đề kiểm tra tiếng anh lớp 8 đề 11

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 1

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 1

... d). Pipe 7). We were delighted……… your letter last week a). Getting b). Got c). Get d). To get 8) . Car tires… to make pipers and floor coverings a). Are recycling b). Recycled c). Are recycled...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 3.5K 106
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 2

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 2

... d). To take 7). My sister in the ………… in my family a). Tall b). Taller c). Tallest d). The taller 8) . Car tires… to make pipers and floor coverings a). Are recycling b). Are recycled c). Recycled...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 2.3K 83
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 4

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 4

... d). Pipe 7). My sister in the ………… in my family a). Tall b). Taller c). Tallest d). The taller 8) . Car tires… to make pipers and floor coverings a). Are recycling b). Are recycled c). Recycled...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 1.6K 45
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 5

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 5

... Sunday because she has to do her homework a). Won't b). Shall not c). Wouldn't d). Shall 8) . We were delighted……… your letter last week a). To get b). Getting c). Get d). Got 9). They use...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 2K 60
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 6

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 6

... sentences 1). Alexander Graham Bell was born March 3, 184 7 a). In b). At c). On d). During 2). She came with a new device which she introduced in 189 0 a). Up b). On c). At d). Over 3). I find Peter ... Don't come in, Please wait for your turn a). Outside b). Downstairs c). Upstairs d). Inside 8) . I a letter from my friend last week a). Sent b). Received c). Gave d). Took 9). We ought the ... Put c). Putting d). Puts 10). They from Canada to American to find work. a). Emigrated b). Demonstrated c). Delivered d). Started ...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 1.5K 60
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 7

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 7

... March 3, 184 7 a). In b). At c). On d). During 6). I a letter from my friend last week a). Received b). Gave c). Sent d). Took 7). She came with a new device which she introduced in 189 0 a). Over ... device which she introduced in 189 0 a). Over b). On c). Up d). At 8) . They from Canada to American to find work. a). Emigrated b). Demonstrated c). Delivered d). Started 9). "Would you to go to...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 1.5K 59
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 8

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 8

... a new device which she introduced in 189 0 a). Over b). On c). Up d). At 7). Alexander Graham Bell was born March 3, 184 7 a). On b). In c). At d). During 8) . Deaf mutes can speak hear a). Both ... they first introduced in 187 6. Bell said on the telephone: “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.” This was the first telephone message. Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to ... A,B,C or D. On March 3, 184 7, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh. He was a Scotsman although he later emigrated, first to Canada and then to the USA in the 187 0s. In America, he worked...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 1.7K 63
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 9

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 9

... they first introduced in 187 6. Bell said on the telephone: “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.” This was the first telephone message. Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to ... A,B,C or D. On March 3, 184 7, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh. He was a Scotsman although he later emigrated, first to Canada and then to the USA in the 187 0s. In America, he worked ... America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. This led to the invention of the telephone. Bell and his...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

4 1.5K 45
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 10

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 10

... Received 3). Alexander Graham Bell was born March 3, 184 7 a). In b). During c). At d). On 4). They from Canada to American to find work. a). Started b). Demonstrated c). Emigrated d). Delivered 5). I find ... b). Want c). Love d). Mind 8) . We ought the wardrobe in the corner a). Put b). Puts c). Putting d). To put 9). She came with a new device which she introduced in 189 0 a). Up b). On c). At d). ... A,B,C or D. On March 3, 184 7, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh. He was a Scotsman although he later emigrated, first to Canada and then to the USA in the 187 0s. In America, he worked...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

3 1.4K 33
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 11

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 11

... c). Hat d). Language a). Watch b). Wall c). Grade d). Walk a). Map b). Behavior c). Match d). Transmit a). Live b). Kind c). Kid d). Print II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences 1)....

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

5 1.3K 33
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 12

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 12

... your answer by cirling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D. a). Map b). Match c). Behavior d). Transmit a). Language b). Flat c). Hat d). Far a). Hour b). Horse c). House d). Hotel a). Live...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

5 1.3K 38
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 13

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 13

... corresponding letter A,B,C or D. a). Watch b). Wall c). Grade d). Walk a). Map b). Match c). Behavior d). Transmit a). Kid b). Live c). Kind d). Print a). House b). Hour c). Horse d). Hotel a). Language ... Talk 7). I'm enrolling The Young Pioneers Club this summer a). Into b). At c). For d). To 8) . My sister always gets good grades Math a). For b). In c). On d). At 9). She asked her children...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

5 1.5K 63
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 14

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 14

... 7). time do you spend on English ? a). How many b). How much c). How often d). How long 8) . She is studying hard pass the final exams a). For b). In order to c). So to d). So that 9). ... or D. a). Far b). Flat c). Hat d). Language a). Grade b). Wall c). Watch d). Walk a). Map b). Transmit c). Match d). Behavior a). Kind b). Live c). Kid d). Print a). House b). Hour c). Horse...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

5 1.4K 36
Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 15

Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh lớp 8 đề 15

... age 7). Could you me the way to the nearest bank, please ? a). Talk b). Answer c). Speak d). Show 8) . She asked her children a). To stop playing b). Stop to play c). Stop playing d). Stopping...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2013, 05:41

5 1K 30

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