distinct elements we expect to see? Let s(n, t) denote this number (As a mnemonic, s(n, t) is the size of the set that is the support for the multiset ... comparing the electronic results from the voting machine with a hand recount of voter-verified paper ballots If the comparison turns out to be equal, then the machine is judged to be good; otherwise ... of b or f , the other is determined, via equation (2) In a voting context, the value of b might be the requisite number of precincts that the adversary would have to corrupt to swing the election...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

20 274 0
Nano means one billionth  major aspects of nanotechnology  what is it  how did it come about  what are the social implications

Nano means one billionth major aspects of nanotechnology what is it how did it come about what are the social implications

... chip (B) computer chip (C) living cell placed on the chip (D) two nanocomputers beside the cell (E) shows an irregular protein from the cell on the lower right, and a cylindrical gear made by ... top left (F) shows two atoms in the protein, (G) reveals the nucleus of the atom as a tiny speck Below: 35 xenon atoms spell out a familiar logo A demonstration on the molecular level A nano-motor ... through the bloodstream Negative Effects on Society Major Aspects of Nanotechnology •What is it? •How did it come about? •What are the social implications? •What does this mean for the future? The...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:13

17 617 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Carbohydrate binding sites in Candida albicans exo-b-1,3-glucanase and the role of the Phe-Phe ‘clamp’ at the active site entrance ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Carbohydrate binding sites in Candida albicans exo-b-1,3-glucanase and the role of the Phe-Phe ‘clamp’ at the active site entrance ppt

... in the presence of two different mechanismbased inhibitors, thereby revealing the close network of interactions that hold the terminal glucose of the bglucan substrate in the )1 subsite at the ... with the protein Two of these water molecules coincide with the C2-OH and C3-OH groups in native Exg, whereas the third occupies the space created by the E292S mutation This situation provides the ... structure of the mutant Exg:L3 complex Neither of the two sugar residues interacting with the Trp triad overlaps with the sugar seen in the Phe-Phe clamp of Exg Structural analysis of the E292S...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

13 498 0