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Peter couldn’t understand what had been decided because too many people...............talk at once.. Jean, I’m so glad that you’ve got here at last.[r]

Trang 1


1 .(anyone see) my pencil? I (leave) it here somewhere.

2 It was only much later I (find) out that during all the time I (write) to my

penfriend, my sister (open) and reading the replies

3 I (not understand) what (go on) Several people (shout) at me,

and one (wave) a newspaper in front of my face

4 Nick (lie) down on the grass for a while, next to some tourists who (feed) the


5 Tony (admit) that he (hit) the other car, but said that he (not damage) it.

6 Sorry, I (not listen) to you I (think) about something else.

7 When he (not arrive) by 6.00, I (know) he (miss) the bus.

8 .(you go) away this weekend? Or (you run) out of money?

9 What (you think) you (do) in ten years’ time?

10 I (really enjoy) myself at the moment.

11 .(you let) me know the minute you (hear) any news?

12 Something (tell) me that you (not listen) to a single word I (say) in

the past ten minutes

13 What’s the matter? (you hurt) your ankle? How (you do) it?

14 That’s definitely the last time that I (lend) you any money!

15 Sam (not receive) the parcel the last time I (speak) to him.

16 I (consider) buying a house but now I (change) my mind.

17 When you (feel) hungry later, room service (bring) you whatever

you (want)

18 I (find) it difficult to cinvince the ticket inspector that I (lose) my ticket.

19 I (not realise) that I (leave) the umbrella on the bus until it (start) to


20 At school I (dislike) the chemistry teacher because she (always pick) on


21 Wherever Harry (find) a job, there was someone who (know) that he

(be) to prison

22 Since I (pay) for our lucnh, I (try) to attract the waiter’s attention.

23 As soon as I (have) a good look at the designs, I (send) them back to you.

24 I (hope) to meet you ever since I (read) your first novel.

25 Whatever (happen), I (meet) you here in a week’s time.

26 I’m phoning about your advertisement for a bicycle for sale, which I (see) in the local

paper You (sell) it Or is it still available?

27 This place is in a terrible mess! What on earth (you do)?

28 And now for an item of local news Hampshire police (find) the dangerous snake

which (go) missing earlier in the week

29 By the time you (finish) getting ready, we (miss) the train.

30 Sally! I (not expect) to see you here! What (you do) in New York?

31 This is my new car What (you, think) of it?

32 – Who are you?

a What do you mean? I (live) here

33 I can’t find the car keys What (you do) with them?

34 When I (try) to get my car started, a passing car (stop) and the driver

(offer) to help me

Trang 2

35 The police (pay) no attention to Claire’s complain because she (phone) them so

many times before

36 Mary (not wear) her glasses at the time, so she (not, notice) what kind of car the

man (drive)

37 Sorry I haven’t fixed the plug I (mean) to get round to it, but I just haven’t found the


38 What (you do) on Saturdays?

39 I don’t know what time we’ll eat It (depend) when Helen gets here.

40 I supported you at the time because I (feel) that you were right.

41 Peter couldn’t understand what had been decided because too many people (talk) at


42 Jean, I’m so glad that you’ve got here at last I (expect) you all day.

43 When I (phone) Helen last night she (wash) her hair and she (not finish) when i

finally .(get) to her house

44 Please don’t let me down this time! I (depend) on you.

45 I (know) I (do) well in my exams even before I (receive) the

official results

46 There’s noboby here, and the door’s locked What (we do) now?

47 What (you look) at? (I wear) the wrong clothes again?

48 I (look after) Jack’s dog this weekend (you want) to take it

for a walk?

49 Who (drive) that Mercedes that’s parked outside?

50 I (still have) a pain in my leg but it (get) better.

51 Who (Sue dance) with? That’s not her brother, is’nt it?

52 Harry (look) very untidy! He (wear) dirty jeans all the time.

53 I (write) in reply to your advertisement in the Daily News.

54 That plant I bought (not grow) very much And I (water) it

every day

55 Which hotel (you stay) in whenever you (come) here?

56 By the time we reach home, the rain (stop)

57 I’m sorry about not coming last week I (have) a cold and so I (stay) at home.

58 Wait a minute I (have) an idea Let’s go and see Roger We last (see) him long

time ago

59 It’s nice to be back here in England This is the second time I (come) here.

60 This time next week I (lie) on the beach in Spain.

61 In ten years’ time I (work) for a different company.

62 If we don’t get there by six, jack (leave)

63 In July they (be) married for twenty years.

64 In the year 2500 a lot of people (live) on the moon.

65 When you get to the sation, I (wait) for you outside.

66 Don’t worry! The plane (land) in a moment.

67 By the time you come home, I (finish) the decorating.

68 Come around between eight and nine We (watch) the match on televiosion


69 When I (see) you tomorrow, I (tell) you my news.

70 As soon as we (get) there, we (phone) for a taxi.

71 I (go) to the library before I (do) the shopping.

Trang 3

72 We (wait) here until the rain (stop)

73 I (get) some money from the bank when it (open)

74 After you (take) the medecine, you (feel) better.

75 You have to stay here until you (finish) your work.

76 Helen (feel) very tired, and while she (finish) her studying, she (fall0


77 The police (get) to Claire’s house as fast as they could, but the burglars


78 I (phone) you last night but you (not answer) What (you do) ?

79 We (not go) out yesterday because it (rain)

80 I (let) you know the minute I (hear) the results.

81 Before we (paint) the wall, we (have) a cup of tea.

82 We (climb) ove the wall as soon as it (get) dark.

83 I can’t see you on Thursday afternoon I (visit) our Birmingham branch.

84 George (not be) back until six Can I take a message?

85 What (you buy with the money you won in the lottery?

86 This tooth (kill) me lately! So I (make) an appointment with the dentist for


87 I can’t give you the report I (promise) for today because I (not finish).

88 Harry (not look) well since he (go) on a diet.

89 I don’t think you (have) any problems at the airport.

90 (you take) your dog with you to Scotland?

91 Can you answer the phone for me? I (lie) down for a while.

92 All the hotels are full Where (we spend) the night?

93 You’d better not come in July My mother (stay) with me then.

94 What time (your plane) leave?

95 Leave the car here Maybe the police (not notice) it.

96 It says in the paper that they (discover) oil in Wales They (look) for it for


97 I realised that someone (steal) my wallet when I (feel) their hand in my

jacket pocket

98 Peter (offer) me another drink but I decided I (drink) enough.

99 I (not understand) what you (wait) for.

100. Nobody (watch) so the little boy (take) the packet of sweets from the shelf and (put) into his pocket

1 Has anyone seen – have left

2 found – had been written – had been opened

3 don’t understand – is going on – are shouting

4 laid – were feeding

Trang 4

5 admitted – had hit – hadn’t damaged

6 was not listening – was thinking

7 didn’t arrive – know/knew – had missed

8 Are you going – have you ran

9 do you think – will be doing

10 am really enjoying

11 Will you let – hear

12 tells – haven’t listened – have been saying

13 Did you hurt – did you do

14 have lent

15 hadn’t received – spoke

16 was considering – have changed

17 fed – will bring – want

18 found – had lost

19 didn’t realised – had left – started

20 dislike – is always picking

21 found – knew – had been

22 paid – was trying

23 have – will send

24 hoped – have read

25 happens – will meet

26 saw – have sold

27 have you done

28 have found – went

29 finish – will have missed

30 didn’t expect – are you doing

31 do you think

32 am living

33 have you done

34 was trying – stopped – offered

35 paid – had phoned

36 was wearing – didn’t notice – was driving

37 meant

38 will you do

39 depends

40 felt

41 were talking

42 have been expecting

43 phoned – was washing – didn’t finish – got

44 depend

45 knew –will do – received

46 are we doing

47 are you looking – Am I wearing

48 am looking after – Do you want

49 drives

50 still have – is getting

51 Sue dancing

Trang 5

52 looks – is wearing

53 am writing

54 haven’t grown – water

55 do you stay – come

56 will have stopped

57 had - stayed

58 have / have had - saw

59 have come

60 will be lying

61 will be working

62 have left

63 will have been

64 will be living

65 will be waiting

66 is landing

67 will have finished

68 will be watching

69 see – tell

70 get – will phone

71 will go – had done

72 will wait – stops

73 will get – opens

74 take – will feel

75 have finished

76 felt – was finishing – fell

77 got – had disappeared

78 phoned – didn’t answer – were you doing

79 didn’t go – was raining – were you doing

80 let – will hear

81 painted – will have

82 will climb – gets

83 am visiting

84 won’t be

85 are you going to buy

86 has been killing – have made

87 have promised – haven’t finished

88 hasn’t looked – went

89 will have

90 are you taking

91 am lying

92 are we spending / are going to spend

93 will be staying

94 does your plane

95 won’t notice

96 discovered – have been looking

97 was stolen – felt

98 offered – had drank

Trang 6

99 don’t understand – are waiting

100 was watching – took - put

Ngày đăng: 07/01/2022, 08:36

