「ながら」 for two concurrent actions

Evaluation of Meteosat-8 measurements using daily global solar radiation for two stations in Iraq

Evaluation of Meteosat-8 measurements using daily global solar radiation for two stations in Iraq

... obtained from the Iraqi Meteorological Office for two stations, namely Baghdad and Mosul Figures and show the results of these comparisons between for the two stations It is seen that measured and ... concluded that Mosul station showed lowest RMSE and MAE than those for Baghdad for both time scale (seasonally and yearly) For the two stations spring presented the highest RMSE and MAE and this ... found to be 0.908, 0.458, 0.012 for Mosul station Meteosat-8 data can further tested for other regions in Iraq as well Reference [1] Bradford T., The Economic Transformation of the Global Energy...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

8 468 0
Power converter control circuits for two mass vibratory conveying system with electromagnetic drive simulations and experimental results IEEE trans

Power converter control circuits for two mass vibratory conveying system with electromagnetic drive simulations and experimental results IEEE trans

... Previously mentioned facts were motivation for mathematical model formulation and for further research of both the phase angle control and switch mode control behavior for the electromagnetic vibratory ... completed by restoring elastic forces In the two- stroke type, two electromagnets, which alternately attract the armature in different directions, are used In Fig 1, two of the most common single-stroke ... electromechanical analogs for inverse system [18] A simulation model is generated in the program package PSPICE and a subcircuit is formed for application within In this section, simulation results for cases...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:16

14 601 0


... going to be a real change for the better Why Cooking for Two Is Easy I won’t be asking you to go searching for fancy ingredients in order to cook great meals for just two people (You knew that ... only one small Cooking for Two supermarket) So I can say with confidence that cooking for two is healthy—because you’re eating dishes made from healthy foods But cooking for two is healthy in other ... it in his busy schedule for me! Is Cooking for Two Right for You? You might be asking yourself this question, especially if you’ve been cooking meals from my cookbooks for years now Maybe you’ve...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:22

288 378 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Evidence for two different electron transfer pathways in the same enzyme, nitrate reductase A from Escherichia coli potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Evidence for two different electron transfer pathways in the same enzyme, nitrate reductase A from Escherichia coli potx

... that the two hemes not have the same role In particular, kinetic results with the stopped-flow apparatus for the oxidation of the cytochrome show that there are two distinct reactions, two apparent ... Acknowledgements We are indebted to Dr F Blasco for his help in the construction of mutant strains, to Dr G Giordano for preparation of enzymes and to Dr J Pommier for performing the rocket assays The authors ... obtained with dithionite The differences of molecular extinction coefficients for reduced and oxidized forms can be grouped into two classes according to their values, the analogues of ubiquinone and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

8 443 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Thematic segmentation of texts: two methods for two kinds of texts" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Thematic segmentation of texts: two methods for two kinds of texts" pdf

... used for Dice coefficient computation, in the lexical network It means that descriptors reinforced or added are not really specific of the text domain and are nothing but noise in this case The two ... lemmatized form The selection of the meaningful words, which not include proper nouns and abbreviations, ends the pre-processing This one is applied to the texts both for building the collocation network ... mutually reinforced and tend to bring these paragraphs nearer If there is no mutual reinforcement, the vector modifications are not significant These modifications are computed before applying...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:21

5 364 0
The Staged Event-Driven Architecture for Highly-Concurrent Server Applications pdf

The Staged Event-Driven Architecture for Highly-Concurrent Server Applications pdf

... Sandstorm for clusters, but most of the interesting aspects of this problem will not be addressed Our goal is to develop SEDA as a high-performance, single-node platform which can form the basis for ... client to search for and download files from other Gnutella users Nodes running the Gnutella client form an ad-hoc multihop routing network layered over TCP/IP; nodes communicate by forwarding received ... platform which makes use of the staged event-driven architecture This prototype, called Sandstorm, has evolved rapidly from a bare-bones system to a general-purpose platform for hosting highly-concurrent...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

20 473 0
I would like to make a reservation for two people ppt

I would like to make a reservation for two people ppt

... từ đó) I would like to make a reservation for two people 2 Các bạn di chuột vào cụm từ để biết chức cụm câu: I would like to make a reservation for two people 3 Tại câu lại dịch vậy? - “would ... *I would like to make a reservation for two people Hình thức cấu trúc ngữ pháp “would like to + Verb” – muốn làm Chúng ta quan sát câu ... xác định dùng trước danh từ đếm số trừ danh từ bắt đầu nguyên âm “a, e, i, o, u” - for people” – cho người for giới từ có nghĩa “cho” “people” - nhân dân, dân chúng, quần chúng, người nói chung;...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 03:22

5 548 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Modular metabolic control analysis of large responses The general case for two modules and one linking intermediate docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Modular metabolic control analysis of large responses The general case for two modules and one linking intermediate docx

... enzyme catalysed reactions and metabolites are involved But, for our purposes, we only need to consider explicitly one parameter for each module: p1 for the supply module and p2 for the demand module ... reactions coupled in intricate ways Therefore, one would expect to find functional dependencies of the rates with the linking intermediate which are unusual for enzymes studied in isolation For ... approaches, the studies to solve this type of problem are performed on isolated component reactions, reconstructed small portions of the network or extracts As a consequence, the results obtained...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20

14 312 0
Generic assessment procedures for determining protective actions during a reactor accident   IAEA

Generic assessment procedures for determining protective actions during a reactor accident IAEA

... method for locating assessment tools or procedures SCOPE This manual provides technical procedures for determining protective actions for the public and controlling dose to emergency workers for ... recommended for the optimum implementation of the accident assessment procedures This manual was primarily designed for use with reactors Therefore, tables and figures may need to be modified for use ... taking protective actions before or shortly after a major release This is accomplished by taking immediate actions based on plant conditions and by refining these initial protective actions based...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2014, 19:25

239 357 0
programming erlang software for a concurrent world

programming erlang software for a concurrent world

... for ensuring that an Erlang program will run efficiently on multicore computers We introduce a number of abstractions for speeding up sequential programs on multicore computers Finally we perform ... the languages you have probably met before, Erlang is a concurrent programming language—this makes it particularly suited for writing distributed programs and for programming modern multicore and ... limited, but what you can with networks of computers becomes unlimited Erlang provides an ideal environment for experimenting with networked applications and for building production-quality systems...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 12:32

519 915 0
soul sex tantra for two

soul sex tantra for two

... experiments We are self-taught lovers For most of our lives, sex has been a driving force for both of us, as has the desire for connection with God In our culture, these two forces not usually go together ... yourself If the practice of Tantric sacred loving works for you, as it has for us and for many couples, then how you experience each day can be transformed dramatically Everything you will gradually ... builds during lovemaking, we increase our access to this basic life force Sex offers a way to cultivate and use life-force energy for other purposes: giving and receiving pleasure, physical and emotional...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:09

275 347 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Evaluation of normalization methods for two-channel microRNA microarrays" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Evaluation of normalization methods for two-channel microRNA microarrays" ppt

... a one-channel or two- channel system In a one channel system, single samples are labeled and hybridized to individual arrays For arrays using a two- channel system, generally two samples are separately ... for their set of invariant miRs using the Agilent single channel platform In contrast, Hua et al [12], using Rt-PCR as a gold standard, found that the lowess method gave the best result for twochannel ... intensities for that chip (e.g denoted by the distribution function F ) is transformed to equal the reference intensity distribution Operationally, this transformation is accomplished by determining for...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

7 513 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Patient experiences with oily skin: The qualitative development of content for two new patient reported outcome questionnaires" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Patient experiences with oily skin: The qualitative development of content for two new patient reported outcome questionnaires" doc

... importance ratings for the Oily Skin Impact Scale item pool for the total sample and by country, with differences between the two countries evaluated using a t-test Importance ratings for German respondents ... using a coding schedule When a response contained information for which a coding category did not exist, a new one was created and flagged for follow-up during a 'harmonization discussion' with ... and one German bilingual moderator facilitated the IFG sessions in the two countries in their native language For more information about the application of IFG focus groups and this project in...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

15 400 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Tight performance bounds for two-way opportunistic amplify-and-forward wireless relaying networks with TDBC protocols" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: " Tight performance bounds for two-way opportunistic amplify-and-forward wireless relaying networks with TDBC protocols" ppt

... http://jwcn.eurasipjournals.com/content/2011/1/192 descriptions for the TWOR-AFNC-Nodir, and then by using the derived tight lower bound we will study performance of the TWOR-AFNC-Dir systems TWOR-AFNC system model We consider TWOR-AFNC quasi-static ... closed-form expressions, which are significant for the investigation of the TWOR-AFNC systems having direct link between two sources With the approximate lower bounds to PDF and CDF for TWOR-AF-Nodir ... opportunistic relaying; TWOR-NC-Dir: TWOR-NC systems where there is direct link between two sources; TWORNC-Nodir: TWOR-NC systems where there is no direct link between two sources 14 15 16 17...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

8 354 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " An implicit iterative algorithm with errors for two families of generalized asymptotically nonexpansive mappings" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " An implicit iterative algorithm with errors for two families of generalized asymptotically nonexpansive mappings" pptx

... : ||x|| = 1} E is said to be uniformly convex if for any ε Î (0, 2] there exists δ > such that for any x, y Î UE, x−y ≥ε x+y ≤ − δ implies It is known that a uniformly convex Banach space is reflexive ... αn + βn + γn = for each n ≥ We have rewritten the above table in the following compact form: j(n) j(n) xn = αn xn−1 + βn Ti(n) (αn xn + βn Si(n) xn + γn ) + γn un , n ≥ 1, where for each n ≥ fixed, ... points for a finite family of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings {T1, T2, , TN}; see [6] for more details Recently, Cianciaruso et al [9] considered a Ishikawa-like iterative algorithm for the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

17 298 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Algorithms of Common Solutions to Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems and a System of Quasivariational Inclusions for Two Difference Nonlinear Operators in Banach Spaces" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Algorithms of Common Solutions to Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems and a System of Quasivariational Inclusions for Two Difference Nonlinear Operators in Banach Spaces" pdf

... quasivariational inclusion problem for an inverse-strongly monotone mapping in a uniformly convex and 2-uniformly smooth Banach space Theorem 3.1 Let E be a uniformly convex and 2-uniformly smooth Banach space ... to be smooth if the limit limt → x ty − x /t exists for all x, y ∈ U It is also said to be uniformly smooth if the limit is attained uniformly for x, y ∈ U The modulus of smoothness of E is defined ... denoted by j Typical examples of both uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces are Lp , where p > More precisely, Lp is min{p, 2}uniformly smooth for every p > Let T be a mapping from...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

23 399 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On Properties of Solutions for Two Functional Equations Arising in Dynamic Programming" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On Properties of Solutions for Two Functional Equations Arising in Dynamic Programming" pdf

... 1.5 < ∞ for t > n A Fixed Point Theorem Let {dk }k≥1 be a countable family of pseudometrics on a nonvoid set X such that for any two different points x, y ∈ X, dk x, y > for some k ≥ For any ... bi : S×D → S be mappings for i and, ϕ, ψ be in Φ4 satisfying C6 |r x, y | m i max{|pi x, y |, |ui x, y |} ≤ ψ x , for all x, y ∈ S × D, : i ∈ {1, 2, , m}} ≤ ϕ x , for all x, y ∈ S × D, C7 ... that R −∞, ∞ , R For any t ∈ R, t denotes the largest integer not exceeding t Define Φ1 ϕ : ϕ : R −→ R is upper semicontinuous from the right on R , Φ2 ϕ : ϕ : R −→ R and ϕ t < t for t > , Φ3 ϕ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

19 224 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Channel Estimation for Two-Way Relay OFDM Networks" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Channel Estimation for Two-Way Relay OFDM Networks" pot

... sequences We compare both MSE performance as well as symbol error rate (SER) performance for two- way relay OFDM networks Figure shows the MSE performance between θ and θ for different training sequences ... convolution of two vectors a and b are denoted as a b and a ⊗ b, respectively E{·} denotes expectation operation Two- Way Relay OFDM Model Consider a two- way relay network where the two source nodes, ... consider the channel estimation for twoway relay OFDM networks Due to the nature of the signaling, we estimate two composite channels instead of separately estimating the two links from the source...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

6 339 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Solvability for Two Classes of Higher-Order Multi-Point Boundary Value Problems at Resonance" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Solvability for Two Classes of Higher-Order Multi-Point Boundary Value Problems at Resonance" doc

... 1/ξ e Therefore, it follows that |d| ≤ max M, Hence Ω2 is bounded γ α e ξ 2.56 10 Boundary Value Problems Now, according to condition A4 , we have the following two cases Case For any d ∈ R, ... the following i Lu / λNu for every u, λ ∈ dom L \ Ker L ∩ ∂Ω × 0, ii Nu/Im L for u ∈ Ker L ∩ ∂Ω ∈ ii H u, λ ±λJu − λ QNu According to the above argument, we know H u, λ / for every u ∈ Ker L ∩ ... exists M > 0, such that for u ∈ dom L, if |u t | > M for all t ∈ 0, , then m−2 s2 βj j f s1 , u s1 , , u n−1 s1 e s1 ds1 ds2 / 0; ηj 2.71 A7 there exists M∗ > such that for any d ∈ R, if |d|...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20

14 206 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Kneser-Type Solutions for Two-Dimensional Linear Differential Systems with Deviating Arguments" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Kneser-Type Solutions for Two-Dimensional Linear Differential Systems with Deviating Arguments" potx

... necessary and sufficient for Kt0 = ∅ for any t0 ∈ R+ Proof Sufficiency By (5.7) it is obvious that condition (5.2) is satisfied Therefore sufficiency follows from Corollary 5.4 Necessity Let for any t0 ∈ R+ ... [9, 10] If W(t) = for t ∈ [0,+∞), then the Sturm separation theorem (between two zeros of each nontrivial solution there is one and only one zero of other solution) is fulfilled for the second-order ... τ(σ(t) ≤ t for t ∈ [0,+∞) and τ is a nondecreasing function In the present paper, necessary and sufficient conditions for nonexistence of solutions satisfying the condition u1 (t)u2 (t) < 0, for t ≥...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

22 290 0