2 the impact of gi in employment on economic growth

Master’s thesis in international economics: The role of education  in Chile’s economic growth

Master’s thesis in international economics: The role of education in Chile’s economic growth

... Stockholm School of Economics Department of Economics Master’s Thesis in International Economics THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN CHILE’S ECONOMIC GROWTH Author: Jenny Gustafson Backman Tutor: Professor Mats ... Renelt, D 19 92 A Sensitivity Analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions The American Economic Review, Vol 82, No.4: 9 42- 963 Loening, L 20 02 The Impact of Education on Economic Growth in Guatemala ... (Wilson and Biscoe 20 04) 1 Purpose of study In recognition of the above-outlined inadequacies of previous empirical studies, this thesis examines the role of education in Chile’s economic growth...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 22:22

58 61 0
The Impact Of Human Capital Development On Economic Growth In Ethiopia: Evidence From Ardl Approach To Co-Integration

The Impact Of Human Capital Development On Economic Growth In Ethiopia: Evidence From Ardl Approach To Co-Integration

... Impact of Human Capital on Economic growth: A review on the Impact of Education and Training: Third Report on Vocational Training Research in Europe: Office for Official Publications of the European ... 14 (2) : 329 366 Barro, R.J, (20 03).Determinants of Economic Growth in a Panel of Countries Analysis of Economics and Finance, 4 :23 1? ?27 4 Barro, R.J and J Lee (20 00).International Data on Educational ... and Economic Growth in Ethiopia: A Co-integration Analysis The Economic Research Guardian, 1 (2) :88-108 Teshome, K (20 06) The impact of government spending on economic growth: the case of Ethiopia:...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2016, 20:32

81 581 0
The impact of foreign direct investment and economic growth on CO2 emission empirical study in ASIA

The impact of foreign direct investment and economic growth on CO2 emission empirical study in ASIA

... Halos Hypothesis 18 2. 6 Empirical studies on the impact of FDI, economic growth on CO2 emissions 19 2. 7 Empirical studies on the three-way linkages between FDI -economic growth- CO2 emissions ... cause CO2 emissions increase; otherwise, increase CO2 emission also prevent the economic growth However, Omri (20 13) suggested that ? ?the decline in economic growth may put strong pressure on the ... Consequently, these activities cause high pollution level It goes to show that economic growth is one of the main reasons of environmental degradation (Dell et al 20 08) The effects of economic growth on...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2018, 23:55

69 272 0
The impact of participation in FTA on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

The impact of participation in FTA on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

... 20 03 FDI 3,1 72. 7 19 92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 20 00 20 01 20 02 2,077.6 2, 829 .8 4 ,26 2.1 7, 925 .2 9,635.3 5,955.6 4,873.4 2, 2 82. 5 2, 7 62. 8 3 ,26 5.7 2, 993.4 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 ... 70 92, 8 21 763 ,2 129 25,8 43710,6 3113,3 130,0 629 6,8 367,5 478,4 20 55,6 附表 2. 5 越南对主导贸易伙伴国(地区)的出口额(百万美元) 20 00 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 2013 20 14 ASEAN 26 19,0 25 53,6 ... 附表 2. 6 其他国家的主要数据 附表 2. 6.1 国内生产总值 (百万美元) 20 00 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 2013 中国 1080741.4 1175715.8 127 0663.7 14165 92. 8 1649 329 .4 22 438 52. 5 26 57874.9 328 00 52. 7...

Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2021, 17:09

196 19 0
The impact of participation in FTA on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

The impact of participation in FTA on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

... 20 03 FDI 3,1 72. 7 19 92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 20 00 20 01 20 02 2,077.6 2, 829 .8 4 ,26 2.1 7, 925 .2 9,635.3 5,955.6 4,873.4 2, 2 82. 5 2, 7 62. 8 3 ,26 5.7 2, 993.4 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 ... 70 92, 8 21 763 ,2 129 25,8 43710,6 3113,3 130,0 629 6,8 367,5 478,4 20 55,6 附表 2. 5 越南对主导贸易伙伴国(地区)的出口额(百万美元) 20 00 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 2013 20 14 ASEAN 26 19,0 25 53,6 ... 附表 2. 6 其他国家的主要数据 附表 2. 6.1 国内生产总值 (百万美元) 20 00 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 2013 中国 1080741.4 1175715.8 127 0663.7 14165 92. 8 1649 329 .4 22 438 52. 5 26 57874.9 328 00 52. 7...

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2021, 08:12

196 7 0
Luận văn the impact of participation in fta on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

Luận văn the impact of participation in fta on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

... 附表 2. 5 越南对主导贸易伙伴国(地区)的出口额(百万美元) 20 00 附表 2. 6.1 国内生产总值 (百万美元) 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 2013 中国 1080741.4 1175715.8 127 0663.7 14165 92. 8 1649 329 .4 22 438 52. 5 26 57874.9 ... 1563,8 25 19,0 29 29,9 29 34,0 26 87,9 Indonesia 24 8,6 26 4,3 3 32, 0 467 ,2 4 52, 9 468,8 957,9 1153 ,2 751 ,2 754,1 1433,4 23 58,9 23 57,7 25 02, 2 28 91 ,2 Lao 70,7 64,3 64,7 51,8 68,4 69 ,2 95,0 109,7 160,3 1 72, 2 ... 1997资料来源:越南计划与投资部。 5,955.6 20 09 23 ,107.5 1998 4,873.4 20 10 19,886.8 1999 2, 2 82. 5 20 11 15,618.7 20 00 2, 7 62. 8 20 12 16,348.0 20 01 3 ,26 5.7 20 13 22 ,3 52. 2 20 02 2,993.4 20 14 21 , 921 .7 181 L lu uận ận v vă...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2023, 21:02

203 1 0
The impact of participation in fta on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

The impact of participation in fta on the economic development of vietnam and strategic options

... Mai Long ĐặngMùi Sếnh Con 20 00 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Đặng Mùi Lai Con 20 03 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Đặng Mùi Liu Con 20 06 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Triệu Dào Luồng Bố đẻ 19 52 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Đặng ... Mai Long Lý Mùi Khe Vợ 1986 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Lý Mùi Liu Mẹ 19 42 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Lý Dào Trình Con 20 05 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Lý Dào Phin Con 20 11 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Lý Kiềm Phin Chủ ... Lũng Thích – Mai Long Lý Dào Sinh Con 1986 Lũng Thích – Mai Long 61 62 63 64 Phùng Mùi Liu Con dâu 1981 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Lý Mùi Chuổng Con 20 06 Lũng Thích – Mai Long Lý Phụ Kinh Chủ hộ 1984...

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2023, 13:47

129 1 0


... long run 8 MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE The Impact of Immigrants in Recession and Economic Expansion II. The Impact of Net Immigration on Employment and Gross Domestic Product The Methodological ... have contained information on the place of birth of individuals only since  as opposed to the decennial census that has always included that information Hence it is only during the last ... has only contained information about place of birth since  This report ills this gap providing an analysis of the short and longrun impacts of immigration on average and over the business...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

26 599 1
tóm tắt luận án a study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p.d.r.

tóm tắt luận án a study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p.d.r.

... economic growth and other economic development aspects 2. 2 .2. 2 Impact of FDI on Economic Development through Human Capital 2. 2 .2. 3 Impact of FDI on Economic Development through Technology 2. 2 .2. 4 ... aspects of economic development In this study, the author examines the impact of FDI on economic development in Laos, focusing on some economic development indicators including: - Gross National Income ... 35% of GDP in 20 09 -20 10 An increase in the money supply or M2 was contributed by the increasing numbers of foreign investors 11 12 3.1.4 Banking sector development The banking sector is one of the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 07:30

25 647 0
A Study on the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development of Lao P.D.R.

A Study on the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Development of Lao P.D.R.

... 2. 1 .2 Indicators of Economic Development 10 2. 1.3 Theoretical Economic Overview 11 2. 2 FDI and its Impact on Economic Development 14 2. 2.1 Definition and Determinants of ... Dissertation Structure CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW ON THE IMPACT OF FDI ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2. 1 Definition and Indicators of Economic Development 2. 1.1 Definition of Economic ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING LAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITY NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY KHAMSEN SISAVONG A STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON ECONOMIC...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 15:16

138 581 0
A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r (sum)

A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r (sum)

... development In this section, first the author review previous studies on the impact of FDI on economic growth and some other aspects of economic 2. 2 .2. 1 Impact of FDI on economic growth and other economic ... the influence by the investor, is the basic criterion used (OECD, 20 12) development, mainly in the context of developing countries After that, a review of the studies on the impact of FDI on economic ... 820 ** 8 12* * - .26 7 001 623 453 000 000 11 21 22 22 22 Techonology FDI, net inflows (BoP, current US$) Industry, value added (% of GDP) Pearson Correlation Sig (2- tailed) N 838** 000 22 22 9 12 Table...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 21:13

12 417 0
The impact of exporting modern services on economic development

The impact of exporting modern services on economic development

... long services. If a country has a favourable location depends on the service. Including the location of a country therefore goes beyond the scope of this thesis. 2. 10. Economic growth determinants In ... positive influence on the GDP growth per capita as well. The research question will therefore be: “What is the impact of exporting modern services on economic growth for developing economies?”. The ... to GDP growth. Eichengreen and Gupta (20 09) shed some light on the nature of the association. They have analysed the share of service in GDP in the course of economic development. In their research...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 06:41

33 293 0
Thesis summary: The impacts of official development assistance on economic growth in developing countries

Thesis summary: The impacts of official development assistance on economic growth in developing countries

... the economic growth in developing countries, including Vietnam Scope of the study The thesis studies the impact of official development assistance capital on economic growth The scope of the thesis ... the World Bank (WB), the definition of economic growth is: the change or expansion in quantity in the economy of a country Economic growth is often measured by the growth rate of gross domestic ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING STATE BANK OF VIETNAM BANKING UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH ***** VU DUC BINH THE IMPACTS OF OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES...

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 11:13

41 85 0
The effect of capital market deepening on economic growth in Kenya

The effect of capital market deepening on economic growth in Kenya

... research only focused on the stock market deepening on growth, without considering the effect of the bond market in contribution to growth The Effect of Capital Market Deepening on Economic Growth in ... deepening and the effect on the economy, their findings indicate line of causation from capital market deepening, to financial deepening which influences economic growth Given the important role of ... SMS 19 92 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 20 00 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 441.71 424 .14 4 12. 40 410.60 416.46 421 .94 4 12. 92 415.71 414.60 406. 52 411.07 4 02. 63 403.68...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2020, 04:01

19 42 0
The impacts of foreign direct investment on economic growth in vietnam

The impacts of foreign direct investment on economic growth in vietnam

... MaximurTi 26 .1339 23 3594 Mearỉ 24 .945117 22 .0 628 92 Devĩat? ?on 8078383 8939705 InGDP lnfDI 23 23 Minimum 23 .7551 20 .9841 InE Inl 23 23 22 .7051 22 . 821 9 26 1493 26 .11 52 24.488705 24 .5 524 02 1.0790999 ... strong hnpact on economic growth The study has íồcused on the theoretical basis of the relationship of FDI and economic growth Based on the analysis of the status of economic growth and the ... recommendation Chapter 1: Theoretical basis for FDI and Economic growth 1.1 General theory of Economic growth 1.1.1 The concept of Economic groMth Economic growth is considered one of the most important...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2021, 17:51

85 18 0
The Impact of Local Public Education on Economic Development

The Impact of Local Public Education on Economic Development

... of this thesis is to seek and observe the patterns of economic development around local public schools of varying quality The Greater Richmond Region (consisting of the City of Richmond and the ... of economic development were not truly based on school district lines but rather in the central geography of the school location One of the key finding that comes across in the analysis of the ... for the degree of Master of Urban and Regional Planning at Virginia Commonwealth University By Curtis Rodney Cobert Jr Master of Urban and Regional Planning, Virginia Commonwealth University, 20 13...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2022, 18:33

77 2 0


... University of Finance – Marketing ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT DOI: The main purpose of this paper is to study the impact of FDI on the economic 10. 529 32/ jfm.vi70 .25 8 growth of the southern key economic region ... from the Received: June 01, 20 22 Accepted: May 08, 20 22 Published: August 25 , 20 22 Keywords: Economic growth; FDI; Southern key economic region Statistical Yearbooks of provinces and cities including ... CHÍNH – MARKETING Số 70 - Tháng 08 Năm 20 22 JOURNAL OF FINANCE - MARKETING http://jfm.ufm.edu.vn IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH OF THE SOUTHERN KEY ECONOMIC REGION Doan Ngoc...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2022, 22:45

10 2 0


... and employment on economic growth 2. 2.1 Theories relating to the impact of gender inequality in education and employment on EG 2. 2.1.1 Theories relating to the impact of GI in education on EG The ... calculation using VHLSS 20 10 -20 12 3.4 .2. 2 Impact of GI in employment on HD Impact of GI in employment on HD is examined in two ways: (i) quantifying the separate impact of father's employment ... the impact of GI on EG and HD using data from VHLSS 20 10- 12 1 .2. 4 .2 Ideological methodology The thesis employs such reasoning methodologies as: dialectic reasoning, induction and intuition, synthesizing...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2016, 10:15

32 571 3


... the key role User-generated content is the basis of the success of web 2. 0 (Constantinides and Fountain 20 08; Frampton 20 08) since actions of users have a significant impact on the value of the ... on their 1) purpose (content of interaction), 2) place (location of interaction), 3) platform (design of interaction), 4) population (pattern of interaction), and 5) profit model (return of interaction) ... 5.3 The role of the internet for Finnish industrial marketing The impact of the internet and investments in internet marketing have been growing in industrial markets, but traditional marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

76 389 0
Online Abuse Literature Review and Policy Context

Online Abuse Literature Review and Policy Context

... Legislation on Internet Grooming 2. 1 International Boundaries The definition of a ‘child’ Internet sex offenders have few constraints online because of the lack of direct governance by one international ... distinction between the regulation of adult material and that depicting children in recognition of the vulnerability of minors, the task of defining a ‘child’ is complex The UN Convention on the ... presuming that the contact has been online but the issue of meeting or travelling to meet is key 2. 2 .2 Case study - the United Kingdom The concept of ‘grooming’ is recognized in the United Kingdom...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 09:38

52 282 0