rethinking in the hard time
... c ket c ket.APIVersion 00.20 c ket.type c ket ... c ket c ket.APIVersion 00.20 c ket.type c ket ... c ket.stateFlag 0 c c ket.c reator c ket...
Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2014, 00:52
... Direct Investments in Binh Dinh Province in the Coming Time" , to study and propose effective solutions for further attracting FDI in Binh Dinh for its socio-economic development in the coming years ... improve the Provincial Competitiveness index in 2011 of Binh Dinh province, to avoid lagging behind other provinces in the counlr> and negatively influences to the investment and business environment ... factors rising, condition and support in the coming time, form of handling work in the coming time, implementing condition Source: Mai The Cuong, 2005, p 22-23 One of the main reasons hindering the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 12:52
... much more the disadvantages Firstly, in some families, the husband remains the decisive role in issues relating to children Secondly, the husband holds the financial source in family; therefore ... prejudices to themselves and others The theory of Three obediences and Four Virtues is barrier causing gender inequality in acessing and enjoying social interests The negativities of theory ... quality of their own life 24 CONCLUSION Confucianism appeared as an ideology in China in the Spring – Autumn and the Warring States period and was introduced into many Asian countries, including Vietnam...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2015, 09:33
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional roles for b-strand 7 in the a-crystallin domain of p26, a polydisperse small heat shock protein from Artemia franciscana pdf
... [17,41,43–46] a-crystallin domain of p26 The p26 a-crystallin domain is similar in sequence to this region in other sHSPs, including wheat Hsp16.9; the protein confers thermotolerance on transformed ... was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of a-crystallin domain residues and molecular modeling of protein structure The p26 a-crystallin domain contains nine b-strands arranged predominantly ... C-terminal extensions which extend to neighboring monomers, and the remaining b-strands, with the exception of strand 6, are arranged in two antiparallel beta sheets within the a-crystallin domain...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Bacitracin inhibits the reductive activity of protein disulfide isomerase by disulfide bond formation with free cysteines in the substrate-binding domain pptx
... catalysis in the presence of bacitracin These findings can be explained by our results showing that bacitracin targets the substratebinding domain of PDI, but not the catalytic domain Furthermore, ... substrate-binding domain displaying a large hydrophobic surface area, and the x-linker functions to gate access to the b¢ -domain [8,9,24] The cysteines involved in disulfide bond formation with bacitracin, ... of a truncated PDI containing the catalytic a -domain, but lacking the independent substrate-binding b¢ -domain Bacitracin did not seem to affect the rate of catalysis of the truncated PDI, whereas...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Mutations in the C-terminal domain of ALSV (Avian Leukemia and Sarcoma Viruses) integrase alter the concerted DNA integration process in vitro pot
... IN Description and modelling of IN mutants Arrangement of the C-terminal domain We have previously constructed mutants, each containing single amino acid substitutions in the C-terminal domain ... DNA integration by bending the donor DNA and helping to bring the two ends into close proximity; alternatively, the unwinding activity of HMG proteins could facilitate binding of IN proteins ... of integration of retroviral IN mutants (Eur J Biochem 270) 4427 IN proteins result in proteins deficient in multimerization [31,34] and specific mutations in the C-terminal domain inhibit the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo toán học: " Two-stage source tracking method using a multiple linear regression model in the expanded phase domain" pdf
... and unwrapped phase values in noisy environment In addition, the unwrapping process for the IPD requires time delay information before performing the TDE processing In the next section, a novel ... estimator since the Gaussian assumption for the IPD error, Equation 7, is valid in the expanded phase domain Finally, the estimator determines the most accurate delay among the estimated results in each ... IPD of observed signals in the original phase domain at 1500 Hz in dB SNR condition when true IPD is +2π/3 The IPD distribution in the original phase domain (dashed-line) is not symmetric and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Source Depth Estimation Using a Horizontal Array by Matched-Mode Processing in the Frequency-Wavenumber Domain" pot
... spectrum of the modes is discrete (cf Section 2.1) The dispersion curves, representing the modes, are separated in the f −k domain [15] As a result, and using the fact that the HLA is located on the ... emitted the auto-correlation of the source signal, which is shorter in time Besides, as the guide is time invariant, the emission of the three signals is equivalent to the emission of their sum ... experiments: binary masks of the modes in the f − k plane 400 mm in reduced scale (4 km in oceanic scale) from the source Spacing between two elements of the HLA is mm in reduced scale (10 m in oceanic...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " On the Compensation of Delay in the Discrete Frequency Domain" pot
... overlap, then the relationship between the frequency and time domain SNR measures is only approximate In the following discussion, we will analyse the error within the filterbank bins by treating each ... errors in a frequency domain SNR measure In some applications, this may be the most appropriate measure of quality In others, including conventional equalisers and That is, the number of bins in the ... ∞ The closeness of the theoretical and experimental results also verifies that the SNR of the time domain filterbank output is approximately equal to the SNR within the filterbank transform domain, ...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
Electromagnetic simulations in frequency and time domain using adaptive integral method
... on the grid nodes To obtain the fields on the weighting functions, the fields at the nodes are interpolated to the weighting functions and is integrated over their domains Hence in this case, the ... coefficient at each node The other way of performing the integration over the weighting domain is to use the multipole expansion coefficients of the testing function itself If the testing functions are ... domain, then by testing the field at specific domain of the ith testing function has the same effect as the previous case mentioned We can that in the following way The original RWG basis functions...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:06
In the time of AIDS
... in Algeria during the 1960s and had gained increasing in uence during the 1980s Of their main leaders, one, Abbasi Madani, had participated in the initial attack on French rule in 1954, had then ... years, leaving the body vulnerable to other fatal diseases; a marked increase in those diseases, suggesting the presence of HIV, can first be observed in the main hospital in Kinshasa during the later ... rural earnings during the 1960s, they fell over 30 percent on average during the 1980s Yet employment was still a privilege, because the poor, hitherto mainly the incapacitated, now included the able-bodied...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu The Right Stock At The Right Time - Prospering In The Coming Good Years (Wiley - 2003) (pdf) ppt
... in mind above all the importance of buying in October— and looking for off-ramps in April The wise investor who sought to buy stocks in October and exit in April made nine times more during the ... the chart reflects information not in the original time under study In short, an idea or conclusion is reached from observing one time period; then the thesis is applied to data from another time, ... making it the strongest year in the 10-year pattern Years ending in eight showed winners in out of 10 occurrences The poorer-performing years were those ending in seven and those years ending in...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 10:15
Tài liệu Wiley The Right Stock At The Right Time Prospering in the Coming Good Years pptx
... in mind above all the importance of buying in October— and looking for off-ramps in April The wise investor who sought to buy stocks in October and exit in April made nine times more during the ... the chart reflects information not in the original time under study In short, an idea or conclusion is reached from observing one time period; then the thesis is applied to data from another time, ... making it the strongest year in the 10-year pattern Years ending in eight showed winners in out of 10 occurrences The poorer-performing years were those ending in seven and those years ending in...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 02:15
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Glycation of low-density lipoprotein results in the time-dependent accumulation of cholesteryl esters and apolipoprotein B-100 protein in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages docx
... although the concentrations of these materials present in the artery wall, and in atherosclerotic lesions, are unknown The role of glycation and the two facets of glycoxidation in generating modified ... medium during the chase period allows the turnover of preaccumulated protein to be studied in the absence of further cellular uptake In these studies, cell death was < 12% as measured by the appearance ... with poor cellular handling of the glycated apoB protein This may be partly explained by the resistance of the modified apoB to degradation by lysosomal cathepsins [40] In addition we have also...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Reactive Content Selection in the Generation of Real-time Soccer Commentary" pdf
... RoboCup'97 quater-final we used in the previous section The horizontal axis indicates time unit of 100msec and the vertical axis the importance score of the comment being uttered (taking into account ... interrupting the current utterance and switching to the new one For example, the left of Figure shows (solid line) the change of the importance score with time when an interruption takes place (the ... at the same time Note that interruptions raise the importance score gain by reacting sharply to the sudden increase of the importance score Abbreviation If the two most important propositions in...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Once Upon A Time in the Italian West: The Filmgoers' Guide to Spaghetti Westerns
... been in the industry since the early fifties, appearing in some of the earliest spaghettis, including The Terrible Sheriff (1963), a case of truth in advertising, which managed to incorporate the ... Manzanares (built in 1962 for the ‘Zorro’ movies) in the Hojo de Manzanares Mountains Many location scenes were filmed in the surrounding area, including the rock formations at La Pedriza (in the Guadarrama ... cigar The Baxter massacre was chopped to pieces The uncut version of the slaughter is a full-blown shootout, the camera lingering on the laughing Rojo boys and the burning bodies lying in the street,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 18:39
... bargain between the Law and the People The jury box is where the people come into the court; the judge watches the jury and the jury watches back A jury is the place where the bargain is struck The ... because they must always be upheld In facing present challenges and in approaching the future, the starting point must be to identify and consider those principles It is one thing to think deeply, ... am sure they will continue to play an equally important part in the development of the law in the future And, rather than dwelling on the past, I thought that I would focus tonight on the present,...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20
beyond rationality the search for wisdom in a troubled time jan 2007
... if the benevolence of the gods driving the surge in the flood waters begins to dissipate or reverse in ways we not now foresee?” There is nothing new in the way that irreducible uncertainty induces ... complain that they are blinded by prejudice or passion, but blinded to what? We say that they don’t understand the times they live in, or that they are resisting something called the logic of the facts,” ... increasing interest in the ecological approach is now being matched by economists’ interest in it; even Nobel Prize winners in economics are advocating an “ecological” approach.3 Therefore, the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:32
báo cáo sinh học:" Using nurses to identify HAART eligible patients in the Republic of Mozambique: results of a time series analysis" potx
... enrollment at the HIV clinic, and determined the proportion of these patients who were HAART-eligible at the time of their visit Only patients newly enrolling in the HIV clinics were included in this ... socio-demographic, clinical, laboratory and pharmacy information for all patients, including the dates of enrollment into the HIV clinic, the dates of all clinical appointments and CD4 tests and the dates ... were included in the study, with the first fivemonth period constituting the 'before' period and the second five-month period constituting the 'after' period During the 10-month period, inclusion...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20