điều cần biết về brand

Effects of brand personality appeal and  brand love on brand loyalty: evidence from Vietnam

Effects of brand personality appeal and brand love on brand loyalty: evidence from Vietnam

... and brand love on brand loyalty The findings show that brand personality appeal is a better predictor of brand loyalty than brand love itself Keywords: brand loyalty; brand personality appeal; brand ... passion – one element of brand love – as a predictor of brand loyalty H2: Brand love is positively related to brand loyalty Previous study shows that brand trust and brand affect play as a significant ... experience, brand personality and brand relationship variables which include 326 | ICUEH2017 brand attachment and brand commitment In the relationship between brand personality appeal and brand loyalty,

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2020, 14:34

23 15 0
Effects of brand personality appeal and  brand love on brand loyalty, evidence from vietnam

Effects of brand personality appeal and brand love on brand loyalty, evidence from vietnam

... and brand love on brand loyalty The findings show that brand personality appeal is a better predictor of brand loyalty than brand love itself Keywords: brand loyalty; brand personality appeal; brand ... passion – one element of brand love – as a predictor of brand loyalty H2: Brand love is positively related to brand loyalty Previous study shows that brand trust and brand affect play as a significant ... experience, brand personality and brand relationship variables which include 326 | ICUEH2017 brand attachment and brand commitment In the relationship between brand personality appeal and brand loyalty,

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2020, 08:51

23 9 0
Effects of brand personality appeal and  brand love on brand loyalty evidence from vietnam

Effects of brand personality appeal and brand love on brand loyalty evidence from vietnam

... and brand love on brand loyalty The findings show that brand personality appeal is a better predictor of brand loyalty than brand love itself Keywords: brand loyalty; brand personality appeal; brand ... passion – one element of brand love – as a predictor of brand loyalty H2: Brand love is positively related to brand loyalty Previous study shows that brand trust and brand affect play as a significant ... brand experience, brand personality and brand relationship variables which include brand attachment and brand commitment In the relationship between brand personality appeal and brand loyalty, we

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 16:39

26 3 0
 unlicensed effects of brand personality appeal and  brand love on brand loyalty evidence from vietnam

unlicensed effects of brand personality appeal and brand love on brand loyalty evidence from vietnam

... and brand love on brand loyalty The findings show that brand personality appeal is a better predictor of brand loyalty than brand love itself Keywords: brand loyalty; brand personality appeal; brand ... passion – one element of brand love – as a predictor of brand loyalty H2: Brand love is positively related to brand loyalty Previous study shows that brand trust and brand affect play as a significant ... brand experience, brand personality and brand relationship variables which include brand attachment and brand commitment In the relationship between brand personality appeal and brand loyalty, we

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2022, 20:17

23 0 0
A study to indicate the importance of consumer based-brand equity on consumer perception of brand (a case study of fast food restaurants).pdf

A study to indicate the importance of consumer based-brand equity on consumer perception of brand (a case study of fast food restaurants).pdf

... perceptions of a brand 18 2.2 BRAND 20 2.2.1 Brand 20 Benefit of a strong brand 22 2.2.2 Brand equity 23 2.2.3 Conceptualization of consumer based- brand equity 24 2.3.4 Brand equity ... consumer’s based -brand equity namely based -brand awareness, based -brand image, perceived quality and based -brand loyalty Among the three dimensions, brand loyalty appears to have the least brand equity ... conceptualization i.e brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand association Brand association here is referred to as brand image i.e the set of associations that are connected to the brand

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2012, 17:19

88 986 8
Tài liệu Brand Glossary (A-B) Brand pptx

Tài liệu Brand Glossary (A-B) Brand pptx

... hưởng nhất định cho thương hiệu đó. Awareness (Sự nhận biết về thương hiệu): Chỉ ra lượng người hay thị trường mục tiêu có thể nhận biết về sự tồn tại của một công ty hay một thương hiệu đã có ... truờng mục tiêu của mình. Brand Associations (Sự liên tưởng thương hiệu): Là những cảm giác, niềm tin, và các hiểu biết về thương hiệu mà khách hàng hay người tiêu dùng biết tới. Sự liên tưởng ... Brand Platform(Nền thương hiệu): Bao gồm những nhân tố chính yếu sau đây:  Brand Vision (Tầm nhìn thương hiệu): Những hiểu biết mang tính dẫn dắt khách hàng vào thế giới của thương hiệu.  Brand

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

11 273 0
symantec brand identity standards contentsour brand today our values our design philosophy doc

symantec brand identity standards contentsour brand today our values our design philosophy doc

... responsive, and proactive solutions. our valuesour brand today 2 As Symantec transforms its business, we take this opportunity to better define our identity and brand promise to our customers. Our core ... allow us to uphold the essential promise of our brand: to provide pure confidence in a connected world. In one sentence, this is what we and our brand are all about. This book has been created ... the value of the Symantec brand. our symbol 8 The Symantec logotype was created as a specific artistic style to convey the per- sonality and voice of the Symantec brand. The serif style was

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20

20 207 0
A model of brand awareness and brand attitude advertising strategies

A model of brand awareness and brand attitude advertising strategies

... to advertising strategy Brand recognition and brand recall are two separate types of brand awareness The difference depends upon the Brand Recognition I Brand Recall BRAND ATTITUDE I Figure Two-factor ... response to the brand Moreover, recall of the name is not necessarily required because brand awareness may proceed through brand recognition When a brand is recognized at point of purchase, brand awareness ... upon careful attention to brand awareness and brand attitude In this model, an important distinction is drawn between recognition brand awareness and recall brand awareness Brand attitude strategy

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2016, 12:17

12 186 0
Brand vs  campaign or brand + campaign

Brand vs campaign or brand + campaign

... Bill Faust Ologie @williamfaust our agenda for today Brands vs Campaigns • Defining a brand platform • Defining a campaign platform What is a ? ?brand campaign”? • Some examples outside and inside ... the WHAT and HOW (we offer) (you benefit) Strong brands often use campaigns to sell ideas not just “things.” brand platform campaign platform ? ?brand campaign” A few examples from outside higher ... 84 the bottom line A successful brand campaign sells an idea, not a thing c onveys a brand? ??s essence but in tangible ways aligns with people who share the brand? ??s philosophy 87 But it can

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 23:51

76 84 0
A brand for all seasons? A discussion of brand loyalty approaches and their applicability for different markets

A brand for all seasons? A discussion of brand loyalty approaches and their applicability for different markets

... definition of brand loyalty that is most often used in brand loyalty research is the composite definition of brand loyalty, which was first proposed by Jacoby (1971) Under a concept definition brand ... Conceptual definition of brand loyalty Classification of brand loyalty The problem does not lie with the conceptual definition of brand loyalty but with the method of operationalising brand loyalty This ... Durables Services Yes High Multi -brand Varies from to 60 Between 10 and 30 depending on number of brands No Low Sole brand 100 No Medium to high Sole or dual brand Typically 80 or higher Approximately

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2016, 18:06

15 473 0
Key factors influence brand trust and brand loyalty a study on smartphone consumers

Key factors influence brand trust and brand loyalty a study on smartphone consumers

... Literature Review 2.1 Brand and Brand Loyalty 2.2 Brand Trust 2.3 Customer Satisfaction 2.4 Brand Identity and Brand Identification 2.4.1 Kapferer’s Brand Identity vs Brand Image 2.4.2 Brand Identity ... : (1) Brand Identity (BI), (2) Brand Identification (BID), (3) Customer Satisfaction (CS) have significant impact on dependent variavles (4) Brand Trust (BT) and (5) Brand Loyalty (BL) Brand ... independent factors (Brand Identity, Brand Identification, Customer Satisfaction) 31 4.3.2 EFA Analysis results for measurement scales of dependent factor (Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty) 4.4 Multi-Linear

Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2017, 20:46

78 299 0
DSpace at VNU: Brand personality appeal, brand relationship quality and WOM transmission: a study of consumer markets in Vietnam

DSpace at VNU: Brand personality appeal, brand relationship quality and WOM transmission: a study of consumer markets in Vietnam

... and Chieng (2006) find that brand association, brand attitude and brand image are antecedents of brand relationship quality However, the impact of brand personality on brand relationship quality ... strength of a brand Some stem from cognitive psychology, i.e based on consumer cognitive processes, such as brand awareness, perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand associations and recently brand experience ... both brand personality appeal and brand relationship quality Finally, attitudes toward advertising have a positive impact on brand personality appeal but not on brand relationship quality Brand

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 10:14

19 225 0
The effect of perceived brand globalness on brand value and purchase intention

The effect of perceived brand globalness on brand value and purchase intention

... brands, and whether customers prefer global brands This study aims to investigate the effects of perceived brand globalness on brand value, which in turns affect customer purchase intention Brand ... with above brands, please state you respond with below questions: STT 10 To me, this is a global brand I think consumers overseas buy this brand This brand is sold all over the world This brand delivers ... overall quality This is a brand of superior quality 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 This is a very well made brand 7 7 7 12 This is a very prestigious brand This brand has high status 13 This brand is very upscale

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2018, 13:10

64 442 0
Summary of Doctoral thesis: Impact of logo and brand name in advertising message on brand awareness of consumers: Empirical research in banking secrtor

Summary of Doctoral thesis: Impact of logo and brand name in advertising message on brand awareness of consumers: Empirical research in banking secrtor

... incorporate brand elements in advertising messages and their impact on brand awareness It is therefore difficult to exploit the impactiveness of brand elements in brand that affects brand awareness ... logo and brand name in advertising messages affect brand awareness of consumers? How about the role of personal characteristics (age, gender) towards the impact of logo, brand name on brand awareness ... or spoken language, brand name, message content; (2) Image as character image and background, brand logo; (3) colors, including brand identity color; (4) Sound, for example, brand music In addition,

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 11:01

26 51 0
Summary of Economic Doctoral thesis: Corporate social responsibility, brand - customer relationship quality and switching brand intention in the consumer goods in Vietnam

Summary of Economic Doctoral thesis: Corporate social responsibility, brand - customer relationship quality and switching brand intention in the consumer goods in Vietnam

... branding, questions related to branding identification are more  important in? ?brand? ?management (Tuškej et al., 2013) To   evaluate   brand? ?customer   relationships,   the   brand? ? identification (BI) and? ?brand? ?relationship quality (BRQ) are key  ... ­ Research theories: CSR,? ?brand? ?identification (BI),? ?brand? ? relationship quality (BRQ), switching? ?brand? ?intention ­ Identify and measure the impact of CSR, BI, BRQ on the  switching? ?brand? ?intention; ­ Verify differences in the influence of variables: CSR, BI,  ... Since then, the hypothesis H1 has been as follows: H1:   Brand   ­   customer   relationship   quality   has   a   negative   impact on switching? ?brand? ?intention The   impact   of   brand   identification   on ? ?brand   ­   customer 

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 15:01

26 74 0
Country of origin, brand image and brand loyalty of branded drugs in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Country of origin, brand image and brand loyalty of branded drugs in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

... forked under BRAND IMAGE (BI) related to perceived price of a brand BI4 I feel the brand is for high-end consumers BI5 I feel the brand I bought is expensive BRAND LOYALTY (BL) BL1 I use brand I like ... image about the brand I bought BI3 I feel the brand I bought is special BI4 I feel the brand is for high-end consumers BI5 I feel the brand I bought is expensive BI6 I feel the brand I bought ... feel brand I bought has a high quality PQ2 I like the quality of the brand I bought PQ3 Products of the brand I bought function well PQ4 Products of the brand I bought is reliable PQ5 The brand

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 16:07

17 58 0

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