WHITE PAPER Continuous Improvement in Fiber Optic Cable Assembly Randy Reagan Sean Grenon Curtis Hill Continuous Improvement in Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies Network Service Providers continue to operate under increasing demands for guaranteed service reliability Providers that are actively deploying new technology and networks are carefully scrutinizing all components that go into a deployment for performance and reliability Fiber optic cable assemblies are no exception To help ensure network integrity, service providers have turned to standards organizations, suppliers and independent test agencies to develop programs that can ensure fiber optic cable assembly performance and reliability Standards organizations have responded by developing comprehensive requirements such as those found in GR-326-CORE, Issue “Generic Requirements for Singlemode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies.” Suppliers have responded by developing improved fiber optic connector technology resulting in cable assembly products that fully meet and exceed these standards Suppliers have also focused on process improvements across a wide range of areas including product materials, facilities, automation, testing, training and quality control Independent test agencies have responded by developing thorough test programs that validate connector designs and cable assembly production processes and to ensure connectors meet requirements for both inside plant and outside plant applications The results of continuous improvement efforts have been profound Products offered today are capable of consistent performance that exceeds standards over a wide range of applications and environmental conditions By comparison, connectors manufactured recently offer incrementally better performance than connectors manufactured just a few years ago By selecting products that have been certified to conform to standards, service providers reap the benefits of an overall more reliable and economic solution C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y Today’s telecommunications environment continues to be a landscape that is constantly changing The landscape is shaped by many factors including changes in regulatory rulings, increased competition, new technology, innovation and the status of the economy in general For instance the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and subsequent regulatory rulings encouraged increased competition among service providers and resulted in an increase of fiber deployment During that expansion period of the late 1990’s, the fiber optic industry experienced a scarcity of fiber and components Suppliers scrambled to expand capacity but still could not meet the demand of network expansion In that scenario, where demand exceeded supply, service providers were often constrained to purchasing components that were less than optimal Then, in 2001, the bubble burst for the telecommunication industry Since then we have witnessed a dramatic reduction in demand Today we are seeing a paring of competitors to fewer service providers that are leaner and stronger The contraction in the economy and telecommunications market has left the remaining service providers in the driver’s seat with respect to component procurement Today service providers can select components such as fiber cable assemblies based on higher performance and lower cost than ever before While the telecommunication market has contracted, service providers are still engaged in network construction and expansion New networks are needed to service increased bandwidth requirements in the enterprise and consumer markets Service providers are deploying new networks targeting new customers and new revenues Providers find that in today’s competitive environment, reliability is more important than ever to their end customers especially with the increased bandwidth placed on individual fibers Reliability is also paramount when fiber cable assemblies are placed in outside plant (uncontrolled) environments closer to customers Service providers that are actively deploying new technology and networks including Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) are planning to use fiber connectors and cable assemblies Since there is no way to predict which endusers will request new services, the optical connector Page becomes a key point of flexibility Providers building new passive fiber plants want to build it right the first time and then not have to replace components in the future Therefore they are scrutinizing all components for performance and reliability with a view toward performance over the long term While fiber optic connectors and cable assemblies may represent a small fraction of the overall network cost, they continue to be a vital link in connecting the entire network together Service providers have learned from experience that the network is only as good as the weakest link and they not want the weakest link to be fiber cable assemblies Cable assembly suppliers are faced with seemingly impossible demands; improve product performance, quality, and reliability, and significantly reduce costs The approach taken by leading suppliers is to focus on overall continuous quality improvement This includes incremental changes to product designs to optimize performance and mechanical strength Overall quality improvement also involves changes to the assembly process including improvements in the areas of facilities, training, automation, calibration, testing and quality control Furthermore suppliers have taken initiative to provide independent certification of the improved products and processes As a result of quality and process improvement efforts, manufacturers can now provide a new level of performance and reliability previously not available while passing significant cost savings along to end users Key Performance Requirements As advances in systems and components result in higher throughput in communication networks, performance expectations on fiber optic cable assemblies have become more stringent Several key performance parameters for standard SC and LC fiber optic cable assemblies are discussed in this section Insertion Loss - Many applications being deployed just a few years ago with older style connectors (e.g Biconic, ST, FC, D4) had a typical insertion loss of 0.5dB That was the best performance available at the time Networks were often constrained by insertion loss of passive connectors Newer applications and network deployments can draw from newer products with C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y improved performance Insertion loss of less than 0.2dB is commonplace in SC and LC jumpers deployed today Many suppliers are even providing ultra-low-loss cable assemblies having typical loss less of than 0.1dB These lower-loss connectors enable network deployments to be more flexible than ever before Reflectance – Low reflectance will continue to be a critical parameter in network deployment especially for high bitrate digital transmission and for broadband analog applications Therefore network planners today specify connectors and cable assemblies with low return loss Today’s Ultra Physical Contact (UPC) polished connectors can easily provide a return loss of less than -55dB Many suppliers are now able to surpass this mark and provide typical return loss of less than –58dB with a UPC polish End Face Geometry - In order to achieve ultra-high performance with common SC and LC connectors, the polished end face geometry of the ceramic connector ferrule is carefully defined to ensure that physical contact is maintained between mated connectors Critical parameters including radius of curvature, fiber protrusion and apex offset are measured on ceramic zirconia ferrules and compared to standard tolerance that has been adopted for UPC connectors Intermateability – Mechanical connectors such as the SC connectors utilize a latching mechanism for joining mated connector plugs The latching mechanism is defined in terms of the specific geometry of the connector plug, adapter and associated latches The ferrule position relative to the latches is also carefully defined dimensionally to ensure proper alignment and contact force The specific dimensions and tolerances for optical connectors are contained in the FOCIS (Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standard) require-ment documents issued under TIE-EIA-604 The performance of a connector can, in large part, be determined by conformance to these dimensions Mechanical Strength – Fiber optic connector performance is also characterized by the strength of the assembly in normal handling and use Several standard mechanical tests have been developed to measure the cable assembly ability to stand up to proof test loads Tests are defined for straight pull and side pull to represent normal handling and the strength of the connection Miniature Cord Size – Ever space-conscious service providers are deploying smaller diameter cable assemblies to avoid congestion when installing new equipment Whereas cords of a few years ago were 3mm in diameter, today’s cords are 1.6 mm to 2.0 mm in diameter Therefore, the customer wants a much smaller package and is not willing to sacrifice any of the performance objectives already mentioned here to get it Universal Applications – Traditional fiber optic cable assemblies have most often been deployed into controlled indoor environments However more and more intended applications include Fiber-to-the-Premises require fibers to be used in uncontrolled outdoor environments Instead of having two different products, one controlled and the other uncontrolled, users have proposed to have one cable assembly that will serve either environment Therefore all of the performance parameters discussed in this section are now expected to perform over an environmental range of –40C to +85C so that the same product can be used in either indoor or outdoor applications Reliability Requirements To evaluate connector performance and reliability, service providers have turned to the industry standards organizations and independent test agencies to develop improved standards and test programs that can ensure reliability Telcordia GR-326-CORE, Issue 3, “Generic Requirements for Singlemode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies”2, provides a comprehensive standards document that is widely recognized as the most rigorous baseline for fiber optic cable assembly performance and reliability In addition, intermateability standards published in TIA Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability (FOCIS) documents cover various connectors and dimensions critical to mechanical intermateability Also test methods published by the EIA/TIA are widely regarded as the most complete and rigorous standards for testing optical components The Telcordia and EIA/TIA standards contain the best collective technical rationale and cover all of the performance Page C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y criteria expected in network applications including optical, environmental and mechanical requirements Testing a product to these standards provides a comprehensive and accurate predictor of a product’s ability to perform throughout its expected service life The GR-326-CORE, Issue test sequence is designed to thoroughly shake out any weakness in the connector design The test procedure involves measuring the optical performance while subjecting the cable assembly to the following sequence Baseline Performance Insertion Loss Reflectance Endface Geometry Environmental Tests Thermal Aging, 85°C, uncontrolled humidity, days Thermal Cycling, -40°C to 75°C, uncontrolled humidity, 21 cycles in days Humidity Aging, 75°C, 95% RH, days Humidity/Condensation Cycling,-10°C to 65°C, 90% RH, 14 cycles in days Post-Condensation Thermal Cycling Mechanical Tests Vibration Flex, 100 cycles Twist, cycles, +360°, -720°, +360° Proof Transmission with applied load, straight pull Transmission with applied load, side Pull Transmission with applied load, 130° Impact Durability Rematability Connector Installation End of Test Insertion Loss Reflectance Endface Geometry Fiber optic cable assembly suppliers strive to satisfy these standards The goal is to provide customers with a reliable product that can stand up to the conditions of these tests Page over the life of the product To gage performance suppliers voluntarily submit products to independent 3rd party test agencies These agencies conduct the testing or witness the testing on the product and attest to the validity of the results This may be in the form of a “Certificate of Compliance” or a “Verification Report.” In addition, a supplier may elect to qualify a product for either indoor (controlled environment) or outdoor usage (uncontrolled environment) As described in detail in Telcordia Technologies Special Report SR-4226 4, a Level certification is for indoor use and a Level certification is for both indoor and outdoor use In either case, a full test report with all the raw data is submitted from the test agency directly to the service provider showing how well the product stands up to this rigorous test plan Product Improvements The typical connectors specified for networks today, including SC and LC 5, are not the same designs of just a few years ago While these designs may look the same and interconnect the same, the designs have evolved and been continuously improved Today’s SC and LC fiber optic connectors and cable assembly designs have been improved to the point where they now provide higher performance and greater reliability than ever Often, changes to materials and components are required to achieve enhanced performance and improvements in cable assembly yields Changes are implemented only after thorough qualification testing to ensure that performance and reliability can be maintained while achieving low product costs The following are examples of areas where design improvements have been implemented: Ferrule Material – The single mode cable assemblies specified today utilize high quality and high precision zirconia ferrules However not all zirconia ferrules are created equally Therefore, a careful application of material science has been used to understand the hardness and crystalline composition of various ferrule designs Through this research, we can establish the optimal ferrule material composition for achieving consistent end-face geometry and consistency of other performance parameters under conventional polishing techniques The ferrule material is not only optimized at ambient temperatures, but also over a range of temperature and humidity conditions C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y Fiber-Ferrule Geometry - Ceramic ferrules are specified with closely controlled outside diameter, inside diameter and concentricity The ferrules are readily available with precision concentricity and inside diameters that are closely matched to the fiber The end result in assembly is a tight fit of fiber to ferrule and extremely centered fiber A centered fiber produces consistently excellent insertion loss and with physical contact extremely low reflectance Plastic Materials - Stability of the plastic materials play an extremely important role in the performance of the connector and of the lifetime reliability Materials used in fiber optic cable assemblies must be carefully specified to achieve performance and reliability over a range of applications and environmental conditions For instance the plastic selection significantly can influence the intermateability especially at extreme temperatures Therefore the plastics specified for the connector body components are optimized to produce the desired stability over a range of harsh environmental conditions Epoxy Adhesive – One of the key areas of fiber cable assembly design is the epoxy used to lock the fiber into a stable position inside the ferrule Under high temperatures, the fiber can creep and piston if the epoxy is not optimized for stability over a range of environmental conditions In addition, air bubbles intermixed with the epoxy can cause havoc if allowed to enter the ferrule, therefore, care in handling during mixing becomes crucial The art of selecting epoxy is not as easy as reading a specification sheet The designer needs to consider the way in which the epoxy is mixed and applied and then how the fiber is cured An analysis of these variables and careful experimentation and qualification can lead to a stabilized epoxy selection over sustained environmental conditions Often, the course is to select premixed, degassed and frozen epoxy with the desired formulation needed to meet the requirements Mechanical Crimp and Boot – In order to meet stringent proof test requirements, the designer is faced with a delicate balance of putting enough pressure on the fiber cable while making sure that the glass is not stressed This design problem is especially challenging when trying to meet the strength requirements using 1.60 mm cord or 2.0 mm cord However a careful analysis the design can produce the optimal crimp geometry and pressure even for the smallest miniature cord This crimp is then translated into connector barrel and crimp sleeve materials and dimensions In addition, the actual crimp dimensions are optimized for automated crimp to achieve a uniform pressure consistent from one connector to the next Finally, the boot is specified to add side-pull strength that allows the connector to stand up to the rugged mechanical test while maintaining support for the fiber so that bending loss is not excessive Process Improvements The entire assembly process for fiber optic cable assemblies is engineered with the aim of producing connectors that exceed performance in the Telcordia standards Total quality management is utilized to improve every aspect of the process with a cumulative result that is often significant Some of the key process areas improved include: Facilities - Particulates and contaminants having submicron dimensions can adversely affect key fiber optic cable assembly procedures such as polishing and testing To achieve the high performance now required in fiber optic cable assemblies requires an upgrade of the manufacturing facility to improve the environment This often involves using clean room facilities to provide a controlled and monitored atmosphere for finishing and testing cable assemblies Training - An updated training program is also instrumental in achieving new levels of performance A thorough training program emphasizes proper techniques and procedures for cable assembly This includes both basic training and specialized training techniques for highperformance assembly including training in polishing, testing or other specific procedures It may also be necessary to provide appropriate training on clean room techniques in order to achieve maximum benefits of the new environment Assembly - In the past, the cable assembly process has typically been dominated by manual operations Currently there is a trend towards increased automation throughout the process Automation is especially effective where designs are standardized; for instance, where a single cable and connector type are specified Automated tasks Page C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y result in greater consistency and improve the throughput of the overall assembly line The trend toward automation has helped to improve yields and performance in the overall process Manufacturers currently use automation in the stripping process to help improve consistency and eliminate occurrence of fiber breakage Automated crimps are utilized to overcome inconsistencies in hand operation by applying uniform and complete pressure thus making the mechanical joining of fiber cord to connector much more reliable Automated mixing and dispensing machines bring consistency to epoxy application Newer automated curing ovens provide complete control of the cure temperature thus providing a uniform temperature distribution and duration of epoxy cure New cure cycles have been developed to provide optimized temperature and cure duration to ensure a totally cured epoxy Each parameter of the polishing procedure is optimized to bring tighter controls to the assembly process The process also incorporates automated data acquisition and recording so that product performance can be monitored and improved using Statistical Process Control (SPC) Calibration - Equipment used in the manufacture of fiber optic cable assemblies is subject to repeated use and wear For instance, stripping tools and polishing pucks wear over time Polishing paper can wear out throughout the day Test instruments need periodic adjustments and recalibration If any one piece of equipment is out of calibration, it can result in reduced throughput and cost inefficiencies Therefore, it is imperative to institute a program for calibration and periodic recalibration for each piece of equipment used in the cable assembly process Assembly equipment in the manufacturing cell including stripping machines, crimping machines, epoxy application machines, polishing machines and test equipment are periodically calibrated A carefully designed program of calibration at optimal intervals is required to maximize the up-time of the assembly line and avoid rework Samples are reviewed several times during each shift to ensure the overall process is in calibration and that product is meeting end user requirements Testing – Fiber optic cable assemblies are tested to ensure that products meet desired performance levels Data is collected and used to monitor the assembly process and indicate where further improvements can be made The Page improved assembly process also institutes a geometry check on fiber ends using highly automated interferometers to ensure proper radius of curvature and fiber protrusion on the connector ferrule end-face The geometry data is recorded in a database as part of the permanent test record for the product The data is also correlated and used as feedback to continuously maintain tight controls over the process Verification As improvements are made to products and processes verification testing is used to measure the degree of improvement As a first step towards verification, suppliers will usually test products internally in their own test lab The test lab at a supplier location typically contains all of the equipment and fixtures to test products to GR-326CORE, Issue Vendor testing is often done incrementally as changes are made so that the effect of each individual change can be observed Using this approach, the supplier can gage the value of changes to increase performance or reduce cost The overarching objective is to achieve the reliability standards set forth in the Telcordia requirements As product design changes are verified, samples are made on the actual manufacturing line and again verified for performance and reliability Once internal testing is satisfactorily completed, samples are submitted to an independent test laboratory (e.g Telcordia Technologies, Underwriters Laboratories, National Testing Services, ITS, etc) With this approach product testing will be completed at the independent test laboratory under the observance of the independent test laboratory staff The independent test agency is responsible for carrying out the tests and providing a completely objective and factual report Testing a product at an independent laboratory may result in a “Certification” or “Verification” certificate indicating the product conforms to all requirements Since the service provider will use the results of testing for comparative analysis, they often will want to review the facilities and procedures used at the test laboratory before testing to make sure all laboratories provide consistent results Some service providers even provide a certification program for independent test laboratories so that labs can be certified for an entire family of products; e.g optical components C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y One alternative to testing at an independent laboratory is to use witness testing With witness testing, the testing is typically done at the suppliers location and is witnessed by representatives from the independent test laboratory This approach also results in a completely objective and factual report The advantage of this approach to the supplier is that scheduling can be more flexible since the supplier’s own technicians and facilities are used to carry out testing Service providers willing to accept this approach may also elect to pre-certify the suppliers optical lab This pre-certification is usually done as a cooperative effort between the service provider, supplier and independent test agency The overall objective is to achieve consistency in the testing so that results can be used in comparative analysis Verification does not stop with product performance and reliability Service providers also want assurance that the manufacturing process used to make assemblies has the appropriate quality controls to make them consistently To achieve this, the supplier uses the GR-326-CORE, Issue Section requirements and guidelines for product manufacturing to guide the process control To verify that these process controls are in place, the supplier can enlist the support of an independent test agency to conduct a manufacturing audit The test agency staff will visit the supplier’s manufacturing location to review appropriate process controls vs the Section requirements In addition, the test agency will observe product manufacture and select random samples for further verification back at the independent test lab This process of manufacturing audit carries the verification full circle and gives the service provider extensive data with which to gage the performance, quality and reliability of the manufactured product Product verification, both internal and independent testing, are an integral part of the continuous improvement process The data gathered from verification testing is used to identify strengths and weaknesses in product performance and reliability as well as improve the overall process for manufacture The data is extremely important in guiding further product and process improvement efforts Continuous Improvement Results A logical question is how much improvement can be achieved? As a comparison, we reviewed independent test results taken during two distinct points in time; one sample tested in October 1998 and another sample tested in July 2002 The test regiment conducted on both occasions with score of passing results per test is summarized on following page These results show successful completion of the test program in both 1998 and 2002 resulting in Level certification on both occasions To achieve the Level certification, 100% of the requirements were met In 1998, the product satisfied 45% (18 out of 40) of the objectives and in 2002 the product satisfied 90% (39 out of 43) objectives While objectives are not mandatory, they provide an important indicator of the products overall ability to exceed industry requirements This increase from 1998 to 2002 shows a significant increase in the ability of the product to exceed requirements and meet the stretch goals set in the standards The success in optical performance throughout the 2002 certification program was largely due to consistency in the connector ferrule end-face geometry, stability of material used and robustness of the mechanical design In addition, the manufacturing process developed consistently controls the precision of every parameter at the ferrule end-face resulting in performance and consistency that far exceeds previous levels available in the industry The insertion loss averaging 0.12 dB at end of test is a significant achievement This accomplishment demonstrates that it is possible to 100% satisfy all the very rigorous requirements and tests set in Telcordia GR-326-CORE In 2002, samples of the same SC 2.0 mm product were tested at both Telcordia Laboratories and Underwriters Laboratories The results of testing at the two independent laboratories were correlated with both laboratories achieving near identical results The product at both laboratories met 100% of the GR-326, Issue requirements and over 90% of the objectives This initiative resulted in Level certification status through Telcordia Technologies Certification program and “Verification” status at UL for indoor and outdoor product use Page C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y Test Report Date Requirements Certification Test Program October, 1998 GR-326-CORE, Issue SR-4226, Issue July, 2002 GR-326-CORE, Issue SR-4226, Issue Product SC SC Cordage 3.0 mm 2.0 mm 16 16 Replacements for Mechanical tests Telcordia Technologies (Formerly Bellcore) No spares used Sample Size Replacements Test Laboratory Test Report Date Optical Performance: New Product Loss Thermal Aging Thermal Cycling Temp-Humidity Aging Humidity Condensation Post Thermal Cycling Vibration Rematability Durability Impact Flex Twist Proof Transmission with load 0° Transmission with load 90° Transmission with load 135° Connector Installation End of Test Total Optical Ferrule Endface Geometry: Undercut/Protrusion Radius of Curvature Apex Offset End of Test: Ave Insertion Loss Ave Reflectance Overall Result Page Telcordia Technologies R 3/3 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 October, 1998 O CR 0/2 1/1 3/3 1/1 1/3 1/1 1/3 1/1 1/3 1/1 1/3 1/1 1/3 1/1 CO 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4 2/2 2/2 2/2 0/3 1/3 3/3 3/3 1/3 1/1 1/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 3/3 56/56 0/2 18/40 0/1 11/18 0/1 9/16 1/1 1/1 1/1 0.41 dB ± 0.05dB -55 dB ± 2dB Level Certification (Issue 2) July, 2002 R O CR 3/3 2/2 1/1 4/4 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 1/1 4/4 3/3 1/1 4/4 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 1/1 4/4 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/2 4/4 2/3 1/1 4/4 3/3 1/1 4/4 3/3 1/1 4/4 3/3 0/1 4/4 3/3 1/1 2/2 1/1 1/1 2/2 1/1 1/1 1/2 0/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 3/3 2/2 1/1 61/61 39/43 15/16 CO 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 7/16 1/1 1/1 1/1 0.12 dB ± 0.05dB -56 dB ± 2dB Level Certification (Issue 3) C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y As a final step in verification, a GR-326-CORE Section manufacturing audit was conducted at the locations where samples were produced Underwriter’s Laboratories conducted the 2002 Section manufacturing audit at the locations where samples were produced Assembly lines were audited in both the US and in Mexico The results of the audit were impressive No major issues were identified at either manufacturing location In addition, product was selected at random from the assembly lines at each manufacturing location and sent back to UL laboratories for testing The performance testing results at UL correlated to within ±0.02dB to those tested by the supplier factories in the US and Mexico Successful completion of the manufacturing audit provides one more assurance to the end user that highly reliable products can be mass-produced and deployed Future Possibilities Proponents of total quality methodology recognize that continuous improvement is a never-ending process Therefore, the industry will pursue other areas for improving features, performance and reliability for fiber optic connectors and cable assemblies Numerous technology issues and trends will impact how connectors are used and designed Higher-power lasers are causing the PC style of connectors to be scrutinized even more carefully than ever Current connectors should perform adequately in high-power applications but cleanliness is paramount Therefore, we may see needs for connectors that provide for ease of cleaning and maintenance As newer networks are deployed newer glass designs including Reduced Water Peak fiber may be used to take advantage of optical transmission across a broad spectrum Fiber optic cable assemblies may be colorcoded to identify fiber paths fully certified for wide-band applications Some of the newer fiber designs also provide customized mode-field profiles that improve bend performance in fibers These new fibers allow the construction of more robust cable assemblies able to stand up to the rigors of field applications More robust fiber may be especially important for helping improve the performance of small form factor connectors in highdensity environments or in harsh environments such as outside plant applications The small form factor connector designs themselves may need to be improved to provide overall better strength so that they can be used in outside plant environments Some applications may require field-mounted connectors Much is needed to improve the performance and reliability of fieldmounted connectors so that they are comparable to cable assembles manufactured in the factory Finally, much is needed in the area of design, standards and testing for multi-fiber connectors so that they can be compared as objectively as ceramic-ferrule Singlemode PC connectors All of these areas for innovation will generate the need for continuous improvement Conclusion Service providers concerned with deploying new networks and new applications are scrutinizing the performance and reliability of fiber optic cable assemblies more than ever In the current environment, service providers can specify higher performance and reliability while achieving significant cost reductions The cause of the service providers has been advanced by a combined effort of standards organizations, suppliers and independent test agencies The results presented in this paper represent best-in class performance and reliability for fiber optic cable assembly The products manufactured today meet or exceed industry standard requirements in every category This claim has been substantiated through independent testing at highly reputable laboratories including Telcordia Technologies and Underwriters Laboratories Continuous improvement methodology will continue to prove valuable as fiber optic connector and cable assemblies are incrementally changed to serve users in the years to come A program of continuous testing to ensure consistent performance and reliability must accompany incremental continuous improvement Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the contribution of Osman Gebizlioglu and John Peters at Telcordia Technologies and Dave Wuestmann and Nicholas Fedrich at Underwriters Laboratories We also recognize the contributions of colleagues at FONS including Ron Cooper, Jim Henschel, Dan Rocheleau, Ed Santana, Matt Brigham, Kathy Olson and Mike Noonan Page 10 C o n t i n u o u s I m p ro v e m e n t i n F i b e r O p t i c C a b l e A s s e m b l y References Ultra Low-Loss Cable Assembly Process Optimization, Wood, K., NFOEC 2002 Proceedings GR-326-CORE, “Generic Requirements for Singlemode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies,” Issue 3, September 1999 TIA/EIA-604, Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standards (FOCIS), November 1993 SR-4226, Fiber Optic Connector and Jumper Assembly Certification, Issue 2, January 2001 LC Connector – The Emerging Connector Choice in Current and Future Applications, C Hill and A Aponte, NFOEC 2001 Proceedings Ceramic and Epoxy Reliability in Connectors Exposed to Heat and Humidity, L Reith, et.al., NFOEC 1998 Proceedings Page 11 WHITE PAPER Web Site: www.adc.com From North America, Call Toll Free: 1-800-366-3891 • Outside of North America: +1-952-938-8080 Fax: +1-952-917-3237 • For a listing of ADC’s global sales office locations, please refer to our web site ADC Telecommunications, Inc., P.O Box 1101, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55440-1101 Specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document Because we are continuously improving our products, ADC reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice At any time, you may verify product specifications by contacting our headquarters office in Minneapolis ADC Telecommunications, Inc views its patent portfolio as an important corporate asset and vigorously enforces its patents Products or features contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S or foreign patents An Equal Opportunity Employer 101633AE 11/05 Original © 2005 ADC Telecommunications, Inc All Rights Reserved ... techniques and procedures for cable assembly This includes both basic training and specialized training techniques for highperformance assembly including training in polishing, testing or other specific... monitored atmosphere for finishing and testing cable assemblies Training - An updated training program is also instrumental in achieving new levels of performance A thorough training program emphasizes... the cable assembly process Assembly equipment in the manufacturing cell including stripping machines, crimping machines, epoxy application machines, polishing machines and test equipment are