generate a pdf from xml and xsl with parameters

Tài liệu Saving and Loading a DataSet from XML pptx

Tài liệu Saving and Loading a DataSet from XML pptx

... schema is discarded InferSchema Ignores any inline schema, infers the schema from the data, and loads the data into the DataSet The DataSet schema is extended by adding new tables and columns as ... required ReadSchema Reads any inline schema and loads the data into the DataSet If the DataSet already contains tables, new tables will be added but an exception will be raised if any tables defined ... Recipe 8.1 and the MSDN Library The WriteXml( ) and ReadXml( ) methods of the DataSet are used to write and read the XML for the DataSet The WriteXml( ) method takes an optional argument that specifies...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

11 429 1


... 5’-GCGGTGATATCCATCTATTC-3’ 655 bp 5’-CCACTTACTTGTCCTACTAAC-3’ iA (iota toxin) 5’-ACTACTCTCAGACAAGACAG-3’ 446 bp 5’-CTTTCCTTCTATTACTATACG-3’ cpe (enterotoxin) 5’-GGAGATGGTTGGATATTAGG-3’ 233 bp 5’-GGACCAGCAGTTGTAGATA-3’ ... 5’-GGACCAGCAGTTGTAGATA-3’ cpb2 (beta2 toxin) 5’-AGATTTTAAATATGATCCTAACC-3’ 567 bp 5’-CAATACCCTTCACCAAATACTC-3’ The results were examined by electrophoresis in a 2% agarose gel (Seakem GTG) for 30 at ... sequences (5’ - 3’) 5’-GCTAATGTTACTGCCGTTGA-3’ cpa (alpha toxin) Size (bp) 324 bp 5’-CCTCTGATACATCGTGTAAG-3’ cpb (beta toxin) 5’-GCGAATATGCTGAATCATCTA-3’ 196 bp 5’-GCAGGAACATTAGTATATCTTC-3’ etx (epsilon...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 08:14

6 613 0
Báo cáo y học: "Tibialis posterior in health and disease: a review of structure and function with specific reference to electromyographic studies" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Tibialis posterior in health and disease: a review of structure and function with specific reference to electromyographic studies" pot

... relation to movements of the tarsus Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 1978, 172:1-196 Gray EG, Basmajian JV: Electromyography and cinematography of leg and foot ("normal" and flat) during walking Anat ... seventy-eight patients assessed over an 11-year period They reported approximately 1/3 of varus deformities linked with cerebral palsy are associated with TP alone and a further 1/3 are associated with abnormal ... JW and DET critically revised the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Additional material Additional file Posterior approach A video demonstration of the posterior approach...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:23

8 530 0
Tài liệu The King''''s Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the Posts, Mail Coaches, Coach Roads, and Railway Mail Services of and connected with the Ancient City of Bristol from 1580 to the present time pdf

Tài liệu The King''''s Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the Posts, Mail Coaches, Coach Roads, and Railway Mail Services of and connected with the Ancient City of Bristol from 1580 to the present time pdf

... John Palmer was lessee and manager of the Bath and Bristol theatres, and went about beating up actors, actresses, and companies in postchaises, and he thought letters should be carried at the same ... years after Allen's death that Palmer's Mail Coach system was started Its advantage soon made itself apparent, and the improvement of roads at the end of the 18th Century enabled the mail coach ... Chester, and Holyhead[Pg 65] coaches, and returned the following days, and met the Bath, Warminster, Salisbury, and Southampton coaches every Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings at seven...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 02:20

158 674 0
Báo cáo y học: " Effects on osteoclast and osteoblast activities in cultured mouse calvarial bones by synovial fluids from patients with a loose joint prosthesis and from osteoarthritis patients" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Effects on osteoclast and osteoblast activities in cultured mouse calvarial bones by synovial fluids from patients with a loose joint prosthesis and from osteoarthritis patients" pdf

... used in all experiments Animal care and experiments were approved and conducted in accordance with accepted standards of humane animal care and use as deemed appropriate by the Animal Care and Use ... phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin in neonatal mouse calvarial bones (a) Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of alkaline phosphatase mRNA in mouse calvarial bones stimulated ... and RNA was extracted from individual bones and subsequently used for analyses RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis Total RNA was extracted from calvarial bones with TRIzol LS reagent in accordance...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:20

14 332 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: The b-1,4-endogalactanase A gene from Aspergillus niger is specifically induced on arabinose and galacturonic acid and plays an important role in the degradation of pectic hairy regions pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: The b-1,4-endogalactanase A gene from Aspergillus niger is specifically induced on arabinose and galacturonic acid and plays an important role in the degradation of pectic hairy regions pdf

... D-galactose and 0.3% L-arabinose and is predominantly linear Potato arabinogalactan consists of 86% D-galactose and 6.6% L-arabinose, while soy arabinogalactan consists of 57% D-galactose and ... D-galactose and D-galacto-oligosaccharides The calculated areas for D-galactose and D-galacto-oligosaccharides were expressed as percentages of the area of mM D-galactose A niger b-1,4-endogalactanase ... duplicate The hydrolysis activity of GALA with different arabinogalactans was measured in duplicate by HPAEC and MALDI-TOF MS after incubation of mgÆmL)1 of potato, onion and soy arabinogalactan with...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 01:21

9 669 0
Counseling and Psychotherapy With Religious Persons : A Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach pdf

Counseling and Psychotherapy With Religious Persons : A Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach pdf

... both /and and an and/ also basis Thus, almost every human act or condition has its advantages and disadvantages Even helpful acts have their bad aspects Giving people money, approval, or therapy may ... Rational ideas and behaviors are not always really rational, and certainly they are not always sensible and helpful Rationally and empirically believing that the universe is senseless and uncaring ... and with others, and, once again, use a variety of relationship and interpersonal relating approaches to determine which ones actually seem to work I actively give and teach self-acceptance and...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20

143 489 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Phosphorylation modulates the local conformation and self-aggregation ability of a peptide from the fourth tau microtubule-binding repeat pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Phosphorylation modulates the local conformation and self-aggregation ability of a peptide from the fourth tau microtubule-binding repeat pdf

... in a capillary tube was used as the external standard for H NMR chemical shifts Standard NOESY [49] and TOCSY [50] experiments were collected on a Varian Inova-600 spectrometer (Palo Alto, CA, ... Correas I, Nieto A & Avila J (1988) Tau factor polymers are similar to paired helical filaments of Alzheimer’s disease FEBS Lett 236, 150–154 42 Mendieta J, Fuertes MA, Kunjishapatham R, SantaMaria ... by aggregation are critical steps towards understanding the mechanisms involved in the pathological aggregation of tau Tau protein purified from brain extracts or recombinant tau is able to aggregate...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

9 428 0
Báo cáo " Paleomagnetism of cretaceous continental redbed formations from Indochina and South China, their Cenozoic tectonic implications: a review " pdf

Báo cáo " Paleomagnetism of cretaceous continental redbed formations from Indochina and South China, their Cenozoic tectonic implications: a review " pdf

... polar  wander  paths  of  the  African,  Eurasian, North America and Indian Plates, and true  polar  wander  since  200  Ma,  Journal  of  Geophysical Research B96 (1991) 4029.  [2] L.S.  Chan,  ... Thai‐Malay  terranes,  Earth  and Planetary  Science  Letters 117 (1993) 507.  J.  Jackson,  and P.  Molnar,  Active  faulting  and block  rotation  in  the  western  Transverse  Ranges,  California,  ... Shan‐Thai  and Indochina  blocks,  South  China  Sea,  Borneo,  Malaya‐Indonesia  Islands.  During the decade 90s of the 20th Century, there  have been some reviews of paleomagnetic data  from ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

11 302 0


... they are identical with each athel This is a law of thought of a very simple and obvious character, and we may observe concerning it,I That all people think in accordance with it, and agree that ... we so far create science and arrive at natural laws But there may be, and are, many things so fickle, complicated, and uncertain, that we can never be sure we have detected laws that they will ... of a physicallyexisting thing, and is concrete; redness is the name of one quality of the house, and is abstract The word abstract means draw1Z from (Latin, abstractus, from abstralzere, to draw...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

362 548 2
Báo cáo khoa học: IMP1 interacts with poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) and the autoregulatory translational control element of PABP-mRNA through the KH III-IV domain pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: IMP1 interacts with poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) and the autoregulatory translational control element of PABP-mRNA through the KH III-IV domain pdf

... EcoRI-T7-aaaaaatccaaaaaaaatct-BamHI EcoRI-T7-tctaaaaaaatcttttaaaaaacccc-BamHI EcoRI-T7-ccccaaaaaaatttacaaaaaatc-BamHI EcoRI-T7-ccccaaaaaaattt-BamHI EcoRI-T7-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-BamHI ... create various ARS constructs Primer Sense sequence ARS EcoRI-T7-aaaaaatccaaaaaaaatctaaaaaaatcttttaaaaaa ccccaaaaaaatttacaaaaaa-BamHI EcoRI-T7-tccaaaaaaaatctaaaaaaatcttttaaaaaa ccccaaaaaaattt-BamHI ... EarI-catgggacgatttaagtct EarI-catggaacagatgaaacaa EarI-catggagcgccaggctcac EarI-catgaacaagctttacatcg EarI-catggtggacatcccccttcgg EarI-catggctgctccctatagctcc KpnI-ttaaacagttggaacaccgg KpnI-ttagcctactccacttttgcg...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

13 466 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Antimicrobial peptides from hylid and ranin frogs originated from a 150-million-year-old ancestral precursor with a conserved signal peptide but a hypermutable antimicrobial domain pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Antimicrobial peptides from hylid and ranin frogs originated from a 150-million-year-old ancestral precursor with a conserved signal peptide but a hypermutable antimicrobial domain pot

... antimicrobial peptides from South American hylids [32,34–37] and Asian, European AMWKDVLKKIGTVALHAGKAALGAVADTISQa GLWSKIKEVGKEAAKAAAKAAGKAALGAVSEAVa ALWKNMLKGIGKLAGQAALGAVKTLVGAE ALWKDILKNVGKAAGKAVLNTVTDMVNQa ... isolated India between 150 and 65 Ma and colonized the Laurasian land mass after India collided with Asia Abbreviations; AF, Africa; IND, India; AUS, Australia; SA, South America; ANT, Antartica ... B, H and G and brevinins 2Ta and 2Tb are from Rana temporaria, brevinins 1E and 2Ef and esculentin 1B from R esculenta, ranalexin from R catesbeiana, gaegurins and from R rugosa, and ranatuerin-2P...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:21

14 306 0
images of empiricism essays on science and stances with a reply from bas van fraassen nov 2007

images of empiricism essays on science and stances with a reply from bas van fraassen nov 2007

... Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Data available Typeset by Laserwords Private Limited, Chennai, India Printed in Great Britain ... isn’t as clear as van Fraassen would like to believe Chakravartty maintains that almost all inquiry is metaphysical to a degree, including van Fraassen’s stance empiricism Chakravartty also argues ... philosophical stance at all It is clear that van Fraassen has synoptic ideas about the virtues of empiricism and the nature of philosophy, but it is not always clear what van Fraassen’s ideas are The...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:06

401 1,3K 0
báo cáo hóa học:" The PedsQL™ as a patient-reported outcome in children and adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a population-based study" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" The PedsQL™ as a patient-reported outcome in children and adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a population-based study" pdf

... instrument and drafted the manuscript TMB participated in study conceptualization and design, and performed the statistical analysis All authors read and approved the final manuscript Acknowledgements ... respect to race/ethnicity, with 31 (43.1%) White, 16 (22.2%) Hispanic/Latino, (9.7%) Black/African American, (9.7%) Asian/Pacific Islander, 2(2.8%) Native American or Native Alaskan, and (12.5%) ... healthy sample was randomly matched by age group to the ADHD sample prior to analysis (i.e., an equal percentage of healthy children in each age group was randomly selected to match the ADHD sample...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 538 0
THERE ONCE WAS A CLASSICAL THEORY: Introductory Classical Mechanics, with Problems and Solutions pdf

THERE ONCE WAS A CLASSICAL THEORY: Introductory Classical Mechanics, with Problems and Solutions pdf

... be a tiny distance (small compared to a) Then a force F3 at a distance a is equivalent to a force F3 (a/ ) at a distance 11 But a force F3 (a/ ) at a distance is equivalent to a force F3 (a/ ... object’s mass in terms of a standard (say, kg) mass All you have to is compare its acceleration with that of the standard mass, when acted on by the same force There is also another piece of substance ... this answer comes from the fact that the ladder behaves like a point mass located halfway up As an exercise, you can show that the answer for the analogous problem, but now with a massless ladder...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 05:20

623 465 0
Báo cáo y học: "ADAMTS proteinases: a multi-domain, multi-functional family with roles in extracellular matrix turnover and arthritis" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "ADAMTS proteinases: a multi-domain, multi-functional family with roles in extracellular matrix turnover and arthritis" pdf

... and termed ‘aggrecanase’ [25] Several of these ADAMTS proteinases also cleave the related hyalectan versican at analogous sites and ADAMTS-4 has been demonstrated to cleave a further hyalectan, ... region are arranged in one, two or three tandem arrays Between arrays is either a short linker sequence (ADAMTS-9 and ADAMTS-20) or a mucin-like domain (ADAMTS-7 and ADAMTS-12) [17] Four additional ... cleavage is a characteristic event in the catabolism of cartilage aggrecan in the arthritides [29-31] The potential importance of aggrecanasemediated degradation of aggrecan in cartilage, particularly...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23

10 312 0
Báo cáo y học: " 52-kDa Ro/SSA epitopes preferentially recognized by antibodies from mothers of children with neonatal lupus and congenital heart block" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " 52-kDa Ro/SSA epitopes preferentially recognized by antibodies from mothers of children with neonatal lupus and congenital heart block" pdf

... mice as a murine model [9] The association of CHB with maternal autoantibodies to Ro and La antigens might be due to cross-reactions between maternal anti-Ro/La antibodies and fetal cardiac-specific ... We have thus clearly demonstrated that anti-5-HT4-R antibodies are associated with neonatal lupus, that they are pathogenic and that they cross-react with the Ro52 antigen [12-14] It is notable ... diagnosis of CHB was obtained during fetal life, and was based on postnatal electrocardiogram when bradycardia was detected Among the 41 mothers who gave birth to a child with NLE, four had a...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20

11 252 0
báo cáo khoa học: "From PALSA PLUS to PALM PLUS: adapting and developing a South African guideline and training intervention to better integrate HIV/AIDS care with primary care in rural health centers in Malawi" pot

báo cáo khoa học: "From PALSA PLUS to PALM PLUS: adapting and developing a South African guideline and training intervention to better integrate HIV/AIDS care with primary care in rural health centers in Malawi" pot

... local experts and stakeholders [6] One such strategy is the Practical Approach to Lung Health and HIV/AIDS in South Africa, or PALSA PLUS, adapted from the World Health Organization’s Practical ... provided with photographs of Malawians accessing care at health centres, and created a waiting room scene that would resonate with Malawian frontline healthcare workers Selected illustrations from ... Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, and with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) The authors wish also to acknowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

10 273 0
Báo cáo y học: "A cross-sectional study of patients with and without substance use disorders in Community Mental Health Centres" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "A cross-sectional study of patients with and without substance use disorders in Community Mental Health Centres" pdf

... study is part of an evaluation of the National Plan for Mental Health that was adapted to the study aims, the prevalence of SUD was measured by a composite adapted approach, and there was no structured ... of the analysis An “Individual Plan” means a tailored, comprehensive treatment plan that all patients with a chronic disease are entitled to have according to Norwegian law Variables regarding ... Odds ratios with p-values < 0.0013 are given in boldface a The variables are presented as n (%) Valid percentages are given b Generalized Estimating Equations are used All variables are adjusted...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22

9 600 0
Báo cáo y học: " Multiple myeloma presenting with high-output heart failure and improving with anti-angiogenesis therapy: two case reports and a review of the literature" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Multiple myeloma presenting with high-output heart failure and improving with anti-angiogenesis therapy: two case reports and a review of the literature" pdf

... demonstrated sinus tachycardia with normal voltage and diffuse T wave flattening His chest X-ray demonstrated mild cardiomegaly and evidence of pulmonary edema An echocardiogram conveyed a hyperdynamic ... involvement and the diagnosis is supported by physical exam findings, echocardiography, and cardiac catheterization In these patients, traditional heart failure therapies such as beta blockers, ACE inhibitors ... bone marrow replacement throughout the pelvis and proximal femora with only small areas of residual fatty marrow in the greater trochanters and femoral heads bilaterally The diffuse enhancement...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22

6 326 0