11 electrode electrolyte interphase characterization in solid oxide fuel cells

Design and development of major balance of plant components in solid oxide fuel cell system

Design and development of major balance of plant components in solid oxide fuel cell system

... research topics including: power plant, two phase flow, cold neutron source, and solid oxide fuel cell E-mail address: wthang@iner.gov.tw Tzu-Hsiang Yen obtained a PhD in Mechanical engineering from ... reforming or partialoxidation reforming In the INER SOFC system, the reforming process is performed using a combination of these two methods by feeding both steam and an oxidant (air) into a ... of Nuclear Energy Research He holds a PhD in environmental engineering, M.S and B.S in chemical engineering His research interests include biomass reforming, hydrogen generation and low level radwaste...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 586 0
singhal, s. c. (2002). high temperature solid oxide fuel cells - funda

singhal, s. c. (2002). high temperature solid oxide fuel cells - funda

... Cells From Solid Electrolyte Gas Cells to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells First Detailed Investigations of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Progressin the 1960s On the Path to Practical Solid Oxide Fuel Cells References ... Introduction 11. 2 Flow and Thermal Models 293 294 Contents ix 11. 3 11. 4 11. 5 11. 6 11. 7 11. 8 11. 9 11. 10 11. 2.1 Mass Balance 11. 2.2 Conservation ofMomentum 11. 2.3 Energy Balance Continuum-Level ... Chapter 12 Fuels and Fuel Processing 12.1 Introduction 12.2 RangeofFuels 12.3 Direct and Indirect Internal Reforming 12.3.1 Direct Internal Reforming 12.3.2 Indirect Internal Reforming 12.4 Reformation...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:25

430 594 0
Effect of operating parameters on performance of an integrated biomass gasifier, solid oxide fuel cells and micro gas turbine system

Effect of operating parameters on performance of an integrated biomass gasifier, solid oxide fuel cells and micro gas turbine system

... gasification ,solid oxide fuel cell and micro gas turbine hybrid system Energy 2 011; 36(8):4740e52 [14] Campitelli G, Cordiner S, Gautam M, Mariani A, Mulone V Biomass fueling of a SOFC by integrated ... 2008;49(2):281e90 [11] Pierobon L, Rokni M, Larsen U, Haglind F Thermodynamic analysis of an integrated gasification solid oxide fuel cell plant combined with an organic Rankine cycle Renew Energy ... elevated pressures A hybrid plant consisting of gasification system, solid oxide fuel cells and organic Rankine cycle has been presented by Pierobon et al [11] The results show that efficiencies...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2016, 09:30

11 263 0
Effect of operating parameters on performance of an intEffect of operating parameters on performance of an integrated biomass gasifier, solid oxide fuel cells and micro gas turbine system

Effect of operating parameters on performance of an intEffect of operating parameters on performance of an integrated biomass gasifier, solid oxide fuel cells and micro gas turbine system

... resulting sample was dried in hot air oven at 120°C for two hours at heating rate of 10°C/min Dried samples were calcined in muffle furnace at 600°C for six hours at a heating rate of 20°C/min This ... being passed across the catalytic tar conversion system comprising of a guard bed containing dolomite stones (CaMgCO3) and main catalytic reactor Page of 19 containing Ni-Co/Si-P catalyst Initially ... temperature is depicted in Fig.13 As expected tar cracking rate steadily increased with increase in catalytic bed temperature At 800°C no visible tar was observed in the tar sampling lines after the catalytic...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2016, 09:30

20 258 0
Numerical investigation into premixed hydrogen combustion within two-stage porous media burner of 1 kW solid oxide fuel cell system

Numerical investigation into premixed hydrogen combustion within two-stage porous media burner of 1 kW solid oxide fuel cell system

... Institute of Nuclear Energy Research He has been managing the project of solid oxide fuel cell power generating system since 2005 His main research interests include critical heat flux, boiling ... 1212 116 5 111 7 1070 1023 975 928 880 833 786 738 691 644 596 549 (K) (K) 1354 1307 1259 1212 116 5 111 7 1070 1023 975 928 880 833 786 738 691 644 596 549 (e) -0.05 1354 1307 1259 1212 116 5 111 7 ... obtained a PhD in Mechanical engineering from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, 2006 He was a junior researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Now he is working at the Refining...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

18 402 0
Thermodynamic modeling and evaluation of high efficiency heat pipe integrated biomass GasifiereSolid Oxide Fuel CellseGas Turbine systems

Thermodynamic modeling and evaluation of high efficiency heat pipe integrated biomass GasifiereSolid Oxide Fuel CellseGas Turbine systems

... SOFC 119 105 110 108 111 H H gas cleaning 110 112 109 113 118 205 114 208 A C 116 112 206 208 120 602 212 115 602 102 105 101 501 biomass 601 503 121 104 601 207 207 Gasifier 103 209 115 113 107 ... recirculation P P el;out À P el ;in Exfuel ;in P hex;tot ¼ 4m;a in ha; in þ 4m;c in hc ;in À 4m;a out ha;out À 4m;c out hc;out ¼ P dc 755 P el;out þ P Exheat;out À Exfuel ;in (11) P P el ;in (12) P P where Pel;out ... In: Eighth European solid oxide fuel cell forum, Luzerne, Switzerland; 2008 [7] Baldinelli A, Barelli L, Bidini G Performance characterization and modelling of syngas-fed SOFCs (solid oxide fuel...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2016, 09:35

14 197 0
Advances in Solid State Part 11 potx

Advances in Solid State Part 11 potx

... cell innodations are divided into three phases Phase I (1K→1M): Shrinkage of planar area of memory cell together with the decrease in capacitor insulator thickness Thinning of the insulator finally ... memory cells (Endoh et al., 2001) To maintain the sufficient margin in DRAM operation, storage capacitance value should be kept as big as possible against scaling of memory cell area In response ... presentation from Texas Instruments Inc in 1974 introducing a highly efficient silicon solar cell with plural steep trenches, as shown in Fig.4 (a), forecasting the upcoming issue of cell size...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 377 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 11 pptx

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 11 pptx

... tube In fact, in the linear gradient shape case, a moderately increasing the length of the tube (corresponding to decreasing the slope of the linear line) or decreasing the peak power of the input ... The decreasing GVD gives the pulse a chance to slow down the pulse broadening in time domain; while the decreasing nonlinear refractive index increases the critical power for self-focusing Pc (see ... appeared again, shown as the point C in Fig 17 After increasing the temperature from 300 °C to 400 °C at 1.54 mJ, the filament disappeared again, shown as the point D in Fig 17 It indicates that...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 320 0


... contributions of the informal sector for solid waste management in developing countries in general and in HCMC in particular and to find out whether an integration of the informal sector in the formal ... 9840238 THE INFORMAL SECTOR IN SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES The motivation for recycling in developing and industrialised countries is rather different In the latter recycling is ... developing countries is the increased integration of the informal sector into the formal waste management system instead of investing the scarce financial resources in inappropriate high tech solutions...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2013, 18:48

112 595 5
giáo án hình học 11 chỉ tải và in

giáo án hình học 11 chỉ tải và in

... sinx = có họ nghiệm là: 3 A x = arcsin + k2π x = π − arcsin + k2π B 4 3 x = − arcsin + k2π x = π − arcsin + k2π 4 3 C x = arcsin + k2π x = − arcsin + k2π D 4 3 x = arcsin + k2π x = π + arcsin ... 20 Bốn học sinh chọn từ 12 học sinh nam học sinh nữ Xác suất để chọn học sinh nam là: 39 99 99 A B C D 455 455 455 364 21 Có điểm đường tròn lượng giác biểu diễn nghiệm phương trình sin2x = cosx? ... Lấy ngẫu nhiên Xác xuất để có K là: 72 144 A B C D 110 50 5525 50 5525 Một lớp học có 45 học sinh Hỏi có cách chọn ban cán gồm học sinh 45 học sinh đó? A 14190 B 45! C 85140 D 42! Hàm số y = cosx:...

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2013, 02:10

104 648 0
New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: Revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1) doc

New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: Revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1) doc

... confusion in the original RECIST guideline Finally, a section on detection of new lesions, including the interpretation of FDG-PET scan assessment is included Imaging guidance: the revised RECIST includes ... i.e an increase in tumour burden representing an additional 73% increase in ‘volume’ (which is equivalent to a 20% increase diameter in a measurable lesion) Examples include an increase in a pleural ... assessment in that setting.13 This guideline is not intended for use for studies of malignant lymphoma since international guidelines for response assessment in lymphoma are published separately.14 Finally,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20

20 716 0
a comparison between self - ordering of nanopores in aluminium oxide

a comparison between self - ordering of nanopores in aluminium oxide

... just after dissolving the oxide layer show a drastic drop in the beginning of these steps Since the second and the third steps were conducted immediately after dissolving the grown oxide layer at ... demonstrating the size distribution of produced pores were then derived based on SEM images The domain areas were determined by first outlining the boundaries on SEM micrographs, counting the number ... recorded during the anodizing Al for two steps: (a) first step for h and (b) second step for h the formation of an oxide layer on aluminium, naturally produced in the atmosphere on the samples during...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:47

4 364 0
Báo cáo khoa học: New insights into evolution of crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone in decapods – first characterization in Anomura pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: New insights into evolution of crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone in decapods – first characterization in Anomura pdf

... sequence In addition, the ever-increasing number of complete insect genomes available in databanks increases our knowledge regarding CHH family peptides in hexapods It would be interesting to carry ... lipopolysaccharide injection was examined in various crustacean groups [21] Strong hyperglycaemia was elicited in most of the species studied (in intact but not in eyestalk-ablated animals), including the ... subfamily: the moultinhibiting hormone (MIH) [13] Type II subfamily peptides include moult-inhibiting hormone (MIH), vitellogenesis-inhibiting hormone (VIH) and mandibular organ-inhibiting hormone (MOIH)...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20

14 309 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The specificity of alcohol dehydrogenase with cis-retinoids Activity with 11-cis-retinol and localization in retina docx

Báo cáo khoa học: The specificity of alcohol dehydrogenase with cis-retinoids Activity with 11-cis-retinol and localization in retina docx

... All-trans-retinol could be stored there as retinyl esters, isomerized to 11- cis-retinol, and finally oxidized to 11- cis-retinal [18] In addition, 11- cisretinal has to be produced in the retina to generate ... stain technique Protein concentration was determined by a dye binding assay (Bio-Rad) using bovine serum albumin as standard [30] Enzyme kinetics Standard ADH activity was determined by measuring ... retinoids and the C4 of the nicotinamide ring, involved in the hydride ˚ transfer, is lower than 4.83 A In contrast, both distances are notably increased in the docked 11- cis-retinal, suggesting...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20

11 468 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Effects of sphingomyelin, cholesterol and zinc ions on the binding, insertion and aggregation of the amyloid Ab1)40 peptide in solid-supported lipid bilayers ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Effects of sphingomyelin, cholesterol and zinc ions on the binding, insertion and aggregation of the amyloid Ab1)40 peptide in solid-supported lipid bilayers ppt

... of initial peptide binding, resulting in shifts to larger angles (inset to B) and binding at higher concentrations resulting in shifts to smaller angles Binding to the SM-rich domain is shown in ... of initial peptide binding, resulting in shifts to larger angles (inset to C) and binding at higher concentrations resulting in shifts to smaller angles Binding to the SM-rich domain is shown in ... 15 h), indicating that no peptide aggregation occurred during this interval The addition of Ab to a lipid bilayer containing only SM again resulted in increasing spectral shifts to higher incident...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 11:20

14 532 0
control of current saturation and threshold voltage shift in indium oxide nanowire transistors with femtosecond laser annealing

control of current saturation and threshold voltage shift in indium oxide nanowire transistors with femtosecond laser annealing

... behind such annealing effects is interesting and ongoing This study provides insights into the contactdominated transistor properties, in terms of the effects on output resistance and Vth Combined ... to improve the noise margin by maintaining the gain in the transition region Femtosecond laser annealing introduced here appears to be an ideal method to improve the inverter characteristics ... be mainly thermal, possibly forming an improved single-crystalline In2 O3 nanowire structure The short pulse duration may result in ITO photophysical bond breaking instead of classical melting,22...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:53

7 333 0
study of blueshift of optical band gap in zinc oxide (zno) nanoparticles

study of blueshift of optical band gap in zinc oxide (zno) nanoparticles

... films Thin Solid Films 2 011; 520 :119 2–4 [14] Straumal BB, Myatiev AA, Straumal PB, Mazilkin AA, Protasova SG, Schütz G, et al Grain boundary layers in nanocrystalline ferromagnetic zinc oxide JETP ... Nadem U Preparation of nano zinc oxide and its application in leather as a retaining and antibacterial agent Canadian Journal on Scientific and Industrial Research 2 011; 4:164–70 [2] Ng HT, Chen ... the absorption band gap as shown in Fig 2(a) on the size of ZnO nanoparticle is used to determine 118 M.K Debanath, S Karmakar / Materials Letters 111 (2013) 116 119 2.25 Absorption (arb unit)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 13:26

4 419 0
characterization in silicon processing strausser usa 1993 ebook

characterization in silicon processing strausser usa 1993 ebook

... This is key in a polysilicon gate in a field effect transistor, a polysilicon or polycide interconnect line in any IC, in a solar cell, or in a thin-film transistor in a display device In order ... the grain size distribution because the entire grain outline can be seen and more grains can be included in one image, improving the statistics Depending on which thin slice of the original film ... typically done in a long quartz tube capable of holding many wafers at a time, although there is increasing interest in single-wafer deposition using a rapid thermal (RTCVD) process Depending on pressure,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:14

269 743 0
Advances in Solid State Part 2 pdf

Advances in Solid State Part 2 pdf

... function of two input voltages Vin1 and Vin2 is obtained as I1 = I2 = => I out = I − I = β β (VGS − VT )2 (VGS − VT )2 β I SS (Vin − Vin ) − (23) β (Vin − Vin ) I SS 34 Advances in Solid State Circuits ... biasing technique is using a tail current containing an input dependent quadratic component to cancel the nonlinear term in (23) Consequently, the circuit in Fig changes the tail current by adding ... a single instruction set computer (SISC) can be implemented onto them A single instruction set computer is one in which a processor has only a single instruction During production, various single...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

30 306 0