13 c nmr spectra of common deuterated solvents

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of oligosaccharides from the chondroitin/dermatan sulfates 1 H-NMR and 13 C-NMR studies of reduced trisaccharides and hexasaccharides doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of oligosaccharides from the chondroitin/dermatan sulfates 1 H-NMR and 13 C-NMR studies of reduced trisaccharides and hexasaccharides doc

... CS060# and CS#60# Residue Carbon CS040# (p.p.m.) CS060# (p.p.m.) CS#60# (p.p.m.) DUA (C) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 CH3 C O C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 102.83 71.54 67.51 109.41 147.01 – 102.97 55.02 ... region of CS is a repeating disaccharide of glucuronic acid (GlcA) and N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) [-4)GlcA(b1– 3)GalNAc(b1-]n, which may be O-sulfated on the C4 and ⁄ or C6 of GalNAc and C2 of ... Discussion Isolation of oligosaccharides After depolymerization by chondroitin ABC endolyase, oligosaccharides are isolated as disaccharides, trisaccharides, tetrasaccharides and, because of incomplete...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:20

11 481 0
Báo cáo Y học: Elucidation of the role of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in the regulation of glucose fluxes in mice usingin vivo 13 C NMR measurements of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism docx

Báo cáo Y học: Elucidation of the role of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in the regulation of glucose fluxes in mice usingin vivo 13 C NMR measurements of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism docx

... of net glycogen synthesis, respectively 13Glyc1 and 13Glyc6 represent 13Clabeled glycogen C1 and C6 concentration, and 13Glc6P1 and 13Glc6P6 represent 1 3C- labeled glucose-6-phosphate C1 and C6 ... isotopic enrichment of Glc6P in terms of Vphos as: 13 Glc6P1 Š ðtÞ ¼ ½Glc6PŠ d 13 Glyc1 Š 13 Glyc1 Š ðtÞ ðtÞ þ Vphos Á ½GlycŠ dt ð4Þ Vnet þ Vphos 13 Glc6P6 Š ðtÞ ¼ ½Glc6PŠ d 13 Glyc6 Š 13 Glyc6 ... resonance of glycerol C1 , C3 at 62.5 p.p.m from the resonance of glycogen C6 allowed, for the first time, the measurement of glycogen C6 changes in vivo, which reflects the indirect pathway 13 C NMR spectra...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

9 465 0
nmr spectra of polymers and polymer additives

nmr spectra of polymers and polymer additives

... chemical shift 1 3C 1H J-coupling Homonuclear correlated 1H chemical shift spectroscopy (COSY) 1H chemical shift Heteronuclear correlated 1 3C spectroscopy (COSY) 1H Double-quantum exchange 1 3C ... exchange 1 3C chemical shift spectroscopy (inadequate) 1 3C chemical shift chemical shift chemical shift I.D— Practical Considerations for NMR of Polymers Because of the large size of a polymer chain ... marked effect on a polymer's physical properties, is clearly observed in the NMR spectrum of Figure I.7, which contrasts the spectra of isotactic, syndiotactic, and atactic polypropylene NMR is also...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:11

660 1,1K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: NMR solution structure and function of the C-terminal domain of eukaryotic class 1 polypeptide chain release factor pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: NMR solution structure and function of the C-terminal domain of eukaryotic class 1 polypeptide chain release factor pdf

... polypeptide chain factors, eukaryotic class polypeptide chain release factor (eRF1) and eukaryotic class polypeptide chain release factor (eRF3) The major functions of eRF1 include recognition of each of ... experiment correlating side-chain protons via 1 3C- 1 3C correlations (HCCH)-TOCSY, measured at 313 K Additional side chain assignments and NOE distance restraints were extracted from the 1H,1 3C- NOESY ... prevent oxidation of the free Cys residues Cys302 and Cys335 Shigemi microcell NMR tubes, containing 330–380 lL, were used in the recording of the NMR spectra Cloning and mutagenesis of human eRF1...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:20

17 491 0
Báo cáo khoa học: NMR investigations of subunit c of the ATP synthase from Propionigenium modestum in chloroform/methanol/water (4 : 4 : 1) pot

Báo cáo khoa học: NMR investigations of subunit c of the ATP synthase from Propionigenium modestum in chloroform/methanol/water (4 : 4 : 1) pot

... overlap The 1 3C chemical shifts were obtained by 3D 1 3C- resolved HCCH-COSY, 3D 1 3C- resolved HCCH-TOCSY and 3D 13 C- resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY experiments However, chemical shift dispersion of the methyl ... Wuthrich, K (1995) ¨ ¨ The program XEASY for computer-supported NMR spectral analysis of biological macromolecules J Biol NMR 6, 1–10 Richarz, R & Wuthrich, K (1978) Carbon -13 NMR chemical ¨ ... Alignment of c subunits from E coli and P modestum and location of the a helical secondary structures in different subunit c preparations (a) Amino-acid sequence of E coli subunit c and location of a...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

5 463 0
Báo cáo Y học: Functional epitope of common c chain for interleukin-4 binding ppt

Báo cáo Y học: Functional epitope of common c chain for interleukin-4 binding ppt

... murine cc for some cc-dependent cytokines have been studied A molecular mapping study using the antagonistic monoclonal antibody PC.B8, which reacts with a discontinuous site on human cc, localized ... IL-4–IL-4BP are compiled in Table Eight cc variants including cc CHR exhibited unchanged binding characteristics Changes in binding affinity were observed in 11 cc variants The Kd of six variants ... type I cytokine receptors, except for hgp130 [51] and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor [54] Therefore, cc CHR, the short form of the cc ectodomain, may be Table Co-operativity between...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20

10 447 0
Báo cáo khóa học: C-, 15N- and 31P-NMR studies of oxidized and reduced low molecular mass thioredoxin reductase and some mutant proteins docx

Báo cáo khóa học: C-, 15N- and 31P-NMR studies of oxidized and reduced low molecular mass thioredoxin reductase and some mutant proteins docx

... mutant TrxR C1 38S mutant + PMA C( 2) C( 4) C( 4a) C( 5a) C( 6) C( 7) C( 7a) C( 8) C( 8a) C( 9) C( 9a) C( 10a) C( 10a) C( 10b) C( 10 c) C( 10d) C( 10e) N(1) N(3) N(5) N(10) 159.8 163.7 136 .2 136 .4 131 .8 140.4 ... determining 1 3C chemical shifts than is the case for 1H shifts Steric and stereochemical effects, however, can considerably inuence the 1 3C chemical shifts [29] Oxidized enzymes The 1 3C- NMR spectrum ... 109:5 dCi;sp ị dCi;sp ị 1ị where, Ci is C( 9a) or C( 10a) for the calculation of the endocyclic angle of N(5), d(Ci,sp3) and d(Ci,sp2) are the corresponding limit chemical shifts of carbon atom Ci...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

16 378 0
Báo cáo khoa học: NMR studies on the interaction of sugars with the C-terminal domain of an R-type lectin from the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris pot

Báo cáo khoa học: NMR studies on the interaction of sugars with the C-terminal domain of an R-type lectin from the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris pot

... each of the two sugar-binding sites (a and c) of EW29Ch had a distinct chemical exchange on the chemical-shift timescale Site-speci c dissociation constants determined by NMR The site-speci c ... were recorded consecutively with increasing concentrations of each sugar For the progressive chemical-shift changes of EW29Ch under conditions of fast exchange on the chemical-shift timescale, ... STD–TOCSY and STD–[1H,1 3C] HSQC spectra for the mixture of lactose (5 mM) and EW29Ch (50 lM) (A) Reference TOCSY spectrum of the mixture of lactose and EW29Ch at a ratio of 100 : (B) The STD–TOCSY...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

11 458 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural function of C-terminal amidation of endomorphin Conformational comparison ofl-selective endomorphin-2 with its C-terminal free acid, studied by 1 H-NMR spectroscopy, molecular calculation, and X-ray crystallography pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Structural function of C-terminal amidation of endomorphin Conformational comparison ofl-selective endomorphin-2 with its C-terminal free acid, studied by 1 H-NMR spectroscopy, molecular calculation, and X-ray crystallography pot

... dependence of their NMR spectra Characteristically, the NMR spectra of EM2 in water of pH 2.7 and DPC micelles of pH 3.5 were the same as those in solutions of pH 5.2 This was in contrast with the case ... the conformers of EM2 in water and DPC micelles were hardly influenced by the variation in pH, because the NMR spectra of EM2 in a solution of acidic pH were identical to those in solution of pH ... This is in contrast with the EM2OH conformers, whose NMR spectra differed considerably depending on pH (discussed later) A characteristic feature of most conformers of EM2 in DPC micelles was...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20

19 314 0
Báo cáo Y học: NMR structure of the HIV-1 regulatory protein Vpr in H2O/trifluoroethanol Comparison with the Vpr N-terminal (1–51) and C-terminal (52–96) domains pot

Báo cáo Y học: NMR structure of the HIV-1 regulatory protein Vpr in H2O/trifluoroethanol Comparison with the Vpr N-terminal (1–51) and C-terminal (52–96) domains pot

... respectively The occurrence of typical a helix encompassing these two RESULTS Circular dichroism CD spectra of the protein in 100% H2O (Fig 1) are characteristic of ordered conformations as illustrated ... Licha, K., Kopp, J., de Moronha, C. M .C. , Greene, W .C. , Wray, V & Schubert, U (2000) Functional and structural characterization of synthetic HIV-1 Vpr that transduces cells, localizes to the nucleus, ... of the resonance intensity and I8 corresponds to the steady state value Structure calculation Calculations were performed with the DISCOVER/NMRCHIsoftware package from MSI with the Amber forcefield...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 23:20

10 476 0
Wide Spectra of Quality Control Part 13 pptx

Wide Spectra of Quality Control Part 13 pptx

... G5 was characterized by citric attribute (probably because the 370 Wide Spectra of Quality Control species added were more citric as cardamom, coriander or citrus peel) while G6 was characterized ... “in conformity with consumer’s requirements and acceptance, is determined by their sensory attributes, chemical composition, physical properties, and level of microbiological and toxicological contaminants, ... increasingly the sensitivity and selectivity of the analytes detection so the control of chemical composition or toxicological contaminants must be easier In spite of these the perception of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

30 453 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Discovery of common marburgvirus protective epitopes in a BALB/c mouse model" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Discovery of common marburgvirus protective epitopes in a BALB/c mouse model" potx

... C5 7BL/6 mice and are currently used to determine the presence of CD8+ T-cell responses to EBOV [15] T-cell-deficient mice vaccinated with Ebola virus-like particles (VLP) succumb to lethal EBOV challenge ... 2009, 6 :132 than supportive care, which increases the chance of survival, there is currently no cure for this deadly infection [2,3] Many reports have characterized filovirus-specific antibody ... mediated by CD8+ T cells, with a lesser role for CD4+ T cells [8] In contrast, adoptive transfer studies of E-specific CTLs from Japanese encephalitis virus not protect mice without Especific antibodies...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20

9 325 0
Feeding ecology of the sandbar shark in south carolina estuaries revealed through δ13 c and δ15 n stable isotope analysis

Feeding ecology of the sandbar shark in south carolina estuaries revealed through δ13 c and δ15 n stable isotope analysis

... (i.e., δ1 3C × year : sex) were significant, interaction terms were omitted from this table Comparison df Mean square F P δ1 3C × year δ1 3C × sex δ1 3C × estuary δ1 3C × month δ1 3C × age-class 4 9.85 ... 0.58 0.298 0.048 169 FEEDING ECOLOGY OF THE SANDBAR SHARK IN SOUTH CAROLINA TABLE A.2 Continued Comparison δ1 3C × estuary δ1 3C × month δ1 3C × year δ1 3C × sex δ1 3C × age-class (age-0: N = 58 versus ... E Shackley 1996 The comparative feeding ecology of six species of shark and four species of ray (Elasmobranchii) in the north-east Atlantic Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2015, 17:08

15 356 0
Longman Dictionary of Common Errors_ Part 1

Longman Dictionary of Common Errors_ Part 1

... University of Turin.' Compare: 'They are conducting a study of sex education in local secondary schools.' Shows the sentence containing the error X -_.I Shows the -corrected sentence She's studying ... and teachers of English with a practical guide to common errors and their correction It contains the words and phrases which regularly cause difficulty for foreign learners, regardless of nationality ... proficiency and above Each error is accompanied by a correction and a short, simple explanation Since the appearance of the first edition of this dictionary almost a decade ago, dictionary making has...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15

9 720 2
Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2

Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2

... The college offers both science and art subjects The college offers both science and arts subjects I worked as a tutor in the Faculty of Art and Social Sciences I worked as a tutor in the Faculty ... account overcrowded that the schools are / We also have to take into account the fact that the schools are overcrowded take into account + the fact + that-clause: 'They should take into account ... the fact that these archaeological treasures are extremely valuable.' accurate )< I cannot / I cannot give you the exact date of my arrival yet give you the accurate date of my arrival yet Accurate...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15

59 604 4
Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ part 2.1

Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ part 2.1

... better your chances the better your chances of chances of doing sth (= degree of probability): of finding them alive?' change x We can reduce economy ,/ We can reduce the unemployment economy the ... You certainly deserve it.' conscious X ,/ People today are more conscious about the importance of health care People today are more conscious of the importance of health care be conscious of sth: ... phllosophyetc: 'The speech w"!s a devastating critique of Reagan'seconofTlic p6liCy. 'c c Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this wate 86 critical x critical / The article is...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 15:15

49 661 2
Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2.7

Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2.7

... opposite occur X r The concert will occur at eight o'clock next Tuesday The concert will take place at eight o'clock next Tuesday Occur is usually used in connection with unplanned events: 'Many of ... police officer the police = the police force in general: 'If you get any more of these phone calls, you should contact the police.' policeman, policewoman, police officer = a member of the police ... an adjective in front of it Compare: 'Lack of money was part of the problem.' 'Lack of money was a large part of the problem.' X The country I The country is vast and occupies most of the continent...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 15:15

37 550 1
Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2.3

Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2.3

... grade of captain By the end of the war he had been promoted to the rank of captain Soldiers, sailors, police officers etc have different ranks (NOT grades): 'She joined the police force in 1990 ... plant needs rich soil to grow well.' grow )< Many of these children grow in an atmosphere ,/ Many of these children violence I of violence grow up in an atmosphere of grow = (1) (of children, animals, ... the teacher had predicted What the teacher had predicted didn't happen ~ The subject of happen comes in front of the verb, in tlie usual way: :'Acciden)~.happen~vefstda¥.p.lon~thi~stretch 'Something...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 22:15

24 549 2
The Mystification of Common-Law Reasoning

The Mystification of Common-Law Reasoning

... precedent case may dictate a like outcome in the new case if the cases are factually similar.8 Second, the outcome of a precedent case may dictate the outcome of a new case a fortiori, because ... version of analogical reasoning, the court compares the relative strength of two sets of facts – the facts of the precedent case and the facts of a new case now under consideration If the facts of ... that precedent requires later courts to assume that precedent cases were correctly decided on their facts.39 According to Lamond’s “reason-based” account of precedent, a later court must accept...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

40 408 0
Tài liệu Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2.10 docx

Tài liệu Longman Dictionarry of Common Errors_ Part 2.10 docx

... I It's one of the most unique pieces of architecture in Spain It's one of the most unusual pieces of architecture in Spain Unique usually describes something that is the only one of its kind: ... The school caters for children until the age of eleven The school caters for children up to the age of eleven up to a particular age (NOT until): The competition children up to the age of eleven.' ... tomorrow Could you let us know your decision until the end of October Could you let us know your decision by the end of October Until is used for an action or state continuing up to a certain...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 13:15

23 422 0