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ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (1) Write about the Vowels in English. Notes: You should write in 1000 1200 words. Your assignment should be in 3 parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of vowels and how to describe them. You should give examples to illustrate your ideas.

TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ HÀ NỘI ĐỀ THI HẾT HỌC PHẦN (BÀI TẬP LỚN) MÔN: Ngữ Âm Lý Thuyết-EN10 Full name: Date of birth: April 10, 1988 Group: ĐỀ ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (1) Write about the Vowels in English Notes: You should write in 1000 - 1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of vowels and how to describe them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas Assignment: Introduction In English, the study of vowels, specifically the study of the definition, classification and expression of vowels is one of the very important contents Because this is one of the elements that form words, sentences and principles in spoken and written English language Of course, in the English speaking community in the world, each country will have certain differences that are unique, but it is not much Here study the basic vowels in two major English speaking countries, the United States and the United Kingdom Development (the main one) 2.1 Definition of vowels A vowel is a specific form of speech sound produced by changing the shape of the upper larynx, or area in the mouth above the tongue In English, it is important to know that there is a difference between vowels and letters of the alphabet In English, there are five vowel letters in the alphabet These letters are vowels in English: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y and W It is said that Y is “sometimes” a vowel, because the letter Y represents for both vowels and consonants In the words cry, sky, fly, my and why, the letter Y represents the vowel /aɪ/ In words like myth and synchronicity, Y represents the vowel /ɪ/ In words like only, quick, and folly, Y represents the vowel /i/ Also, the letter “W” can sometimes be the second part of a vowel as in words like cow, bow, or like In these words, the vowel sound is /aʊ/ In some languages, like Welsh, the letter W represents the vowel /ʊ/, like cwm (a type of valley) In written English, six vowel letters are used to represent the 13-15 vowels (depending on the type) in English This means that there are more vowels than letters in the English alphabet, and the English spelling system doesn't always help us figure out what an English sound is Therefore, to know and distinguish vowels requires us to understand and grasp it, to study more deeply about the English language 2.2 Classify vowels and describe them Vowel classification includes long vowels, short vowels and other vowels The following is a detailed description of the classifications and their descriptions: 2.2.1 Long vowel is the term used to refer to vowel sounds whose pronunciation is the same as its letter name The five vowels of the English spelling system ('a', 'e,' 'i', 'o', and 'u') each have a corresponding long vowel sound /eɪ/, /i/, /ɑɪ/, /oʊ/, /yu/ Long vowels are generally the easiest vowels for non-native English speakers to distinguish and pronounce correctly long a /eɪ/, ends in a brief /y/, ex: cake /keɪk/ long e /i/, ex: keep /kip/ long i /ɑɪ/, ends in a brief /y/, ex: bike /bɑɪk/ long o /oʊ/, ends in a brief /w/, ex: home /hoʊm/ long u /yu/, begins with a brief /y/, ex: cute /kyut/ In North American English, four of the five long vowels are pronounced as twosyllable vowels A two-syllable vowel is a vowel that includes a 'y sound' /y/ or a 'w sound' /w/ in its pronunciation Usually, /y/ or /w/ is just a subsection of the sound, but must be included for the sound to be fully pronounced Two-syllable vowels are called diphthongs (pronounced dip-thong or dif-thong) Note that /yu/ is essentially /y/ plus the 'oo sound' /u/ and is the only vowel that precedes the article a, not an Thinking of /yu/ as a two-syllable vowel helps distinguish it from /u/ for learning purposes Besides, a spelling pattern that is true for all long vowel sounds is the VowelConsonant-e (VCe) pattern The VCe pattern states that when a single vowel is followed by a single consonant, then the letter 'e', the first vowel is pronounced as a long vowel sound and the letter 'e' is silent Vowel-consonant-e spelling examples: long a /eɪ/, ex: late /leɪt/ long e /i/, ex: delete /dəlit/ long i /ɑɪ/, ex: kite /kɑɪt/ long o /oʊ/, ex: note /noʊt/ long u /yu/, ex: cute /kyut/ 2.2.2 Short vowels are used to refer to those sounds that usually correspond to the letters 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o' and 'u' when vowels occur individually between consonants (Consonant) Vowel-Vowel-Consonant or CVC pattern It's important to note that the term short does not refer to the length of time a vowel is pronounced, it is merely a label Short vowels are pronounced as follows: short e /ɛ/, ex: bed /bɛd/ short i /ɪ/, ex: sit /sɪt/ short o /ɑ/, ex: top /tɑp/ short u /ʌ/, ex: sun /sʌn/ short a /æ/, ex: cat /kæt/ Not only that, all short vowel keywords use the Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) pattern The CVC template states that when a single vowel is between two consonants, that vowel is pronounced as a short vowel (if the letter 'e' comes after the second consonant, the vowel is pronounced as a long vowel because the soundSample consonant-e) Also, when a vowel is pronounced with a short vowel, it can be followed by two consonants Both consonants are not needed for short vowel identification purposes, but often provide an additional clue that the particular sound in the case is a short vowel more consonants Examples of short vowels using the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) structure: short a /æ/, ex: back /bæk/, at /æt/ short e /ɛ/, ex: bend /bɛnd/, end /ɛnd/ short i /ɪ/, ex: sick /sɪk/, it /ɪt/ short o /ɑ/, ex: lock /lɑk/, opt /ɑpt/ short u /ʌ/, ex: such /sʌʧ/, us /ʌs/ 2.2.3 Other vowels: The five 'other' vowel sounds not fit into the category of a long vowels or short vowels other u /ʊ/, ex: put /pʊt/ oo sound /u/, ex: soon /sun/ aw sound /ɔ/, ex: dog /dɔg/ oi sound /ɔɪ/, ex: join /ʤɔɪn/ ow sound /aʊ/, ex: down /daʊn/ Pronunciation of other vowels: Two other vowels, the 'oi sound' and 'ow sound' are two-sound vowels, also known as diphthongs (a diphthong is a vowel sound that also includes a /w/ or a /y/) The 'other u', 'oo sound' and 'aw sound' are all single-sound vowels Other vowel spellings: Many 'other vowels' share spellings with long or short vowels as well as with each other For instance, the 'ow' spelling can be used for words pronounced as 'long o', as in the word 'snow' or as the 'ow sound', as in the word 'cow' Within the category of 'other vowels', the 'oo' spelling can be pronounced as the 'other u' sound, as in the word 'good' or as the 'oo sound', as in the word 'soon' Understanding all the potential pronunciations of common spellings is an important aspect of learning 'other vowel' pronunciations Conclusion In summary, the study of vowels in English in general and in detail the types of short vowels, long vowels and other vowels is very important content for English learners This is also a difficult problem that requires experienced and highly qualified instructors to fully convey this important content For learners, researchers need to clearly identify its importance and constantly practice and study both oral and written literature and regularly apply it in the surrounding life Only in this way can we improve each person's level of English, contributing to making English an international language ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (1) Write about the Vowels in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of vowels and how to describe them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (2) Write about the Consonants in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of consonants in English and how to describe them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (3) Write about the Stress Patterns in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and rules of stress patterns in English and how to apply them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (4) Write about the Weak and Strong Forms of Grammatical Words in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: The cases of weak and strong forms of grammatical words in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (5) Write about the Elision and Linking in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and cases of Elision and Linking in English how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (6) Write about the Assimilation in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and cases of Assimilation in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (7) Write about the Variation in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and cases of Variation in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (8) Write about the Rhythm units and Tune shapes in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of Rhythm units and Tune shapes and how to use them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (9) Write about the Intonation in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and importance of intonation in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (10) Write about the Overview Phonetics and Phonology in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Overview of Phonetics and Phonology, Speech organs You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (1) Write about the Vowels in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of vowels and how to describe them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (2) Write about the Consonants in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of consonants in English and how to describe them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (3) Write about the Stress Patterns in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and rules of stress patterns in English and how to apply them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (4) Write about the Weak and Strong Forms of Grammatical Words in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: The cases of weak and strong forms of grammatical words in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (5) Write about the Elision and Linking in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and cases of Elision and Linking in English how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (6) Write about the Assimilation in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and cases of Assimilation in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (7) Write about the Variation in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and cases of Variation in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (8) Write about the Rhythm units and Tune shapes in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and classification of Rhythm units and Tune shapes and how to use them You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (9) Write about the Intonation in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition and importance of intonation in English and how to use them in conversation You should give examples to illustrate your ideas ASSIGNMENT ON PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY (10) Write about the Overview Phonetics and Phonology in English Notes: You should write in 1000-1200 words Your assignment should be in parts: Introduction, Development (the main one) and Conclusion Your writing should focus on some aspects: Overview of Phonetics and Phonology, Speech organs You should give examples to illustrate your ideas

Ngày đăng: 10/01/2022, 20:38

