16 11 create and disseminate information from a best practices database

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Analyzing changes of chromatin-bound replication proteins occurring in response to and after release from a hypoxic block of replicon initiation in T24 cells pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Analyzing changes of chromatin-bound replication proteins occurring in response to and after release from a hypoxic block of replicon initiation in T24 cells pptx

... and chromatin-bound proteins were prepared after the indicated incubation conditions (for details see Materials and methods) and equal amounts were separated on an 8% SDS/polyacrylamide gel After ... for 30 at 37 °C Cell culture, transient hypoxia, reoxygenation and radioactive labeling Cell fractionation T24 cells (gift from Altana Pharma, Konstanz, Germany) were grown in plastic flasks in ... DNA (e.g by suitable endonucleases) yields elutable chromatin fragments preferably originating from regions far from matrix attachment points As DNA replication foci are probably located near...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

11 610 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Paraphrasing Using Given and New Information in a Question-Answer System" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Paraphrasing Using Given and New Information in a Question-Answer System" docx

... lack of a rich semantic base and contextual information dictated the syntactic approach used here, but the paraphraser can be extended once a wider range of information becomes available SD: ... Sentence Reptuentatton in Natural Language Inferenctng', to appear in IJCAI Proceedinqs 79 13 [KAMAN79] Kaplan, S J , "Cooperative Responses from a Portable Natural Larquage Data Base Query System', ... when the object is marked as negative, the Paraphraser moves the negation to heroine Part of the verbal element REF~ENCES I [A~ 4AJIAN and HENY 75] Akmajian, A and Heny, F., An I n t r o d u c...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

6 533 0


... significant, given that EFF1 and EFF2 both appear twice in the three main variables and W2 appears in all three main variables (recall that W1 s - W2) and is also represent~ a fourth time as a stand-alone ... 27Thus, ROAa = NIa/TA and ROEa = N~/EQ, where NIa is net income plus taxes and provisions, TA = total assets and EQ = equity capital The average ROAa (ROEa) level for merging banks was 1.4% (22%) ... between banks that have significant local market overlap ex ante may increase local market concentration and market share and allow the consolidated banks to raise profits by setting prices less favorable...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

66 470 1
Reproductive intentions and choices among HIV-infected individuals in Cape Town, South Africa: Lessons for reproductive policy and service provision from a qualitative study ppt

Reproductive intentions and choices among HIV-infected individuals in Cape Town, South Africa: Lessons for reproductive policy and service provision from a qualitative study ppt

... FINDINGS Participant characteristics Average time since HIV diagnosis was 2.5 years for women (range weeks–8 years) and 2.8 years for men (range weeks–10 years) The average age of female (range 20–45 ... to a child with two heads and all that, your baby will have something wrong - woman on ART Health care provider and service factors [The nurse] told me that I cannot have a baby in this state…I ... individuals, on potential interactions between ART and hormonal contraceptives, on the impact of HIV and of ART on pregnancy, on issues related to sexual desire and functioning, and on probing for and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

6 553 0


... by a company’s activities makes the task of developing CSR standards fairly daunting (Bhimani and Soonawalla, 2005) Financial reporting has traditionally been the domain of national standard ... costs EMA places a particular emphasis on materials and materials-driven costs because (1) use of energy, water and materials, as well as the generation of waste and emissions, are directly related ... concentration indicators, as appropriate Highly variable, depending on legislation and environmental management system in place Management and disposal costs and taxes potentially, Material purchase...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

63 418 0
ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE JOKES   from a pragmatic perspective

ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE JOKES from a pragmatic perspective

... Vietnamese jokes are analyzed pragmatically and what similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese jokes as seen from a pragmatic perspective First, analyzing jokes one by one basing ... English and Vietnamese jokes analyzed pragmatically? • What are the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese jokes as seen from a pragmatic perspective? • What tips are utilized ... know what make us laugh and then we may say jokes are interesting for our life And we now also understand that we should pay more attention to the study of jokes pragmatically as semantic analysis,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:59

47 828 4
.Dictionary of Food ..Dictionary of Food International Food and Cooking Terms from A to Z Second pptx

.Dictionary of Food ..Dictionary of Food International Food and Cooking Terms from A to Z Second pptx

... oil Aragackij Aragún aragosta aragosta alla fra diavolo aragosta alla griglia burro aragosta americana aragosta atlantica aragosta bollita aragosta mediterranea araignộe de mer Aralar arame arance ... per ananasso ananas Virginie ananỏsz anar anara anardana Anari anatra anatra arrosto anatra ripiena anatrino anatto anchoa anchoùade anchois anchois, beurre d anchois, canapộ d anchois, sauce anchois ... pepper amasar amassada amatriciana, all amayuela amazushoga amberjack amb halad ambrosia ambros a amchar amchoor amchor ame ame hnat amờijoas ameixa amờndoa amendoim amộricaine, garnish l amộricaine,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:22

641 363 2
Báo cáo y học: "Impact of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on the patient and family: results from a European survey" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Impact of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on the patient and family: results from a European survey" ppsx

... oppositional defiant disorder and conduct and mood and anxiety disorders [13-15] As they reach adolescence, children with ADHD are also at an increased risk for cigarette smoking and substance abuse [16- 18] ... Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2008, 2:31 aged 6–18 years, with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD that had been made by a designated healthcare professional Parents also had to ... a speaker for ADHI, Admirall-Prodesfarma, APNADAH, AstraZeneca, ASTTA, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Esteve, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Novartis and Solvay Cesar Soutullo has received research...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

15 368 0
a study on family-related english and vietnamese proverbs (from a lingual-cultural perspective) = nghiên cứu các tục ngữ liên quan đến mối quan hệ gia đình trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

a study on family-related english and vietnamese proverbs (from a lingual-cultural perspective) = nghiên cứu các tục ngữ liên quan đến mối quan hệ gia đình trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

... Education and Cadre Training A girl from Manchester and another from Newcastle admitted that it was common to have several boyfriends in Vietnam whereas they each had a boyfriend in England They ... Unlike Saudi Arabian culture, a man can get married to more than one wife and all his wives are very friendly with one another In Britain and some other European countries, a husband and a wife can ... cultures associated with them.” As can be seen, Fishman is talking here about culture-bound language and about the fact that language and culture are “intimately associated” with each other In any...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:19

46 1,6K 15
english and vietnamese jokes - from a pragmatic perspective = phân tích truyện cười anh - việt trên bình diện ngữ dụng học

english and vietnamese jokes - from a pragmatic perspective = phân tích truyện cười anh - việt trên bình diện ngữ dụng học

... know what make us laugh and then we may say jokes are interesting for our life And we now also understand that we should pay more attention to the study of jokes pragmatically as semantic analysis, ... English and Vietnamese jokes analyzed pragmatically?  What are the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese jokes as seen from a pragmatic perspective?  What tips are utilized ... English and Vietnamese jokes are analyzed pragmatically and what similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese - 24 - jokes as seen from a pragmatic perspective First, analyzing jokes...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:29

50 758 1
Transcultural Flow of Globalized TV Franchises Examining The X Factor and Vietnam Idol from a Discourse Analysis Perspective

Transcultural Flow of Globalized TV Franchises Examining The X Factor and Vietnam Idol from a Discourse Analysis Perspective

... study, according to Bhatia [4], a genre analysis can be done at three levels of linguistic realization, which are (1) lexico-grammatical features, (2) text-patterning or textualization and (3) ... Notably, comparisons and ‘small talk’, which are quite popular strategies in the English evaluations, are totally absent from the Vietnamese auditions Instead, the judges’ opinions are regularly ... information on positive and negative face strategies, see [8]) These strategies are particularly suitable for such a culture that highly stresses personal space as Britain Notably, these strategies...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 08:18

12 302 0
Responding to Afghanistan’s Opium Economy Challenge: Lessons and Policy Implications from a Development Perspective

Responding to Afghanistan’s Opium Economy Challenge: Lessons and Policy Implications from a Development Perspective

... and trade, the southern region (Helmand and Kandahar provinces) is a focal point for money laundering: apparently about 60% of hawala flows are drug-related, and 80-90% of hawala dealers are involved ... drug-related money transfers Beyond Afghanistan’s borders, Dubai appears to be a central clearing point for international hawala activities, and various cities in Pakistan also are major transaction ... and Baharak in Badakhshan” Report for GTZ/AKDN (February) Mansfield, David and Adam Pain (2005) Slogan” AREU Briefing Paper (October) “Alternative Livelihoods: Substance or Mansfield, David and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2016, 04:57

32 333 0
Technology, Computers and Wages: Evidence from a Developing Economy

Technology, Computers and Wages: Evidence from a Developing Economy

... and Kramarz 1998 Entorf, Gollac and Kramarz 1999 Asplund 1997 United States United States United States United States Australia Australia Canada Canada France France France Finland Dinardo and ... Pischke 1997 Haisken-DeNew and Schmidt 1999 Oosterbeek 1997 Arabsheibani, Emami and Marin 1996 Arabsheibani and Marin 2000 Bell 1996 Green 1998 Borghans and Ter Weel 200 0a Sakellariou and Patrinos ... Education Graduates in Vietnam." Asian Economic Journal 14(2): 147 -165 Tan, H and G Batra 1997 “Technology and Firm Size-Wage Differentials in Colombia, Mexico, and Taiwan (China).” World Bank...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2016, 08:14

24 357 0


... pencil Make sure you write legibly and to the point Many people enjoy reading fantasy books Some claim that reading these books may be a way of escaping the cruelty of real life State your personal ... stages in Harry Potter’s life ?What are they Complete with the missing information Harry is orphaned of both of his parents Harry survives Harry lives Harry is taken Harry ... 10 Harry Potter was very reluctant to stay at Hogwarts because he didn’t want to be a wizard T/F points Copy the sentences which support your claim points PART TWO : WRITTEN PRESENTATION...

Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2016, 13:52

5 291 0
Tài liệu Retrieving Constraints from a SQL Server Database docx

Tài liệu Retrieving Constraints from a SQL Server Database docx

... CONSTRAINT_CATALOG nvarchar(128) Constraint name CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA nvarchar(128) Constraint owner CONSTRAINT_NAME sysname TABLE_CATALOG nvarchar(128) Database name TABLE_SCHEMA nvarchar(128) Table ... current database Table 6-10 REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS information schema view Column name Data type Description CONSTRAINT_CATALOG nvarchar(128) Database name CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA nvarchar(128) Constraint ... System.EventArgs e) { // Create the DataAdapter to retrieve schema information SqlDataAdapter da = null; if (primaryKeyRadioButton.Checked) da = new SqlDataAdapter(GETPRIMARYKEYCONSTRAINTS, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]);...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

7 393 0
Tài liệu Character Animation from a Motion Capture Database pptx

Tài liệu Character Animation from a Motion Capture Database pptx

... the database to add details and a particular style to an initial keyframed animation Then, a different approach to create a character animation is proposed: the animator starts the animation with ... goal is to create a character animation semi-automatically, following the same procedure that an animator would manually Animators are trained to use keyframing, and will often build a character ... sequences from a database of motion capture examples using a statistical model created from the captured data Pullen and Bregler [PB02] described a method to enhance an initial keyframed animation...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 05:20

101 502 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Best Practices Guided Development Environment for Information Extraction" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Best Practices Guided Development Environment for Information Extraction" doc

... form The generated executable can be embedded in an application using a Java API interface WizIE can also wrap the executable plan in a pre-packaged application that can be run in a map-reduce environment, ... CIKM L Chiticariu, R Krishnamurthy, Y Li, S Raghavan, F Reiss, and S Vaithyanathan 201 0a SystemT: an algebraic approach to declarative information extraction ACL L Chiticariu, R Krishnamurthy, Y ... Reiss, and S Vaithyanathan 2010b Domain adaptation of rulebased annotators for named-entity recognition tasks EMNLP L Chiticariu, Y Li, S Raghavan, and F Reiss 2010c Enterprise Information Extraction:...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 20:20

6 329 0
Leak Detection and Repair: A Best Practices Guide doc

Leak Detection and Repair: A Best Practices Guide doc

... stationary sources of fugitive VHAPs • RCRA (40 CFR Parts 264 and 265) equipment leak standards apply to hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities • Many state and local air agencies ... events; and – Abnormal data patterns 25 Leak Detection and Repair A Best Practices Guide 7.12 Records Maintenance Organized and readily available records are one potential indication of an effective ... valve pack­ ing gland and tapped, so that a small valve and fitting can be attached to the gland A packing gun is connected to this fitting and the small valve is opened allowing new packing material...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

52 758 0
LAYERED NETWORK SECURITY: A best-practices approach docx

LAYERED NETWORK SECURITY: A best-practices approach docx

... have been available for many years, and most IT professional are well acquainted with their capabilities and operational requirements Therefore, they are relatively straightforward and cost effective ... packet to a database of known attack profiles When attacks are detected, these technologies take action IDS tools alert your IT staff that an attack has occurred; IPS tools go a step further and ... typically maintain a database of rules that identify known vulnerabilities for a range of network devices and applications During a network scan, the VA tool tests each device/application by applying...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

11 488 0